
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

ABO blood groups
   genetics and, 268–86, 295, 298–99
   geographical migration and, 277–83
   human evolution and, 271–72,
        275–76, 298
    Rh factor and, 269, 270–71, 274,
Adams, Robert McCormick, 82
Adamski, George, 191
Air France UFO case, 212–13
Aldrin, Buzz, 232, 234
alien abductions. See also close
    Kelly Cahill’s case, 198–204
    Travis Walton’s description, 183–84
    veracity of accounts involving,
        176–77, 184–92, 204
Amazon River, 36, 43
Anaxagoras, 6
Anderson, Mike, 80
Andrews Air Force Base, 147, 148, 152
Anunnaki race, 21
Apollo lunar missions, 232, 234–39,
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, 260–61
Armstrong, Neil, 232, 234
Arrhenius, Svante, 6
Ashland (Nebraska), 165, 169
Astronautics and Aeronautics journal,
        213, 216
astronauts. See also space program
    Edgar Mitchell interview, 248–58
    Gordon Cooper on UFOs, 242–47
    lunar missions by, 232, 234–39, 264
    UFO sightings by, 237–40, 259
Atlantic Gyre, 99, 101
Atlantis, 281, 282
Atlantis Rising magazine, 102
atomic bomb, 109, 121–22, 344
Auchetti, John, 201
Australian, The, 193, 194
autosomes, 293
Aztec civilization, 277, 282

B12 vitamin. See cobalamin
    blood group development and,
    cobalamin synthesis and, 323, 324,
        326, 327, 328
Bailey, Robert, 306
Bailey, Ronald, 315
Barnes, Harry, 146, 147–48
Barnett, Barney, 141–42
Barrow, John D., 24
Basques, 279, 280
Battle over Los Angeles, 109, 114–19
Bauval, Robert, 86
Bean, Alan, 239, 253
Beckley, Timothy Green, 242, 244
Bent Pyramid, 67
Bentwaters military base, 213–14
Berbers, 279–80, 283
Bering Strait theory, 276, 283, 300
Berliner, Don, 143
Berlitz, Charles, 141
Bermuda Triangle, 100–101
Bhagavata Purana, 335
Bible, 2, 38, 39, 283–85, 301–2
biosphere, 102–3, 341
biotechnology, 304, 310. See also
        genetic engineering
Blanchard, William, 127–28, 130,
blood groups. See ABO blood groups
Boorman, Frank, 239
Bosc, Claude, 210–11
Brady, William, 147
brainwave frequencies, 104
Brazel, Bessie, 133
Brazel, Mac, 124–25, 129, 130, 133,
Briggs, Robert, 309
Byrnes, Arthur, Jr., 162

Cahill, Kelly, 198–204
Cahokia Mounds complex, 105
Canary Islanders, 280, 282, 283
Carter, Jimmy, 261
Cavitt, Sheridan, 130, 134
Chalker, Bill, 200, 201–2
Chambers, E. W., 148
Chauffour, Valerie, 212
Chavez, Police Sgt., 160, 161, 162
Chelomey, Vladimir, 263
chimeras, 310, 313–14, 317–19
Chimpanzee Genome Project, 321
Chop, Albert M., 148–49
chromosomes, 275–76, 292–95, 296,
        321–22. See also genetics
    Egyptian, 79–81, 83
    Indus Valley, 82–83, 84, 336–40
    Sumerian, 81–85
cloning, research on, 306–10
close encounters, 176–77. See also alien
    Kelly Cahill abduction, 198–204
    Herbert Schirmer case, 165–73
    Frederick Valentich case, 193–97
    Travis Walton case, 176–77, 178–92
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
        (film), 176
cobalamin (vitamin B12), 326–30
    bacterial synthesis of, 323, 324, 326,
        327, 328
    enigma associated with, 323, 327,
    human brain growth and, 323, 324
    nutritional need for, 323, 327, 328,
cobalt, 327, 328, 329, 330
Cocklin, Howard, 146
Collins, Francis, 289
Collins, Michael, 239
Colorado River, 33, 74
COMETA Report, 206–24
    Part I: Facts and Testimonies,
    Part II: The Extent of Our
        Knowledge, 219–21
    Part III: UFOs and Defense,
Condon, Edward, 170
Condon Committee, 170–71, 172,
Cooper, Gordon, 242–47
Coral Castle, 95–100, 101
Corso, Philip, 221
Cosmic Ancestry II, 2, 303
cover-ups. See U.S. government cover-ups
Crash at Corona (Friedman &
        Berliner), 143–44
creationism, 289, 295, 303
Crick, Sir Francis, 1, 10–12, 287, 288,
        303, 345
crop agriculture, 45

