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The Terraformed Earth

Perhaps the greatest evidence we have that proves the case for the involvement of an extraterrestrial civilization in the genesis of life on Earth is Earth itself. We are faced with a profound mystery when we carefully and objectively examine the geography of the planet.

To begin with I present a brief summary of plate tectonics and geographical data as an important first step to set up the paradigm-shifting scenarios that follow.

The theory of plate tectonics is nowadays generally accepted by geologists. The basic thrust of the theory is that instead of being permanent fixtures of Earth’s surface, the continents and ocean basins undergo continuous change.

Both are parts of lithosphere plates that move against each other, and in the process new crust is created at midoceanic ridges (spreading centers), and old crust is consumed at convergent plate boundaries known as subduction zones.

Today, scientists have a good understanding of how the plates move and how such movements relate to earthquakes and volcanic activity. Most plate movement occurs along narrow zones between plates where the results of plate-tectonic forces are most evident. There are basically three different types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform.

Scientists believe that the size of Earth has not changed significantly during the past six hundred million years and probably not much since shortly after its formation 4.6 billion years ago; Earth’s unchanging size implies that the crust is being destroyed at about the same rate as it is being created.


Fig. 3.1. World map with earth grid

Such destruction, or recycling, of the crust takes place along convergent boundaries where plates are moving toward each other, and one plate sinks (is subducted) under another in the subduction zone.

Regardless of these complex interactions, it is now a well-established fact that Earth’s crust is broken into a dozen or so rigid slabs, called tectonic plates by geologists, that are moving relative to one another.

The various movements along differing plate boundaries cause coasts to form at the edges of a landmass and mountain ranges, plateaus, and valleys to form in the interior. For example, a collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates pushed up the Himalayas, at the same time forming the Tibetan Plateau.

Off the coast of South America, along the Peru-Chile Trench, the oceanic Nazca Plate is pushing into and is being subducted under the continental part of the South American Plate. In turn, the overriding South American Plate is being lifted up, a process that created the towering Andes Mountains, the backbone of the continent.

Because continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust, the latter always slides under the continental crust. Strong, destructive earthquakes and the rapid uplift of mountain ranges are common outcomes of these types of movements.

The Himalayan mountain range demonstrates one of the most visible and spectacular consequences of plate tectonics. When two continents meet head-on, neither slides under the other because the continental rocks are relatively light, and they, like two colliding icebergs, resist downward motion. Instead, the crust tends to buckle and be pushed upward or sideways, actions that create mountain ranges.

As interesting and dramatic as mountain ranges are, most of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. We can think of the ocean bottom as a basin-and-range environment, very similar to, yet different from, the mountain-valley continental landmasses.

There are dramatic and very extensive ridges lying under the surface of the oceans. These are thought to be the youngest portions of the ocean basins, where new ocean crust is generated through mantle upwelling and plate divergence. Taken together, the oceanic ridge system of Earth extends about sixty-five thousand kilometers (forty thousand miles) around the globe.

The continental shelf is simply the flooded edges of the continents. Although the formations of coastal boundaries and mountain ranges are complex processes, they can be understood fairly easily.

Next, rivers obey the law of gravity and flow downhill from their mountain sources to their mouths at the flooded edges of continents (deltas) and empty into a gulf or sea. The sources of the world’s major rivers are often in highly elevated or mountainous areas, but there are exceptions.

For example, the source of the Mississippi River is Lake Itasca, in Minnesota, which lies just 450 meters (1,475 feet) above sea level.

Although the world’s major rivers flow through many different types of terrain, they exhibit similar physical characteristics and biological functions. As we have seen, tectonic processes result in the uplift and formation of major mountain chains, but then the world’s major river systems help to erode those mountain ranges. They achieve this by transporting sediments from their basins to the sea through the processes of erosion, transport, and deposition.

For example, the Colorado River, located in the southwestern United States, flows through the Colorado Plateau region. The river’s world-famous canyons were created over millions of years as the river carved out and eroded its way downward through the Colorado Plateau, which was being driven upward by tectonic forces.

A river’s flow is halted when it reaches the sea, where the river deposits its sediments and creates a delta. River deltas commonly assume a triangular pattern that resembles the Greek letter delta (Δ)—a letter based on the shape of the Nile River Delta in northern Egypt. Fresh water and salt water meet in these deltas, creating some of the world’s most biologically productive habitats.

All of the above presents a rough sketch of the logical and elegant scheme of geographical and geological formation, deformation, and recycling of materials. If you are wondering, dear readers, why you find yourself in a geography or geology class, I am quickly going to cut to the chase.

As pointed out above, the tectonic and river formation schemes are not too difficult to understand. However, the final result that you will not read about in any textbooks poses a very enigmatic problem that should be addressed and solved. What is that?

