1. Clairvoyance (clear vision) — to see into the ethereal dimension without using physical eyes, to reach into another vibrational frequency and visually perceive ‘within the head’ or ‘in outer space’ something significant to this incarnation, eyes opened or closed. To see psychically a full-blown picture, part of a person or scene, an object, lights, words, colours, auras, geometrical figures, thought forms, deceased friends, living friends, etheric world intelligences. Visions are shown regarding past, present or future. Clairaudience (clear audio) — to perceive sounds or words when no person is present. Sounds are inaudible to the normal hearing, can appear to come from ‘within the head’ or ‘out in the atmosphere’.
2. Shape-shifting/Physical Transformation — to physically transform oneself into another human being, animal, bird, fish or object for a temporary period and to be able to perform the task of that animal or object and use the mind, memory and senses of the adopted form as if it were one’s own.
3. Levitation — to elevate oneself or an object in the air. The object or the self is kept suspended for a length of time without the use of physical means. Performed by a psychic in a semi-trance or full-trance state of consciousness. Levitation is always willed and desire controlled. This is accomplished by the undivided concentration of the subconscious mind or the guides. The psychic’s subconscious reverses the attraction of gravity in the subject or object.
4. Mediumship (mediator; go-between) — one who serves as an instrument through which the personality of an intelligence in the etheric world can help earthlings. The intelligence enters the medium’s body to speak. Channel — bringing psychic information or healing energy to others. Comes through in physical and mental psychic skills while the person is in a deep or semi-trance state. The intelligence advises the psychic and the channel passes on the information in their own voice.
5. Psychokinesis (PK) — to deliberately change the position, form or elements of objects of a specific energy field with disciplined concentration of the conscious or subconscious mind. To physically and intentionally direct one’s will to act on elementary atoms of the third dimension in a definite manner.
6. Precognition (speaking before) — a word meaning psychic message from the future. All psychic information pertaining to future events that comes spontaneously or willed.
7. Remote Viewing — to perceive clairvoyantly something that is happening at the present moment that is out of range of the physical eyes. This sometimes involves astral projection.
8. Astral Projection — to will one’s soul-mind to leave the physical body enclothed in an astral body and travel to distant localities.
9. Telekinesis (TK, tele ‘over a distance’; kinesis ‘movement’) — a psychic production of movement or motion over distance. To act psychically on third-dimensional matter and change its position, form or elements. Phenomenon is always pre-planned, willed and desired by the medium.
10. Telepathy (tele ‘distance’; pathos ‘sensing’, ‘to feel afar’) — the touch of consciousness of one person upon another person with the ability to discern what that person is thinking and feeling at the present moment: thoughts, visions, hypnotic energy, body movements, subconscious data, feelings, illness, emotional states, psychic messages or the train of inner dialogue. Both individuals can be alive or one deceased. Can be voluntary or involuntary, selective and deliberate, or spontaneous and undesired.
11. Transmutation Teleportation — to transfer one’s body, another’s body, or an object through ethereal space from one physical locality to another, via the use of the will. To dematerialise one’s own body by rearranging the atomic structure until it is ethereal in nature and attuned to a higher vibrational frequency, and to rematerialise one’s body into the mundane.
12. The Healing Touch (Remote; Holistic; Spiritual; Sympathetic; Psychic; Magnetic; Mental) — all holistic healing requires that the practitioner takes into consideration every aspect of the patient’s lifestyle and emotional attitudes to find the cause of an ailment. To use etheric world energy to cure a patient or etheric world information to diagnose an ailment.