D’Argenio, Bruno, 15
Darling, David J., 15
Darwin, Charles, 6, 12, 17
Dateline NBC, 248
Davenport, Charles, 148
Dawkins, Richard, 15
DeNike, John, 233
Dennis, Glenn, 140, 142–43, 145
Dholavira, city of, 337–38
directed panspermia theory, 1–3
    development of, 10–13
    human evolution and, 11, 303
Discover magazine, 143
DNA, 11–12, 38, 39, 288, 289, 296.
        See also genetics
Drake, Frank, 23
Drake Equation, 22–25
Duboc, Jean-Charles, 212
Dubose, Thomas, 138
Dunn, Christopher, 57, 69, 102
Dvuzhilini, Valeri, 226
Dyson, Freeman, 15

    cobalt deficiency on, 327, 328,
    geological/geographical features of,
    represented in Giza pyramids, 86,
    ortex field of, 99, 100, 101, 103–4
Egyptian civilization
    geographical alignment of, 35
    Great Pyramid construction and,
    lack of cities in, 78–85
Eisenhower, Dwight, 144
    description of term, 99
    Kardashev scale of, 25–26
energy vector, 101–2, 103
Enumma Elish, 334, 336, 340
Europa (moon), 10
evolution theory. See human evolution
extraterrestrial civilizations
    ancient references to, 2, 38, 39
    directed panspermia and, 1–2, 11, 16
    scientific speculations about, 18–30
extremophiles, 6, 9

FATE magazine, 98
Fermi, Enrico, 18
Fermi paradox, 18–22, 24–25, 30
Fire in the Sky (Walton), 178, 185
flying machines of India, 331–35
Fournet, Dewey, 149, 152
Friedman, Stanton T., 139, 143, 144
fusion event, 322, 325

Gantenbrink shaft, 58–59
Garland, William, 111
Gasab, Aly el, 49
Gemini space missions, 239
Genesis Race, The (Hart), 1, 38, 314,
Genesis Race theory, 16, 344
    Fermi’s paradox and, 21
    genetic intervention and, 302, 323
    Great Pyramid and, 64
    human progress and, 341
    Kardashev scale and, 30
genetically modified food, 314
genetic engineering, 304–14
    chimeras and, 310, 313–14, 317–19
    clones and, 306–10
    hybrid animals and, 310–12, 315–17,
    interspecies, 304–6, 310–12
    xenotransplantation and, 310,
    ABO blood groups and, 268–86,
        295, 298–99
    anomalous facts about human,
    Biblical view of human, 284–85
    chromosome barrier and, 292–95
    contemporary research in, 304–14
    Human Genome Project and,
    interventions based on, 284, 285,
    mtDNA and, 269, 282, 283, 287,
    mutations related to, 275, 298, 299,
    sex differences and, 291–92
    similarities in mammalian, 289–92
geographical migration, 277–83
Geological Society of America, 60
Geraci, Giuseppe, 15
Gilbert, Adrian, 86
Giraud, Herve, 209–10
Giza Plateau, 42, 46, 59, 68, 86
Giza Power Plant, The (Dunn), 57,
Giza pyramids. See also Great Pyramid
    aerial views of, 87
    measurement diagram of, 92–93
    Orion constellation theory of, 86
    three inner planets theory of, 86–94
Glendale News-Press, 117
God, 38, 284, 301–2, 341, 345
gods, 1, 38, 301, 341, 342, 345
“Gordon Cooper and UFOs”
        (Beckley), 242, 244–47
government disclosures. See also U.S.
        government cover-ups
    COMETA Report, 206–24
    Russian Roswell case, 225–27
Great Pyramid
    aerial views of, 71, 72
    challenges of building, 45–48,
    Gantenbrink shaft in, 58
    as geodetic marker, 39, 42, 62, 101,
    geographical location of, 42, 98, 106
    Japanese fiasco related to, 48, 71
    King’s Chamber in, 62–63
    modern capability to build, 70–75
    null hypothesis of, 65–66
    Obelisk fiasco related to, 49–53
    other pyramids local to, 66–67
    planet Earth represented by, 89
    problems with orthodox theories of,
        63–65, 68–69
    Sphinx dating controversy and,
    structural characteristics of, 45–46,
    technology required to create, 20,
        44, 45, 54
    theory on function of, 69–70
Gurdon, John, 309

