30 Days to a More Beautiful You

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

1 PETER 3:3-4

DESPITE WHAT THE modeling world might lead us to believe, true beauty has nothing to do with outward appearances. The more we focus on what we look like on the outside, the more insecure we become. The world has an impossibly narrow definition of beauty, and by those standards, we’ll never be thin enough, pretty enough, or good enough.

But fortunately, that’s not how God measures our worth. We have value simply because we are His children. The more we focus on getting our hearts right with the Lord and honoring Him, the more secure and confident we will become—and the more we will exude true beauty. After all, outer beauty will fade away, but the godly qualities we possess will grow and become more beautiful over time!

Instead of focusing on superficial beauty, I encourage you to spend the next thirty days focusing on an inner beauty makeover. I pray that this devotional will help transform your heart, your body, your mind, and your soul and put you on the path to becoming a happier, healthier, more beautiful you.

God bless,



Day 1


God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.


THROUGH MY YEARS in the modeling industry, I learned a hard truth: your perceived worth is based on characteristics you can’t control. If you have genes that predisposed you to be five feet ten and 110 pounds with long, thin legs, you’re considered worthwhile. If your genes made you five feet two and muscular, you might be an ideal soccer player and a fantastic human being—but in the modeling world, you’re worth nothing.

Fortunately, appearance is not the way true worth is measured. The Bible makes it clear that we have inherent value because we are made in God’s image. As humans, we are His most precious creation, and He made us like Him in special ways. He gave us minds that can seek to know Him and hearts that can love Him. He gave us creativity, compassion, and understanding. He gave us an important role in this world, and He wants to have a relationship with us.

We have worth. God Himself loves and values us. There’s nothing we can achieve or become in this life that will make God think we are more worthwhile than He does already. And if God thinks we have great value, who are we to argue with Him?

What traits do you think give someone value?

How might believing you are made in God’s image change your sense of worth?

True beauty tip: You are worthwhile to God.

Day 2


God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.


THE WORLD ENCOURAGES us to define ourselves based on any number of external factors: what we look like, what other people think of us, how much money we earn, what kind of career we have. But God says that none of those things matter—none of those things can define who we really are.

Throughout my life I’ve filled various roles: daughter, sister, wife, stepmom, model, Victoria’s Secret Runway Angel. Some of those roles have shaped me in positive ways; others have had a harmful effect on me. It’s tempting to let my identity become wrapped up in those titles or positions—to start to think that they make me who I am. But no matter how good the roles are—even when they’re blessings from the Lord—they can’t determine my true identity.

God says that our identity can come only from our position as His children. We have inherent value because He adopted us and brought us into His family. Even when all our other roles are stripped away, that’s something no one can take from us. God always will be our Father, and we always will be His daughters.

What roles do you tend to let define you?

What does it mean to you that God has adopted you into His family?

True beauty tip: You have inherent value as God’s child.

Day 3


You are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.


ALL OF US SOMETIMES doubt our value because we don’t measure up to the world’s standards in some way. We let other people tell us we’re not pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough, talented enough, or likable enough.

Whether we’re trying out for a sports team, auditioning for a play, or applying for a job, it’s easy to let our sense of worth rise or fall on the outcome. When I was cast in shows during Fashion Week, I felt good about myself. When I wasn’t what a client was looking for, I felt inadequate. But the truth is, we’re the same whether the person on the other end of the phone says yes or no. We don’t have to give others the power to determine our worth.

Our value has nothing to do with what we wear, how we look, how many friends we have, or how successful we become. We are daughters of the King, and we have great value because God says we do! As believers, we are God’s special treasures. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die so we could be with Him forever. When other people question your worth because you don’t fit their ideals, remember that God gave up everything to bring you new life.

Where are you looking to find your worth?

What do you think it means to be God’s “treasured possession”?

True beauty tip: You are a daughter of the King.

Day 4


Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.


IT’S A NATURAL HUMAN DESIRE to want to be liked, accepted, and appreciated. But if we’re not careful, that longing can get out of whack and pretty much take over our lives, influencing us to do things we’d never do otherwise.

