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- ABM. See anti-ballistic missile systems
- Agnew, Spiro (“Ted”)
- Albert, Carl
- Alch, Gerald
- Alessandri, Jorge
- Allende, Salvador
- Alsop, Joe
- Alsop, Stewart
- AMBIDDY-1. See Artime, Manuel
- AMC-LATTER-1. See Barker, Bernard
- American Civil Liberties Union
- AMHINT-2. See Salvat, Juan Manuel
- AMSNAP-3. See Martinez, Rolando
- Anderson, Jack
- Anderson, Stephen
- Angleton, James
- anti-ballistic missile systems (ABM)
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
- antiwar movement
- Arbenz, Jacobo
- Artime, Manuel (“Manolo”)
- Bachrach, Judy
- Baker, Howard Henry, Jr.
- Baldwin, Alfred
- Barker, Bernard (“Macho”)
- Batista, Fulgencio
- Bay of Pigs
- Belin, David
- Bell, Griffin
- Bennett, Donald
- Bennett, Robert
- Ben-Veniste, Richard
- Bernstein, Carl
- Bissell, Richard
- Bittman, William
- Black Panther Party
- black-bag jobs
- blackmail
- Blanco Rico, Antonio
- Bludhorn, Charles
- Bobst, Elemr
- Broe, Bill
- Brookings Institution
- Brown, Pat
- Brugioni, Dino
- Buckley, William F.
- Bundy, McGeorge
- burn bags
- Bush, George H. W.
- Butterfield, Alex
- Byrne, Matthew
- Cabell, Charles
- Caddy, Douglas
- Cambodia
- Camp David
- le Carré, John
- Carter, Jimmy
- Castro, Fidel
- assassination plans against
- CIA and
- Oswald and
- Castro, Raul
- Caulfield, Jack
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See also Bay of Pigs; Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil
- Anderson, J., surveillance by
- antiwar movement and
- Baker appendix on
- Cambodia and
- Castro assassination plans
- Chile and
- Counterintelligence Staff
- Cuba and
- Directorate of Intelligence
- Directorate of Plans
- Domestic Contacts Division
- domestic covert operations
- Family Jewels report
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service
- Historical Intelligence Collection
- Intelligence Evaluation Committee and
- JFK and
- JFK assassination and
- Mafia and
- McCord and
- Mexico City station
- Miami station
- Mullen Company and
- New York Times story on
- Nixon, R., and
- Office of Security
- Operations Group
- organized crime contacts
- Oswald and
- post-Watergate power
- Security Command Center
- Security Research Service
- Security Research Staff
- Special Investigations Group
- Technical Services Division
- Truman on
- Vietnam and
- Watergate break-ins and
- Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN)
- Chennault, Anna
- Chiang Kai-Shek
- Chile
- Chilean Embassy break-in
- China
- Chou En-lai
- Chung, Connie
- Church, Frank
- Church Committee
- CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
- CI/SIG. See Special Investigations Group
- Civil Air Transport
- civil rights movement
- Civiletti, Benjamin
- Cline, Ray
- Clinton, Bill
- Colby, William
- “The Cold War Comes Home” (St. George)
- Colson, Charles
- Committee for a Free Cuba
- Committee to Re-elect the President
- Conein, Lou
- Connally, John
- COSVN. See Central Office for South Vietnam
- “Countering Critics of the Warren Commission” (Broe)
- Cox, Archibald
- Craig, Gregory
- Cronkite, Walter
- Cuba
- CIA and
- JFK and
- LBJ and
- revolution in
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Cuban Student Directorate
- Cubans for Nixon
- Cubela, Rolando
- Cushing, Dick
- Cushing, Nancy
- Cushman, Robert
- Dash, Sam
- Davis, Martin
- Dean, John
- Defense Intelligence Agency
- “Definition of Internal Security Threat-Foreign” (CIA)
- DeLoach, Cartha
- Democratic National Committee
- desegregation
- Diem, Bui
- Diem, Ngo Dinh
- Directorio Revolucionario
- Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE)
- Dobrynin, Anatoly
- Dodd, Christopher
- Domestic Contacts Division
- domestic covert operations
- domestic radicals
- domestic spying
- DRE. See Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil
- Dulles, Allen W.
