
There are so many people who contributed to our knowledge, and to the specifics of this book, that it is impossible to acknowledge and thank all of them. We have singled out a few names but in doing so have no intent of shortchanging those contributors who we fail to mention.

At Syracuse University we are especially grateful for the help and advice given to us by Deans Mel Stith and Tom Foley; Professors Bill Walsh and Randy Elder; students in the Orange Value Fund program—all at the Whitman School of Management; University Trustees and alumni Dick Haydon, Steve Ballentine, Bernard Kossar, Mike Dritz, John Couri, Steve Barnes, Ken Goodman, and Jay Genzer.

At Third Avenue Management, we benefited much from advice rendered by David Barse, Tom Gandolfo, Vinny Dugan, and Hal Drachman. Bridget Wysong also was helpful. This book never would have seen the light of day without the herculean efforts of Beth Connor, executive assistant to Martin Whitman and Betty Ross, administrator of the Ballentine Investment Institute and the Orange Value Fund program coordinator at the Whitman School of Management.

One faculty member at Syracuse University Law School, Gregory Germain, and two at the Yale University School of Management, Stan Gartska and Martin Shubik, have to be singled out for their contributions. Others worthy of mention are Ronnie Chan, Bruce Flatt, Bruce Greenwald, and Arnie Jacobs.

It ought to be noted that both of us learned a lot from people we came to believe were bad guys and with whom we would never again invest. We won’t name names but rather just acknowledge that one tends to learn more from one’s mistakes than from one’s successes.

Also, our students at Syracuse, Yale, and Columbia contributed much to our knowledge. Quite possibly we learned more from them than they learned from us.

Finally, thanks to our families, especially Lois Whitman and Josefa Alvarez.

The errors and shortcomings of this book belong to us alone, not at all to the various contributors.

Martin J. Whitman
Fernando Diz