Mastering Light


The key tool we use to create and shape our images is light itself, in all its many forms and textures. Indeed, it’s said that Sir John Herschel coined the term “photography” from the Greek words for “writing with light” in a paper read before the Royal Society in March 1839. Our dependence on the qualities of the light we use to produce our images is absolute. An adept photographer knows how to compensate for too much or too little illumination, how to soften harsh lighting to mask defects, or increase its contrast to evoke shape and detail. Sometimes, we must adjust our cameras for the apparent “color” of light, use a brief burst of it to freeze action, or filter it to reduce glare.

This chapter introduces using continuous lighting (such as daylight, incandescent, LED, or fluorescent sources). Then, I’ll cover the brilliant snippets of light we call electronic flash.

Continuous Lighting Basics

While continuous lighting and its effects are generally much easier to visualize and use than electronic flash, there are some factors you need to take into account, particularly the color temperature of the light, how accurately a given form of illumination reproduces colors (we’ve all seen the ghastly looks human faces assume under mercury-vapor lamps outdoors), and other considerations.

Continuous lighting differs from electronic flash, which illuminates our photographs only in brief bursts. Flash, or “strobe” light is notable because it can be much more intense than continuous lighting, lasts only a moment, and can be much more portable than supplementary incandescent sources. It’s a light source you can carry with you and use anywhere. There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of illumination. Here’s a quick checklist of pros and cons:


Figure 11.1 You always know how the lighting will look when using continuous illumination (left). Electronic flash can freeze almost any action (right).

Living with Color Temperature

In practical terms, color temperature is how “bluish” or how “reddish” the light appears to be to the digital camera’s sensor. Indoor illumination is quite warm, comparatively, and appears reddish to the sensor. Daylight, in contrast, seems much bluer to the sensor. Our eyes (our brains, actually) are quite adaptable to these variations, so white objects don’t appear to have an orange tinge when viewed indoors, nor do they seem excessively blue outdoors in full daylight. Yet, these color temperature variations are real, and the sensor is not fooled. To capture the most accurate colors, we need to take the color temperature into account in setting the color balance (or white balance) of the 90D—either automatically using the camera’s intelligence or manually using our own knowledge and experience.

While Canon has been valiant in its efforts to smarten up the 90D’s ability to adjust for color balance automatically, an entire cottage industry has developed to provide us additional help, including gadgets like the ExpoDisc filter/caps and their ilk (, which allow the camera’s add-on external custom white balance measuring feature to evaluate the illumination that passes through the disc/cap/filter/Pringle’s can lid, or whatever neutral-color substitute you employ. (A white or gray card also works.) Unfortunately, to help us tangle with the many different types of non-incandescent/non-daylight sources, Canon has provided the 90D with only a single White Fluorescent setting (some competing models offer more than a half-dozen different presets for fluorescents, sodium-vapor, and mercury vapor illumination). When it comes to zeroing in on the exact color temperature for a scene, your main tools will be custom white balances set using neutral targets like the ExpoDisc, and adjustment of RAW files when you import photos into your image editor.

The only time you need to think in terms of actual color temperature is when you’re adjusting using the Color Temp. setting in the White Balance entry of the Shooting 3 menu, as described in Chapter 7. It allows you to dial in exact color temperatures, if known. You can also shift and bias color balance along the blue/amber and magenta/green axes, and bracket white balance.

In most cases, however, the Auto setting in the Shooting menu’s White Balance entry will do a good job of calculating white balance for you. Auto can be used as your choice most of the time. Use the preset values or set a custom white balance that matches the current shooting conditions when you need to.

Remember that if you shoot RAW, you can specify the white balance of your image when you import it into Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, or another image editor using Adobe Camera Raw, or your preferred RAW converter. While color-balancing filters that fit on the front of the lens exist, they are primarily useful for film cameras, because film’s color balance can’t be tweaked as extensively as that of a sensor.

White Balance Bracketing

When using WB bracketing, the 90D takes a single shot, and then saves multiple JPEG copies, each with a different color balance. It’s not necessary to capture multiple shots, as the camera uses the raw information retrieved from the sensor for the single exposure and then processes it to generate the multiple different versions. When you select White Balance Shift/Bracketing from the Shooting 3 menu, the bracketing adjustments are made on the blue/amber axis when you rotate the Quick Control Dial in the clockwise direction; to bracket along the magenta/green axis, rotate the QCD in the counter-clockwise direction. (See Figure 11.2.)


