To my brave, talented, and patient coauthor, Natasha Stoynoff . . . thank you for tolerating my lunacy and years trapped in a New Jersey hotel room with me force-feeding you pasta at 4 AM.

Many thanks to my true friend and loyal supporter, Vincent Brana, who has been there for me from the beginning.

To my agent, Frank Weimann, at Folio Literary Management and to Glenn Yeffeth and the team at BenBella Books—I’m grateful for your belief in us and your hard work on this project.

Thank you to all my crews—past, present, and future.

And finally, thank you to my daughter Lauren. You are my best girl and the reason I get out of bed every morning.

Structure, organization, discipline, and control: You must fight every day for success. This is how I live my life.


King of Con

January 30, 2018