Reading Group Guide

1. As Book 4 opens, the Yada Yadas have lots of reason to celebrate! But God’s Spirit prompts Jodi, Don’t let down your guard. Satan likes nothing better than to lull us to sleep spiritually when things are going well. How can we keep spiritually alert?

2. Leslie “Stu” Stuart invites ex-con Becky Wallace to share her home—a well-meaning gesture that turns Stu’s orderly life upside down. Do you think it was worth the risk? Why or why not? How does Stu’s rash decision compare to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), where the things Jesus advocates seem to go against common sense?

3. The Yada Yada Prayer Group has to “get tough” to battle the events that threaten to crush them. What are the weapons they use for this spiritual warfare? What weapons would you add to this list?

4. Psalm 8:2 in Today’s New International Version says: “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a strongold against your enemies . . .” How does praise build a stronghold against the enemy? What is the significance of the psalmist mentioning children and infants?

5. What does it mean to you to pray “in the name of Jesus”?

6. Like Jodi praying for “the girl in the sundress,” have you had a burden to pray for someone but you didn’t know why? If so, what was the result?

7. Jodi’s son and Florida’s son concluded that “nothing will ever be different” when it comes to racial relations. How did they each get to this point? Do you sometimes feel this way? In what other areas of life or relationships do you feel discouraged that nothing will ever change? Why?

8. “One person can make a difference. My attitudes. What I say or don’t say. What I do or don’t do. It has to begin with me” (chapter 39). Why did Josh Baxter find hope in this perspective, even when the circumstances were so huge? Apply this to yourself: what needs to begin with you?

9. After weeks of struggling with the attack on Mark, Nony reflects, “God is showing me I need to let go, that we weren’t ready to go to South Africa” (chapter 41). Why weren’t they ready? What needed to be different about future decisions? What role does prayer play in your own family decision making? What needs to change to bring about more unity when making decisions? (Be honest!)

10. The biblical story of Joseph reminds us that what Satan meant for evil, God can turn into a greater good. Why does Peter Douglass think merging Uptown Community and New Morning fits into that concept? Is it realistic? What would be the challenges? The blessings?

11. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12–26. How can we learn to appreciate the different parts of the body of Christ (i.e., other churches in your area that may be culturally or denominationally different)? Do you need these other parts of the body? (Reread vv. 21–26).