The continental landmasses, rivers, gulfs, and seas converge in a band around the globe at 30° north latitude. Nothing in the plate tectonic scheme predicts that we would find this exact kind of configuration on a planetary-wide basis.

However, the Nile River flows northward from Lake Victoria to its delta and mouth at the 30° north latitude line to empty into the Mediterranean Sea. Across thousands of miles of ocean, the Mississippi River flows south from Lake Itasca to its delta, also at 30° north latitude, where it empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

East of the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates River System flows from the Taurus Mountains south to its delta and empties into the Arabian Sea, also along the 30° north latitude line, and the Yangtze River flows from west to east and empties into the East China Sea at 30° north.

It is reassuring to appreciate the generalized, and quite logical, scheme of plate tectonics and how their actions generate events that create coastal boundaries, mountain ranges, and plateaus. However, being faced with the very precise relationships between the world’s great river systems and the continental shelves is not comforting at all.

In fact, it is a wake-up call.

Why? It looks like Earth is the product of an intentional engineering program that is so sophisticated and vast that it has escaped our attention so far.

These geographical features present an astonishing reality, and that raises an almost shocking possibility at the same time. The exactitude of this global landmass-gulf relationship suggests that some kind of mathematical/geometrical force has been at work over the long, long period of the planet’s geological and geographical evolution.

(If geographers and geologists have noted this startling convergence, and that seems very probable, they have kept very quiet about it.)

The next incredible aspect of this 30° north parallel land-riversea convergence is the rapid appearance of civilization precisely at this global juncture. Is it purely by coincidence that the Egyptian civilization emerged at 30° north latitude?

We might conclude so, except that the Sumerian civilization, located in southern Mesopotamia, which is the present-day southern Iraq, was also positioned at the same latitude at the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Mayan and Olmec mound builder civilizations positioned at or near the 30° north latitude, and the most ancient Chinese civilization at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Next, yet more fascinating and revealing aspects of the relationships between Earth’s geometry and early civilizations are revealed if we switch the arbitrary Greenwich 0° latitude to 31° east longitude. This would include the Great Pyramid as well as Lake Victoria in southern Africa, which is the source of the Nile River.

Using this line as the prime meridian, a second startling reality becomes obvious: the Mississippi River Delta is exactly 120° west of the Nile River, and the Yangtze empties into the China Sea 90° east of the Nile.

Having three of the world’s major river deltas located on a single meridian, each separated by significant and geometrically precise degrees of longitude, is a significant fact. Once again, can this really be the result of nothing more than a long series of random events?

Why would these great rivers—separated by thousands and thousands of miles—exhibit such geometrically precise relationships on a global scale?

This is not the end of the story, however. In fact, Lake Victoria, the key source of the Nile River, sits on the equator—the obvious 0° latitude base. Now, since we have shifted the 0° longitude base to the Great Pyramid–Lake Victoria meridian, this makes Lake Victoria the 0° base for both latitude and longitude.

We have both geographical and biological reasons to consider Lake Victoria the navel of Earth’s surface and of its biodiversity. Why?

The lake sits in the middle of the region where the great apes and chimpanzees originated. Of course, they are considered our closest animal relatives. It is just west of the Great Rift Valley, which is home to many of Africa’s animal species. The lake itself, the largest in Africa, contains an astounding two hundred different species of fish.

The globe reveals yet another landmass-river feature; the Amazon River flows in an easterly direction from the Andes to its mouth along an undulating course that straddles the equator.

Looking at a map we can see that the Amazon points to Lake Victoria, the Nile flows north and points to the Great Pyramid, and the Nile Delta sits on the Mediterranean Sea at 30° north latitude. while the Mississippi River flows in a southerly direction and empties into the Gulf of Mexico, exactly 120° west of the Great Pyramid.

In fact, the Nile and Mississippi Rivers appear to be inverted mirror images of each other. Scientists do not seem to have paid any attention to the above facts. In addition, I have not gathered and analyzed them based on the work of any other independent researcher.

Even if geologists investigated the foregoing data, it is doubtful that it would lead to any theoretical framework at present.


Considering all of the foregoing, we have the freedom to exercise both our logical capabilities and our imaginations and to consider how Earth’s geology and geography may have come about. Given the high degree of precision—on a massive scale—we shall dismiss the idea that the geographical features were produced by an infinite series of random events.

Random events would not produce landmasses and rivers terminating at oceanic boundaries in a narrow band that encircles Earth along the thirtieth parallel. Billions of chance rolls of the geological dice simply could not create the exact geometrical features that we see on a global scale.

Just because we have no narrative capable of explaining these facts in any scientific way at present, this does not mean that there is no explanation. In addition, it also does not mean that we simply ignore these enigmas by resorting to unscientific “by chance” arguments.

