
Thanks to my Inner Circle for their support and encouragement:

Mary Gessner, Tammy Pendergast-Lagoski, Lynne Young, Zac Weikel, Michelle Durben, Michell Prince Morgan, Karla Hanns, Susan Fryman, Larry Timm, Bonnie Traher, Mary Shipman, Rhonda Nash-Hall, Cheryl Baranski, and JoJo Sutis. God bless you all for your support and prayers.

Thanks to the incredible Janet Dowell for allowing me to use her name for a character in Deadly Echoes. Your friendship is a constant blessing, and your smile makes my day.

As always, a shout-out to my friends and editors at Bethany House, Raela Schoenherr and Sharon Asmus. Thanks for everything, ladies! The journey has been wonderful.