That’s exactly what happened to me. When I was young, I loved being Daddy’s little girl. But as I got older and Dad and I drifted apart, I found myself desperate for attention—especially male attention. By the time I was in junior high, I was posting pictures of myself on Myspace, hoping to get a bazillion comments, and by the time I was in high school, I was dressing provocatively, wanting the boys to notice me.

Unfortunately, that people-pleasing tendency didn’t stop in adulthood. When I became a model, I wanted to be accepted, to have people think not only that I was beautiful, but also that I was sweet and nice and easy to get along with. And along the way, I ended up making compromises—doing photo shoots and taking jobs I never would have if I weren’t trying so hard to make other people happy.

The Bible says that our purpose should be to please God, not people. He knows our hearts, and He knows who we’re ultimately trying to honor—ourselves, the men in our lives, our employers, or Him. We will never be the women God wants us to be if our hearts are continually chasing after human approval.

Take an honest look at your heart. Who are you seeking to please?

What is one thing you need to say no to this week out of a desire to honor God, not people?

True beauty tip: Live to please God, not people.

Day 5


I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ROMANS 8:38-39

WHEN I ATTENDED a Christian camp one summer in high school, I felt so drawn to God. I wanted to experience His love and forgiveness, but I was scared. I had blown it that year by lying to my parents and losing my virginity in a bad relationship. What if God couldn’t forgive me for the wrong things I had done? What if He didn’t want me as a follower because I just wasn’t good enough?

It was a youth leader who first showed me unconditional love and gave me the courage to believe that God could love me too. She encouraged me to confess everything to Him and receive His forgiveness. I did, and my life was changed because of it.

It’s powerful to realize that Someone knows everything about us—our mistakes and our successes, our best moments and our absolute worst—and still loves us completely, without reservation. How amazing is that? The Bible tells us that nothing can separate us from God. Nothing! Not our mistakes. Not our appearance or personality. Not those things about ourselves we feel insecure about. Not even our sin, if we’ve confessed it to Him. He loves us because we are His.

What is holding you back from trusting in God’s unconditional love?

How could accepting God’s love free you from your fears?

True beauty tip: God loves you unconditionally.

Day 6


This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

1 JOHN 4:9

IT’S AMAZING HOW much energy we can expend by competing with others. We think if we can prove we’re the best, we’ll feel secure finally. During my years of modeling, I made a few friends. But more often, a sense of competition overshadowed the interactions between models. Girls were so busy comparing themselves to each other and trying to come out on top that there was no room for camaraderie. Unfortunately, success was so short lived that no one really found the security they were seeking.

The thing is, true security doesn’t have anything to do with our own talents or accomplishments. It has to do with knowing who we are in God’s eyes.

When we rest in God’s love, we’re reminded that He is enough for us. When we let our hearts be filled with His love, we can finally relax. We’re secure—free from the need to prove anything. Instead, we can put our energy toward becoming the kind of women God created us to be. And that’s truly beautiful.

Where are you trying to find your security?

What is one thing you could do this week to rest more fully in God’s love?

True beauty tip: You are secure in God’s love.


Day 7


Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

1 PETER 3:3-4

THESE VERSES FROM 1 Peter are so freeing. We’re reminded not to make our external appearance our primary concern. Why? Because when we do, we’re focusing on something that will fade and neglecting something that will last.

I know firsthand how many hours are spent fixing hair and makeup before a photo shoot—all to capture one fleeting second where everything looks perfect. The truth is, almost everything about our appearance is temporary. The clothes we buy today will be out of style next year. The highlights we pay to put in our hair will need to be redone next month. Our bodies and faces will change as we get older.

What will last is our inner character. When Peter writes of the “unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,” I think he means that a woman who loves the Lord and seeks to honor Him will always seem beautiful. Others will be drawn to her because of her gentleness, compassion, mercy, and wisdom, and those qualities will increase as she ages. That’s the kind of beauty I want.

How is focusing too much on your external appearance distracting you from developing inner beauty?

How do you define true inner beauty?

True beauty tip: Genuine beauty comes from inside.

