Capital City: Esponisa
Ruler: President Woodford Tallak
Climate: Polluted
Landscape: Overdeveloped
Highrise-modern cityscapes
Known as the technology capital of the USS
Capital City: Kotan-Bathaar
Ruler: Chief Matan-tu-hoo
Climate: Hot, tropical
Landscape: Scattered island archipelagos
Small tourist colonies
Known as the pleasure capital of the USS
Capital City: Heavensgate
Ruler: President Jabez Anselm
Climate: Controlled
Landscape: Desert-mineral rich
Mobile-airborne cities in the clouds
Known as the mining capital of the USS
a.k.a. the Planet of Men
Capital City: Tonissia
Ruler: Queen Qusay-Sabah Clarona
Climate: Moderate
Landscape: Forest and ocean rich
Beautiful ancient cities, unspoilt by time
Known as the cultural capital of the USS
a.k.a. the Planet of Women
Capital City: none
Ruler: Azazèl-mindos-coomra-dorchi
Climate: Wet and steamy
Landscape: Largely ocean and small rocky land masses
Unknown to the USS