A THOUSAND REGRETS ROSE IN ASHER’S THOUGHTS AS HE WATCHED Claudia walk away. He shouldn’t have told her so much—but she had been trying to draw him away from the coming confrontation, and he could not allow anyone to weaken his resolve. And he had not lied to her, not once. He certainly wasn’t about to lie about something as important as the world’s destiny. He would not have lied about his own destiny, either . . . had she asked.

He moved into his sitting room, walking on legs that felt as heavy as stone. He thought of opening a window to let some fresh air into the dusty space, but a trace of Claudia’s perfume lingered in the atmosphere and the night breeze might have driven it away.

He breathed deeply of the floral scent and sat down at his desk, lost for a moment in memories. She had looked at him with fear in her eyes, and she had lied to him just before leaving. He hadn’t earned a day off— but he might have lost his job. He would have to report to work in the morning as usual and carry on as if nothing was amiss. Claudia would be embarrassed to be caught in a lie, but he couldn’t risk losing his position now.

Sighing, he pulled his journal to him and began to write:

Today I spoke with Claudia Fischer about the Antichrist. Her unbelief is as deeply rooted as that of the ancient Greeks, and, like them, she finds the concept laughable. But she did not laugh in my face like the others. Our friendship—as tenuous and new as it is— would not allow her to do so.

Despite her unbelief, I am even more convinced that Santos D. Justus is the one spoken of by the prophets. Today we learned that we are to spy upon three heads of government who might be resisting him. Is this not a clear reference to the three heads the Antichrist will overcome in his rise to power? It is yet early and not all the prophecies have been fulfilled, but I must confront him before his heart is so hardened he cannot change.

There are so many signs that point to Justus and the end. The Scriptures foretell that the evil one will worship the god of forces, of military might, and Justus heads a military organization even while he speaks of peace. Nations are listening to him; men are coming to heap praises upon his head.

I waited too long with the others, but God has been merciful. In this age of international communication and information, I have been able to see the signs as they unfolded, before the root of corruption could flower into fullness.

May God give me the strength to do what I must. And may he help me to know if and when I should be more honest with Claudia Fischer.