Day 8


Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.


IN OUR CULTURE, we’re so focused on individual rights that this idea of belonging to God, rather than ourselves, seems strange. After all, I’ve seen what happens when clients view a model as their property. They might chop off her hair or dye it without asking, make her squeeze into clothes that are too small, and have her pose in whatever way fits the image they’re after. I’ve had my fill of giving up the rights to my body to people who don’t have my best interests at heart.

But that’s exactly the point: God does have our best interests at heart. He didn’t buy us with the high price of Jesus’ blood so we would become His property. He did it so we would be free forever from the chains of sin and death.

What’s even more amazing is that God chooses to send His Spirit to live within believers. That should change everything about the way we view ourselves. We are His, and we need to honor God with our bodies. After all, they are His dwelling place!

How do you react to the idea that you belong to God?

Which actions or attitudes in your life right now are most honoring to God? Which are least honoring?

True beauty tip: Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Day 9


I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.


WHAT DOES IT MEAN to let our bodies be living sacrifices to God? I think it’s tied in with the idea we talked about yesterday—that our bodies are dwelling places of the Holy Spirit. We are His, so we need to honor Him with our bodies.

My decision to quit being a lingerie model had to do with choosing to honor the Lord with my body. Modeling sexy lingerie was something that brought me attention, but I realized it was encouraging people to look at me in a way that wasn’t godly. Plus, I was taking something God intended to be sacred between a husband and a wife and making it public.

Even if we’re not on the runway, we all have a tendency to dishonor our bodies. Some of us have starved ourselves in an attempt to get thinner and reach a worldly ideal of beauty. Some of us have cut ourselves or used harmful substances or given our bodies away cheaply in an effort to get someone’s attention. But we are worth more than that! God has given us our bodies, and His Holy Spirit lives within them. They are good, they are beautiful, and they are His. They are to be used to bring God glory.

What things in your life do you need to change to more consistently honor God with your body?

What does it mean to let your body be a living sacrifice to God?

True beauty tip: God created your body, and it brings Him glory when you honor Him with it.

Day 10


O LORD, what a variety of things you have made!

In wisdom you have made them all.

The earth is full of your creatures. . . .

May the glory of the LORD continue forever!

The LORD takes pleasure in all he has made!

PSALM 104:24, 31, NLT

I’VE ALWAYS BEEN an outdoor girl. I love being out in nature, and I’m amazed at the incredible variety in God’s creation. He could have kept it simple when He created the universe, but instead He came up with a mind-boggling array of plant and animal life.

The Lord took that same creativity and applied it to people, too. With more than seven billion people alive today, no two have the same fingerprints. (Not even identical twins!) No two have exactly the same personality, attitudes, or gifts. So with all that God-given variety in the world, why do we expect we all should fit into the same mold when it comes to our appearance?

Psalm 139 says that God knit each of us together in our mother’s womb. He made us the way we are on purpose—and He takes pleasure in all He has made. He sees us as beautiful, and He is working in our lives to make us even more beautiful in His eyes. That has nothing to do with our measurements or our wardrobes and everything to do with the way we are becoming more and more like Christ.

As we become conformed to His image, we begin to show more evidence of the fruit of the Spirit—things like joy, peace, and patience. We begin to respond to others with the love of Christ. And that’s beautiful.

In what ways do you sometimes wish you fit the “ideal” mold?

How can you celebrate the unique way God created you?

True beauty tip: God made you uniquely beautiful.

Day 11


You have searched me, LORD,

and you know me.

You know when I sit and when I rise;

you perceive my thoughts from afar.

PSALM 139:1-2

HAVE YOU EVER SEEN an ad where the model looked incredible and thought, That can’t be real? Most likely, it wasn’t. Photoshop is the modeling industry’s best friend. It’s not enough that models starve themselves, wear tons of makeup, and sometimes even resort to surgery to fit some crazy ideal of beauty. On top of all that, some computer program is probably making their thighs thinner, their necks longer, their lips plumper, their skin smoother. Then others see that image and try to live up to an ideal that isn’t even real.

