Christian Humanism – Neo-conservative philosophy associated with “Corporatist” efforts to reconcile Capital and Labor under the tutelage of the Catholic Church.
Pierre Frank – A leading figure of French Trotskyism.
Germain – 1940s “party name” of Ernest Mandel, leading Trotskyist economic theorist, and the most prominent Belgian Trotskyist.
GPU – The USSR’s secret police.
Joseph Hansen – Personal Secretary to Leon Trotsky in Trotsky’s final years; later a leading figure in the U.S. Socialist Workers Party and the Fourth International; editor of International Press Correspondence.
Pablo [real name: Michel Raptis] – Trotskyist theoretician, best known for his program of abandoning the organization of separate Trotskyist parties and a separate Trotskyist international, in favor of unity with independent-minded Communist movements.
The Revolution Betrayed – Trotsky’s 1936 historical interpretation of the rise of Stalin’s bureaucracy in Russia.
Stakhanovism – A system of speed-up and stretch-out of Soviet Russian production, after 1935, tying workers’ wages to individual output and initiative; named for Alexei Stakhanov, a widely feted coal-miner.
Taylorism – Rationalization of production in U.S. industry, so named after Frederick Taylor, father of the “time-study” method.
Eugen Varga – Prominent Russian economist associated with efforts toward internal reform of the system’s various abuses.
Wallace Movement – Followers of Henry Wallace, former Vice-President (under Franklin Delano Roosevelt) who ran for President in 1948 on the Progressive Party ticket, with Communist Party support.
A. Zhdanov – Russian Communist Party leader who became Stalin’s principal theorist during the era of mass purges in the 1930s. He later was “retired” by an envious Stalin before expiring under mysterious circumstances.