Figure 11.2 White balance bracketing can be done along the blue/amber or magenta/green axes.

Electronic Flash Basics

Until you delve into the situation deeply enough, it might appear that serious photographers have a love/hate relationship with electronic flash. You’ll often hear that flash photography is less natural looking, and that the built-in flash in most cameras should never be used as the primary source of illumination because it provides a harsh, garish look. Available (“continuous”) lighting is praised, and flash, especially using the built-in flash, seems to be roundly denounced.

In truth, however, the bias is against bad flash photography, the kind produced when you elevate the built-in flash, or clamp an external flash on top of the camera and point it directly at your subject. In that mode, you’ll often end up with well-exposed (thanks to Canon’s e-TTL II metering system), but harshly lit images. Yet, in other configurations, flash has become the studio light source of choice for pro photographers, because it’s more intense (and its intensity can be varied to order by the photographer), freezes action, frees you from using a tripod (unless you want to use one to lock down a composition), and has a snappy, consistent light quality that matches daylight. (While color balance changes as the flash duration shortens, some Canon flash units can communicate to the camera the exact white balance provided for that shot.) And even pros will cede that an external flash has some important uses as an adjunct to existing light, particularly to illuminate dark shadows using a technique called fill flash. Moreover, creative photographers can use their 90D’s built-in flash or an external Speedlite in remarkably creative ways, especially in wireless and multiple flash modes (which I’ll explain in Chapter 12).

How Electronic Flash Works

The bursts of light we call electronic flash are produced by a flash of photons generated by an electrical charge that is accumulated in a component called a capacitor and then directed through a glass tube containing xenon gas, which absorbs the energy and emits the brief flash. For a typical external flash attached to the 90D, such as the top-of-the-line Speedlite 600EX II-RT, the full burst of light lasts about 1/1000th of a second and provides enough illumination to shoot a subject 12 feet away at f/16 using the ISO 100 setting.

Because the duration of the burst is so brief, if the external flash is the main source of illumination, the effective exposure time is short, typically 1/1000th to 1/50000th second, freezing a moving subject dramatically. These short bursts can also be repeated, producing multiple-exposure/stroboscopic effects, as described later in this chapter.

An electronic flash is triggered at the instant of exposure, during a period when the sensor is fully exposed by the shutter. The 90D has a vertically traveling shutter that consists of two curtains. The first curtain opens and moves to the opposite side of the frame, at which point the shutter is completely open. The flash can be triggered at this point (so-called first-curtain sync), making the flash exposure. Then, after a delay that can vary from 30 seconds to 1/250th second (with the 90D; other cameras may sync at a faster or slower speed), a second curtain begins moving across the sensor plane, covering up the sensor again. If the flash is triggered just before the second curtain starts to close, then second-curtain sync is used. In both cases, though, a shutter speed of 1/250th second is the maximum that can be used to take a photo (unless you’re using high-speed sync, discussed later in this chapter).

Figure 11.3 illustrates how this works. At upper left, you can see a fanciful illustration of a generic shutter with both curtains tightly closed. (Your shutter does not actually look like this, as you can confirm by removing your lens when the camera is powered off and the shutter closes to protect the sensor.) At upper right, the first curtain begins to move downward, starting to expose a narrow slit that reveals the sensor behind the shutter. At lower left, the first curtain moves downward farther until, as you can see at lower right in the figure, the sensor is fully exposed.


Figure 11.3 A focal plane shutter has two curtains, the upper, or first curtain, and a lower, second curtain.

When 1st Curtain is used, the flash is triggered at the instant that the sensor is completely exposed. The shutter then remains open for an additional length of time (from 30 seconds to 1/250th second), and the second curtain begins to move downward, covering the sensor once more. When 2nd Curtain is activated, the flash is triggered after the main exposure is over, just before the second curtain begins to move downward.