So much of what the world says is beautiful is just fake. But as Christians, we’re called to be people of truth. I don’t want to get caught up in presenting an image that’s false. After all, the Bible reminds us that God knows each one of us inside and out. He not only knows what we look like without makeup, He knows who we are deep inside—our thoughts, our feelings, our insecurities, our imperfections. We don’t have to hide from Him. He sees us fully, and He loves us completely.

Instead of getting stuck trying to be someone we’re not, we need to celebrate the women we are—the authentic, real women God has created us to be.

In what ways do false ideas of beauty affect you?

How could you be more authentic in the way you look or in the ways you interact with others?

True beauty tip: God knows and loves the real you.

Day 12


I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes.


WHEN I WAS A TEEN, I thought modesty meant wearing long, shapeless dresses or other hopelessly old-fashioned clothes. Who would want to look that unappealing? I wanted to look good, and I wanted others to notice me. That was my attitude until God convicted me and I started rethinking the whole idea of modesty.

Modesty is partly about the clothes we wear, but it’s also an attitude. I’m learning that being modest means not dressing to get attention. It also means not using sex appeal to make men notice me. I’ve done photo shoots where I was fully clothed but still immodest—because the purpose was to use sex to sell a product.

The apostle Paul lays it on the line when he tells women not to seek attention from what they wear, but instead to let their service to God be what sets them apart and makes them appealing. When we dress provocatively, we’re devaluing ourselves because we’re encouraging others to ignore everything about us except our external appearance. I want my clothes to reflect my true value as a woman—someone who is trying to be beautiful both inside and out.

Think honestly about the way you dress. What are you encouraging others to focus on when they look at you?

What can you do this week to make your outward appearance reflect your inner value?

True beauty tip: Develop an attitude of modesty.


Day 13


Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.

1 JOHN 2:15-16

LIFE HASN’T CHANGED that much since those words were written some two thousand years ago. Back then the world was focused on physical pleasure, materialism, and personal success—and it still is today. The details may be different, but we still face the challenge of combating the lies our culture feeds us and the cravings it builds in us.

Many of us find ourselves craving the material things this world can offer. When I was first married, I had left New York and was content to put an end to my modeling career. But the moment my mother-in-law showed me the entry form for the Victoria’s Secret contest, all of my cravings for fame and attention returned in full force. I was so focused on the here and now that my love for God started to get crowded out.

When we keep God at the forefront of our minds, we’ll be protected from many of the lies our culture tries to feed us. We’ll remember that He is what is most important in life. Our relationship with Him—not fame or pleasure or attention—is what will last.

What cravings do you have for worldly things?

How would a focus on eternal things change your priorities?

True beauty tip: Only what God offers us will last.

Day 14


See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.


WHEN I LOOK BACK on my modeling career, I can’t believe it took me so long to realize that some of my jobs were inappropriate. But the truth is, I fell victim to the “hollow and deceptive philosophy” that Paul talks about in Colossians. I convinced myself that doing a topless shoot was okay if nothing showed. I bought the lie that since men might look at me lustfully even when I was fully clothed, it didn’t matter if I posed provocatively. I was blinded by human thinking.

It’s easy for us to get caught up in the world’s way of looking at life. If we’re not careful, we’ll suddenly find ourselves agreeing with a lot of things that are clearly contrary to God’s Word. We’ll live as if today is all that matters and as if accumulating things is the point of our existence. We might even think that God’s primary purpose is to bring us material success and happiness. We’ll lose our way and move farther and farther from God’s redemptive truth.

We need to evaluate our attitudes in light of Scripture. Our perspective needs to be aligned with Christ’s so we can become more and more like Him. He is the standard—our real model.

In what areas have you compromised your standards to look like the world’s?

In what ways do you need to be intentional about imitating Christ?

True beauty tip: Let Christ be your standard.

Day 15


God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


HAVE YOU EVER FELT like you weren’t quite good enough just as you are? Maybe someone told you that you would look so good—if only you would lose ten pounds or dye your hair. Maybe someone told you that you would succeed—if only you would work harder or practice more. I’ll never forget when my young cousin watched me get ready and said, “I think I want to stop eating so I can look like you.” At age eight she had already internalized the message that she could be beautiful if only she changed something about herself.