- Dunlevy, Elizabeth
- Duran, Silvia
- Earman, John
- Echeverría, José Antonio
- Edwards, Augustín
- Egerter, Betty
- Ehrlichman, John
- Hunt, E. H., and
- recordings of conversations with
- Eisenhower, Dwight
- Ellsberg, Daniel
- Ervin, Sam
- Esterline, Jake
- Evans, Frederick
- Fair Play for Cuba Committee
- Family Jewels report
- Counterintelligence Program
- Internal Security Division
- JFK assassination and
- Oswald and
- Watergate investigation
- Federacion de Estudiantil Universitaria (FEU)
- Felt, Mark
- Fensterwald, Bernard
- FEU. See Federacion de Estudiantil Universitaria
- Fielding, Lewis
- FitzGerald, Desmond
- FitzGerald, Frances
- Fleming, Ian
- Ford, Gerald
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
- 40 Committee
- Frederick Praeger Publishing Company
- Frente Revolucionario Democrático
- Friar’s Club case
- Frost, David
- Fulbright, J. William
- Furbershaw, Miriam
- Garay, Jaime Melgoza
- Garrison, Jim
- de Gaulle, Charles
- Gayler, Noel
- Gaynor, Paul
- Gelb, Leslie
- Gemstone
- Giancana, Sam
- “Give Us This Day” (Hunt, E. H.)
- Gleason, Penny
- Goldwater, Barry
- González, Virgilio
- Goutiere, Dorothy Wetzel de
- Graham, Katharine
- Graham, Ronald
- Gray, L. Patrick
- Groden, Robert
- Guatemala
- Guevara, Ernesto (“Che”)
- Guin Diaz, Ramon
- Gunn, Edward
- Haig, Alexander
- Haldeman, H. R. (“Bob”)
- Halperin, Morton
- Hampton, Fred
- Harvey, William King
- Heckscher, Henry
- Helms, Cynthia
- Helms, Dennis
- Helms, Julia
- Helms, Richard
- ambassador nomination
- Anderson, J., surveillance and
- antiwar movement and
- appointment to director of Central Intelligence
- assassination plans and
- Chile and
- Church Committee and
- on CIA and Watergate break-in
- Cuba and
- Cubela and
- death of
- defense team
- as Deputy Director of Plans
- as Directorate of Plans chief of operations
- domestic covert operations and
- DRE and
- Family Jewels report and
- Hunt, E. H., and
- Intelligence Evaluation Committee and
- Iran ambassadorship
- JFK assassination and
- June 23 meeting and
- Mafia and
- Maheu and
- Mansfield request and
- McCord, J., and
- New York Times CIA story and
- Nixon, R., and
- notification of Watergate arrests
- NSC and
- Oswald and
- plea deal
- prosecution decisions against
- RFK and
- Rockefeller Commission and
- “State of the Agency” address
- testimony on Watergate
- Three Days of the Condor filming and
- Vietnam and
- Warren Commission and
- Hersh, Seymour
- Ho Chi Minh
- Hoa, Nguyen Loc
- Hood, William
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- House Armed Services Committee
- House Judiciary Committee
- House Select Committee on Assassinations
- Houston, Larry
- Hughes, Howard
- Hughes, Tom
- Hughes Tool Company
- Humphrey, Hubert
- Hunt, David
- Hunt, Dorothy
- Hunt, Everette Howard
- Bay of Pigs memoir
- blackmail and
- cables forged by
- CIA assistance to
- death of wife
- Ehrlichman and
- Ellsberg and
- feelings of abandonment
- guilty plea
- Helms, R., and
- Nixon, R., and
- novel writing
- pay-off to
- Plumbers and
- recruiting by
- retirement from CIA
- sentencing
- Watergate arrests and
- Hunt, St. John
- Huston, Tom
- Huston Plan
- Information Council of the Americas (INCA)
- Intelligence Evaluation Committee
- Iran
- Iran-Contra affair
- Israel, McCord and
- Jackson State shooting
- Jaworsky, Leon
- JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Jenkins, Carl
- Jessup, Peter
- JFK. See Kennedy, John F.
