
Endless thanks to those who made this book possible:

Kerry Sparks at Levine Greenberg, for your continued enthusiasm, support, and advice. And especially for helping make the people who live in my head live in the heads of others.

Marlo Scrimizzi, for your insight, your brilliant suggestions, and thoughtful questions that made me think about this story in ways I missed and helped make it the story it always wanted to be.

Frances Soo Ping Chow, for an amazing cover and interior design.

Kate Forrestor, for your illustrations.

All my friends and family for their love, support, and inspiration, especially:

Mom, because I know you worried about me a lot and wondered if I was in a cult led by Robert Smith. I wasn’t. I just really liked music. And the color black. Dad, because unknowingly, I asked you if I could go get ice cream the day grandpa died. You said yes and hid your tears. Nancy and David, because each of you may be slightly demented by association. Katherine, because you’re strange and wonderful and you read this first. And Ava and Mateo, because each of you are certainly demented by association.

And Nando, always Nando, because you love me even though I’m slightly morbid. And because of so much more.