If only hammers home the point that the only way we’ll be okay is if we change. It tells us that the way we are now is not good enough.

The amazing truth is that God doesn’t expect us to be good enough. He doesn’t ask us to clean ourselves up before we come to Him; He sent Jesus to die even when we were still stuck in our sin. He knows we aren’t good enough, but in His mercy He makes us more than good enough. In fact, He makes us holy in His sight!

If you have asked His forgiveness, you can stop trying so hard to measure up. All you need to do is rest in His lavish, unwavering love.

In what situations do you feel you don’t measure up?

How might your perspective change knowing that God makes you “good enough”?

True beauty tip: God’s forgiveness makes you “good enough”!

Day 16


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


I’LL NEVER FORGET when my agent told me she didn’t want to see me again until I’d lost weight. Devastated, I went home and stared at myself in the mirror, convinced I was fat. But it was a lie. I was ignoring what I knew to be true and buying into the world’s view of beauty. I was being conformed.

We have to discover the difference between being conformed and being transformed. When we’re being conformed to the world, we become just like it. We stop trusting our own judgment. We don’t even believe our own eyes when we look in the mirror! We measure our bodies, our perspectives, even our opinions against the way we’re “supposed” to look or think. We lose our individuality.

God has created us not to be clones, but to be unique individuals. He wants to change the way we think so we’ll stop worrying about fitting in. He wants to lead us to something better—His will for our lives, which is good and pleasing and perfect. He has our best interests at heart. Through His grace, He will transform us into new people—the women He created us to be.

In what ways have you allowed yourself to be conformed to the world’s standards?

What are some ways you would benefit from being transformed by God?

True beauty tip: Be transformed, not conformed.

Day 17


Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.


IN OUR TECHNOLOGY-SATURATED ERA, we can be connected with popular culture just about every waking moment. We can get updates of celebrity news, keep up with fashion magazines, and measure our own popularity based on the responses we get on social media. The messages we receive every day begin to define us, yet so few are focused on anything meaningful.

When I was living in New York, I found myself slipping away from my faith and losing my identity. I realize now that I was spending almost all of my time focused on my career and almost no time in God’s Word. But I recognize now that the only way we can stay grounded in the midst of those media messages is to read and study the Bible.

When we surround ourselves with God’s Word, we get to know His voice. We begin to learn what He wants for us and from us. And the more we know Him, the more effectively we’re able to evaluate the other messages we receive. When we’re grounded in God’s Word, we won’t be swayed by a magazine article telling us how we should think or look. Our roots will grow deep into Christ, our faith will be strong, and our lives will overflow with thankfulness.

What is defining you?

How can you become more grounded in God’s Word?

True beauty tip: Let the roots of your life grow deep into Christ.

Day 18


“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”


WE’RE ALL LOOKING FOR SECURITY. In the midst of our crazy, fast-paced culture, we want something we can count on, something that will stay the same. But the sad truth is that at some point or another, people will fail us.

As I moved into my teen years, I longed for the closeness I’d once had with my dad, but with his heavy work schedule and other stresses, he and I gradually drifted apart. When I dated Jake, I wanted so badly to trust him and to believe he’d be there for me no matter what—but he let me down. Until I discovered Christ, I didn’t know where to find the kind of security I needed.

Jesus is the only One who will stick by us no matter what. Everyone else will change, but God never will! The Bible tells us that He has always existed and He always will. He is the beginning and the end. Nothing can change Him, and nothing can change His love for us. He is our rock, the unchanging, almighty God.

Who or what are you counting on for your security?

What comforts you about knowing God never changes?

True beauty tip: You can depend on God, who never changes.


Day 19


Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

ROMANS 8:5-6

WHEN MOST PEOPLE hear the word idolatry, they assume it applies to people who worship man-made statues. But that’s not the whole picture. The Bible says that anything that rules our lives is an idol. God is meant to have first place in our lives, so when we put anything else there, we’re making an idol of it.

