
Chapter 1



I knew it was too good to be true, Selene staying out of the picture. She sent me a very elaborate message written in her blood, sealed with her wax crest. The parchment was the same paper the order use to conduct business; hundreds of years old. I mean the envelope was wrapped in red ribbon, and I’m surprised it wasn’t opened by some curious human courier.

In the letter she ordered my presence at The Mill, stating she had found a suitable executive to take over, and she would also like to be formally introduced to Elizabeth. Of course that’s not going to happen. Elizabeth is fast asleep at The Shard, being watched over by Ben and Dom, unaware Selene is once again sticking her nose into my personal life. I need to find out exactly what Selene wants, and I will not risk Elizabeth coming to harm again.

As soon as I walk through the entrance of The Mill, I can hear her humming a strange tune. I slowly stroll onto the dance floor, knowing exactly where she is. Unlike making an entrance, Selene likes to make a dramatic scene.

“Why hello my sweet Adrien.” I gaze up to the fourth floor to see her sitting on the balcony rail in the moonlight, swinging her legs.

“Selene,” I greet with the confidence that she likes to see in her executives.

She drops down from the fourth floor, landing like an acrobat before me. “How is love treating you. Your scent tells me good. So, where is she?”

“She is unwell,” I lie easily. “And please don’t take offence, but I will not have you scaring the hell out of her. She had enough of that with Laurie.”

“You are disobeying me?” An excited smile spreads across her red blood stained lips.


I look down to her bare feet. Selene is a bohemian kind of vampire. She aims to look young and sweet, but in reality she is as dark as a vampire can be. She sticks to the worldwide perceptions of what we are. She’s conniving, and her bright greedy eyes are always ravenous. She circles me, swirling her forefinger across my chest and back. However, I stand strong, looking ahead to the bar.

“I will meet her, Adrien.”

“Why now?”

“She is going to be a part of our family. I ask to meet with her just once. What say we throw a masquerade for our human allies. Not a vampire in sight, apart from us.”

“You’re crazy.” I smirk.

She stands before me, beaming confidently because she knows she will have her way in the end.

I pick up the scent of blood suddenly. Human blood so faint it is barely noticeable. I have come across the odour many times before. Just like the smell of cooked steak lingers in the air hours after being consumed, this is the scent of a finished vampire feed. I glare toward the elevator.

“I hope you don’t mind.” She stops before me, tilting her head in the direction of a body.

Fuck. She’s hunted and fed off a young man. He’s lying in a pool of blood, which I am going to have to clean up. She knows this is not what we do here in London. These are the rules of the order. But Selene being Selene, will always push the boundaries. She helped create the rules, so she thinks she can break them whenever she feels like it.

“It was a long journey. I needed something with a little more kick. Don’t worry, he didn’t suffer.” She smiles up at me. “I know how you love the warm-bloods like they are pets.”

I have to hold my tongue. I don’t know how she’s going to react when she learns of mine and Elizabeth’s engagement. I never asked for her permission. At the time I didn’t see it had anything to do with Selene after she told me in Prague to be happy. That I had done enough for the order, etcetera. Love has made me blind and soft. Probably very stupid also. 

“So, are you going to ask me?” She runs her hands down my chest. “The answer is yes, Adrien. Of course you can marry your little red,” she says excitedly.

“Who told you?”

“The vigore council. They assumed I would be enraged. But I am thrilled. My favourite executive’s happiness comes before everything else. I told you this in Prague.” I bite down, staring down at her happy yet devious big eyes. “You’re welcome,” she adds.

“Selene, there better be no catch.” I know this is leading somewhere, not sure where, but she must want something in return for her approval.

“Adrien, you should be more trusting. But then I suppose it is one of the qualities about you I love. It makes you a good executive, and it’s why you are so much fun to play with.”

“I’m not your play thing Selene.”

“No, not anymore. Now you are Elizabeth’s play thing.” She’s trying to make a joke out of this meeting. “I’m sorry.” She sighs. “I just want what is best for you. You and the girl have entertained my imagination, and for that, you deserve what was taken from you. You can play house and pretend to be that hot strapping human man you once were. Now let us get on with the introductions. Oh Vincent,” she sings across the dance floor.

Out from the shadows, next to the bar, a figure emerges. A male sang, tall with skeletal features, and no charisma whatsoever. Being an executive requires approachability, mercy, and excellent communication skills. This executive has none of the above.

“What experience does he have?” My view remains fixed on Vincent, who stands there arrogantly staring at me.

“Vincent.” She turns to him, circling her fingers around his chest. “Is more than qualified. I chose him personally. Just as I chose you.”

I study Vincent’s face, trying to read what kind of executive he’d be. Maybe I am being too fussy. Once a replacement is found, I’ll be elsewhere running my own affairs anyhow.

