Day 1


Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!


GOD STIRS HIS prophets whenever there is darkness. Just look around at all that is stirring in the earth, and it’s easy to see that the light of God is needed now more than ever. God uses His prophets to shine His light in places of darkness, dispelling wickedness and all kinds of oppression. From nations to communities to individuals, those who are in darkness need light. Those in darkness need to hear the voice of the Lord.

Prophets and intercessors, there is a new glory coming upon you. There is a new honor and favor coming upon you. Those who have been ignored and oppressed are now coming forth. Those who have been in despair are now being encouraged. There is a global community of prophets that is being challenged and called. They are in every nation and city. They will not be hidden anymore. The nations will see you. Your cities will hear you. The churches will acknowledge you. Prophet, your light has come.

You may have felt like you have been in the dark, you may not have understood your true calling, you may have been hindered by religion and tradition in the past, but no more. It is time for you to see. It is time for you to come out of the dark and out of the caves.

As the Lord moved upon Obadiah to hide and feed one hundred prophets escaping Jezebel (1 Kings 18:4), God has also sustained you in the cave. He has fed you bread and water. He would not let you die. But it is time to come out of the shadows. It is time to fulfill your call.

Fresh oil is coming from heaven. God is pouring it out upon His prophets and intercessors. God has seen you, and your cup will overflow.

But my horn You have exalted like the horn of the wild ox; You have anointed me with fresh oil.

—PSALM 92:10

There is a fresh anointing coming upon you. You may have been anointed once before, but get ready for something new. David was anointed three times. Each anointing took him to another level of power and authority.

Get ready for new levels of power and authority. Get ready for a new flow of prophecy. Your utterances will get stronger and deeper. Your ear will become more sensitive to the voice of God.

You shall arise, and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favor her, indeed, the appointed time has come.

—PSALM 102:13

This is the set time of favor. This is the set time to arise and shine. This is a new season for the prophets. The winter is over. Your spring season has arrived.

The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.


God loves His prophets. He has seen your condition. Hear Him speaking to you now to arise and shine. Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

The world needs prophetic voices. Prophetic ministry is more than giving a word. Prophets help the body of Christ stay in tune with what the Spirit of God is doing. The tendency of men and movements to get off track in a short period of time is confirmed in the Bible and in the history of the church. The prophet is the one who warns and calls men and movements to get back on track.

During times of intercession and corporate prayer we like to pray for revival. We like for God to move. We pray for a new season, a fresh anointing, or confirmation of a new direction for our ministries. Prophets help to ensure that we stay on track with the specific movement God has ordained for the body of which we are members.

Men and movements can

Prophets, along with other ministry gifts, are a sign of God’s presence in the church (Ps. 68:18). Whenever God’s presence departed from Israel in Old Testament times, one mark of His departure was that there was no longer any prophet among them.

We do not see our signs; there is no longer any prophet, nor is there among us any who knows how long.

—PSALM 74:9

When there are no prophets, there is a famine.

The time is coming, says the Lord GOD, when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. They will wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they will run back and forth to seek the word of the LORD, but they will not find it.

—AMOS 8:11–12

Let the famine be broken over cities and regions where there is no prophetic release.

The earth has groaned for your appearing. It is time to fulfill your call. It’s time to pray. It’s time to prophesy. It is time to arise and shine!


The Lord is setting a flame to His prophets around the globe.

They are coming forth with power.

It is time to arise.

They are coming out of the cave.

It is a new day of boldness, so now come forth.

It is time to arise.

You will no longer hide; you will now speak forth.

God has seen your tears; it is time to arise.

He has heard your prayers; you have not been forgotten.

The day of hiding is over.

It is time to arise.

You now know who you are.

Let there be no more confusion.

I have called you by name.

It is time to arise.

You are special to Me, a new breed set apart.

I do not reject you.

It is time to arise.

Hear Me when I call you.

And now, obey My voice.

Your God is now speaking.

It is time to arise.

My friends, follow the example of the prophets who spoke for the Lord. They were patient, even when they had to suffer. In fact, we praise the ones who endured the most.

—JAMES 5:10–11, CEV


Father, I will obey Your call. I will not hide; I will speak forth Your word. Give me strength to bring forth my destiny as Your prophet (Isa. 66:9). Stir up my spirit to do Your will (Hag. 1:14). Let me receive visions and revelations of the Lord (2 Cor. 12:1). Let all spiritual cataracts and scales be removed from my eyes (Acts 9:18).

Lord, pour out Your Spirit upon me. Put Your words in my mouth. Let me speak Your words with confidence and boldness. Let the spirit of prophecy be released in my life, in the name of Jesus. Let me have dreams and visions by the Spirit of the Lord. Let the gifts of the Holy Spirit be released in abundance to me. May the word of the Lord grow mightily in me and prevail (Acts 19:20) in the name of Jesus.