- Joannides, George
- Johnson, Lyndon (LBJ)
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
- destruction of transcripts
- Juan Pedro
- June 23 meeting
- Justice Department
- Helms, R., prosecution and
- plea deal offered by
- Karamessines, Tom
- Katzenbach, Nicholas
- Kendall, Donald
- Kennedy, Edward (“Ted”)
- Kennedy, Jacqueline
- Kennedy, John F. (JFK)
- assassination of
- Cuba and
- Hunt, E. H., on
- Nixon, R., and
- Vietnam and
- Kennedy, Joseph
- Kennedy, Robert
- Kent State University shooting
- Keyes, Paul
- Khrushchev, Nikita
- King, Martin Luther
- Kissinger, Henry
- Kleindienst, Richard
- Korry, Edward
- Laird, Melvin
- Lansky, Meyer (“Little Man”)
- Lanuza, Jose Antonio
- Laos
- Laugh-In (television show)
- LBJ. See Johnson, Lyndon
- Levi, Edward
- Liddy, Gordon
- LINGUAL program
- Linowitz, Sol
- Lodge, Henry Cabot
- Lon Nol
- Long, Edward
- Long Committee
- Lorenz, Marita
- Luciano, Charles (“Lucky”)
- Lukoskie, Martin
- Madame Nhu
- Madman Theory
- Mafia
- Magruder, Jeb
- Maheu, Robert
- Mailer, Norman
- Mansfield, Mike
- Mao Zedong
- Marchetti, Victor
- Martin, Dick
- Martin, Laura
- Martínez, Rolando
- Maury, John
- McCarthy, Eugene
- McCarthy, Joe
- McClelland, Robert
- McCone, John
- McCord, James
- arrest of
- back-channel communication by
- Chung interview with
- Watergate Memoir
- McCord, Ruth
- McDonald, J. Kenneth
- McGovern, George
- McGuire, Phyllis
- McKelvie, Cynthia
- McKelvie, Roderick
- McNamara, Robert
- Mertz, John
- Meyer, Cord
- Minh, Duong Van
- “missiles in caves” story
- Mitchell, John
- Mohrenschildt, George de
- Moore, J. Walton
- Moorer, Tom
- Morales, Santiago
- Morgan, Edward
- Mossadegh, Mohammad
- Movimiento de Recuperación Revolucionaria (Movement for the Recovery of the Revolution/MRR)
- Mullen, Robert
- Mullen Company
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel
- National Intelligence Estimates
- National Photographic Interpretation Center
- National Security Act
- National Security Agency
- National Security Council (NSC)
- Nedzi, Lucien
- New York Times
- Nhu, Ngo Dinh
- Nixon, Donald
- Nixon, Pat
- Nixon, Richard
- California governor campaign
- Cambodia and
- Chennault file and
- Chile and
- China and
- CIA and
- Cuba and
- death of
- domestic radicals and
- Ellsberg and
- Frost and
- Guatemala and
- Helms, R., and
- Hoover and
- Hunt, E. H., and
- impeachment investigation
- inauguration
- JFK assassination and
- JFK criticized by
- Langley visit
- Laugh-In appearance
- LBJ and
- at Mudge Rose
- NSC and
- pardon of
- political dirt sought by
- presidential race of 1964 and
- recording devices ordered by
- recordings sought from
- reelection campaign
- resignation
- resignations requested by
- transcripts released by
- Vietnam and
- Vietnam War and
- Watergate and
- Nixon, Tricia
- North Vietnam
- NSC. See National Security Council
- Nuñez, Orlando
- Obama, Barack
- Ober, Richard
- O’Brien, Larry
- O’Connell, James
- Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
- O’Leary, Jerry
- Oliver, Spencer
- Olson, Frank
- O’Malley, Francis
- Onassis, Aristotle
- Operation CHAOS
- Operation Northwoods
- Operation Zapata
- Osborn, Howard
- OSS. See Office of Strategic Services
- Oswald, Lee Harvey
- Paar, Jack
- Paris Peace Accords
- Parker, Barrington
- Parkinson, Kenneth
- Patman, Wright
- Pawley, William
- Pearson, Drew
- Pennington, Cecil Harold
- Pennington, Lee
- Pennington ruse
- Pentagon Papers
- Percy, Chuck
- Pérez Jiménez, Marco
- Peter Ward novels
- Pforzheimer, Walter
- Phillips, David
- Phoenix Program
- A Piece of Tape (McCord, J.)