Ghost Images

The difference between triggering the flash when the shutter just opens, or just when it begins to close might not seem like much. But whether you use 1st Curtain (the default setting) or 2nd Curtain (an optional setting) can make a significant difference to your photograph if the ambient light in your scene also contributes to the image. You can set either of these sync modes in the Flash Control entry of the Shooting 1 menu. The adjustment is available for both the 90D’s pop-up flash (tucked away as the Shutter Sync. option in the Built-in Flash Settings entry) and for external flash mounted on the camera and powered up (under External Flash Function setting). (See Figure 11.4.)


Figure 11.4 Choose 1st Curtain or 2nd Curtain from the External Flash Function setting in the Flash Control menu.

At faster shutter speeds, particularly 1/250th second, there isn’t much time for the ambient light to register, unless it is very bright. It’s likely that the electronic flash will provide almost all the illumination, so 1st Curtain or 2nd Curtain isn’t very important. However, at slower shutter speeds, or with very bright ambient light levels, there is a significant difference, particularly if your subject is moving, or the camera isn’t steady.

In any of those situations, the ambient light will register as a second image accompanying the flash exposure, and if there is movement (camera or subject), that additional image will not be in the same place as the flash exposure. It will show as a ghost image and, if the movement is significant enough, as a blurred ghost image trailing in front of or behind your subject in the direction of the movement.

As I noted, when you’re using 1st Curtain, the flash’s main burst goes off the instant the shutter opens fully (a pre-flash used to measure exposure in auto flash modes fires before the shutter opens). This produces an image of the subject on the sensor. Then, the shutter remains open for an additional period (30 seconds to 1/250th second, as I said). If your subject is moving, say, toward the right side of the frame, the ghost image produced by the ambient light will produce a blur on the right side of the original subject image, making it look as if your sharp (flash-produced) image is chasing the ghost. For those of us who grew up with lightning-fast superheroes who always left a ghost trail behind them, that looks unnatural (see Figure 11.5).


Figure 11.5 1st Curtain produces an image that trails in front of the flash exposure (top), whereas 2nd Curtain creates a more “natural-looking” trail behind the flash image.

So, Canon uses 2nd Curtain to remedy the situation. In that mode, the shutter opens, as before. The shutter remains open for its designated duration, and the ghost image forms. If your subject moves from the left side of the frame to the right side, the ghost will move from left to right, too. Then, about 1.5 milliseconds before the second shutter curtain closes, the flash is triggered, producing a nice, sharp flash image ahead of the ghost image. Voilà! We have monsieur Speed Racer outdriving his own trailing image.

Avoiding Sync-Speed Problems

Using a shutter speed faster than 1/250th second can cause problems. Triggering the electronic flash only when the shutter is completely open makes a lot of sense if you think about what’s going on. To obtain shutter speeds faster than 1/250th second, the 90D exposes only part of the sensor at one time, by starting the second curtain on its journey before the first curtain has completely opened, as shown in Figure 11.6. That effectively provides a briefer exposure as a slit, narrower than the full height of the sensor, passes above its surface. If the flash were to fire during the time when the first and second curtains partially obscured the sensor, only the slit that was open would be exposed.

You’d end up with only a narrow band, representing the portion of the sensor that was exposed when the picture is taken. For shutter speeds faster than 1/250th second, the second curtain begins moving before the first curtain reaches the bottom of the frame. As a result, a moving slit, the distance between the first and second curtains, exposes one portion of the sensor at a time as it moves from the top to the bottom. Figure 11.6 shows three views of our typical (but imaginary) focal plane shutter. At left is pictured the closed shutter; in the middle version you can see the first curtain has moved down about 1/4 of the distance from the top; and in the right-hand version, the second curtain has started to “chase” the first curtain across the frame toward the bottom.


Figure 11.6 A closed shutter (left); partially open shutter as the first curtain begins to move downward (middle); only part of the sensor is exposed as the slit moves (right).

