Miriam walks into the office at Glory’s Place and sets the box she purchased at Thrifty Seconds on the desk. She had wanted to show it to Gloria last night but she and Marshall were at an employee Christmas party for Wilson’s Department Store. She is taking off her coat and hat when she hears a scream behind her, making her jump, clutching her chest. “What is wrong with you, Gloria? You should never walk up behind someone and scream!”
Gloria is holding the box and staring at Miriam. “Where did this come from?”
Miriam straightens her sweater and brushes off her slacks, still annoyed at Gloria. “I bought it yesterday, hoping it could be a replacement for the one that you lost.” Gloria crosses to Miriam and grabs her face, kissing her on the forehead. “What is wrong with you, Gloria Wilson!”
“This is Cassondra’s box. The one that was taken to the dump. Where did you find it?”
“I found it at Thrifty Seconds. Another woman was looking at it and it caught my attention. As a matter of fact, she bought it and donated it to the auction.”
“You were in a thrift store?” Miriam nods her head in annoyance. “You always said that you felt like you were contracting hepatitis when you touched used merchandise.”
Miriam ignores her and points to the box. “This is the exact box?”
Gloria lifts the lid and looks inside the box, smiling. “Yes! It had this L scratched into the wood and this same verse on top.” She shakes her head in awe. “It wasn’t taken to the dump. It was taken to the thrift store!” She looks at Miriam. “Miriam, I didn’t think I would ever say this but you are an angel.” Miriam rolls her eyes. “It’s true! All this time I thought you were acerbic and pompous and really not much good for anything but I was wrong! You have single-handedly saved the auction for Cassondra. You are truly heaven-sent.”
Miriam puts up her hand and walks to the door. “Charm does not suit you, Gloria! All you had to do was say ‘thank you’.”
Gloria sticks her head out the door and yells after her. “Thank you, Miriam! You’re my hero!”
“That doesn’t work for you, either!”
Gloria laughs and yells for Heddy, waving her into the office. “Look what Miriam found!”
Heddy’s eyes are huge. “Where did she find it?”
“Okay, steady yourself … in a thrift store.”
“Miriam was in a thrift store?”
“That’s what I said! Yes, she was! This is the same woman who has never worn a used article of clothing on her body in her entire life or gone to a garage sale, but somehow she felt compelled to go to Thrifty Seconds!”
“It’s a Christmas miracle,” Heddy says.
They burst into laughter, and from outside the door they hear Miriam yell, “That’s more like you, Gloria!”
They laugh harder as Gloria hands the box to Heddy. “Take this home and guard it with your life!”
* * *
Cassondra is the first to spot Lauren when she walks into Glory’s Place and she runs to hug her. “Where have you been?”
“I got sidetracked,” Lauren says, squeezing her.
“Are you on track again?”
“I hope so.” Cassondra grabs her hand and leads her toward the rehearsal area.
“There you are!” Gloria says. “Is everything all right, babe?”
Lauren nods.
“She got sidetracked,” Cassondra says.
“Well, that happens to me on a daily basis,” Gloria says. She nods toward the rehearsal area. “The kids will be thrilled that you’re back.” She leans in, whispering. “You’ll never believe it but Cassondra’s box has been found!”
Lauren is amazed. “How,” she mouths so Cassondra can’t hear.
“A Christmas miracle,” Gloria says, smiling.
Cassondra tugs on Lauren’s hand, leading her toward several children, and they rush to her, giving her hugs. “I missed you guys,” Lauren says. “How have rehearsals been?”
“We still stink,” Caleb says.
“I don’t believe that’s true,” Lauren says. “Let me help Stacy get set up and then I can’t wait to hear how far you’ve come!”
Stacy stops setting up the chairs to welcome Lauren. “I got your message,” she says, hugging her. “We are so glad to have you back.” She crosses her arms, looking at her. “Was it your mom?” Lauren nods. “It didn’t go well?”
“She never showed up.”
Stacy sighs. “I’m sorry. You could have called me.”
Lauren knows that’s true and wishes that she had. “It was just a bad night all the way around.” She sits down and looks up at Stacy. “You’re going to think I’m stupid but I put an ad on Craigslist asking for a family at Christmas.” Stacy sits next to her. “Remember when I asked if you knew Mary Richards?” Stacy nods. “She responded to my ad and so did another lady named Laura. We tried to meet once before but it didn’t work out because I was out trying to find Larry’s house that day. So we set up a different time to meet and it was the night my mom wanted to get together for dinner. I tried sending them both an e-mail but it bounced back to me and when I called Holly at Betty’s she said that they didn’t show up.”
Stacy is quiet as she processes it all. “You’ve been communicating with these two women?”
“Through e-mail.”
“And they seem like honest, decent people?”
“I thought so but I’m not sure. They ask some really weird questions sometimes. They sound kind of crazy and unstable. I just can’t figure out why neither one of them showed up.”
“Have you heard anything from them?”
“They sent an e-mail. They wondered why I didn’t show up. I’m thinking they’re just a couple of stupid kids who are playing games with me. I mean, if they were really going to meet me, then why didn’t they show up? And what’s with all the weird questions? They keep wondering if I’m a murderer!”
Stacy smiles. “Something does sound weird although it is possible they just got the time wrong.”
“I don’t think so. We made it clear when we’d be there. I just feel stupid because I believed that my mom would show up and I believed that those women would show up. I’m embarrassed I told you. I should keep that to myself.”
“That’s not embarrassing!” Stacy thinks for a moment and looks at Lauren. “If I had seen your ad I would have responded. My kids would love to have another sibling and Lucy always tells me I’m so bossy that I should have had ten kids!” Lauren laughs and Stacy pats her leg. “You are officially invited to our house for Christmas and I won’t take no for an answer!”
“Thanks, Stacy.”
Stacy hugs her and says, “Who knew a car accident could be such a great thing!” She looks at her. “Are you going to try to get together with the women again?”
Lauren shakes her head. “No. Now it’s just weird.”
* * *
At the end of rehearsal Lauren helps the children gather their things and put on their coats, making a special effort to help Grayson. “Where’s your coat, Grayson?”
He shrugs, pulling the straps of his backpack over his shoulders. “At home, I guess.”
She leans over onto her knees, looking him in the eyes. “Heddy said coats were passed out in November. Where is yours?”
He looks sheepish and keeps his voice low. “Am I in trouble?”
“No! Not at all! It’s just that it’s been very cold and I never see you with a coat. You got one in November, right?” He shakes his head. “Why not?”
“I kept waiting to see if one had Spider-Man on it but none of them did. Then they were just all gone and I felt stupid and didn’t tell anybody.”
She puts her hand on his shoulder and squeezes it. “Grayson, Miss Glory would never want any of you to feel stupid. She would have had a coat in here the very next day if she had known.”
He lifts his shoulders. “It’s no big deal.”
Lauren remembers being given coats or boots or gloves through local ministries and organizations when she was a kid and feeling awkward and ashamed. She looks up and smiles at Grayson. “It looks like your mom is here.”
Several children hug her and wave good-bye and for a moment she can’t remember sitting alone in a booth at Jake’s BBQ and waiting for her mother. She just remembers the warmth of being loved here and the joy of tiny arms wrapped around her waist.