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The Contact and Colonization of the Earth

I see some kind of intelligent being, like us, skipping around the universe from planet to planet as, let’s say, the South Pacific Indians do on the islands, where they skip from island to island. . . . I think that’s what the [alien] space program is all about.


This is the second book in this series. The first volume, The Genesis Race, primarily examined artifacts, sacred texts, and oral traditions from human history that tell of “gods” descending from outer space to Earth. These aliens “gods,” the Genesis Race, had as their mission to seed life on the planet and to extend their civilization through the creation of humankind.

In this volume I present the scientific basis for the theory of directed panspermia, which posits that life, via microorganisms, was shipped to Earth by an extraterrestrial civilization.

The theory was first proposed by the late Nobel Prize–winning microbiologist Sir Francis Crick, cofounder of the shape and design of the DNA molecule in the 1950s.

This book makes it clear that the concept of The Genesis Race is a theoretical framework that goes beyond the general theory and shows that there is extensive ancient and modern-day evidence of extraterrestrial involvement, contact, and colonization of the earth.

This series is not just a simple cataloging of historical and present-day enigmas and anomalies.

I examine the current state of astronomy, space exploration, astrophysics, biology, genetics, and modern-day unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings and contacts. Ancient oral traditions and texts are replete with accounts of contact with this advanced civilization. It is important to establish the fact that our human ancestors clearly made every attempt to convey for posterity the gist of their experiences with this race.

However, since they lacked any knowledge of sophisticated technology the best they could do was to describe the spacecraft as bright, shiny, luminous clouds or fiery chariots.

In the Bible, Ezekiel’s portrayal of the craft that landed in front of him is perhaps the clearest account ever given of an ancient UFO. He tells of a “humanlike” man he calls the Lord sitting inside the craft in a high-backed chair, which he describes as a throne.

For some curious reason this fact has been lost to both Judaism and Christianity. In fact, the Bible is full of references to UFO sightings and encounters, as are the oral traditions of ancient cultures such as the Dogon of northern Africa.

The recent, post–World War II rise in UFO sightings by highly credible witnesses is consistent with our earliest oral traditions and written accounts.

Directed panspermia (which I shall refer to as Cosmic Ancestry II because I have included the evidence of ET visits in the form of enigmatic, archaeological evidence to the original theory) is simply the idea that the seeds of life originated elsewhere and were deliberately shipped to earth from an extraterrestrial planet long ago. To that basic concept, I have added the evidence in support of the notion that these same extraterrestrials actually set foot on earth and intervened in human history. Cosmic ancestry and extraterrestrial visitation are not new phenomena that exist outside the bounds of science. Today, most scientists agree that the earth is not an exceptional planet, that it probably is not the only one in the universe that houses life and intelligent beings.

Hundreds of millions, if not tens of billions of planets in our galaxy alone are now projected to contain some form of life, and some of them have likely produced civilizations that evolved long before things got started on Earth.

In fact, directed panspermia (Cosmic Ancestry II), via the Genesis Race, only requires that one civilization in the entire universe triumphed over every obstacle and has been able to travel the vast expanses of space-time to transmit life to other worlds.