How Google's CEO did his interview when he was first hired in 2004!

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google LLC, said the following when visiting a university:

"So, I remember doing my interviews during the day and people kept asking me 'what do you think of Gmail?' But I hadn't had the chance to use it. I thought it was an April Fools' joke. So, in my first three interviews, I couldn't answer it well because I hadn't used the product. It was only in the fourth interview when someone asked me: 'Have you seen Gmail?' that I said 'no.' He actually showed it to me. And then the fifth interviewer asked 'What do you think of Gmail?' And I was able to start answering it then. And in the final four interviews, I actually told them about what I thought of Gmail and how to improve Gmail. And that's my interview experience."

According to CNBC, Sundar Pichai was able to succeed at interview as he was able to display intellectual humility, give a reason with a story behind it, and redirect the conversation. You can read more about the story here: