Epigraph: Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga; “My Passport Was at Shortstop,” Wilfrid Sheed, Sports Illustrated, November 11, 1968; author interview with Lamar Hunt, 2001.
Prologue: Details from the visit to the Cotton Bowl were gleaned from two author interviews with Lamar Hunt, 2000–2001, as well as interviews with Caroline and Herbert. Lamar Hunt noted that he vividly remembered the 1939 Texas Tech–St. Mary’s Cotton Bowl as his first, beginning a personal streak of attending the Cotton Bowl for more than fifty years in a row, though his sister Margaret once said that Lamar likely had gone to the first and second one as well, because “we always took you everywhere.” In this case, Lamar’s specific memory—from the eyes of a six-year-old who was already captivated by sport—seems more reliable than his older sister’s general notion that he always came along, especially since contemporaneous accounts, and Lamar and Herbert’s own recollection, indicate that wasn’t the case. Also: I’ll Tell You One Thing, the Dallas Morning News, January 1–3, 1939; Football Texas Style, Kern Tips; The Great State Fair of Texas, Nancy Wiley; The ESPN College Football Encyclopedia, Michael MacCambridge; Sam Blair’s “The Roots and Fruits of the Cotton Bowl Classic,” from The Dallas Morning News, December 16, 1978; “Lamar Hunt, a Force in Football, Dies at 74,” New York Times, December 15, 2006; “Chiefs Owner Lamar Hunt Dead,” USA Today, December 14, 2006; “Lamar Hunt, Chiefs Owner and Sports Legend, Dies at 74,” ESPN.com, December 14, 2006, and broadcast transcript from SportsCenter, December 14, 2006. The Franchise: A History of Sports Illustrated, Michael MacCambridge; America’s Game: The Epic Story of How Pro Football Captured A Nation, Michael MacCambridge; “Biggest Cheapskate in Big D,” by Jack Olsen, Sports Illustrated, June 19, 1972; “Tale of the Hunts,” Ultra Magazine, July 1988; “Lamar Hunt: The Backyard Player Who Made Big-Time Tennis,” by Kim Chapin, Sport, September, 1972; “It’s Chiefly Business with Lamar Hunt,” Kansas City Star Sunday Magazine, October 11, 1970; “He’s A Modest Super Chief,” Southwest Scene, the Dallas Morning News Sunday Magazine, May 3, 1970; “A Texas Tycoon’s Million-Dollar Team Is Making Tennis A Booming Business,” John J. Green, The Detroit News Sunday News Magazine, June 6, 1971; “It’s Lamar Hunt’s Game Even if Packers Roll, 42–14,” Sandy Grady, Philadelphia Bulletin, January 15, 1967; “Lamar Hunt—Facts and Fiction,” Wells Twombly column; The Sporting News, December 5, 1970; “Hunt Looks Back at 40 Years of Chiefs Football,” Bob Gretz, Chiefs Report, Red Friday issue, NFL Week #2, 1999; “A Hunt for Economy,” Charles Thobae, Texas Sportsworld, March 1985; Don Garber interview; David Dixon interview; Lamar Hunt interview; Clive Toye interview; Sharron Hunt Munson interview; Norma Hunt interview; Roger Goodell interview; Marty Schottenheimer interview; Dick Vermeil interview; Jack Steadman interview; Thom Meredith interview; Len Dawson interview; John Newcombe interview; Pat Williams interview; Dan Jenkins interview.
Many of the scenes in this chapter were taken from Margaret Hunt Hill’s excellent H. L. and Lyda (written with Burt and Jane Boyar). Several of Lamar’s personal recollections, as well as details on the family history as related by Herbert and Bunker, came from the unpublished interviews that the Boyars did with each of the family members while preparing to collaborate with Margaret Hunt Hill for her book. Some of the additional details of Lamar’s early years, in both Tyler and Dallas, come from notes and documents he stored in four boxes, which were later recovered from the attic of Mount Vernon, as well as the signed letter from the nine-year-old Lamar that Caroline Hunt saved from her personal papers. Also: Lamar Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt birth certificate, El Dorado County, Arkansas; Herbert Hunt interview; H. L. and Lyda; The Big Rich: The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Texas Oil Fortunes, Bryan Burrough; Texas Rich: The Hunt Dynasty from the Early Oil Days Through the Silver Crash, Harry Hurt III; Hunt Heritage, H. L. Hunt; Margaret Hunt Hill interview with Boyars; author visit to Charnwood in Tyler, Texas; author visit to East Texas Oil Museum; Caroline Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Caroline Hunt, undated, circa 1941; Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; 200 Years of Sports in America, Wells Twombley; The Pro Football Chronicle, Dan Daly and Bob O’Donnell; Dan Jenkins interview; Herbert Hunt interview; Bunker Hunt interview; Al Hill, Jr., interview.
Much of the detail from this chapter came from an interview the author did with Lamar Hunt April 20, 2000, when Hunt drove by Mount Vernon and parts of the Lakewood area, and spoke of his childhood. The author also visited Mount Vernon in 2010, receiving a tour from Teresa Amend, who along with her husband John, purchased the estate in 2000, after the death of Ruth Ray Hunt. On April 16, 2002, Lamar returned to Mount Vernon for a speech for the Dallas Historical Society (“Lamar Hunt Notes for Remarks at Dallas Historical Society Meeting,” Lamar Hunt, delivered April 16, 2002), in which he recalled growing up in the home. “It was the best speech he ever gave,” said Norma, and much of its detail is included in the chapter. Also: Buddy Rupe interview (originally done for America’s Game); Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with the Boyars; Lamar Hunt letter to Caroline Hunt, January 15, 1940; Herbert Hunt interview, H. L. and Lyda; “Developer Buys Lakewood Center,” Steve Brown, Dallas Morning News, June 22, 2011; Sam Blair interview; Bob Chilton interview; “Just Plain H. L. Hunt,” Tom Buckley, Esquire, January, 1967.
