


AECOM Technology Corp.


Albemarle Paper Manufacturing Company

Alcoa, Inc.


Ally Bank


Amerada Petroleum

American Chain and Cable Company

American Express Company

APB 25

Apple, Inc.

Applied Materials

Assets, composition and characteristics of



Babcock International


Baker Fentress

Bank of America Corporation

Bankruptcy, prepackaged or preplanned

Barber Oil Company

Bear Stearns

Benson and Hedges

Berkshire Hathaway

Blue sky statutes

Boeing Company

Boston Celtics, L.P., IPO of

Broadcom Corp.

Broker-dealer research departments and conventional money managers

how they think

problems faced by

analyses that focus on base case forecasts

approach antithetical to those used by private businesspeople and control buyers

external pressures

forecasting earnings

conventional analysis

lack of awareness of relationship between income account numbers and balance sheet numbers and analytic conflicts between related numbers

lack of balanced focus

operating ratios based on financial accounting statistics, concentrating on

predicting future earnings while ignoring existing balance sheet

reliance on fieldwork

reliance on perceptions of what others think

top-down analysis

Brookfield Asset Management

Buffett, Warren


Capital markets, access to

Capital Southwest Corporation

Capital structure


from the corporate perspective

constituency conflicts with corporate feasibility

constituency stakes in corporate feasibility

dividend policy

equity markets, accessing

resource conversion, capitalization in

retained earnings, financing with

substantive consolidation

factors affecting

assets, composition and characteristics of

creditors, needs and desires of

custom and usage

investment bankers, attorneys, and accountants, professional advice of

managements and control groups, needs, desires, and proclivities of

OPMIs and their representatives, needs and desires of

rating agencies, needs and desires of

regulators, needs and desires of

Capital Southwest Corporation

annual per share NAV, growth rate, per share market price and premium (discount) to NAV

Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman)

Carlyle Group

Cash dividends

roles of, in security analysis and portfolio management

and bailouts

conventional theories

as a factor in market performance

and legal lists

placebo effect of

and portfolio management

securities holders, goals of

Caterpillar Inc.

Cerberus, L.P.

Chapter 11 filing

Cheung Kong Holdings Limited

annual per share NAV, growth rate, per share market price and premium (discount) to NAV

Chevron Corporation


Chapter 11 reorganization of

Cisco Systems, Inc.

CIT Corporation

Chapter 11 reorganization of


Citizens Utilities

Clayton Dubilier and Rice (CDR)

Coca-Cola Company

Common stock

methods for acquisition of

cash mergers through use of proxy machinery

cash-tender offers

open market, cash purchases in

private transactions, cash purchases in

prices, influence of reported earnings on

Company disclosures and information


paper trail

U.S., narrative disclosures in



stereotypical filings with SEC

Control, importance of

Controlling stockholders, use of creative finance to benefit

Schaefer Corporation

Corporate feasibility

constituency conflicts with

constituency stakes in

Corporate Financial Reporting in a Competitive Economy (Bevis)

Corporate takeover, use of creative finance in

Leasco Data Processing Company

Corporation Finance (Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe)

Corroon & Black

“The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment” (Modigliani & Miller)

Countrywide Financial Corp.


from the borrowing entity point of view

capital structure

from the corporate perspective

factors affecting


DCF. See Discounted cash flow

Delaware Block valuation methodology

Discounted cash flow (DCF)

Distress investing

five basic truths of

Dividend policy



roles of, in security analysis and portfolio management



corporate vs. concentration

portfolio vs. securities concentration

Dodd, David

view on NAV

Duplan Corporation


E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

Earnings record, long-term

Efficient market hypothesis (EMH)

Eljer Industries Secured Bank Debt

EMH. See Efficient market hypothesis


Enterprise value (EV)

Equilibrium pricing

Equity markets, accessing

Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder

Eurozone crisis resolution

Exxon Mobil Corporation


Facebook, Inc.

Fannie Mae

FASB 123

Financial accounting, uses and limitations of

conventional approaches

GAAP as defining reality for certain specific purposes

GAAP as road map for due-diligence and less thorough investigations

reports as objective benchmarks

Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

Fitch Ratings

Forest City Enterprises

Freddie Mac

Friedman, Milton

Funds under management, selected companies (2011 year-end)


GAAP. See Generally accepted accounting principles

GAAP Guide: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (Bragg)

Galbraith, John K.