If the flash is triggered while this slit is moving, only the exposed portion of the sensor will receive any illumination. You end up with a photo like the one shown in Figure 11.7. Note that the band across the bottom of the image is black. That’s a shadow of the second shutter curtain, which had started to move when the flash was triggered. Sharp-eyed readers will wonder why the black band is at the bottom of the frame rather than at the top, where the second curtain begins its journey. The answer is simple: your lens flips the image upside down and forms it on the sensor in a reversed position. You never notice that, because the camera is smart enough to show you the pixels that make up your photo in their proper orientation. But this image flip is why, if your sensor gets dirty and you detect a spot of dust in the upper half of a test photo, if cleaning manually, you need to look for the speck in the bottom half of the sensor.


Figure 11.7 If a shutter speed faster than 1/250th second is used, you can end up photographing only a portion of the image.

I generally end up with sync-speed problems only when shooting in the studio, using studio flash units rather than my 90D’s Canon-dedicated Speedlite. That’s because if you’re using a “smart” (dedicated) flash, the camera knows that a strobe is attached, and remedies any unintentional goof in shutter speed settings. If you happen to set the 90D’s shutter to a faster speed in Tv or M mode, the camera will automatically adjust the shutter speed down to 1/250th second. In Av, P, or Scene Intelligent Auto modes where the 90D selects the shutter speed, it will never choose a shutter speed higher than 1/250th second when using flash. In P mode, shutter speed is automatically set between 1/60th to 1/250th second when using flash.

But when using a non-dedicated flash, such as a studio unit plugged into a PC/X adapter (an accessory that fits into the flash shoe and provides a “dumb” flash connector), the camera has no way of knowing that a flash is connected, so shutter speeds faster than 1/250th second can be set inadvertently. Note that the 90D can use a feature called high-speed sync that allows shutter speeds faster than 1/250th second with certain external dedicated Canon flash units. When using high-speed sync (HSS), the flash fires a continuous serious of bursts at reduced power for the entire exposure, so that the duration of the illumination is sufficient to expose the sensor as the slit moves. High-speed sync is set using the controls on the attached and powered-up compatible external flash. I’ll explain HSS later.

Determining Exposure

Calculating the proper exposure for an electronic flash photograph is a bit more complicated than determining the settings by continuous light. The right exposure isn’t simply a function of how far away your subject is (which the 90D can figure out based on the autofocus distance that’s locked in just prior to taking the picture). Various objects reflect more or less light at the same distance so, obviously, the camera needs to measure the amount of light reflected back and through the lens. Yet, as the flash itself isn’t available for measuring until it’s triggered, the 90D has nothing to measure.

The solution is to fire the flash multiple times. The initial shot is a pre-flash that can be analyzed, then followed by a main flash that’s given exactly the calculated intensity needed to provide a correct exposure. If the main flash is serving as a master to trigger off-camera flash units, additional coded pulses can convey settings information to the slave flashes and trigger their firing. Of course, if radio signals rather than optical signals are in play, the sequences may be different. I’ll cover various radio and optical wireless flash modes in Chapter 12; this chapter just explains the basics.

Because of the need to abbreviate or quench a flash burst in order to provide the optimum exposure, the primary flash may be longer for distant objects and shorter for closer subjects, depending on the required intensity. This through-the-lens evaluative flash exposure system is called E-TTL II, and it operates whenever you have attached a Canon-dedicated flash unit to the 90D.

Guide Numbers

Guide numbers, usually abbreviated GN, are a way of specifying the power of an electronic flash in a way that can be used to determine the right f/stop to use at a particular shooting distance and ISO setting. In fact, before automatic flash units became prevalent, the GN was used to do just that. A GN is usually given as a pair of numbers for both feet and meters that represent the range at ISO 100. For example, consider the Canon Speedlite 270EX II, the least powerful of Canon’s current external flash units (aside from the mini 90EX, primarily intended for use on Canon’s non-dSLR models). The 270EX II has a GN of 89 at ISO 100. That Guide Number applies when the flash is set to the 50mm zoom setting (so that the unit’s coverage is optimized to fill up the frame when using a 50mm focal length on a full-frame camera body). (The effective Guide Number is just 72 when the flash is mounted on a “cropped” sensor camera like the EOS 90D.) If you’re using the 270EX II set to the 28mm zoom position, the light spreads out more to cover the wider area captured at that focal length, and the Guide Number of the unit drops to 79.

