Wrapping Up

This chapter was designed to help you understand how to port different stand-alone exploits into the Metasploit Framework. You can import into the Framework in a number of ways, and different exploits will require different approaches and techniques.

At the beginning of this chapter, you learned how to use some basic assembly instructions to perform a simple stack overflow and port it into the Framework. We moved on to SEH overwrites, which we were able to use to maneuver around the handler and gain remote code execution. We used a pop/pop/ret technique to gain the ability to execute code remotely, and we used Metasploit to open a Meterpreter shell.

In the next chapter, we will begin to dive into the Meterpreter scripting language and post exploitation modules. When we compromise a system and leverage Meterpreter, we can perform a number of additional attacks. We’ll create our own Meterpreter scripts and learn how the Framework is structured and how use it to maximum effect.