Much of the background for this chapter came during the author’s visit to The Hill in September 2010. Additional background information from Virginia Yinger, the Hill School. Also: Graham Humes interview; Lamar Hunt interview; Herbert Hunt interview; Tom Richey interview; Johnny Fisher interview; Phil Woods interview; Jim Yonge interview; Dick O’Shaughnessy interview; Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Bunker Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Herbert Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Whatsoever Things Are True, Willis Pierre, Hill School Publications, 20TK; The History of The Hill School, 1851–1976, Paul Chancellor; The Dial, 1947; The Dial, 1948; The Dial, 1949; The Dial, 1950; The Dial, 1951; H. L. and Lyda, Hill; Doak Walker: More Than a Hero, Whit Caning; “Ultimate Hero: Doak Walker, the All-American, Built a Legend,” Sam Blair, Dallas Morning News, September 26, 1986; “Southwest Has A New Crop of Super Rich: Is This the Richest Man in the U.S.?”, unsigned, Life, April 5, 1948; Lamar Hunt and the Founding of the American Football League, Tom Richey; “Doak Walker of Southern Methodist,” Life (cover), September 27, 1948; “Southwest,” Amos Melton, Street & Smith’s Football Yearbook, 1948; “The Southwest,” George W. White, Illustrated Football Annual, 1948; “The Southwest,” Curtis Bishop and Wilbur Evans, Street & Smith’s Football Yearbook, 1949; “Walker Ends Brilliant Career Against Notre Dame,” Bill Rives, Dallas Morning News, December 3, 1949; “Southwest,” Flem Hall, Street & Smith’s Football Yearbook, 1950; “Great Rivalries, No. 2: Army vs. Navy,” Jack Zanger, Sport, October 1969; “Sport’s Hall of Fame: Doak Walker,” Arnold Hano, Sport, October, 1969; telegram, from Mr. and Mrs. D. Gordon Rupe, Jr., and Buddy, to Lamar Hunt, June 3, 1951.
The best recollection of Lamar’s life during college comes his first wife, Rose Mary Carr, and his friends and teammates on the football team, and friends and fraternity brothers in the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. The author received a tour from Ed Bernet of some of Lamar’s favorite haunts on and near the SMU campus. Also: Rose Mary Carr interview; Lamar Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Herbert Hunt interview; The Dial, 1950 (Lamar Hunt’s copy); LeVon Massengale interview; The Great State Fair of Texas, Wiley; SMU Ponies, 1951, Lamar Hunt scrapbook; Phil Jones interview; Roger Blackmar interview; Ed Bernet interview; Don McIlhenny interview; Al Hill, Jr., interview; Norma Hunt interview; Bob Chilton interview; Bill Adams interview; Buddy Rupe interview; personal travel journal of Phil Woods, 1952; “Games I Have Seen This Year,” journal of Lamar Hunt; TV Guide, October 26–November 1, 1951; “Fireworks in the Football Feud,” Bill Stern, Sport, September 1950; America’s Game, MacCambridge; Bud Shrake interview; Bunker Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Joe James interview; three-ring binder belonging to Lamar Hunt at SMU, date unknown; You Know Me Al: A Busher’s Letters, Ring Lardner; Do You Know Your Baseball?, Bill Brandt; If I Were in Your GOLF Shoes, Johnny Farrell; Youth’s Courtship Problems, Alfred L. Murray; Raymond Berry interview; Forrest Gregg interview; 1954 SMU Team Prospectus; John Marshall interview; “Mister, He Kissed Her,” music by Hoagy Carmichael, lyrics by Frank Kautzmann.
The beginning of Lamar Hunt’s professional career also witnessed the beginning of his remarkably detailed and thorough recordkeeping. Among his personal papers were hundreds of subject and idea files, much of his correspondence (especially from 1980 onward) and a majority of the paperwork that he accumulated while planning and forming the American Football League. Also: Lamar Hunt interview; H. L. and Lyda, Hill; Daniel Hunt interview; Rose Marry Carr interview; Bob Wilkes interview; Buzz Kemble interview; letters from Tom Richey to Lamar Hunt, undated, circa 1951–56; John Marshall interview; “Test Your Horse Sense,” column by Dr. George W. Crane, Dallas Morning News, September 1, 1943; Bill Adams interview; LeVon Massengale interview; Carl Shannon interview; Sam Hunt interview; Don McIlhenny interview; Letter from Al Hill to Lamar Hunt, February 23, 1956; postcard from Lamar Hunt to Rose Mary Hunt, April 20, 1956; Tom Richey interview; “The World’s Richest Men,” Robert E. Bedingfield, New York Times Magazine, October 20, 1957; Jake Cobb interview; Bob Chilton interview; Buzz Kemble interview; Dan Jenkins interview; Mack Rankin interview; Grand Expectations: The United States, 1945–1974, James T. Patterson; America’s Game, MacCambridge; Lamar Hunt deposition in AFL v. NFL, US 12599; Stormy Bidwill interview; Bill Mercer interview; Bud Adams interview; Bunker Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; “Original 6; First Year’s Operations,” notes by Lamar Hunt on a new football league, February 1959.
Letter from Lamar Hunt to James Ralph Wood (and 200 other Dallas “business opinion leaders”) to survey Dallas businessmen on attitudes toward pro football in Dallas, March 13, 1959; Walter Robertson interview; Tom Richey interview; America’s Game, MacCambridge; Bud Adams interview; Barron Hilton interview; Stormy Bidwill interview; Don Weiss interview; Bert Bell, Jr., letter from Ole Haugsrud to LaMar Hunt [sic], August 24, 1959; Lamar Hunt memo to Davey O’Brien, July 1959; Bert Bell Testimony in “Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly,” Organized Professional Team Sports Hearings, 86th Congress, 1st Session, July 1959, S. Res 57 on S. 616 and S. 886; Mickey Herskowitz interview; Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Jack Steadman interview; Letter from W. E. Rhodes to Bert Bell, February 24, 1958; Ralph Wilson interview; Rose Mary Carr interview; Mack Rankin interview; A Proud American: The Autobiography of Joe Foss, Joe Foss; Davey O’Brien letter to Lamar Hunt, July 21, 1959; “The Hunt Won’t Start on NFL’s Property,” Bud Shrake, Dallas Times Herald, July 31, 1959; “Dallas’ First Pro? Meredith Wants In,” Louis Cox, Dallas Times Herald, August 1, 1959; “Hunt Off and Running on Organizing Tour,” Dallas Times Herald, August 2, 1959; “The Hunts: Family Next Door,” unsigned, Dallas Morning News, August 9, 1959; “Press Release,” Richard White, Conrad Hilton Hotel, August 14, 1959; letter to First National Bank, from Barron Hilton, Lamar Hunt, Bud Adams, Harry Wismer, D. E. O’Shaughnessy, Nash J. Dowdle, Max Winter. E. W. Boyar, H. P. Skoglund, Robert L. Howsam; “Estimated Operation of Dallas Club for 1st Year,” Lamar Hunt worksheet, circa 1959; “Possible Cities,” Lamar Hunt worksheet, circa 1959; “American Football League: A Projection,” prospectus prepared by Barron Hilton and Los Angeles Chargers, September, 1959; telegram from Lamar Hunt to Fritz Crisler, September 15, 1959; letter from Lamar Hunt to Fritz Crisler, October 19, 1959; “Hunt Looks Back at 40 Years of Chiefs Football,” Bob Gretz, Chiefs Report, Red Friday Issue, 1999; letter from Gregory R. Dillon to American Football League owners, November 16, 1959; letter from Lamar Hunt to William H. Sullivan, November 18, 1959; Tom Richey interview; letter from Lamar Hunt to American Football league owners, December 3, 1959.