G&D (Graham and Dodd). See Graham, Benjamin; Dodd, David

General Electric Company

General Motors (GM)

Chapter 11 reorganization of

General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC)

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)

as defining reality for certain specific purposes

as road map for due-diligence and less thorough investigations

Georgia-Pacific Corporation

Goldman Sachs

Graham, Benjamin

and Dodd, placed in context

financial accounting, uses and limitations of

going concern and investment company views of businesses

market performance, importance of

market risk vs. investment risk and margin of safety

modern capital theory vs.

OPMI defined

OPMI perspective of analysis

primacy of income account and appraisal of managements

primacy of income account and diversification

primacy of income account, dividends, and corporate uses of cash

primacy of income account and growth stocks

primacy of income account and top-down vs. bottom-up analysis

primacy of income account and wealth creation

promoters, compensation of

stock market prices

substantive consolidation


view on NAV

Great American Holding Company

The Great Risk Shift (Hacker)

Greentown China Holdings

Gross spreads, underwriting

Growth at dirt cheap prices (GADCP)

Growth at a reasonable price (GARP)


Hang Lung Properties

Hart-Scott-Rodino filings

Hayek, F. A.

Heller Financial

Henderson Land Development

Hertz Global Holdings

cash payments to sponsors and controlled investment funds

common stock price

consolidated cash flows


leveraged buyout of

income statement

Hess Oil and Chemical

Hewlett-Packard Company

Home Depot, Inc.

Home Insurance Company

Hopewell Holdings


IBM. See International Business Machines Corporation

IFRS. See International Financial Reporting Standards

Income account, primacy of

common stock prices, influence of reported earnings on

long-term earnings record


wealth creation

Instinet Group

Intel Corporation

The Intelligent Investor (Graham)

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Investing vs. speculating


for income or total return

method of purchase and holding time horizon

operation rather than issue

safety of principal as avoidance of risk

type of security

Investment Advisers Act of 1940

Investment Company Act of 1940

Investment risk

avoidance of


components of



Investor A/B


Johnson & Johnson

JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Kelly formula

Key Corp.

Keynes, John Maynard


Kraft Foods Inc.

Krugman, Paul


Lai Sun Garment

Lazard Freres

Leasco Data Processing Company

institutional investors and subscription percentages

Lehman Brothers

Leveraged buyouts, private equity

acquisition of Hertz Global Holdings

capital markets, super-attractive access to

cash payments to sponsors and sponsor-controlled funds

questions about

sponsors attuned to needs of bankers and underwriting community

sponsors’ control of Hertz



MacArthur, Alfred

Managements, appraisal of


growth at dirt cheap prices (GADCP)

growth at a reasonable price (GARP)

new framework for

OPMI interests, managements attuned to

as resource converters


Market efficiency

determinants of


external forces

market participant

time horizons

external disciplines, lack of

corporate monopolies and oligopolies

hedge-fund operators

investment bankers

merchant bankers

money management

other professionals

promoters in trading environments

securities salespeople

top corporate managements

external forces influencing

and fair prices in takeovers

value investors, learning from

Market performance, significance of


and character of a portfolio

outsiders, insiders, and market price

of portfolios vs. individual securities

professional money managers and beating the market

McDonald’s Corp.

MCT. See Modern capital theory

Merck & Co. Inc.

Merger and acquisition activity

Merrill Lynch


Modern capital theory (MCT)

analyzing companies as going concerns and investors in marketable securities as investment companies

creditor control

discounted cash flows, value determined by forecasts of

diversification, as protection against unsystematic risk

equilibrium pricing

free markets

general laws

vs. Graham and Dodd

macro considerations

market efficiency

market risk

OPMI market

OPMIs, relevance of

point of view

risk-adjusted total return as goal

systematic risk

transaction costs

Morgan Stanley

Myths, debunking


Nabors Industries


Net asset value (NAV)

annual per share, growth rate, per share market price, and premium (discount) to

common stocks, recommended

companies selling at discounts from

static and dynamic views

authors’ view on

dynamics, importance of

financial accounting view on

Graham and Dodd view on

growing, OPMI investing in companies with

limitations of, in security analysis

net nets redefined

potential liquidity, NAV as measure of

relationship of price to reported 10-year earnings and (2012)

resources, NAV as measure of

ROE and PE ratios, relationship between

in security analysis, usefulness of

Net nets

Net present value (NPV)

The New Industrial State (Galbraith)

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Nokia Siemens

NPV. See Net present value

NYSE. See New York Stock Exchange


Other people’s money (OPM)

Outside passive minority investors (OPMIs)


perspective of analysis

and their representatives, needs and desires of


Penn Central

Pfizer Inc.