The mountains, streams, rivers, valleys, deltas, gulfs, and seas are obeying an as yet unidentified set of rules, principles, and laws, just as plate tectonic movements are, that we simply neither perceive nor comprehend.

Water flows down mountainsides into valleys that gradually terminate in delta areas before emptying into a gulf or sea. However, gravity and plate tectonics together do not explain why the world’s major rivers terminate along the same parallel.

For a moment, let us take a satellite position above Earth.

I shall now posit a radical scenario that involves the operations, knowledge, and technology of an extraterrestrial civilization. Our advanced civilization needs to have evolved hundreds of millions of years before our own to have created technologies that we cannot even begin to imagine. Our civilizations, according to current dogma, are only five thousand years old, and look how far we have come in such a short time.

Project our current rate of technological advancement forward a mere million years (a nanosecond in cosmic time scales), and what would human civilization be like on Earth?

We cannot even imagine that because no one even foresaw the emergence of cell phones, iPods, and the Internet fifty years ago, so how can we possibly project forward one thousand millennia? It would be an exercise in futility, and we know it.

So whatever limits we might put on any extraterrestrial civilization would be nothing more than a reflection of the limits of our own current level of knowledge and ignorance. Could there be a civilization out there that long ago mastered interstellar space travel? I will attempt to answer that question in subsequent chapters.

That said, our posited highly advanced civilization not only mastered space travel, they also mastered the science of planetary genesis. In fact, the main mission of their civilization might be to spread life throughout the universe. (Ultimately, that may be ours, too.) To succeed, they would first have to identify solar systems with planets that have the potential to evolve life once the seeds are planted.

Are we not doing that right now with the Kepler telescope?

Taking this scenario a quantum leap further we shall also ascribe an even greater and more incomprehensible power to them. They likely have the capability of terraforming and engineering entire solar systems. In other words, our cosmic civilization has evolved technologies capable of shaping geological and geographical conditions and the various features of planets.

Is this really such a sci-fi stretch? I think not.

Right now, our scientists are considering ways to reengineer the planets in our solar system. We could plant the seeds of life on Mars. In fact, our space probes have probably carried bacteria and viruses to the red planet already. It only takes an atmosphere with some oxygen and water to get the wheels of the bacterial and viral seeds in evolutionary motion.

In my first book, The Genesis Race, the first of this series, I argued that the cultural and archaeological evidence supported the intervention of an advanced race in human evolution. Furthermore, I also posited that the human race is, in fact, a hybrid species that was developed by this advanced genesis race.

The members of that interstellar race were referred to as “gods” by our remote ancestors.

We find references to them in virtually every culture around the globe. The Bible makes numerous references to them, whenever the singular God becomes the plural gods that are involved in the genesis, evolution, and behavior modification of early humans. (In Genesis 1:26, we see, “We shall make man, male and female, in Our image and likeness”); how much more specific did they have to be?

This advanced race could have created us to carry on their work. Are we not engaged, however slowly, in creating the technology to do just that? Another point I made in the first book was the idea that our DNA is embedded with their code, so our evolution must recapitulate theirs.

This advanced civilization is not an alien race in the way we normally think of that term. They are our ancestors, humans, or at least they were as human as we are during their early evolution. At this distant point, they may be quasi-material or holographic beings that are more light and intelligence than material substance.

They may have achieved the ability to shape-shift and appear and disappear at will. Possibly, they have also realized virtual immortality as well.

Nothing in the laws of physics prevents these possible developments.

The Bible tells us that the “gods” did not want mortal, earthly humans to gain access to the Tree of Life lest they become immortal. What is the Tree of Life they referred to? That tree was set beyond the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which set humans apart from the other animals and which we did have access to.

We are long since past the garden and tasting the forbidden fruit and being barred from access to The Tree of Life (immortality). We are now in the throes of completely deciphering the genetic code: the structure of DNA and the genome (the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism). We are learning the art of bioengineering and are exploring the solar system with our (primitive) space technologies.

One thing we should always keep in mind: there are no guarantees when it comes to the survival of a species in this universe. We are now facing the constant challenges that nature presents, as well as the constant challenges our own man-made civilization presents.

At this point, we are already fully committed to the continual acquisition of knowledge and to the constant development of new technologies. Can we meet all of the unforeseen challenges and consequences that the uncertain future holds? No one knows the answer to that question.

The geological and geographical features that I raised at the opening part of this chapter may need to be addressed and understood very soon. If Earth is the product of superadvanced engineering, then the sooner we realize it, the better off we will be.


The geology and geography of Earth exhibit a high degree of geometry, which is unaccounted for by science. It could be the result of terra-forming operations conducted by an advanced, extraterrestrial race that possessed the science and technology to perform this feat. The convergence of rivers and landmasses on 30° north latitude is evidence of this operation, as are the precise distances between major rivers. In addition, the Great Pyramid appears to be a geodetic marker that points to the significance of that latitude.