I couldn’t have written this book without the unending support of my wonderful husband, Stephen, who put himself in charge of the children’s bedtimes almost every evening for a very long time so I could write.
Likewise to my wonderfully supportive mum, dad and in-laws, who volunteered for child-care duties when I was knee-deep in edits and proofs. I thank you.
My fantastic daughters, Emily and Alice, are a constant source of fun and amaze me daily. I’m very grateful I get to be both a mum and a writer, two of the best jobs in the world.
To my brilliant agent Becky Ritchie. Gosh, what can I say? You are endlessly positive and cheerful, work at lightning fast speed and found the most wonderful home for The Forgotten Village with Avon. For your ideas and support, thank you. Thanks also goes to the wonderful Alexandra McNicoll and her team, for finding great foreign publishers for The Forgotten Village.
It is my outstanding editor Rachel Faulkner-Willcocks who deserves so much praise for making this book what it is. Her thoughtful suggestions and fantastic ideas shaped the book entirely. Rachel, you felt like a real partner in crime and I am so grateful to you and to all at Avon for the fantastic behind-the-scenes work that goes into turning a manuscript into a book.
In 2016 I was lucky enough to get a coveted place on the Romantic Novelists’ Association (RNA) New Writers’ Scheme. I owe a huge thanks to the RNA and to Alison May in particular, who provided excellent feedback on an early draft of this book as part of the New Writers’ Scheme.
Also through the RNA I’ve found some wonderful writing buddies. To my friends in the Chelmsford Chapter and especially my Write Club friends: Tracy, Peter, Sue, Karen, Nic and Snoopy, big thanks for writing chat, advice and lovely friendship.
And to you, the reader, the biggest thanks of all for buying a copy of The Forgotten Village. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it.
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