Postcard from Bunker Hunt to Lamar Hunt, October 2, 1959; Lamar Hunt interview; Bob Wilkes interview; telegram from Bud Wilkinson to Lamar Hunt, October 1959; Hank Stram interview; They’re Playing My Game, Hank Stram, with Lou Sahadi; “H.W. McNutt Jr., 81: His Company Sold Fruitcake to World,” by Claire Noland, Los Angeles Times, September 16, 2006; “Competition in Texas,” unsigned, Sports Illustrated, September 14, 1959; Jay Michaels letter to Joe Foss, March 17, 1960; Gary Cartwright interview; Bob Halford interview; Bill Mercer interview; Dan Jenkins interview; Dale Stram interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Martana TK, October 19, 1999; Chris Burford interview; Winning It All, “Hunt’s Light Shining after 25 Years,” Bob Gretz, Kansas City Times, September 1, 1984; “Forerunners Feel Bonded to Early Roots,” Kent Pulliam, Kansas City Times, September 1, 1984; Joe McGuff; Smokey Stover interview; letter from Ruth Ray Hunt to Lamar Hunt, September 7, 1960; Mack Rankin interview; Jack Steadman interview; Roger Blackmar interview; Rose Mary Carr interview; Ed Bernet interview; Caroline Hunt interview; letter from Lamar Hunt to Joe Foss, November 17, 1961; Al Michaels interview; American Football League minutes, annual meeting, January 10, 1962; Personal and confidential memorandum, Jack Steadman to Lamar Hunt, October 17, 1962; Personal and confidential memorandum, Jack Steadman to Lamar Hunt, October 18, 1962; Len Dawson interview; Stu Stram interview; David Dixon interview; TV Guide, December 22–28, 1962; Lamar Hunt, Jr., interview; Tom Richey interview; Herbert Hunt interview; Abner Haynes interview; “Texans Now Rule AFL Kingdom,” Sam Blair, Dallas Morning News, December 24, 1962; “Battle Nerves Buffet Texans,” Bud Shrake column, Dallas Morning News, December 24, 1962; “Delirium Grips Victorious Texans,” unsigned, Dallas Morning News, December 24, 1962; “Triple in 11th Inning Wins It: Texans Grab AFL Title,” Gary Cartwright, Dallas Times Herald, December 24, 1962; “The Happy Return of the Champions,” Blackie Sherrod column, Dallas Times Herald, December 24, 1962.
Details on the negotiated move from interviews with Lamar Hunt, Jack Steadman, David Dixon, Mary Dixon, as well as an account in Winning It All, Joe McGuff. Additional newspaper accounts: “Texans to Head for Kansas City—If,” Gary Cartwright, Dallas Morning News, February 9, 1963; “Hunt Okays Kansas City Bid for Texans,” UPI wire story, Chicago Tribune, February 9, 1963; “Promises Must Be Met, Hunt Says,” unsigned, Dallas Morning News, February 10, 1963; “Move Underlines AFL Shakiness,” Arthur Daley, New York Times New Service, February 11, 1963; “The Hunt for Peace,” Gary Cartwright column, Dallas Morning News, February 10, 1963; “AFL Is Better Off in Kansas City,” Steve Weller column, Buffalo Evening News, February 11, 1963; “Texans Will Move Here,” Chris Burford interview; Jerry Mays letter to Lamar Hunt, undated (circa spring 1963); Len Dawson interview; Norma Hunt interview; Abner Haynes interview; Rose Mary Carr interview; Lamar Hunt letter to TK, March 1963; “Kansas City: Cosmopolis of the Heartland,” Frederic A. Birmingham, Saturday Evening Post, September 1975; Bobby Bell interview; Ernest Mehl, Kansas City Star, May 22, 1963; “Texans Say Official Adios,” unsigned, Dallas Morning News, May 23, 1963; “Hunt Announces Kansas City Deal,” unsigned, Dallas Times Herald, May 22, 1963; “Bartle in Cloak-and-Dagger,” James J. Fisher, Kansas City Star, May 23, 1963; “KC Gets Texans,” UPI wire story, Orlando Sentinel, May 23, 1963; “Chiefs Really Going,” Frank Boggs, Dallas Times Herald, June 21, 1963; “Baseball Fans Helped KC Land Football Team,” Bob Gretz, Kansas City Star, September 26, 1982; “Homecoming Game: Lamar Hunt’s Chiefs Return to City He Surrendered,” Gerry Fraley, Dallas Morning News, November 22, 1995; Lamar Hunt, Jr., interview; Dale Stram interview; Curtis McClinton interview; “Neck, Spinal Cord Injuries Cause of Johnson’s Death,” unsigned, Wichita Eagle-Beacon, September 10, 1963; letter from Eddie Robinson to Lamar Hunt, October 28, 1963; Jake Cobb interview; Bill Adams interview; “The Disciples of St. Darrell on a Wild Weekend,” Dan Jenkins, Sports Illustrated, November 11, 1963; Bill Mercer interview; Bob Halford interview; Warren Commission Report, Testimony of Connie Trammel Penny, File No. DL-44-1639; They’re Playing My Game, Stram; Dan Jenkins interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Dick Ebersol, February 27, 2006; Ralph Wilson interview; America’s Game, MacCambridge; Bud Adams interview; Tom Werblin interview; Jake Cobb interview; Lloyd Wells interview; “Was This Their Freedom Ride?” Ron Mix, Sports Illustrated, January 18, 1965; Don Klosterman Interview Transcript from Interviews done for HBO documentary Rebels With a Cause; Lamar Hunt, Jr., interview; Sharron Hunt Munson interview; “Portrait of a Super-Patriot,” Robert G. Sherrill, The Nation, February 24, 1964; “Hunt Strikes Ink,” unsigned, Newsweek, January 18, 1965.
