“Secularism: ‘Values’ at the Limits of Life”: talk presented before the Senate in June 2003, in the context of an “open door” conference on the theme of “Islams, Occidents: du monde ancien au monde de demain” (Islams, Occidents: from the ancient world to the world of tomorrow) for the first Journée du livre d’histoire, co-organized by the president of the Senate, the association Lire la politique (Reading Politics), and the City Hall of Paris.
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and … Vulnerability”: a different version of this text was published in the review Études, no. 402–5 (May 2005). It borrows partially from the article “Avec le handicap: aux frontières du vivant,” written in Chicago and first published in Le Magazine littéraire, October 2003.
“On Parity, Again, or, Women and the Sacred”: first published in Le Monde, March 23, 1999; reprinted in L’Infini, no. 67 (Autumn 1999).
“From Madonnas to Nudes: A Representation of Female Beauty”: prepared for a conference held in November 1999 at the Sorbonne on the topic of the current state of Christianity (“2000 ans après quoi?”). Published in L’Infini, no. 70 (Summer 2000), and reprinted in the conference proceedings, Cyrille Michon. ed., Le Christianisme, héritages et destins (Paris: Le Livre de Poche 2002).
“The Passion According to Motherhood”: presented at the conference “La vie amoureuse,” November 25 and 26, 2000, at La Maison de la Chimie, organized by the Société psychanalytique de Paris (SPP). First published in Jean Cournut, Marie-Claire Durieux, and Michèle Emmanuelli, eds., La Vie amoureuse (Paris: PUF, 2001).
“The War of the Sexes Since Antiquity”: preface written for François Charpin’s Le Féminin exclu: Essai sur le désir des hommes et des femmes dans la littérature grecque et latine, (Paris: Librairie Calepinus/M. de Maule, 2001).
“Beauvoir, Presently”: delivered at the conference “De Beauvoir à Sartre et de Sartre à Beauvoir,” organized by the International Simone de Beauvoir Society (SDB) and Groupe d’études sartriennes at the Sorbonne, June 21, 2003. Published in 2004 in Simone de Beauvoir Studies 20 (2003–2004).
“Fatigue in the Feminine”: talk presented at the conference “Vivre fatigué,” January 17, 2004, at La Maison de la Chimie, organized by Presses universitaires de France and Revue française de psychosomatique . First published in the conference proceedings, Vivre fatigué (Paris: PUF, 2004).
“The Sobbing Girl; or, On Hysterical Time”: talk presented at the Société psychanalytique de Paris (SPP), September 1995. A slightly altered written version appeared in L’Infini, no. 54 (Spring 1996).
“Healing, a Psychical Rebirth”: presented at an international conference on cancer treatment, which gathered intellectuals, including Miguel Benasayag, Marie-José Imbault-Huart, David Khayat, Jean-Paul Moatti, and Antoine Spire, in a volume edited by Samy Abtrou , Guérir (Paris: Le Bord de l’eau, 2002).
“From Object Love to Objectless Love”: presented at the conference “L’objet, des sciences aux arts”/“L’oggetto, tra le scienze et le arti” (The Object, from the Sciences to the Arts) in December 2003, organized by the Institut de la pensée contemporaine, Martin Rueff and Paolo Fabbri, conferencedirectors.
“Desire for Law”: presented at the conference “Vive la loi,” May 25, 2004, organized on the initiative of the Senate, presided over by Christian Poncelet, president of the Senate, in collaboration with the Centre d’études constitutionnelles et politiques of Université de Paris II. Published in the conference proceedings: Vive la loi (Paris: Éditions du Sénat and Université de Paris II, 2004).
“Language, Sublimation, Women”: text presented in homage to the psychoanalyst André Green at the Centre culturel international in Cerisy, “Enjeux pour une psychanalyse contemporaine,” September 11–15, 2004.
“Hatred and Forgiveness; or, From Abjection to Paranoia”: presented at the conference “Haine de soi, haine de l’autre, haine dans la culture,” organized by the Société psychanalytique de Paris (SPP), November 27–28, 2004, at La Maison de la Chimie. Published in La Haine: Haine de soi, haine de l’autre, haine dans la culture (Paris: PUF, 2005).
“Three Essays, or the Victory of Polymorphous Perversion”: delivered at the national congress organized to mark the hundred-year anniversary of Sigmund Freud’s Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, held in Paris on January 28 and 29, 2005, at l’espace Pierre-Cardin, coordinated by Fabien Joly, presided over and copresented by René Roussillon.
“Atheism”: first published in Le Trait, revue de littérature (Autumn 1999). Based on reflections started in L’avenir d’une révolte (The Future of Revolt) , published in Paris in 1998 and translated into English as Intimate Revolt, part 2, trans. Jeanine Herman (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002).
“The Triple Uprooting of Israel”: written for La Bible, 2000 ans de lecture, an anthology edited by Jean-Claude Eslin, Catherine Cornu, and Marc Leboucher (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 2003). Reprinted in L’Infini, no. 87 (Summer 2004).
“What Is Left of Our Loves?” preface for the translation into Hebrew of Julia Kristeva’s In the Beginning Was Love: Psychoanalysis and Faith, published by Restling Publishing, with an introduction by Dina Haruvi, in a translation by Amos Squeverer.
“The Inevitable Form”: published in a catalogue devoted to Georgia O’Keeffe in 1989: Julia Kristeva, Jack Cowart, and Juan Hamilton, Georgia O’Keeffe, with letters selected and annotated by Sarah Greenough, trans. Martine Laroche (Paris: Adam Biro, 1989). The catalogue was originally published in English as Georgia O’Keeffe, Art and Letters (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1987).
“A Stranger”: published in a special issue of NRF devoted to Marguerite Duras (La Nouvelle Revue française), no. 542 (March 1998).
“On Writing as Strangeness and Jouissance”: published in the exhibition catalogue “Roland Barthes” (November 27, 2002–March 10, 20003), coproduced by the Centre Pompidou and IMEC, Marianne Alphant and Nathalie Léger, eds., R/B, Roland Barthes (Paris: Centre Pompidou/Seuil, 2002).
“The ‘True-Lie,’ Our Unassailable Contemporary”: a contribution to the conference “Aragon, la parole et l’énigme,” held June 11–12, 2004, organized by the Bibliothèque publique d’information de Paris, based on The Sense and Non-sense of Revolt (Columbia), Intimate Revolt (Columbia), and a program broadcast on France Culture (Les Matins de France Culture) on June 26, 2002, published in Julia Kristeva, Chronique du temps sensible (Paris: de l’Aube, 2003).
On the topic of Aragon, see also Julia Kristeva, “Irène, Blanche ou l’oubli,” pp. 11–30, in Carine Trevisan, ed., “Aragon: Le souci de soi,” Textuel, no. 35 (1999); and “Aragon, Blanche ou l’oubli ou la quête bouffonne et farouche d’une conscience,” in Le Siècle d’Aragon (Paris: Éd. Conseil général de la Seine-Saint-Denis, 1997). Published in English as “Aragon: Blanche ou l’oubli ; or, “The Farcical and Ferocious Quest for a Consciousness” in Kristeva, Intimate Revolt.
“Murder in Byzantium, or Why I ‘ship myself on a voyage’ in a novel”: interview conducted by Pierre Louis-Fort on the publication of Meurtre à Byzance (Murder in Byzantium) in Paris by Fayard in 2004. The first part of this interview was published in L’Infini, no. 91 (Summer 2005). The second part was published in issue no. 92 (Autumn 2005).