- Pinochet, Augusto
- plausible deniability
- Plumbers
- Powers, Thomas
- Prados, John
- Project Mudhen
- Raborn, William
- Radford, Charles
- Ratliff, Rob Roy
- Reagan, Ronald
- Redford, Robert
- “Restless Youth” (Helms)
- Richard, John
- Richardson, Elliot
- Rivera, Geraldo
- Robarge, David
- Robert Mullen Company. See Mullen Company
- Rocha, Luis Fernandez
- Rockefeller, Nelson
- Rockefeller Commission
- Rogers, William
- Roman, Jane
- Rosen, James
- Ross, Thomas
- Rosselli, Johnny
- Rostow, Walt
- Rowan, Dan
- Ruby, Jack
- Rusk, Dean
- Russell, Lou
- Ryan, Pat
- Salvat, Juan Manuel
- Sanchez, Nestor
- Sayle, Edward
- Schlatter, George
- Schlesinger, Arthur
- Schlesinger, James R.
- Schlesinger, Richard
- Schneider, René
- Schorr, Daniel
- Scott, Hugh
- Scott, Win
- Scowcroft, Brent
- Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities in 1979 (Senate Watergate Committee)
- report of
- Senate Armed Services Committee
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Senate Intelligence Committee
- Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities
- Senate Watergate Committee. See Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities in 1979
- Servicio Inteligencia de Militaria (SIM)
- Sforza, Tony
- Shackley, Ted
- Shaw, Clay
- Sheehan, Neil
- Shields, Julia
- Shultz, George
- Sihanouk, Norodom (Prince)
- Silbert, Earl
- SIM. See Servicio Inteligencia de Militaria
- Sirica, John
- Six Crises (Nixon, R.)
- Six-Day War
- Smith, Merriman
- Smith, Walter Bedell
- South Vietnam
- Soviet Union
- Cuba nuclear missile deployment by
- Oswald and
- SS-9 missile
- strategic arms limitations talks and
- Special Investigations Group (CI/SIG)
- SRS. See Security Research Service
- St. George, Andrew
- Sternfield, Lawrence
- Stevens, Michael
- Stone, Oliver
- strategic arms limitations talks
- Sturgis, Frank
- Sullivan, William C.
- Sulzberger, Cyrus
- Swenson, Harold
- Symington, Stuart
- Taiwan
- Tepedino, Carlos
- Tet Offensive
- Thieu, Nguyen Van
- Thompson, Fred
- Three Days of the Condor (film)
- 303 Committee
- Trujillo, Rafael
- Truman, Harry
- truth tapes
- 26th of July Movement
- 2506 Brigade
- Valenti, Jack
- Valenzuela, Camilo
- Vasaly, Lou
- Veciana, Antonio
- Venezuela
- Ventura, Esteban
- Viaux, Roberto
- Vidal, Gore
- Viet Cong
- Vietnam War
- bombing escalation
- opposition to
- Paris Peace Accords
- Wagner, Karl
- Walker & Company
- Walters, Vernon (“Dick”)
- Waltz Group
- Warren, Earl
- Warren Commission
- Watergate burglars
- Watergate office complex
- Watson, Marvin
- Weather Underground
- Weathermen
- Wells, Ida, (“Maxie”)
- Weybright, Victor
- Whitten, John
- Wilkinson, Mary Louise
- Williams, Edward
- Wills, Garry
- Wine-Volner, Jill
- wiretapping
- Wise, David
- Wisner, Frank
- Woods, Rose Mary
- recordings transcribed by
- Woodward, Bob