For much of my life, my desire to make it big in modeling was my idol. That directed almost every decision I made—like the choice to move to New York when I was sixteen or the decision to have a provocative photo taken so I could be represented by a top agency. My desire to be successful took over and moved me far from God. But when I let go of that desire, I found God’s purpose for me. Once Jesus became my treasure, the rest of my life fell into place.

We can live by our fleshly desires and the idols that control our hearts, or we can live transformed lives, where Christ is our hearts’ treasure. One way leads to a life that’s shallow and ultimately unsatisfying. The better way leads to peace and a sense of purpose.

What things have become idols in your life?

What would it look like for you to turn those things over to God?

True beauty tip: Make Jesus your heart’s true treasure.

Day 20


No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.


I’LL NEVER FORGET the day I realized I was going to have to quit my dream job. My whole modeling career, I’d wanted to become a Victoria’s Secret model, and I’d finally made it. Yet I’d started to feel more and more uncomfortable in that world. God was opening my eyes to the fact that I couldn’t glorify Him in my life while at the same time taking modeling jobs that compromised His values. The disconnect was too great, and if I kept trying to do both, I would end up despising one. I had to choose. Would I serve the world, or would I serve God?

If we keep trying to serve two things, our consciences will bother us at first. But the more we ignore them, the less sensitive they’ll become. And that’s a dangerous path to start down. Eventually, if we keep choosing to serve the world, we won’t bring any glory to God in the way we’re living.

It’s a tough choice to make, but we can ask God to help us. He will give us the wisdom to make the right decision, and He will give us the courage to act on it. In the end, it will be more than worth it to serve only Him.

In what ways are you trying to serve both God and the world?

What changes do you need to make that will help you be more focused on serving God?

True beauty tip: Serve God alone.

Day 21


Joyful are people of integrity,

who follow the instructions of the LORD.

Joyful are those who obey his laws

and search for him with all their hearts.

They do not compromise with evil,

and they walk only in his paths.

PSALM 119:1-3, NLT

THIS PSALM SAYS that people of integrity refuse to compromise with evil. Most of us believe that, but it doesn’t change the fact that it can be so tempting to give in—even on things we strongly believe in.

Many times we compromise because we’re so focused on the outcome we want. We lose the perspective to evaluate the steps it will take to get there. When I was in high school, I wanted love and attention so badly. My main goal was to remain Jake’s girlfriend, and because I was so focused on that, I was driven to do things that were against my convictions. Ultimately, compromising only brought me pain and guilt.

It’s only when we live a life of obedience to God—searching for Him and staying on His path—that we will find joy. Not because everything will automatically go our way, but because we will be living the way God intended. We’ll be pursuing things that please Him, and that’s the only way we’ll find true satisfaction.

Which of your goals do you think are pleasing to God?

How can you develop more integrity in your life?

True beauty tip: We can find joy in doing what’s right.

Day 22


Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

HEBREWS 12:1-2

IMAGINE YOU’RE RUNNING a long race and you’re starting to get tired. When you look down, you realize that you’re carrying a five-pound weight in each hand, and you have a heavy pack strapped on your back. A rope is wrapped around your ankles, and it’s making you trip. What would you do? You’d immediately get rid of the stuff that’s slowing you down, right?

That’s a great image to remember when we feel God prompting us to give up something that is pulling us away from Him. When we sense that God might want us to let go of something that’s precious to us—maybe a dream that’s getting in the way of our walk with Christ—our instinct is to hold on even more tightly. But the truth is, if something is tripping us up in the race of faith, it doesn’t matter how much we want that thing. It’s only holding us back, pulling us farther away from Jesus. When we have the courage to throw it aside and follow Him, just think how freely we’ll be able to run.

What is one thing that’s holding you back in your race of faith?

What’s the first step you can take in letting go of that thing?

True beauty tip: Throw aside your burdens and run the race of faith.

Day 23


He does not punish us for all our sins;

he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.

For his unfailing love toward those who fear him

is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.

He has removed our sins as far from us

as the east is from the west.