Harappan civilization, 78, 84, 85, 336,
Hawass, Zahi, 81
Hawking, Stephen, 15
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 6
Hill, Barney and Betty, 167
Himalayan mountains, 33
Holder, Richard T., 162
Homo sapiens, 302, 303, 345
Hoover, Richard B., 15
Hoover Dam, 44, 74–75
Hopkins, Roger, 49
Hoyle, Sir Fred, 7–8, 13, 16, 345
Huffington Post, 112
human evolution
    ABO blood groups and, 271–72,
    Biblical account of, 283–85
    directed panspermia and, 11, 303
Human Genome Project, 288–89
humanzee experiment, 315–16
hurricanes, 99–100, 103
Hwang Woo-Suk, 306, 308
hybrid animals, 310–12, 315–17, 319
Hynek, J. Allen, 111, 112, 156, 162–63
hypnotic regression
    in Cahill case, 203
    in Schirmer case, 166, 171, 172, 173

    cities of ancient, 336–40
    flying machines of, 331–35
    mysterious artifacts of, 336
Indus Valley civilization, 80, 81,
        82–83, 84, 336–40
intelligent design, 303
International Space Station, 240
International UFO Reporter, 200
interstellar dust, 7–8
ionosphere, 104
Iron Pillar artifact, 336
irrigation development, 82
Isler, Martin, 50
Ivanov, Illya Ivanovich, 315–16

Japanese Great Pyramid fiasco, 48, 71
Jordan, Ted, 161
Joseph, Frank, 98
Joyce, Frank, 131
junk DNA, 289, 290–91

Kaku, Michio, 27, 29, 106, 344
Kardashev scale, 25–30, 106
Kies, Paul, 160
King, Thomas, 309
King’s Chamber, 62–63
Klyce, Brig, 15
Knox, Frank, 117, 118
Koelle, Heinz, 233
Korolyov, Sergey, 263
Kosygin, Alexi, 260
Kraft, Christopher, 237
Kratzer, Larry, 160
Krishna Murty, A. V., 333

Lakenheath military base, 213–15
Landsteiner, Karl, 269
language, 301–2
Lebeau, André, 207
Leedskalnin, Ed, 95–99
Legon, John, 92, 93
Lehner, Mark, 49, 60, 81
Lemarchand, Guillermo A., 26
Leonov, Alexey, 263
Letty, Denis, 208
life, panspermia theory of, 6–17
Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature
        (Crick), 10, 12
lightning, 103, 104
Lopez, Nep, 159–60
Los Alamos (New Mexico), 121
Los Angeles Times, 116
Los Angeles UFO sighting, 109,
Lothal, city of, 338–39, 340
Lovell, James, 239
Luckie, James, 161
Lunex Project, 233

MacDonald, James, 216
Magnetic Current (Leedskalnin), 99
Mahabharata, 332, 333, 335
Manhattan Project, 121
Marcel, Jesse, 123, 126, 127–29, 130,
        133–34, 137–38, 139
Mars, 10, 14, 38, 102, 259–60, 341
Mautner, Michael Noah, 342
Maya civilization
    geographical origins of, 282
    location of sites built by, 104, 105
Mayes, Mary G., 163
McDivitt, James, 239
McDonald, James E., 163
McHugo, John, 149
McKay, Christopher, 341
Memphis (Egypt), 79, 83
Menzel, David W., 330
Menzel, Donald, 162
Mercury, 10, 86, 89–90
Mercury Project, 242
Merv Griffin Show, 244, 246–47
Mesopotamia, 81, 82
meteorites, 10, 11, 14, 15
microwave radiation, 220
migration, geographical, 277–83
Mirage IV case, 209–10, 222
Mississippi River, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42
Mitchell, Edgar, 248–58
MJ-12 and the Riddle of Hangar 18
        (Beckley), 242
Monnet, Guy, 220
Monte, Moncel, 150
    NASA missions to, 232, 234–39,
    plans for manned base on, 233–34,
    Soviet missions to, 263, 264
Moore, William L., 141
mountain ranges, 32–33
mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA), 269,
        282, 283, 287, 295–300
MUFON Symposium, 225
Murphy, Dennis, 248–58