Lamar Hunt letter to Chester “Chet” Simmons, March 13, 1964; “Without Them, We’re Wichita,” Michael MacCambridge, The Sporting News, August 11, 1997; “Wolves Wail as Chiefs Prevail,” Kansas City Times, November 30, 1965; Winning It All, McGuff; Norma Hunt interview; Len Dawson interview; America’s Game, MacCambridge, John Martin interview; Lamar Hunt interview; “On With the Golden Game,” Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated, September 13, 1966; “Here’s How It Happened,” Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated, June 20, 1966; Tex Schramm interview; “After Foss, A Hotter Pro War,” Edwin Shrake, Sports Illustrated, April 18, 1966; Slick, Mark Ribowsky; “War Declared on AFL’s Rival,” William Wallace, New York Times, April 29, 1966; “Act of Provocation,” Arthur Daley column, New York Times, May 19, 1966; Mickey Herskowitz interview; Player of the Year: Roman Gabriel’s Football Journal, Roman Gabriel; Buddy Rupe interview; Lou Spadia interview; “Joint Statement, National and American Football Leagues,” NFL press release, June 8, 1966; Al Davis interview; Rebels With a Cause, HBO documentary film, 2009; “NFL vs. AFL in Title Game This Season,” unsigned, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, June 9, 1966; “Early Road to Merger Paved With Irony,” Gary Cartwright, Dallas Morning News, June 12, 1966; “Who Put the Super in Bowl,” Sam Blair, Dallas Morning News, January 20, 1979; “Sharron Won’t Be at HER game,” Pat Truly, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, January 6, 1977; letter from Lamar Hunt to Pete Rozelle, July 25, 1966; Don Weiss interview; Bill Adams interview, Buzz Kemble interview; AFL Pictorial, game program, Kansas City Chiefs vs. Buffalo Bills, October 2, 1966; Jake Cobb interview; Phyllis Stram interview; Jack Steadman interview; “Sporting Comment,” Joe McGuff column, Kansas City Star, December 30, 1966; Corky Flynn interview; “12,000 Greet the Chiefs,” unsigned, Kansas City Times, January 2, 1967; “Chiefs Roll to Super Bowl, 31–7,” Bill Richardson, Kansas City Times, January 2, 1967; Herbert Hunt interview; When Pride Still Mattered, David Maraniss; Kansas City Chiefs, Dick Connor; The Super Bowl: Celebrating a Quarter-Century of America’s Greatest Game, Ray Didinger; The Other League, Jack Horrigan and Mike Rathet; “Gate Crashers and Frog Legs,” Will McDonough, in A Game of Passion: The NFL Literary Companion, edited by John Wiebusch and Brian Silverman.
The venerable soccer writer Paul Gardner’s work on the rise and eventual demise of the NASL is the standard against which all other accounts are measured. Gardner was kind enough to provide four pages of notes from an interview he did with Lamar Hunt at the Roosevelt Hotel, January 7, 1971. Much of the correspondence surrounding the world tour of the Dallas Tornado came from a personal file in Lamar’s papers, which included a day-by-day recap of events by his administrator Paul Waters, and from Mike Renshaw’s eminently readable (though as yet unpublished) memoir, Just a Life. Also: 1966 Uncovered: The Unseen Story of the World Cup in England, Peter Robinson and Doug Cheeseman, text by Harry Pearson; Lamar Hunt letter to Paul French, December 5, 2005; “What It Was on TV Screen Was Soccer,” unsigned, Dallas Morning News, July 31, 1966; “When the Reality of a Lead Doesn’t Quite Live Up to its Legend,” Dave Kindred, National Sports Journalism Center, October 1, 2010; Constitution: North American Soccer League, August 23, 1966; “Agreement Between United States Soccer Football Association, Incorporated and North American Soccer League,” December 28, 1966; letter from Lamar Hunt to Michael Lewis, September 30, 2002; Introducing Dundee United Football Club, self-published booklet, Dundee United Football Club, undated, circa 1967; “Tornado in Stormy Deadlock, 2–2, Bob St. John, Dallas Morning News, June 15, 1967; “Tornado Gets ‘Whipped’, 2–0,” Roy Edwards, Dallas Morning News, July 2, 1967; “Tornado on the Skyline,” Bob St. John, Dallas Morning News, June 27, 1967; “Soccer is Simple?,” unsigned, Newsweek, April 24, 1967; “To Start A League,” Roy Edwards column, Dallas Morning News, March 11, 1968; Herbert Hunt interview; Norma Hunt interview; Jerry Colangelo interview; Nice Guys Finish Last: Sport and American Life, Paul Gardner; Kyle Rote, Jr., interview; Bob McNutt interview; Bill McNutt interview; Lamar Hunt interview; David Dixon letter of agreement to Lamar Hunt and Al Hill, Jr., September 15, 1967; “Chiefs Smash N.F.L. Bears, 66–24,” Bill Richardson, Kansas City Times, August 24, 1967; Winning It All, McGuff; Mary Dixon interview; Mike Davies interview; “World Championship Tennis: Net Result,” Lamar Hunt, Saturday Evening Post, April, 1976; Butch Buchholz interview; Donald Dell interview; “A Chronological History of World Championship Tennis,” unsigned, WCT publicity department, circa 1990; “Lamar Hunt and the Opening of Tennis: A Synopsis,” unpublished paper by Bob Moore; Richard Evans Interview; “A Texas Tycoon’s Million-Dollar Team Is Making Tennis a Booming Business,” Green; Al Hill, Jr., interview; Open Tennis, Richard Evans; Mike Davies interview; Wayne Henry interview; “Leaning on Fruitcake,” from Scorecard, Sports Illustrated, August 26, 1968; Alan Rothenberg interview; Bobby Moffat interview; A Kick in the Grass, Clive Toye; “Development Coordinating Committee Report to the Board of Directors of the North American Soccer League,” Clive Toye, chairman, September 30, 1968; Clive Toye interview; “Soccer: Ambition Unlimited and a Major Program Now Under Way,” United States Soccer Football Association press release, September 11, 1969; Buzz Kemble interview; “The Big Daddy of Sport,” Edwin Shrake, Sports Illustrated, September 7, 1970; Bill Adams interview; “If Not Alcatraz, How About Candlestick?,” Melvin Durslag column, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, July 30, 1969; proposal for Alcatraz commissioned by Lamar Hunt; Sharron Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Bill Adams interview; “2nd-Class Citizen,” Charles Maher column, Los Angeles Times, November 25, 1969.
