Eight years ago this book was conceived as short stories at the bedside of my then four-year-old son Gabriel. They began as adventures centered on knights, weaponry, and horses. Gradually, I introduced the characters of Saint George and eventually, Saint Christopher, Saint Nicholas, Saint Blaise, and others. This book is dedicated in a special way to Gabriel. He was my first and best literary critic, even before he knew how to read.

Father Bill Stetson encouraged me to write down these short stories and the bedtime tales would never have become a book without his suggestion.

My method for developing this book was to test characters and stories with my children at bedtime. Then, after I tucked them in, I would drink a snifter of Grand Marnier and type out the tales on the MacBook. Still to this day, the smell of Grand Marnier elicits my love for Saint George.

The year during which the original manuscript was written was a difficult and depressing one. It was my first year as a Catholic. In some ways, my own battles echo in the struggles and insecurities of Jurian/Georgius.

When the book was complete, I began to shop it around. New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown asked her agent to look at the original manuscript. New York Times bestselling author Raymond Arroyo of EWTN also had his agent look at the manuscript. Their response and the response of other agents was that the original book was great but that it still lacked a “strong female presence.”

I am especially grateful to J. Leigh Bralick and S.K. Valenzuela. They proposed a plan to introduce the needed female character. They successfully allowed Sabra to come to life in a way that rivals Jurian’s character. Their general influence throughout the novel adds dramatic suspense and greater historical accuracy. The novel is richer thanks to their hard work.

I am grateful to all the captains, men, and young men of the Troops of Saint George. You remind me that the virtue of Saint George has not been forgotten.

My wife Joy encouraged me all along to write and complete this project. Without her, this book would not exist.

As more and more babies came along, the initial audience grew. The story of Saint George will always be chiefly a story for our children. It is dedicated to Gabriel, Mary Claire, Rose, Jude, Becket, Blaise, and Elizabeth (and those to come, d.v.) with the hope that they will slay dragons and find their peace.



Taylor Marshall

Feast of Saint Martin of Tours

November 11, 2014