PSALM 103:10-12, NLT

IN THE MODELING WORLD, airbrushing is the gold standard. The model has a blemish? Fix it electronically. The model’s thighs look too big? Thin them digitally. Problems get covered up. They’re still there, but no one can see them.

That’s the way a lot of us think about the things we’ve done wrong. The best the world can offer is a way to cover up our sins and pretend they don’t exist. But all of us who have felt guilt over a sin we’ve committed know that approach just isn’t enough. No matter how much we try to distract ourselves, no matter how hard we try to cover it up, we know the problem is still there. We can’t get away from it.

If it weren’t for God, we’d be stuck with our guilt forever. But His forgiveness offers so much more. He alone is capable of taking away our sin and guilt. This psalm says that God removes our sins from us—as far as the east is from the west. That’s much better than airbrushing. Praise the Lord for His forgiveness!

What sin or bad decision in your life do you still feel guilty about?

What is holding you back from accepting God’s forgiveness?

True beauty tip: God’s forgiveness removes your sins completely.

Day 24


We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.


WHEN IT COMES to our walk with the Lord, it’s tempting to do the bare minimum. We know we’ve got the most important thing covered—salvation—so we’re sometimes content with a faith that doesn’t really change the way we live. For years, I thought Christianity mostly meant that God wanted me to be happy. I didn’t understand that true faith goes far deeper.

Jesus told His disciples that He had come to bring full, abundant life (see John 10:10). He wants to give us more than the bare minimum—more joy, more freedom, more purpose. That’s what the apostle Paul is talking about in these verses from Colossians. His prayer isn’t for fame or professional success, but for God’s will and spiritual wisdom. Our prayer should be the same—that our lives would honor God and that we would grow to know Him more and more.

We need to let God keep working in us to make us the women He created us to be. As we do, we’ll be filled with a peace and a sense of purpose we’ve never had before.

What do you think an abundant life looks like?

What choices can you make this week that will help you get to know God better?

True beauty tip: The only way to a satisfying life is to know God.


Day 25


We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment.


STRONG CHARACTER doesn’t just happen automatically when we start following Christ. As Paul writes in Romans 5, often it’s through our struggles that our character is strengthened. That’s certainly been true for me. It was in the craziness of the Victoria’s Secret competition that I was able to share my faith with others, and it was when I experienced the turmoil of the modeling world that I found the strength to take a stand for what was right.

As our character develops, we won’t view every personal setback as a catastrophe. Instead, we’ll be able to see our circumstances through the lens of hope, knowing that someday God will redeem this world and make all things new. That gives us the perspective we need to face every challenge.

As we grow into women of character, we start realizing that life isn’t just about us. We become aware of the needs around us, and we learn to respond with compassion. And ultimately God will use our struggles to create stronger faith in us. That’s true character.

As you look back over your life, what challenges have strengthened your character?

What would it look like to rejoice in the midst of a trial you’re facing now?

True beauty tip: Our character is strengthened through struggles.

Day 26


Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.


ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING things about living for Christ is that God allows us to work with Him to share His love with the world. It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve realized God can use me, and I’m already amazed at the opportunities He has put in my path.

God took my circumstances as a Victoria’s Secret Runway Angel, including the less-than-perfect decisions that led me there, and used them for His glory. Now He’s allowing me to be a wife, a stepmom, and a role model for young women, and I love it. I always believed I was born to walk the runway, but to be honest, I’ve never felt more fulfilled.

God has given you the privilege of joining Him too. That will look different for each person, depending on your gifts and the needs around you. But no matter what your gifts—even if you think you don’t have any—God can use you! He can accomplish more through you than you could ever imagine.

How do you think God might want to use you and your gifts?

How do you see God working in the world around you? How could you join in?

True beauty tip: God is working through you.

Day 27


She is clothed with strength and dignity;

she can laugh at the days to come.


STRENGTH AND DIGNITY—those are two characteristics I want to define my life. A strong woman has courage. She is not swayed by what others think; she trusts God and makes decisions based on what is right. I’ve lacked that strength at many times in my life, and I’ve had to deal with the consequences of choices I made because I was too worried about pleasing people. Having a strong character means we let God—not our own fears or emotions—guide us.

