Still, beneath their ferocious appearance, Monsters always conceal some weakness that might ultimately lead to their ruin. King Kong was tender-hearted, Dracula was afraid of sunlight, the Colossus had feet of clay… As for the Yark, he has a delicate stomach.
This delicate stomach can tolerate only the flesh of very good children, in much the way that old people are able to digest only soup.
Numerous medical studies have shown that naughtiness modifies a child’s chemical composition. When children do something wrong, their hearts ferment a violent poison and their flesh becomes more toxic than a viper’s venom.
Listening only to his stomach, the Yark has occasionally eaten a bad child. But he soon regrets his indulgence. Liars give him heartburn, bullies and brats damage his teeth. As for little sadists, they tie his guts in knots.
Such a deplorable weakness of the digestive tract!
The Yark would a hundred times rather feast on bullies and spoiled kids, like a goat that chomps away happily while ridding the world of stinging nettles, weeds, and crabgrass.
But noble sentiments have never filled anyone’s stomach. And certainly not a Monster’s.
Nature, which has no moral code, is indifferent to matters of good and evil.
And since time out of mind, it’s always been clear that the nicest are first to be eaten.