“Have you lost the ability to talk?” I ask him, but he just continues to eyeball me, and I’m sure I see a smirk.

“I am more than capable of running this city,” he says, taking a step closer to me.

“And where is your coven? You state you’re capable, but no executive can run the blood in this city without help.” I also take a step closer.

“Adrien, this is tedious. You and Vincent are my sired. You are like Brothers.” Selene waves her hand at Vincent. Like a loyal dog he walks by me and out of the entrance, leaving Selene and I alone. “So, you are to show Vincent the ropes. I will trust you will sort out our little engagement masquerade party. Let’s say it will be on the next full moon.” 

“You can have your party.” She’ll never leave here until I agree. What Selene wants, she always gets in the end. Even if she has to go to the extreme to get it. “But on one condition.”


“You do not approach Elizabeth. As far as introductions go, there will be none. But you can see her. There will be no vampires, no feeding, and no floating around the room for attention, seducing the guests.”

“You drive a hard bargain, Adrien.” She giggles. “But you have a deal, and my word.”

“And if Vincent shows nothing but incompetence, he’s out. After decades of work to find peace, I won’t see it ruined.”

“I’d expect nothing less from you.” Her eyes will not leave mine, and I see a lack of sincerity in them.

“So, is that all?” I need this meeting to come to an end.

She sighs, humming, and says, “There is something else. You are mine Adrien, and you always will be. I made you, so I’d like a little something to remember you by, until we meet again.”

“What?” Here we fucking go.

She closes the space between us, takes hold of my cheeks in her pale hands, and pulls down my head so she’s right in my face.

“A kiss.”

Fuck. She forces her lips on mine. I fight to pull away, but she’s stronger than me. I muffle against her mouth, gripping her forearms, struggling to push her back. She bites my bottom lip, pulling it out with her teeth to draw blood.

“What...” I manage to shove her back. “The hell was that!” I say through my bloody lip.

Smiling, she steps before me, taking a handkerchief from her pocket. Scowling down at her, I jerk my head as she dabs the blood from my mouth.

“A goodbye for now kiss,” she says, blasé.

“Selene, you pull a stunt like that again, I will turn against you.”

Her bottom lip curls over then she smiles. “So faithful to the little red you will be.”

“So, you’ll be heading back to Prague now?” I ask, putting meters between us.

“I like it here. I’ve always loved the fresh blood of the British. But yes Adrien. I have plans to make, so I will be returning to Prague until the next full moon.”

“Goodbye then Selene.”

“Goodbye my darling Adrien. Enjoy love and life.” Her cold lips peck my cheek before she flits out of the doors.



“HOW DID IT GO BOSS?” Dom asks before I have the chance to remove my jacket.

“It looks like I’m throwing Selene a goddamn masquerade. Get me a drink.” Ben knows what I need, and is making me a feed right now, disguised in a glass of course. He hands me the blood. I down it and hand him the glass back. “Whiskey.”

“You’re joking?” Dom asks.

“Do I look amused?” I snatch my whiskey off Ben.

“Why?” Ben asks, knowing he shouldn’t because I more than pissed-off.

“Selene is under the impression that Elizabeth is going to be a part of her family. She wants to meet her.” I snort, angrily.

“I was expecting this,” Ben says. “It’s what she does.”

“Well, thanks for having my back.” I polish off my drink.

“So this is like some engagement party?” Dom asks, his brows meeting.

“Spot on.”

I hear Elizabeth’s footsteps behind me, emerging from the bedroom. She’s heard everything. Great.

“We’re having an engagement party?” Her half asleep voice echoes.

I close my eyes and turn to her. She runs her fingers through her hair. Her eyes are narrow as she waits for me to explain, standing there in her grey nightwear, looking so damn sweet.

“Ben, Dom, goodnight.” I gesture my head at the door.

I wait until the door closes and we’re alone, before I approach her.

“A masquerade?” She hates the idea.

I have to be completely honest with her. I wasn’t going to be, but she knows I’m not happy. I take her face in my hands, setting my lips gently on hers. I guess I’m hoping it will soften her.

She pulls away. “I know Selene is here. She wants to meet me?”

Fucking Dom and Ben. She probably was woken by them and their loud mouths discussing my whereabouts.

“Yes and no. Look, it will be quite normal. No vampires other than the coven.” She doesn’t respond, just stares at me. “Elizabeth, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I can find a way to cancel this.”

“Will you stop treating me like a child,” she bites. “I knew what I was getting involved with when I said yes. I also told you that this wouldn’t be like any normal relationship. I’m like the talk of the vampire world right now. The little human girl with the leader. It’s getting boring.”