NASA. See also astronauts
    development of space program,
    joint ventures with Soviets, 260–62
    lowering of expectations by, 265–66
    manned lunar missions, 232,
        234–39, 264
    UFO sightings, 237–40, 259
National Enquirer, 139
Native American mound builders,
Nature Biotechnology journal, 274
Neo-Darwinists, 293–94, 303
neopanspermia, 16
New Earths (Oberg), 341
New Mexico
    atomic bomb development, 109,
    Roswell incident, 109, 120–45
Nile River, 34, 36, 42
Nixon, Richard M., 260, 263
Norlain, Bernard, 207, 208
nuclear bomb, 109, 121–22, 344
nuclear DNA, 296
Nugent, Edward, 146
null hypothesis, 65–66

    NOVA project on building, 49–53
    transported by Romans from Egypt,
Oberg, James, 341
oceanic ridge system, 33
Old Testament, 284–85, 301, 333, 336
O’Neill, Gerald K., 220
organ transplants, 310, 312–13
Orgel, L. E., 11, 12, 287, 303
Orion Mystery, The (Bauval and
        Gilbert), 86
out-of-Africa hypothesis, 276, 279,
        283, 299
overspecialization, 20

panspermia theory
    directed panspermia and, 1–3,
    list of scientific evidence for, 13–16
    origins and development of, 6–10
    scientific acceptance of, 16
paracentric inversions, 317
Pasteur, Louis, 6, 17
pathopanspermia, 16
Patterson, William, 149
pericentric inversions, 317
Petrie, Sir William Flinders, 92, 93
Phenomena Research Australia (PRA),
Pierman, S. C., 147
    COMETA report testimonies of,
    documented case of vanishing,
    UFOs observed by, 147, 148,
        149–50, 151, 153, 154
Planet of the Apes films, 310, 315, 318
    low frequency waves produced by,
    represented by Giza pyramids,
plate tectonics, 31–33
Plato, 281, 282
Pope, Nick, 221
Popovich, Pavel, 225
Porter, Robert, 135
power production, 29, 30
Project Blue Book, 111–12
    report on Socorro incident, 156–60,
    scientist’s criticism of, 163
Project Grudge, 111
Project Horizon, 233
Project Sign, 110–11
prokaryotes, 326, 327
pyramidal mounds, 105
Pyramid of the Sun, 105
pyramids. See also Great Pyramid
    Genesis Race theory and, 64
    Giza plateau, 86–94
Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, The
        (Petrie), 92

Quintanilla, Hector, 162, 163–64

Raghavan, Venkataraman, 331
Ramayana, 332, 335
Ramey, Roger, 127, 129, 132, 138,
Randle, Kevin D., 142, 173
RB-47 aircraft case, 216–19
Reagan, Ronald, 261
Red Pyramid, 66
Report on Unidentified Flying Objects,
(Ruppelt), 111
Rh factor, 269, 270–71, 274, 278–81
Ribes, Jean-Claude, 220
Rickett, Lewis, 134–35
Rig Veda, 334, 335
river systems, 33–36
Robey, Steve, 193
Roman civilization, 76–77
rope stretchers, 54, 55
Roswell Daily Record, 123–24, 127,
        129, 133, 144
Roswell incident, 109, 120–45
    atomic bomb development and,
    books written about, 141–45
    descriptions of debris from, 133–36
    government cover-up of, 127, 137–38
    military response to, 126–27,
        130–32, 136
    story of alien bodies from, 139,
        140–41, 142–43, 144–45
    UFO sighting and discovery,
        123–27, 129–30
Roswell Incident, The (Berlitz and
        Moore), 141–42, 144
Ruppelt, Edward J., 110, 111, 112, 148,
        150, 152
Russian Roswell case, 225–27