Among Lamar Hunt’s papers was a detailed scrapbook of the Chiefs’ 1969 season (assembled by a season-ticket holder, who sent it to Lamar some years later), with almost every story written during the season by Kansas City Star sports editor Joe McGuff, beat writer Bill Richardson, and staff writer Gary D. Warner. The two books published the fall after the Chiefs’ title—Len Dawson’s autobiography, Len Dawson: Pressure Quarterback (with Lou Sahadi) and McGuff’s Winning It All: The Kansas City Chiefs and the AFL—provide the best accounts of that championship season. Also: Lamar Hunt interview; Willie Lanier interview; Lloyd Wells interview; Curtis McClinton interview; “The Black Athlete—A Shameful Story,” Jack Olsen, Sports Illustrated, July 1, 1968; Abner Haynes interview; Hank Stram interview; Dale Stram interview; memo from Jack Steadman to Lamar Hunt, undated, circa 1961; Full Color Football: The History of the American Football League, NFL Films, 2009; Stu Stram interview; Bobby Bell interview; Hank Stram letter to Kansas City Chiefs players, undated, circa summer 1969; America’s Game, Michael MacCambridge; “The Unflappable Lamar Hunt,” Ed Fite, Cleveland Press SporTime, October 9, 1969; “Chiefs Stop Oakland,” Bill Richardson, Kansas City Star, August 3, 1969; “K.C.–Raider Rivalry Heats Up Again,” Bill Richardson, Pro Football Weekly, date unknown, circa August 14, 1969; “Chiefs Show Nixon Their Best,” Bill Richardson, Kansas City Star, August 24, 1969; “Chiefs Turn Ram Defense to Shambles,” Mal Florence, Pro Football Weekly, September 4, 1969; “AFL Will Prevail in Super Bowl Again,” William N. Wallace, Pro Football Weekly, September 18, 1969; Lamar Hunt memo to Jack Steadman, TK, 1968; Lamar Hunt letter to Tony DiPardo, October 30, 1969; Lamar Hunt memo to Jack Steadman, November 10, 1969; “KC Had the Hot Hand,” Robert F. Jones, Sports Illustrated, November 24, 1969; Bill Grigsby interview; Len Dawson: Pressure Quarterback, Len Dawson, with Lou Sahadi; Len Dawson interview; Ed Budde interview; “Chiefs Fight from Agony to Triumph,” Gary D. Warner, Kansas City Star, January 5, 1970; “Sporting Comment,” column by Joe McGuff, Kansas City Star, January 5, 1970; “Lamonica’s Moveable Feast: He Was the Main Dish,” Robert F. Jones, Sports Illustrated, January 12, 1970; “The Survival of Len Dawson,” The Sporting News, January 11, 1970; Lamar Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; “Vikings All the Way—Say, a 31–7 Romp!,” William N. Wallace, Pro Football Weekly, January 15, 1970; Winning It All, McGuff; “Sporting Comment,” column by Joe McGuff, Kansas City Star, January 12, 1970; “Vikings Are Made 13-Point Favorite,” unsigned, New York Times, January 7, 1970; The Super Bowl, Didinger; “Namath, Dawson Reported Among Those to be Called in Gambling Inquiry,” Charles Friedman, New York Times, January 7, 1970; Super Bowl Chronicles, Jerry Green; Tom Bettis interview; Will Hamilton interview; Buzz Kemble interview; Tom Richey interview; Norma Hunt interview; “Miracle Sunday,” Tom Leathers, Town Squire, January 8, 1970; “Call by Nixon Cheers Lenny,” Dick Young, Kansas City Times, January 12, 1970; “Len’s Nightmare, Len’s Dream,” Shelby Strother, Super Bowl XXXIV Program, January 31, 2000; “Hail to the Chiefs: Kansas City Carved Out a Lasting Legacy in the First Super Bowl in New Orleans,” Jim Gigliotti; Super Bowl XXXI Program, January 26, 1997; “Wham, Bam, Stram!,” Tex Maule, Sports Illustrated, January 19, 1970; Going Long: The Wild 10-Year Saga of the Renegade American Football League in the Words of Those Who Lived It, Jeff Miller; “Parting Shot,” John Garrity, Sports Illustrated Presents NFL ’95; “Some Suggested General Subjects for ‘Repartee’ with Hall of Fame Players at Silver Celebration Dinner,” memo from Lamar Hunt to Bill Grigsby, September 5, 1984; Steve Sabol interview; telegram from H. L. Hunt to Lamar Hunt, January 11, 1970.
Mike Davies interview; Al Hill, Jr., interview, Rod Humphries interview; “A Chronological History of World Championship Tennis,” internal document of World Championship Tennis,1990; “Lamar Hunt and the Opening of Tennis: A Synopsis,” unpublished paper by Bob Moore; “Winner Takes $50,000, Loser, $1 Million,” Joe Jares, Sports Illustrated, December 6, 1971; Dick Hall interview; Bobby Moffat interview; Mike Renshaw interview; Neil Cohen interview; Kenny Cooper interview; Just a Life, Mike Renshaw (unpublished memoir); “Soccer’s Greatest Games: The Longest Game in NASL History,” Temple Pouncey, Soccer Digest, September, 1979; “The Game I’ll Never Forget,” Ron Newman, as told to Barry Janoff, Soccer Digest, July 1982; Kyle Rote, Jr., interview; Bob McNutt interview; Bill McNutt III interview; Ron Newman interview; Clive Toye interview; Paul Tagliabue interview; Ruth Woosnam interview; Norma Hunt interview; Verne Lundquist interview; Temple Pouncey interview; Hank Stram interview; Stu Stram interview; Phyllis Stram interview; Jack Steadman interview; Len Dawson interview; Jack Steadman letter to Lamar Hunt, April 22, 1970, with Hunt’s handwritten reply; Lamar Hunt letter to Tony DiPardo, May 14, 1970; Lamar Hunt letter to Jack Steadman, October 20, 1971; “The late great Morgan Maxfield,” James Kindall, Star Magazine, Kansas City Star, July 18, 1982; Otis Taylor interview; Clark Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt, Jr., interview; Norma Hunt interview; “The Football, Tennis, Soccer and Spending King of American Sports,” Melvin Durslag, TV Guide, November 20, 1971; “Tuning Up for a New Hunt Ball,” Curry Kirkpatrick, Sports Illustrated, May 22, 1972; Bud Collins interview; Butch Buchholz interview; Richard Evans interview; Open Tennis, Evans; “Lamar Hunt Buys Jim Ling’s House,” Jim Stephenson, Dallas Morning News, November 4, 1970; “Lives in a Mansion,” Frederick “Shad” Rowe, Grant’s, September 16, 1988; Donald Dell interview; Billy Sullivan Enshrinement speech for Lamar Hunt, July 29, 1972; Lamar Hunt Enshrinement speech, July 29, 1972; Bobby Bell interview; Len Dawson interview; “The Best Stadium in the World,” Gaylon White, KC Fan, September, 1972; Lee Derrough interview; Dale Stram interview; Charles Getty interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Jack Steadman, October 24, 1978; Lamar Hunt notes on meeting, November 25, 1974; Lamar Hunt letter to Hank Stram, December 20, 1974; Lamar Hunt notes on coaching interviews, undated (circa January 1975); Lamar Hunt interview notes with Paul Wiggin, January 15, 1975; Ann Roach interview; Willie Lanier interview; Jan Stenerud interview.