I’m trying to give her normal. I’m trying to be a man. It’s what I want. What I need. But at times it feels like she’s willing to go even deeper into my world, when I’m trying to crawl out of it. What I am and what I do, has become the norm to her.

“There will be a ball, party, well something with masks. But it will be under my terms,” I grumble. “And of course, your family and friends are invited,” I add.

Immediately she turns cold. “You... you think that’s a good idea?”

“You’re more comfortable with Selene, than your own Mother?” I shake my head at her disapproving eyes. “Elizabeth, just see it as a party. I know you don’t like fuss and attention. But it is normal to have an engagement party.”

She’s silent in thought. She’s doing that thing with her lips that turns me on. A little nip with her teeth, finishing off with a pout.

“I suppose so. It’s just my mum’s going to be impossible when she finds out about this,” she finally says under her breath.

“Vampires are not permitted, unless invited. And Selene will be out of sight to you. She’s more curious. Once she’s satisfied her curiosity, you’ll never see her again. One day soon, you’re going to marry me. You’re going to have to get used to me being around your mom."

“My mum adores you already. Sickeningly so.”

I laugh. “I’m going to book a table at Le Gavroche. We’ll have a practice run. Get formal intros out of the way.”

Even that she’s not content with. Her lips are still pouting up at me. I’ve had enough of this conversation. With our work commitments and everything else, we don’t see much of each other. This will be her last night here for a week, maybe more. Her mind needs to be taken elsewhere.

I stare down into her eyes, while my fingers slowly walk over her soft skin and around the back of her neck. I show her a hint of sexual aggression, grinding my jaw, allowing just a small flash of black to appear in my gaze. She loves it, and I drink in her need. I can feel her body weaken, hear her heart flutter, and I can smell her urgent desire to have me. The feeling is mutual, and it would be simple for me to just take her. But with Elizabeth, it’s better to be slow and suggestive. I’ve learned over these last few months how to rein in her impatience. She’s been perfect, and deserves to come over and over.

“What do you want to do now?” I ask as she sways slightly, pushing her neck against the palm of my hand, silently pleading with me to grip her hair, and screw her with no thought.

“You know.” Her view draws down, and her eyes for a second only, land on my crotch.

I push up her chin, so she can’t see my cock growing hard for her.

“Okay then.” She hums at me in a mood, turning away so my touch leaves her. “Well, I’m going to do what I should be doing. Sleeping. Goodnight!”

Oh fuck patience. She clearly knows my game now. I reach out, grab her, and lift her up.

“Get those legs around me,” I demand, slapping the skin on her thigh as I carry her over to the kitchen island.

She giggles as I set her down onto the marble, sweeping a pile of papers off the worktop behind her so they scatter to the floor.

“You still tired?” I rumble, watching her squirm as she unzips my trousers, wild and frantic.


I tweak down her shorts and she threads out one leg. I stroke my cock, glancing at the only remedy for us both. I ease in and push up deep inside her. Fuck yes.

She gasps, “God,” leaning back.

I need to see her breasts as I take her, so tear down the thin strap of her camisole. It’s stunning, the way her body moves. She fits me perfectly, as though she was made for me. I’ve been with women, vampires, nearly once a man (a nice guy who got the wrong impression after I gave him a job back in the States) but with Elizabeth, it’s so intense and powerful. If it was possible, I’d take her body every goddamn day, several times a day.

I glide into her, then out, repeating the move, while adding a deep firm pause as my cock throbs. The cold blood running through my body for a moment feels boiling hot. I inhale her excitement, watching her body working with mine, accepting every inch of me. Her heart beat sounds like a deep drum, and I can feel everything inside her.

“You. Come. For me. Elizabeth.” I thrust, grazing my fingers down between her nipples and over her stomach, until she arches her back, like I’m pulling on her strings.

I push her down to fuck her harder. She whimpers and moans, her hands trying to grab at me. I slide my arm around her waist and lift her up onto me, needing to feel more of her skin against mine. Her arms cross behind my neck, her legs tighten around me, and her sinful eyes are determined to climax. She’s in a rage, and I love it.

“Adrien!” An almost demonic sound leaves her mouth in a breath, as she rubs her supple warm cheeks against my arms. “Oh shit!”

Sweat begins to emerge from her pores, and the tips of my fangs peek through my gums for a millisecond. It’s an automatic reaction when things get over-passionate, and I see her come. When I hear that high gasping, inhale her sexual nectar, and feel her body shudder, it’s better than fresh blood.

“That’s... it.” I give it three more deep hard motions, and release to an abrupt stop. “Grrr.”

Her body falls limp as she catches her breath. Her head is on my shoulder as I grumble into her neck.

“I love you,” she whispers in a state of lethargic serenity.

“I love you.” I kiss her head, while carrying her to the bedroom.