Sagan, Carl, 21, 22, 23
Samarangana Sutradhara, 333
Samford, John, 151, 152
Schirmer (Herbert) case, 165–73
Schmitt, Donald R., 142
Schoch, Robert, 60
Schulze-Makuch, Dirk, 15
Schumann resonances, 104
Schwaller de Lubicz, R. A., 59
sea algae, 329, 330
“Seeding the Universe with Life”
        (Mautner), 342
SETI project, 22
sex chromosomes, 293
Shepard, Alan, 250, 251
Shirkey, Robert, 136
Slonczewski, Joan, 306
Smith, Craig, 52, 64
Smith, Robert, 135–36
Smith, Warren, 172, 173
Socorro incident, 156–64
Socorro “Saucer” in a Pentagon Pantry
        (Stanford), 161
solar energy, 25, 26–27
solar storms, 28–29
Soul Samples (Sprinkle), 171
Soviet space program
    development of, 262–63
    joint ventures with NASA, 260–62,
space program. See also astronauts
    development of NASA and, 232–34
    lowering of expectations for, 264–65
    manned lunar missions in, 232,
        234–39, 264
    UFO sightings related to, 237–40,
    U.S.-Soviet joint ventures, 260–62,
space shuttles, 265
Spaeth, Jane P., 330
Speigel, Lee, 112, 244, 245, 246, 247
Sphinx dating controversy, 59–62
spontaneous generation, 6
Sprinkle, Leo, 171
standing waves, 104
Stanford, Ray, 161
Star Trek (TV series), 265
Steiger, Brad, 172
stem cell research, 305, 306, 308, 313
Stimson, Henry L., 118
Sumerian civilization, 21, 35, 79,
81–83, 85

technological advancement scale,
tectonic plates, 31–33
“Terraforming Mars” (McKay), 341
terraforming process, 31–39, 341–42
Tesla, Nikola, 27, 95, 104, 105
30° north latitude, 34–35
Thomson, William, 6
Three Gorges Dam, 69, 75
Tigris-Euphrates River System, 34, 35,
Tipler, Frank, 24
Tracer, Bill M., 18
Tree of Life, 39
Truman, Harry S., 150
Tunguska event, 226
Twining, Nathan, 108, 110
Type I, II, and III civilizations, 25–30
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 15

UFO Crash at Roswell (Randle and
        Schmitt), 142, 144
UFO sightings, 109–13. See also alien
        abductions; close encounters
    ancient India and, 332
    astronauts and, 237–40, 259
    biblical accounts of, 2
    Los Angeles 1942 incident, 109,
    Roswell incident, 120–45
    Schirmer case, 165–73
    Socorro incident, 156–64
    Washington, D.C., 1952 incident,
UFO Universe magazine, 242
universal genetic code, 319
University of Colorado UFO Project,
U.S. government cover-ups
    of astronaut UFO sightings, 240,
    of Roswell incident, 127, 137–38
    of Washington, D.C., UFO incident,

Valentich, Frederick, 193–97
Vallée, Jacques, 170–71
Vandenberg, Hoyt, 111
Vedas, 331, 332, 334
Venter, J. Craig, 15
Venus, 86, 88–89
Victoria, Lake, 35–36, 42
vimanas (flying machines), 331–35
viruses, 15, 271, 272–73
vitamin B12. See cobalamin
vortex fields, 99, 100, 101, 103–4
Vymanika-Shastra, 333, 335
Vyse, Richard William Howard, 68

Wainwright, Milton, 16
Waldheim, Kurt, 242
Walton (Travis) case, 178–92
    description of abduction in, 183–84
    problems with abduction scenario,
        176–77, 184–92
Washington, D.C., UFO sightings,
Washington Post, 153–54
Watson, James Dewey, 12, 288
Way of the Explorer, The (Mitchell),
We Are Not Alone (Makuch and
        Darling), 15
West, John Anthony, 59–60
Wickramasinghe, Chandra, 7–8, 13,
        15, 16, 345
Wilcox, George, 125, 126
Williams, Loring, 172
Wills, Christopher, 289, 290
Wilmot, Dan and Mrs., 123–24,
Wilson, E. O., 15
wind currents, 101, 102–3
Wlaskin, Bill, 166, 169, 172
Worden, Al, 1
world grid, 98
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 110

xenotransplantation, 310, 312–13

Yang, Xiangzhong “Jerry,” 307
Yangtze River, 34, 35, 42
Young, John, 239

Zahn, Stanley, 233
Zamora, Lonnie, 156–60, 162–63, 164
Zanjani, Esmail, 305