One of the most lucid glimpses of H. L. Hunt later in life comes from Chapter 9 in the Edwin “Bud” Shrake novel Strange Peaches, during which the story’s protagonist, John Lee, is summoned to visit Big Earl at his mansion. Shrake once confided, “That was the closest I could come to straight reporting, and still call it fiction.” Also: Lamar Hunt interview; Norma Hunt interview; Rose Mary Carr interview; Sharron Hunt Munson interview; Lamar Hunt, Jr., interview; H. L. and Lyda, Hill; “H. L. Hunt and the Vatican,” unsigned, American Century, April 2, 1969; “Executives: Rich and Strange,” unsigned, Newsweek, December 9, 1974; “The Hunt Heirs Play for High Stakes,” Business Week, February 17, 1975; “Daddy’s Money,” Harry Hurt III, Texas Monthly, April 1978; Donald Dell interview; “Number One Sportsfan,” Gay Yellen, Tennis Illustrated, February 1975; “World Championship Tennis—a Reflection,” by Lamar Hunt, WCT Finals Program, 1991; Jack Steadman interview; Richard Evans interview; Norma Hunt interview; Barry Frank interview; Ivan Irwin interview; Al Hill, Jr., interview; Cliff Drysdale interview; Bill Adams interview; Clark Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt, Jr., interview; Sharron Hunt interview; Kyle Rote, Jr., interview; Bobby Moffat interview; Letter from the Publisher, Sports Illustrated, September 3, 1973; “Big D Reduced to Atoms,” Bud Shrake, Sports Illustrated, September 3, 1973; The Ball Is Round: A Global History of Soccer, David Goldblatt; Soccer in a Football World: The Story of America’s Forgotten Game, David Wangerin; Kenny Cooper interview; Temple Pouncey interview; Blackie Sherrod column, July 8, 1974; “Curtain Call for a Legend,” Jerry Kirshenbaum, Sports Illustrated, June 23, 1975; Paul Tagliabue interview; “From Kids to Pros . . . Soccer Is Making It Big in U.S.,” unsigned, U.S. News & World Report; “Soccer, American Style,” Paul Gardner, New York Times Magazine, May 4, 1975; “Suddenly, Soccer is No. 1,” Carl Reich, San Francisco Examiner, April 26, 1975; Wayne Henry interview; Bill Adams interview; America’s Game, MacCambridge; Jim Lynch interview; Lamar Hunt memo to Jack Steadman, October Tk, 1977; “Coach, You’re Fired,” Ron Reed, Sports Illustrated, March 13, 1978; Ann Roach interview; “Hunt Replies to Criticism,” Lamar Hunt letter to Kansas City Star columnist Dick Mackey, Kansas City Star, November 12, 1977; Bruce Rice letter to H. Don Krouse, November 4, 1977; Lamar Hunt letter to Bruce Rice, November 9, 1977; Jim Seigfried interview; Tom Bettis interview; Where Else Would You Rather Be?, Marv Levy; Marv Levy interview; Jack Steadman interview; Jim Schaaf interview; “The Life and Lists of Lamar Hunt,” Bryan Burnes, Star: The Sunday Magazine of the Kansas City Star Magazine, May 28, 1978; Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors, and Sculptures, Sotheby’s Auction Catalog, October 25, 1979; “Would You Pay $2.5 Million for That Painting?” Michael Ennis, Texas Monthly, April, 1980.
“An American Fortune: The Hunts of Dallas,” L. J. Davis, Harper’s, April 1981; “The Billion-Dollar Gambler,” Newsweek, April 7, 1980; “A Scandal for the Hunt Clan,” James R. Gaines with Peter S. Greenberg and Anthony Marro, Newsweek, March 24, 1975; “Hunts in Hock: Big Silver Debts Force Brothers to Mortgage Most of Their Empire,” George Getschow and Roger Thurlow, Wall Street Journal, May 27, 1980; “The Hunt Brothers: Battling a Billion-Dollar Debt,” John A. Jenkins, The New York Times Magazine, September 27, 1987; Ivan Irwin interview; Bunker Hunt unpublished interview with Boyars; Herbert Hunt interview; Jim Seigfried interview; Jack Steadman interview; “Hunts Bare Financial Souls in Statements,” Allen Pusey, Dallas Times Herald, May 28, 1980; Press Statement, from N. B. Hunt, W. H. Hunt, and Lamar Hunt, May 31, 1980; Norma Hunt interview; Marv Levy memo to Lamar Hunt, date TK; Ann Roach interview; Jim Schaaf interview; Gary Heise interview; Lamar Hunt memo to Jack Steadman, December 19, 1982; Lamar Hunt letter to Bob Gretz, September 16, 1982; John Mackovic interview; Les Miller interview; Wayne Henry interview; Rod Humphries interview; Thom Meredith interview; North America Soccer League: A Strategic Plan 1978–1987, Committee Report, 1978; A Kick in the Grass, Toye; Clive Toye interview; Kent Kramer interview; Bob McNutt interview; Hail to the Chiefs, Bob Gretz; Deron Cherry interview; Lamar Hunt memo to Jack Steadman, November 27, 1986; Nick Lowery interview; Tom Richey interview; “Dallas: A True Story,” Stephen Fay, (London) Sunday Times, June 22, 1980; “Bunker’s Gamble Goes Sour,” Stephen Fay, (London) Sunday Times, June 29, 1980; “On the Record: Lamar Hunt,” Don Pfannenstiel, Kansas City, December 1981; “Rozelle Optimistic Despite NFL Storm,” Bob Gretz, Kansas City Times, September 5, 1983; “The Lamar Hunt Story,” Ron Boyd, Dallas Times Herald, April 19, 1984; “Don’t Write Off the NASL Yet,” Jim Ruben, Soccer Digest, October 1981; “Why 1982 Is a Key Year for the NASL,” Soccer Digest, May, 1982; “A Trimmed-Down NASL Pins New Hope on Team America,” Michael Lewis, Soccer Digest, April/May, 1983; “The NASL: It’s Alive But on Death Row,” Clive Gammon, Sports Illustrated, May 7, 1984; Jack Steadman letter to Lamar Hunt, January 20, 1983; “Hunt Says Football Just a Business,” Vickie Long, Kansas City Times, December 14, 1984; “Bunker Hunt to Sell His Stock of Racehorses,” unsigned, Dallas Times Herald, September 24, 1987; “Hunts Take a Gamble in Silver Case,” Walter M. Rogers, Dallas Morning News, February 23, 1988; “Hunts Still Fighting Losses From Silver Crisis,” Steve Coll, Washington Post, March 20, 1988; Clark Hunt interview; Daniel Hunt interview; Jack Steadman letter to Lamar Hunt, December 24, 1987; Dick Vermeil interview; Lamar Hunt interview; “Chiefs Owner Responds to Gansz Stories,” Lamar Hunt letter to the editor, Kansas City Star, January 24, 1988; Jack Steadman letter to Lamar Hunt, November 4, 1988; Carl Peterson interview; Lamar Hunt’s Weight Log Entry, January 1, 1989; “Hunt Saga: Lost Riches, Cloudy Future,” Michael Sawicki, Dallas Times Herald, August 9, 1988; “Hunts Conspired to Corner Silver Market, Jury Says,” Phil Shook, Dallas Times Herald, August 21, 1988; “Peru Firm Is Awarded Over $130 Million In Case Involving Hunts’ Silver Scheme,” Ann Hagedorn and Leonard M. Apcar, Wall Street Journal, August 22, 1988; “Lamar Hunt Sets Settlement of Suits by Silver Investors,” Ann Hagedorn, Wall Street Journal, April 3, 1989; “Hunts Put Trusts in Chapter 11,” Walter M. Rogers, Dallas Morning News, December 2, 1987; “The Hunts: They’re Rich, But You Can Find ’em in the Phone Book,” Ann Crittenden, Kansas City Star, January 6, 1990; “Big Shake-up for Chiefs,” Rick Gosselin, Kansas City Times, December 9, 1988.
There’s no more authoritative writer on the Chiefs’ rise to perennial contenders than Bob Gretz, whose book Hail to the Chiefs nicely captures the turnaround from the late ’80s gloom to ’90s revival. Additionally: Carl Peterson interview; Jim Seigfried interview; Bob Moore interview; “WCT, You Didn’t Leave Us The Way You Found Us,” by Tom Koch, Buick WCT Finals Program, 1988; Marty Schottenheimer interview; Lamar Hunt interview; Tim Connolly interview; Derrick Thomas interview; “Without Them, We’re Wichita,” Michael MacCambridge, The Sporting News, August 11, 1997; “Chief Chief: A Squire Interview with Lamar Hunt, Owner of the Chiefs,” unsigned, The Squire, October 15, 1992; Tony Dungy interview; Daniel Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Dave Smith, October 5, 1992; Kevin Ross interview; Georgia Buchanan interview; Clark Hunt interview; Sharron Hunt interview; Alan Rothenberg interview; Dr. Robert Contiguglia interview; Lamar letter to Buzz Kemble, undated, circa spring 1990; Bob McNutt interview; Mike Davies interview; Al Hill, Jr., interview; Rod Humphries interview; Butch Buchholz interview; Arthur Ashe letter to Lamar Hunt, undated, circa September 1990; Frew McMillan letter to Lamar Hunt, October 1, 1990; Bill Adams interview; Wayne Henry interview; “Sports People: TENNIS; Hunt and Barrett Elected to Hall of Fame,” New York Times, March 3, 1993; Jake Cobb interview; Roger Goodell interview; Jeff Pash interview; Joel Bussert interview; Steve Schanwald interview; “A Whole New Ball Game,” Kathleen Tibbetts, SMU Magazine, Spring, 1994; Jim Graham interview; “World Cup Soccer,” Laurie Shulman, SportsPulse, June 1994; Bob McNutt interview; Robert Kraft interview; Clive Toye interview; Mark Abbott interview; Viva Brazil!, Sports Illustrated (cover), July 25, 1994; Joel Bussert interview.
The most complete historical account of Lamar Hunt’s love of soccer was “The First Father,” an interview by Michael Lewis that appeared in the January 2003 issue of Soccer Digest. An unedited version of Hunt’s answers also appeared in his papers (Lamar Hunt letter to Michael Lewis, September 30, 2002). Also: “Major League Soccer, L.P. Business Plan and Confidential Memorandum,” November 10, 1993; Lamar Hunt letter to Alan Rothenberg, November 29, 1993; “Hunt Has Prostate Cancer,” Randy Covitz, Kansas City Star, January 20, 1999; Mark Abbott interview; Clark Hunt interview; Tim Latta memo to Lamar Hunt, July 29, 1996; Susie Stephens interview; Lamar Hunt, Jr., Marty Schottenheimer interview; “Without Them, We’re Wichita,” Michael MacCambridge, The Sporting News, August 11, 1997; Doug Newman interview; memo from Doug Newman to Lamar Hunt re: Arrowhead events mailing, April 22, 1998; Tom Richey interview; Carl Peterson interview; Jack Steadman interview; “Crew Ready to Open New Stadium,” unsigned, May 12, 1999; “Crowning Moment for Columbus,” unsigned, May 12, 1999, CNNSI.com; SportingNews.com; “Major-League Gamble,” Todd Jones, Columbus Dispatch, May 14, 1999; “Few Problems, Many Accolades for Opener,” Ridge Mahoney, Soccer America, May 31, 1999; “Crew Kicks Its Way into History with Win at First MLS Stadium,” Tales Azzoni, Ohio State Lantern, May 17, 1999; “In Soccer, Bigger Isn’t Always Better,” Bob Hunter column, Columbus Dispatch, May 14, 1999; “For Openers, This Was an Event,” Bob Hunter column, Columbus Dispatch, May 16, 1999; “Crew Feels Right at Home,” Craig Merz, Columbus Dispatch, May 16, 1999; Jim Seigfried interview; Bill Adams interview; Wayne Henry interview; Norma Hunt interview; Philip Anschutz interview; Doug Logan interview; Doug Newman interview; Ron Newman interview; John Wagner interview; Jamey Rootes interview; “Lamar Hunt Notes for Remarks at Dallas Historical Society Meeting,” Hunt; Sharron Hunt interview; Buzz Kemble interview; Mark McCullers interview; Robert Kraft interview; Don Garber interview; Paul Gardner interview; “The Re-Tooling of MLS: It’s About Time,” Ashley Jude Collie, Soccer Digest, March 2000.
