New News


Following a quick rap on the door, Mike Stone was excited to see Marco Tancredi and Armando Camarillo. After closing the file he had been reading, he motioned to his secretary to usher the two men into his office. Within seconds, she was back, followed by the streetwise executive and his Cuban partner.

“Marco, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?”

Familiar with Mike’s preference to come right to the point, Marco said, “Armando has continued to analyze more of the notes his people have been collecting. Yesterday, he brought me some new notes that appear to contain some very interesting new information. Armando, why don’t you explain what you think you might have discovered.”

The younger man spread a rolled-up sheet of paper across Mike’s immaculate desk. Affixed to the paper organized in a gridlike pattern were more than a dozen of the executive’s discarded notes.

“It’s actually several new developments,” said Armando. “First, it looks like McWilliams and company are planning to shut down their Mexican operation. They have concluded if someone is prepared to go to all the trouble and expense required to prepare the brief Don Cerreta presented in that hearing, they need to concern themselves about the risk of discovery.

“According to these notes, I think we have to assume they have decided to pursue a different plan.

“Knowing someone is aware of their plan and is committed to opposing their efforts, you and Miss Cummins were spotted leaving the congressional hearing room. Knowing your association with the Sentinels, they suspect you and the others might be involved. Apparently, at least three of the lawyers are aware of the Sentinels and their efforts to solve other problems. Mr. McWilliams has been authorized to hire some kind of a special security company to identify who is attempting to oppose them and eliminate their source of resistance.”

Leaning back in his big chair, Mike said, “They picked up our scent faster than I expected. The original Six Sentinels are no strangers to private security companies. They know where to find us. We need to alert the others. In the meantime, we need to start thinking about developing our own source of protection. Asking the White House for assistance from the Secret Service may not be an option. Until we know, for certain, how deep the military-industrial influence has penetrated into the government, I suggest we consider other alternatives.”

Responding to the question, Marco piped up, “I don’t know anything about the Secret Service or other governmental law enforcement agencies, but there have been times when I felt it was important that I develop my own means of protection. From time to time, some of my ‘old neighborhood friends’ have been very helpful. How would you feel if I were to explain our situation and determine if they would be willing to provide us with the protection we may need?”

Astonishment would be the word that best described Mike’s reaction. Proceeding cautiously, Marco said, “Mr. Stone, before you say no, let me explain. If, for a moment, you could disregard the unsavory nature of how some of my friends have chosen to earn a living, you might appreciate the fact they think of themselves as proud and loyal Americans, just as devoted to preserving their way of life as we are! Believe me when I say, I seriously believe how upset they will become when they learn a coalition of corporate executives is abusing the privilege of ‘Democratic Free Enterprise’ in their pursuit of selfserving agendas. Why should they regard those efforts any different than what occurs in their ‘street world’ when someone else is attempting to trespass on their territory?

“As Don may have told you, in the past, when I found it necessary to approach the people who are responsible for controlling possible conflicts between members of connected families, I have found it necessary to approach them, explain my particular situation, and seek their understanding and cooperation. On occasion, I have been pleasantly surprised by their response. They may be guilty of adhering to a strange code of justice, but it has been my experience they are smart businessmen and don’t have a lot of tolerance for situations that conflict with their best interests or those whom they care about. If you knew where to check, I think you would be impressed by some of the things they helped arrange in Italy during the last war. I have been told about their efforts to help the OSS establish the cooperation of the Italian underground resistance. Your friend Mary Wheeler Clarke will explain their role in negotiating the Italian surrender and their effort to broker a deal with the German generals had their assassination attempt on Hitler not failed. With your permission, I would like to explain our situation to my friends. When they understand how these corporations are attempting to compromise the authority of our government, it is possible that they may feel as threatened as we do. Should that be the case, they could become very motivated to help us.”

* * *

MIKE HAD BEEN INVOLVED IN SOME STRANGE CONVERSATIONS, BUT nothing like this one. Never in my wildest imagination have I ever considered the idea of seeking the assistance of “organized crime” to protect me and my friends in our own government!

Unsure or not knowing how to react to Marco’s question, Mike Stone chose to stare straight-ahead and remain silent.

Observing Mike’s reaction, Marco sensed he had received the only answer Mike was willing to give. He knew that meeting had concluded.