A dignified woman knows what she’s worth. She doesn’t beg for attention or desperately seek others’ approval. She knows she is loved by God, and she responds by serving God and others. That’s the kind of dignity God will help us attain when we put Him first in our lives.

One of the encouraging parts of this verse is that the woman described in Proverbs 31 doesn’t struggle to develop these characteristics on her own. God Himself clothes her with strength and dignity! He gives us what we need before we even ask. He will equip us to accomplish the tasks He puts in front of us.

Who are some women you know who fit this description of strength and dignity?

How is God developing strength and dignity in your life?

True beauty tip: A strong woman trusts in God.

Day 28


Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

1 TIMOTHY 4:12

SOMETIMES WE FEEL as if our individual choices don’t matter, as if no one notices what we do. But the truth is, others are watching us. When I tweeted about quitting modeling, I was amazed by the comments I got from teen girls who read my story and were challenged to think about how they dressed or how to honor God with their bodies. It wasn’t until I had a change of heart that I realized how God might use me as a positive influence. Not because there’s anything special about me, but simply because Christ shines through me.

All of us have an opportunity to influence those around us—whether they’re our family members and friends, people in our communities, or even random strangers who happen to cross our paths. God calls us to be an example to others—no matter our age.

Being an example doesn’t mean we have to be perfect. No one is. But, with God’s help, we will be able to show other people what it looks like to live a life dedicated to Christ. When we love others, choose our words carefully, make wise choices, and live in purity, we will be role models for those who might be watching.

Who in your life might be looking at you as an example?

What could you do this week to be a better influence?

True beauty tip: Be a role model for those around you.

Day 29


The eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,

on those whose hope is in his unfailing love. . . .

We wait in hope for the LORD;

he is our help and our shield.

PSALM 33:18, 20

WE OFTEN THINK that fearing the Lord means being afraid and cowering before Him—like a guilty person in front of a powerful judge. It’s true that fearing God means we stand in awe before Him because we recognize how powerful and holy He is. Yet fearing God also involves trusting Him. We don’t need to be afraid of Him because we know His character. He is great, but He also is good. He is powerful, but He also is full of love. He is holy and perfect, but He also came to earth in human form so He could be our Savior.

For me, fearing the Lord meant realizing that God deserved to be in control of every aspect of my life—not just in what I did outside of modeling. It meant that I had to let Him take His rightful spot as Lord of my life. I had to let go of my attempts to run my own life and learn to rely on Him completely.

When we fear the Lord and put all our hope in Him, we don’t have to fear anything else.

How do you view God? Do you see Him as Someone to fear or Someone to trust?

What is one change you need to make to let God be in control of your life?

True beauty tip: Trust in the Lord and in His love.

Day 30


Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;

but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Honor her for all that her hands have done,

and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

PROVERBS 31:30-31

I THOUGHT I’D RECEIVED the greatest possible reward when I won the Victoria’s Secret Runway Angel competition. I had professional success, money, and lots of attention, but it didn’t take me long to realize it all was hollow. The rewards I’ve gained since I went public with my decision to quit modeling have been totally different—and far more satisfying.

As I’ve shared my story about how God has worked in my life, one of my greatest privileges has been encouraging the girls and young women I’ve met along the way. I want them to be able to accept the way God made them and to pursue the inner beauty that comes from following Him. Those rewards are worthwhile because they’re rewards that will last.

This passage from Proverbs 31 says that a woman who fears the Lord will receive praise, but this isn’t the shallow praise that comes from looking a certain way. It’s genuine, heartfelt appreciation from those who have been touched by our lives and have seen our love for God affect everything we do. No matter how hard we work at our appearance, physical beauty will fade with time. But no one can take away the inner beauty that comes from loving God and loving others. That’s a reward that will last forever.

What rewards are you most focused on receiving?

What’s one thing you can change in your life to concentrate on inner beauty?

True beauty tip: The best reward comes from loving God.