Chapter Fifteen

Georgette and Alec got into his car. As usual, he said he was a married man, and as usual, he offered a choice of going to a hotel, or to the girl’s place.

As he was confident would happen, she happily offered they go to her flat.

Alec looked at the young teacher in impatient anticipation. Below her green coat, she had a red dress, which stopped five inches above her knees, and a very wide black latex belt on her waist.

In the very beginning, he had warned her—no kissing. Obediently, she had only sucked a little at his latex-clad fingers. He physically felt her arousal rise from this simple act.

There and then, he knew that she was ideal for this night.

Once in her flat, after mashing her ass and tits as the accepted polite overture, he took his black latex suit from his shoulder bag.

It had holes for the eyes and the mouth, and an area of transparent latex at the groin, with a tube for the penis, for his erection to fill up.

He put his suit on and led the excited Georgette to her bed. He put her on the bed and gave a few slaps to her plump breasts, before pouring some strawberry flavored throat lubricant on the latex skin of his penis.

He turned Georgette on her back, with her head hanging down from the bed, and poured some lubricant into her open mouth.

The significance of this act in itself upped the level of excitement additionally. She squirmed from the rising sexual tension that was gripping her. He saw her muscles stiffen.

With a slurp, his erection entered her mouth. With an excited gargle, she strained to stick out her tongue even more, to lick at the base of his penis.

Pelican baby.

In ten minutes, as layers of thick saliva from the deepest depth covered Georgette’s face, and oozing stalactites projected from her head towards the floor, Alec pulled back.

He had almost ejaculated. It was far too early for that.

As she used the chance to inhale some air and show some class by speaking dirty in her now guttural voice, he went to the kitchen and brought back a glass of water for her.

When she took the glass gratefully, he gave her a small pill without any words.

Without any words, she swallowed it.

Her gaze was now only half-sane and he recognized the characteristic look of expectancy that she had.

Just like all the others.

He had broken her personality, at least for now, and revealed the sticky, organic, mindless mass below. A mass that he could now mold into any shape he chose.

He took out of his bag a metallic mouth restraint and even as he was holding it up, Georgette already opened her mouth expectantly. He fitted the contraption into her mouth and now she couldn’t close it.

He took out scissors and a roll of velvet rope from his bag. He cut off a foot of the rope, tied Georgette’s hands behind her back, and put her on the bed, on her belly.

Now she wasn’t able to swallow her saliva even if she had wanted to, and every contraction of her throat would bring forth a new torrent of her inner liquids.

He took her ponytail into one hand, placed his other hand on her right cheek, and slid his penis inside her mouth again. He pumped for ten seconds, fifteen seconds, and the first convulsions rocked Georgette, as she tried to obtain a breath of air and some relief from the pounding.

He held her head in place firmly and only after another gargling spasm, which shot sprays of gooey liquid from her nose, did he retract his shaft.

Then he stopped, to let some air enter the gaping wet mouth and as she mooed something, he suddenly decided to take out the mouth restraint to hear what it was.

“Gaaah, fuck that faaaace...” Georgette screeched and gave a deep rolling cough, before Alec replaced the restraint and slid his penis back inside.

In five minutes, it was time for another break, to avert another looming ejaculation and to move forward another step of his plan for the night. He untied the hands of the gasping and coughing girl and rolled her over.

She was now again on her back. He then proceeded to cut off three more lengths of velvet rope from his bag and tie her limbs to the legs of her bed. She lay there, naked, limbs spread, transfixed, her mouth incapable of closing.

He went again into her kitchen and found a big salad bowl. Upon returning, he massaged her belly with his latex-clad hand. Perhaps she thought the pill she was given was some sort of aphrodisiac.

It was in fact a strong laxative.

Soon he heard the first rumbling coming from her stomach. She squirmed and mooed again.

“Give it to me. Do it. That’s a good girl,” he muttered as he caressed her belly. When he saw her sphincter flutter and begin to open, he lifted her buttocks slightly with one hand and positioned the bowl with the other.