Ben’s line at work has gotten longer each day. Last night, he stayed up until eleven-thirty writing new messages.
My mom says the most beautiful mess she’s ever seen is on the living room floor each Christmas! Enjoy the mess and Merry Christmas. Ben
Charles Dickens said to honor Christmas and keep it in your heart all year long. I think that’s pretty good advice! Merry Christmas. Ben
For God so loved the world that He gave! Hoping you receive His gift at Christmas! Merry Christmas. Ben
Maria and her children, Cassondra and Aidan, spend several minutes waiting in line and Ben picks out a card for each one of them. “You don’t have to give each one of us a message,” Maria says. “You might run out.”
“I’m all set, Mrs. Delgado,” he says, handing both Cassondra and Aidan a card.
“And who’s riding with you on top of the carriage in the parade?”
Ben reaches for the remainder of her groceries and puts them inside a bag. “I know who I’m asking but she hasn’t been around in a few days.”
Maria lifts her eyebrows. “But the parade’s tomorrow!” She pats him on the shoulder and says, “If she doesn’t show up there are plenty of people who would love to sit with you on that carriage!” She pushes her cart toward the exit doors as Cassondra runs ahead of her.
“Lauren!” Cassondra says, hugging her. “What are you doing here?”
“I kind of like getting a message from Ben and it’s been a while so I was grabbing a water and a message before I head home.” She smiles at Maria. “Hi, Mrs. Delgado.”
“All they can talk about is the sing-a-thon tomorrow! They’re very excited.”
Lauren squeezes both Cassondra and Aidan to her. “I’m excited, too! It’s going to be great!”
“I donated a box to the auction,” Cassondra says. “I think it might bring in a thousand dollars.”
Lauren grins, listening to her. “I’ve heard a lot about that box!”
“It’s the prettiest box you’ve ever seen. Trust me.”
Lauren laughs. “Oh, I do! I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She waves good-bye and heads to a refrigerated case near the front for a bottle of water. She is disappointed to see that Ben is not here today. As she steps into the vestibule the opposite set of doors slide open and she smiles as Ben walks through them, zipping up his coat.
“I’ve been looking for you!” he says, throwing his arms in the air.
“And I was looking for you! I didn’t get a message today.” He reaches inside his coat pocket and pulls one out, handing it to her. “Wow! Thanks! That’s what I call service!”
“Go ahead. Read it.”
The vestibule becomes chilly every time the outside doors open so she zips her coat up higher as she reads.
The Christmas parade will not be the same without you. Would you ride on the carriage with me and wave at people and wish them a Merry Christmas? I only get to choose one person to help me and I know you’ll do a great job! Merry Christmas. Ben
She looks at him. “Really?”
He looks at the floor and then up at her. “I’ve been waiting to ask you for a long time. I haven’t seen you in a few days.”
“Why me?”
He shrugs. “I just thought that since you’re new in town, this would be a great way for you to see the town and most everybody who lives here all at once, and that it’d be a great way for them to meet you!”
She laughs. “I’d love to! That’s really nice of you, Ben. Do you do this every year?”
He shakes his head. “Nope. First time.”
“I don’t know what to say. Thank you! What time do I need to show up tomorrow and where do I go?”
They walk into the parking lot and he notices his mom pulling in and turning into the space where she normally parks as she waits for him. He begins to walk toward her. “Nine-thirty in front of the parks department building. We will be in the first carriage. Right in front of the parade.”
She smiles, watching him walk away. “I’ll be there! Can’t wait!” Lauren opens her car door and slips into the seat, smiling.
Stacy’s car is warm as Ben gets inside. “Well! I did it! I asked her to ride on the carriage for the parade.” He is beaming, so proud of himself.
“Are you serious? So you saw her again? When?”
“Just now. When I got off work. I walked right through the doors and there she was.”
Stacy puts the car in reverse. “With not a minute to spare!”
He looks sheepish. “If she hadn’t shown up I was going to ask you, Mom. Hope you’re not disappointed.”
She laughs. “I get to be with you every day. So how did you do it?”
Ben crosses his arms as if he’s being interviewed by the local news station. “Well, I walked out the doors and there she was and she said that she had come into the store to get one of my Christmas messages. So I pulled a card right out of my pocket and handed it to her.”
Stacy pulls out onto the road, her face wide with surprise. “You put it on a card? What did it say?”
“I asked her if she wanted to sit on the carriage and smile and wave at people and say ‘Merry Christmas,’ that it would be a good way for her to see the town and for everybody in town to get to know her.”
She slaps the steering wheel. “I’m so proud of you! What a great way to welcome someone to town! And you finally know her name! What is it?” Ben’s face falls as he turns to look at his mom. “What’s wrong?”
“I forgot to ask her her name.”
They laugh all the way home.