Norma Hunt interview; “Cup City!: Meola’s Wizardy Lifts KC to First Title,” David Boyce, Kansas City Star, October 16, 2000; “Goodness, Gracious: Hunt on Hand for Every Nerve-Racking Moment,” Hearne Christopher, Jr., Kansas City Star, October 16, 2000; “Wizards Reward Lamar Hunt,” Paul Gardner, Soccer America, October 30, 2000; “Once Again, the Wizards Found a Way,” Ridge Mahoney, Soccer America, October 30, 2000; Lamar Hunt letter to Bob Gretz, June 9, 1999; “Sports Day Forum: Should the NFL Rotate the Thanksgiving Day Games Instead of Playing Them in Dallas and Detroit Every Year? Yes” Lamar Hunt, Dallas Morning News, December 9, 1999; Long-Range Goals, Beau Dure; Mark Abbott interview; Tim Leiweke interview; Alan Rothenberg interview; Sunil Gulati interview; Lamar Hunt memo to Jim Smith and Mark McCullers, December 19, 2000; Memo, Lamar Hunt to Bob Moore, November 1, 1999 (circulated later between Moore and Carl Peterson), Hunt Papers; Lamar Hunt letter to Paul Tagliabue, February 12, 2001; Don Garbert interview; Philip Anschutz interview; Clark Hunt interview; Daniel Hunt interview; Mark Abbott interview; Robert Kraft interview; Norma Hunt interview; Sharron Hunt interview; Kathy McDaniel interview; Susie Stephens interview; Jeff Pash interview; Jim Holland interview; Bill McNutt III interview; Dan Flynn interview; Brad Hunt interview; Robert Contiguglia interview; Dick Vermeil interview; “A Hunt Family Affair,” Alan Peppard column, Dallas Morning News, April 28, 2002; Lamar Hunt interview; Lamar Hunt, Jr., and Sharron Hunt interview; John Wagner interview; “His Love for Game is Still Growing,” Steve Davis, Dallas Morning News, August 6, 2005; “F.C. Dallas Investor-Operator Lamar Hunt to be given U.S. Soccer Federation Lifetime Achievement Award,” unsigned MLS press release, September 15, 2005; Don Garber remarks prior to Lamar Hunt receiving U.S. Soccer Federation Lifetime Achievement Award, September 15, 2005; Jim Irsay interview; Ralph Wilson interview; Dan Rooney interview; Paul Tagliabue interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Phil Anschutz, July 13, 2006; Lamar Hunt letter to Michael Lewis, September 30, 2002; “The First Father,” Michael Lewis, Soccer Digest, January, 2003; Len Dawson interview; John Marshall interview; Ryan Petkoff interview; Bob Moore interview; Bobby Bell interview; Bill Adams interview.
Kyle Rote, Jr., interview; Willie Lanier interview; Pat Schottenheimer interview; The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power, Daniel Yergin; Paul Tagliabue interview; Jim Irsay interview; Teresa Amend interview; “For Mrs. Hunt, It’s a Game of No Misses,” Brad Townsend, Dallas Morning News, January 23, 2011; “Oil in the Family,” Alan Peppard, Vanity Fair, June 2008; Don Garber interview; Lamar Hunt letter to Michael Lewis, undated, circa 2002; Don Garber interview; Fair Ball: A Fan’s Case for Baseball, Bob Costas; Clark Hunt interview.
Mark Abbott, Bill Adams, Bud Adams, Teresa Amend, Philip Anschutz, John Beake, Bobby Beathard, Bert Bell, Jr., Bobby Bell, Ed Bernet, Raymond Berry, Stormy Bidwill, Roger Blackmar, Sam Blair, Anne Marie Bratton, Mike Brown, Joe Browne, Georgia Buchanan, Butch Buchholz, Ed Budde, Neil Buethe, Chris Burford, Joel Bussert, Hamilton Carothers, Rose Mary Carr, Gary Cartwright, Ron Chapman, Deron Cherry, Bob Chilton, Jake Cobb, Neil Cohen, Jerry Colangelo, Bud Collins, Tim Connolly, Dr. Robert Contiguglia, Ken Cooper, Sr., Gunther Cunningham, Steve Danzansky, Mike Davies, Len Dawson, Scott Debolt, Donald Dell, Lee Derrough, David Dixon, Mary Dixon, Cliff Drysdale, Tony Dungy, Richard Evans, Caroline Hunt, Bud Collins, Mike Davies, Len Dawson, Frank Deford, Johnny Fisher, Corky Flynn, Dan Flynn, Barry Frank, Don Garber, Paul Gardner, Charles Getty; Roger Goodell, Jim Graham, Forrest Gregg, Bill Grigsby, Sunil Gulati, Bob Halford, Dick Hall, Will Hamilton, Abner Haynes, Robb Heineman, Gary Heise, Wayne Henry, Mickey Herskowitz, Al Hill, Jr., Barron Hilton, Jim Holland, Ted Howard, Jack Huckle, Graham Humes, Rod Humphries, Brad Hunt, Bunker Hunt, Clark Hunt, Daniel Hunt, Herbert Hunt, Houston Hunt, Lamar Hunt, Lamar Hunt, Jr., Norma Hunt, Ray Hunt, Sam Hunt, Jim Irsay, Ivan Irwin, Joe James, Dan Jenkins, Phil Jones, Robert Kelleher, Robert Kraft, Kent Kramer, Jack Landry, Jr., Willie Lanier, Rod Laver, Tim Leiweke, Scott Le Tellier, Marv Levy, Janie Lewis, Ross Lillard, Doug Logan, Nick Lowery, Verne Lundquist, Jim Lynch, John Mackovic, John Madden, Wellington Mara, John Marshall, John Martin, LeVon Massengale, Curtis McClinton, Mark McCullers, Howard McHenry, Don McIlhenny, Bill McNutt III, Bob McNutt, Kathy McDaniel, Bill McDermott, Bill Mercer, Thom Meredith, Al Miller, Les Miller, Carol Modean, Bobby Moffat, Bob Moore, David Munson, Sharron Hunt Munson, Doug Newman, Ron Newman, John Newcombe, Dick O’Shaughnessy, Jeff Pash, Carl Peterson, Ryan Petkoff, Gene Phillips, Frank Pitts, Temple Pouncey, Tom Pratt, Mack Rankin, Mike Renshaw, Tom Richey, Ann Roach, John Roach, Walter Robertson, Dan Rooney, Jamey Rootes, Bert Rose, Ken Rosewall, Kevin Ross, Alan Rothenberg, Kyle Rote, Jr., Pete Rozelle, Buddy Rupe, Steve Schanwald, Tex Schramm, Jim Seigfried, Marty Schottenheimer, Pat Schottenheimer, Carl Shannon, Bud Shrake, Neil Smith, Lou Spadia, Jack Steadman, Judy Steadman, Hank Steinbrecher, Jan Stenerud, Susie Stephens (Ritchie), Smokey Stover, Dale Stram, Hank Stram, Phyllis Stram, Stu Stram, Paul Tagliabue, Otis Taylor, Derrick Thomas, Denny Thum, Clive Toye, Jim Trecker, Dick Vermeil, Grant Wahl, John Wagner, Joy Waller, Don Weiss, Tom Werblin, Lloyd Wells, Bob Wilkes, Pat Williams, Gene Wilson, Ralph Wilson, Phil Woods, Ruth Woosnam, Jim Yonge.
Note: Bert Bell, Jr., Stormy Bidwill, Hamilton Carothers, Gunther Cunningham, David Dixon, Tony Dungy, Forrest Gregg, Mickey Herskowitz, Lamar Hunt, John Madden, Wellington Mara, Bert Rose, Buddy Rupe, Tex Schramm, Bud Shrake, Lou Spadia, Hank Stram, Otis Taylor, Don Weiss, and Lloyd Wells were originally interviewed for the 2004 book America’s Game; Pete Rozelle was originally interviewed for the 1997 book The Franchise; Derrick Thomas was originally interviewed for a 1997 article in The Sporting News.