Of course, the question remains, what can you do with a Guide Number, other than to evaluate relative light output when comparing different flash units? In theory, you could use the GN to calculate the approximate exposure that would be needed to take a photo at a given distance. To calculate the right exposure at ISO 100, you’d divide the guide number by the distance to arrive at the appropriate f/stop. (Remember that the shutter speed has no bearing on the flash exposure; the flash burst will occur while the shutter is wide open and will have a duration of less than the time the shutter is open.)

Again, using the 270EX II as an example, at ISO 100 with its GN of 89, if you wanted to shoot a subject at 11 feet, you’d use f/8 (89 divided by 11). At approximately 16 feet, an f/stop of f/5.6 would be used. Some quick mental calculations with the GN will give you any electronic flash’s range. You can easily see that the 270EX II would begin to peter out at about 32 feet, where you’d need an aperture of roughly f/2.8 at ISO 100. Of course, in the real world you’d probably bump the sensitivity up to a setting of ISO 400 so you could use a more practical f/5.6 at that distance.

You should use Guide Numbers as an estimate only. Other factors can affect the relative “power” of a flash unit. For example, if you’re shooting in a small room. Some light will bounce off ceilings and walls—even with the flash pointed straight ahead—and give your flash a slight boost, especially if you’re not shooting extra close to your subject. Use the same flash outdoors at night, say, on a football field, and the flash will have less relative power, because helpful reflections from surrounding objects are not likely.

So, today, guide numbers are most useful for comparing the power of various flash units. You don’t need to be a math genius to see that an electronic flash with a GN of, say, 197 (like the 600EX II-RT) would be a lot more powerful than that of the 270EX II. You could use f/12 instead of f/5.6 at 16 feet. That’s slightly more than two full f/stops’ difference. As a Canon 90D owner, we can safely assume you’ll be using one of the more powerful flash units in the Canon line (or perhaps a similar unit from a third-party vendor).

Getting Started with Electronic Flash

The Canon 90D’s built-in flash is a handy accessory because it is available as required, without the need to carry an external flash around with you constantly. External flash offer more flexibility and additional power. The next sections explain how to use both.

Flash in Other Modes

When you’re using Scene modes, Scene Intelligent Auto, P, Av, Tv, B, or Manual exposure modes, pop up the built-in flash by pressing the button on the left side of the pentaprism housing, or attach an external flash and turn it on. The behavior of the flash varies, depending on which exposure mode you’re using:

Flash Range

The illumination of the 90D’s flash varies with distance, focal length, and ISO sensitivity setting.


Figure 11.8 A subject that is twice as far away receives only one-quarter as much illumination.

Red-Eye Reduction and Autofocus Assist

When Red-Eye Reduction is turned on in the Flash Control entry of the Shooting 1 menu (as described in Chapter 7), and you are using flash with any shooting mode except for Landscape, Sports, Panning, Food, HDR Backlight Control, or Movie), the red-eye reduction lamp on the front of the camera will illuminate for about 1.5 seconds when you press down the shutter release halfway, theoretically causing your subjects’ irises to contract (if they are looking toward the camera), and thereby reducing the red-eye effect in your photograph. Red-eye effects are most frequent under low-light conditions, when the pupils of your subjects’ eyes open to admit more light, thus providing a larger “target” for your flash’s illumination to bounce back from the retinas to the sensor.

Another phenomenon you’ll encounter under low-light levels may be difficulty in focusing. Canon’s answer to that problem is an autofocus assist beam emitted by the 90D’s built-in flash, if elevated, or by any external dedicated flash unit that you may have attached to the camera (and switched on). In dim lighting conditions, the built-in flash will emit a burst of reduced-intensity flashes when you press the shutter release halfway, providing additional illumination for the autofocus system. The AF-assist beam is emitted only during viewfinder shooting, or when using AI Focus or AI Servo AF.

The AF-assist beam settings entry of the Shooting 6 menu has four options:

Flash Exposure Compensation and FE Lock

If you want to lock flash exposure for a subject that is not centered in the frame, you can use the FE lock (the * button) to lock in a specific flash exposure. Just center the viewfinder on the subject you want to correctly expose and press the * button. The pre-flash fires and calculates exposure. The 90D remembers the correct exposure until you take a picture, and the FEL indicator, a lightning bolt with an * next to it in the lower-left corner of the display, is your reminder. If you want to recalculate your flash exposure, just press the * button again. When you’re ready to shoot, recompose your photo and press the shutter down the rest of the way to take the picture.

