The Voice

Part V

YOU ARE NO GOOD, said The Voice.

“Yes, I am,” whispered Katya, though it was true that she had probably failed her math test, and she had definitely been the worst volleyball player in gym class.

NO, said The Voice, YOU ARE NOT.

“Yes,” Katya whispered, more quietly still, “I am.” She was even less sure than before, now that more of the day was coming back to her. How, during lunch, she did not laugh at Sasha’s joke because she did not realize it was a joke until Sasha said, That was a joke, and when she then attempted to laugh, it just sounded really fake.

NO, YOU ARE NOT, said The Voice.

Katya paused. Katya grew sad. She even cried a little.

And then, she got angry.

“YES, I AM!” she shouted.

She did not really believe that she was, she just wanted The Voice to go away, just go away and leave her alone!

There was a pause. The Voice grew silent.

Maybe The Voice had gone away.

Finally, The Voice whispered, NO, YOU ARE NOT—so quietly it almost seemed as if the words were coming from a different Voice, a much smaller Voice.

And that gave Katya an idea.

(To be continued.)