Philip Morris

PITA investing

Plan of reorganization (POR)

Pressprich, R. W., and Company

Price to book value ratio, SPX index (historical)

Principles of Corporate Finance (Brealey & Myers)

Procter & Gamble Co.

Public Service Company of New Hampshire

Pure going concern view


Quality of assets


Rating agencies, needs and desires of

Real estate investment trusts (REITs)


Reliance Insurance Company


bankruptcy, prepackaged or preplanned

Chapter 11 filing, conventional

role of government in

bailouts or capital infusions

corporate reorganizations and liquidations, revolution in

failure of financial institutions

financial institutions, strict regulation of

moral hazards

partnership between government and private sector

taxpayer bailouts

voluntary exchanges

Residential Capital LLC

Resource conversion

activities of Dow Jones Industrial companies (2007–2012)

capitalization in

corporate contests for control

1970s through 2012

shark repellent, emergence of

existing assets, more aggressive employment of

going private and leveraged buyouts


tax shelter, other people’s money, and something off the top

merger and acquisition activity

OPMI prices and control values, long-term arbitrage between

Restructuring troubled companies

five basic truths of distress investing


capital infusions


Section 363 sales

Retained earnings

financing with

Return on equity (ROE) analysis

and PE ratios, relationship between

Return on investment (ROI) analysis

Revlon rules

Riskless arbitrage

The Road to Serfdom (Hayek)

ROE. See Return on equity analysis

ROI. See Return on investment analysis


Safe and cheap investing


benefits for OPMI

availability of multiple exits

confidence in investment commitments

investment-risk-resistant commitments

restrictions and demands of

activists and

avoidance of predatory control groups

dismissal of conventional wisdom

and know-who

missing of attractive opportunities

motivating factors, understanding

restricting investment universe


Schaefer, F. & M., Corporation

consideration given to sellers of capital stock

family ownership interests

purchasers of 170,000 corporation common

sources of funds and securities in transaction

spread between what corporation and others get, composition of

transformation to different discipline

Schenley Industries

SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission


buying in bulk

acquisition of control by using proxy machinery

common stocks, methods for acquisition of

voting equities, acquisition of through exchanges of securities

substantive characteristics of


control vs. non-control

as options, terms of

pricing and arbitrage, control and non-control

types of, for analytic purposes

types of

Securities Act of 1933

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Securities Investors Protection Act of 1970

Security Analysis: Principles and Technique (Graham, Dodd, & Cottle)

Shareholder distributions, from the company point of view

cash dividends or retained earnings

distribution of assets other than cash


stock dividends

stock repurchases

Sharpe, William F.

Short-termism, primacy of

Smith, Adam

Society Corporation

Solvency, tests of

Something off the top (SOTT)

Source Capital Preferred

SOX. See Sarbanes-Oxley


Stock dividends

Stock repurchases

Structural subordination

Substantive consolidation

doctrine, accounting for stock options controversy in light of

failure to use

Surplus surplus


Tax shelter (TS)

The Theory of Investment Value (Williams)

Third Avenue Value Fund


Tishman Realty

Top-down analysis, primacy of

Toyota Industries Corporation

balance sheet for

Travelers Companies, Inc.

Treasury notes

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Trust Indenture Act of 1939

TS. See Tax shelter


United Technologies Corp.

U.S. securities laws and regulations

U.S. Treasury Notes


Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies (Copeland, Koller, & Murrin)

Value investing

Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond (Greenwald, Kahn, Sonkin, & Van Biema)

Valuing a Company: Practices & Procedures (McCarthy & Healy)

Verizon Communications Inc.

Voting equities, acquisition of through exchanges of securities




Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Walt Disney Co.

Wealth creation


methods of

Wharf Holdings

annual per share NAV, growth rate, per share market price and premium (discount) to NAV

Wheelock and Company

White Mountains Insurance Group

White, Weld and Company

Williams, John Burr

Wilmington Trust





“Zombie Banks”