1 an erotic sensation causing 1966 film

2 A Genesis fable, if you will.

3 Thelema. A mystery. Secret knowledge.

4 Many are.

5 See footnote 3

6 A surname for a person whose ancestors had held free status at a time when their kind were commonly held in bondage.

7 And specious as well.

8 When humans refer to “milk” it is usually produced by a species other than their own. Only humanity drank the milk of other species, or faked it, as a ritual tradition.

9 A selling point from the view of marketing. Less than 200 was considered meager. More than 200, excessive.

10 Mutualist I’d Like to Fornicate, but who isn’t? Everyone loves a Mutualist.

11 An old parlor sex game called “Fuck, Marry, Kill.” Fun.

12 The doctrine of universalism.

13 The covenant of convenience.

14 So be it. It is so.

15 Sometimes it is not only elusive as a problem but, not really hard, but difficult.

16 But the story is just beginning.

17 The doctrine of universalism.

18 Experiment on obedience to authority figures, Yale, started in 1961, published in a paper 1963, and explored in Milgram’s book Obedience to Authority: an experimental view, 1974.

19 Humble bragging at the burning bush. Whilst the bush burns.

20 A mythical creature with un-agreed upon features and drives.

21 A popular cartoon series of the early film era, when movies would be preceded by cartoons and news, among other shorts. Popeye was a sailor who became strong after ingesting industrially canned and processed spinach. He used this strength to save his great love, Olive Oil, a sickly thin woman with a baby of unknown origin, from the unwanted advances of rival sailor Bluto. The two of them serve as a false perception that a woman must be saved by a strong man from another strong man, and the false notion that there are only two opposing viewpoints. It is noted for its portrayal of all characters as homely, Bluto being the most handsomely homely. Meanwhile a side character, Whimpy, is so poor under the capitalist system he must borrow money simply to eat. This is played off as humorous, even as the poor man is portrayed as an insatiable greedy glutton.

22 As opposed to a strong mail role model, William Moore, 1963, murdered while delivering a message of racial tolerance.

23 OK is a phrase borrowed from Choctaw. Okeh means “It is so.” It was later used in a presidential election for “Old Kinderhook.” There is some disagreement.

24 Red Emma, Anarchist and Free Love advocate.

25 An archaic way to measure human aptitudes.

26 Rainy chose to leave it ambiguous whether this stands for Rock and Roll or Rest and Relaxation. In truth it was a double major.

27 Albert Einstein, Why Socialism?, Monthly Review, May 1949, where he said, “free and unhindered discussion of these problems has come under a powerful taboo.”

28 A screen siren who appeared nude in Ecstasy, 1933, before the restrictive Hays Code dulled films. Later she became a prolific and respected inventor, enlisting the help of her friend the avant-garde composer George Antheil to help her create frequency hopping spread spectrum, a difficult to implement technology at the time which became a boon to the field of computer networking.

29 Her mother was hard rocker Alice Cooper and her father was HAL, who would later be used to create the voice of an early space voyaging vehicle of note.

30 Today, more and more, LED.

31 They hiss and sigh as they pretend to be as they once were.

32 A euphemism for termination. “Letting one go” makes it seem as if you are doing one a favor; or allowing them to leave. As in: “He wanted to leave, so with a heaviness of heart and a glee in my pocketbook I let him.”

33 Scientist on the fringe. Inventor of a sex energy machine tried out once by Albert Einstein.

34 That same said machine.

35 Theoretical physicist, raconteur, and painter of nudes.

36 A very bad man with extremely bad ideas appealing to the sort of people to whom truly bad ideas appeal to. He ate a lot of sausages and sweets, farted a lot, and lied about being a vegetarian at the suggestion of his head propagandist, who specialized in manipulative lies.

37 All over again.

38 The most well-known science fiction fix-up written by Ray Bradbury. The second most well-known science fiction fix-up is City by Clifford D. Simak. A fix-up includes previous stories, fixed.

39 She recorded the song while in Jamaica having recorded commercials for the Jamaican tourist industry. Suddenly, the US government froze assents from moving in and out of the country in retaliation for Jamaicans having democratically elected a socialist government. True was forced to either leave with no payment or spend the money in Jamaica. She booked recording studio time, hired musicians, recorded More More More and it became a hit. Soon after she stopped starring in pornographic films.

40 Especially without consent.

41 Dionysus was a Motherfucker.

42 Forever awaiting Xtian love.

43 Her name was Ginger and she was fed up with having the door closed on her. She was actionable. Oh well, to the next the glorious possibilities inherent in life. All she wants is to throw off the toga.

44 All over all over again. More More More.