Timeline of Jane Austen’s Life

1775 — Born in Steventon, England,on December 16

1783 — Brother Edward adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knight

1785–1786 — Attends Abbey School in Reading, England

1788 — Travels to Kent and London with her sister, Cassandra, and their parents

1795 — Begins writing Elinor and Marianne

1796 — Begins writing First Impressions

1797First Impressions rejected by publisher

— Retitles Elinor and Marianne as Sense and Sensibility

1798 — Begins writing Susan

1801 — Moves with family to Bath

1802 — Receives marriage proposal from Harris Bigg-Wither, but declines

1809 — Moves to Chawton Cottage with mother and sister, Cassandra

1811Sense and Sensibility is published

— Retitles First Impressions as Pride and Prejudice

1813Pride and Prejudice published

— Completes and sells Mansfield Park

1814Mansfield Park is published

1815Emma is published

— Finishes writing Persuasion

1817 — Dies in Winchester, England, on July 18