1. American Spy, 234.
2. St. John Hunt, interview with the author, April 2, 2021.
3. Secret Agenda, citing All the President’s Men, 18.
4. Message To: Ambassador Helms, From: Cary, November 16, 1973, NARA/JFK Record Number 1993.08.10.17:55:39:000028, https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=104983#relPageId=8&search=%22George_Murphy%22++FBI&tab=rif.
5. Intriguing Life, 14.
6. Helms Watergate Testimony, p. 3237.
7. RN, 626.
8. Ends of Power, 13, italics in original.
9. Stephen Anderson, interview with the author, December 18, 2021.
10. Richard Helms as DCI, 187.
11. The Man Who Kept the Secrets, 329.
12. Dirty Tricks, 210.
13. Dirty Tricks, 235.
14. Intriguing Life, 93.
15. RN, 631.
16. RN, 633.
17. Ends of Power, 24–25.
18. Nomination of Richard Helms to be Ambassador to Iran and CIA International and Domestic Activities, Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninety-Third Congress, First Session, February 5, 1973 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974), 95.
19. A Piece of Tape, 36.
20. A Piece of Tape, 36.
21. Nedzi Hearings, 956.
22. Nedzi Hearings, 976.
23. James McCord, “What the FBI Almost Found,” Armed Forces Journal (July 1973).
24. Jeb Stuart Magruder, An American Life: One Man’s Road to Watergate (New York: Atheneum, 1974), 226–28.
25. Senate Watergate Report, 1127.
26. Nedzi Hearings, 946–47.
27. President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary, June 23, 1972. White House Tapes, 741–002a, June 23, 1972, Nixon Library.
28. Ends of Power, 39.
29. Ends of Power, 34.
30. A Look Over My Shoulder, 9.
31. Richard Helms as DCI, 191.
32. Nedzi Hearings, 93.
33. Nedzi Report, 17.
34. Chronology of Discussions concerning CIA’s role with reference to Mexican Operations etc., Walters Memoranda, June 1, 1973. Security File on Frank Sturgis, NARA/JFK Record Number 1993.08.05.14:42:12:750028 (Chronology of Discussions).
35. Ends of Power, 38.