About the Author

Sara Hoskinson Frommer, a veteran of the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra’s viola section, lives with her husband in Bloomington, Indiana. They have two adult sons.

Her seventh Joan Spencer mystery, Her Brother’s Keeper, will be published in April 2013 by Perseverance Press http://www.danielpublishing.com/perseverance

Visit her website: www.sff.net/people/SaraHoskinsonFrommer

With special thanks to Gabe, to Marcia, and to Captain Charles Brown of the Bloomington Police Department

Other books by Sara Hoskinson Frommer

Murder in C Major

Buried in Quilts

Murder & Sullivan

The Vanishing Violinist

Witness in Bishop Hill

Death Climbs a Tree


'Ironing for a corpse wasn't Joan Spencer's idea of fun.' With an opening sentence like that, you surely have to read on. You won't be sorry. Murder in C Major is a virtuoso debut by a new writer.--Washington Post Book World

A fine first novel about a middle-age widow who joins the local symphony as a viola player just in time for the first oboe to turn up his toes in what seems to be a heart attack. It turns out to be murder--and so does the death of the flutist.--Henry Kisor, Book Editor, Chicago Sun-Times

A chatty, easygoing and conventional first novel....Why C major? Because Schubert's Ninth Symphony, with its great oboe solo in the second movement, is integral to the story.--New York Times Book Review

Murder in C Major is a thoroughly nice mystery with an amiable pair of detectives. It is recommended for those who enjoy a comfortable read on a long winter's night.--Wilson Library Bulletin

Cover art courtesy of Poisoned Pen Press

Cover design Susan J. Kroupa