Chapter 4 — WRITER BEWARE!
nfortunately, almost everyone believes (as I had) that journals are private. But they are not! It would be nice to believe that writing in your journal is a private act – a haven where you can go to release everything you perceive about yourself or others without consequence. Such is not the case. In fact, it could not be further from the truth.
Let’s assume that you keep your journals under lock and key, with a certainty that no person will ever read them. The truth is, they are still being read and made known. You may ask, "By whom?" The answer is: the Universe. The Universe is not only reading your journal; it is taking creative and directional cues from it!
Many journals contain nothing more than a record of empty, unrealistic dreams. That is a harsh thing to say, but if you don’t believe what you write down is even possible, you are really declaring its absence. Your writings become empty wishes.
Some journals turn out to be hateful, bizarre, or crazy tomes. That’s a judgmental statement, of course, but it’s true. Others can have pathetic, weary, depressed, or demoralizing undertones. A journal should not be a depository for nasty and life-denying rants. One of the challenges in life is to overcome these negative thoughts or feelings, not to release them into the universal ethers to perpetuate! Would you write in your journal in this manner if you knew for certain that the Universe was reading it and must, by law
, create anything and everything from the combination of your strongly held thoughts, feelings, and beliefs?
Of particular concern would be writing anything on a website or blog. Can you imagine – if the act of thinking alone is so powerful, how exponentially more powerful are the combined thoughts of hundreds, thousands, or millions of people reading and considering your material? If your posts are negative and spiritually damaging, you are not only powerfully conjuring up negative consequences for yourself, but also adding to the collective consciousness of the world! Understand that a journal can be written as a sacred script with the consciousness of God.