You can also manually add or subtract exposure to the flash exposure. When using Program AE, Aperture-priority, Shutter-priority, or Manual exposure modes, you can access flash exposure compensation (FEC) in four different ways.


Figure 11.9 The built-in flash’s Flash Exposure Compensation can be set from the Quick Control Screen (top); a scale is also available (bottom).


Figure 11.10 Flash exposure compensation can be set from the Shooting 1 menu’s External Speedlite Control options.


While setting flash exposure compensation within the camera is usually most convenient, with some Canon Speedlites (such as the 600EX II-RT), you can set exposure compensation on the external flash instead. With the 600EX II-RT, in ETTL, M, or MULTI modes, press the #2 button to highlight the +/- FEC indicator, then rotate the flash’s Select dial to set the specific amount. Press the Select/SET button to confirm your choice.

If you want to avoid accidentally changing the FEC value on the flash, say, while making other adjustments, use either flash unit’s C.Fn-13 setting (not to be confused with the 90D’s own Custom Functions). When set to the default, 0, rotating the Select dial specifies the amount; change to 1, instead, and you must first press the Select/SET button before rotating the dial.

Flash exposure compensation can work in tandem with non-flash exposure compensation, so you can adjust the amount of light registered from the scene by ambient light even while you’re tweaking the amount of illumination absorbed from your flash unit. As with non-flash exposure compensation, the compensation you make remains in effect for the pictures that follow, and even when you’ve turned the camera off, remember to cancel the flash exposure compensation adjustment by reversing the steps used to set it when you’re done using it.


TIPIf you’ve enabled the Auto Lighting Optimizer in the Shooting 3 menu, it may cancel out any EV you’ve subtracted using flash exposure compensation. Disable the Auto Lighting Optimizer if you find your images are still too bright when using flash exposure compensation.

More on Flash Control Settings

I introduced the Shooting 1 menu’s Flash Control settings in Chapter 7. This next section offers additional information for using the Flash Control menu. The menu includes seven options (with six of them shown earlier in Figure 11.4): Flash Firing, E-TTL II Metering, Red-eye Reduction, Slow Synchro, Built-in Flash Settings, External Flash Function Settings, and External Flash C.Fn Settings. There is also a Clear Settings option to return the settings to their default values.

Flash Firing

This menu entry has two options: Fire and Off. It can be used to activate or deactivate the built-in electronic flash and any attached external electronic flash unit. When disabled, the flash cannot fire even if you accidentally elevate it, or have an accessory flash attached and turned on. However, you should keep in mind that the AF-assist beam can still be used. If you want to disable that, too, you’ll need to turn it off using the entry in the Shooting 6 menu.

Here are some applications where I always disable my flash and AF-assist beam, even though my 90D won’t pop up the flash and fire without my intervention anyway. Some situations are too important to take chances. (Who knows, maybe I’ve accidentally set the Mode Dial to SCN?)

E-TTL II Metering

The second choice in the Flash Control menu allows you to choose the type of exposure metering the 90D uses for electronic flash. You can select the default Evaluative (Face Priority) metering, which selectively interprets the metering zones in the viewfinder to intelligently classify the scene for exposure purposes, using face detection to locate and accommodate your human subjects. That setting’s near-twin is the Evaluative option, which performs the same function without searching for faces. Alternatively, you can select Average, which melds the information from all the zones together as an average exposure. You might find this mode useful for evenly lit scenes, but, in most cases, exposure won’t be exactly right, and you may need some flash exposure compensation adjustment.

Red-eye Reduction

Here you can enable or disable use of the 90D’s red-eye reduction feature, described earlier in this chapter.

Slow Synchro

You can select the flash synchronization speed that will be used when working in Aperture-priority mode; choose from Auto (the 90D selects the shutter speed from 30 seconds to 1/250th second) to a range embracing only the speeds from 1/250th to 1/60th second, or fixed at 1/250th second.

Normally, in Aperture-priority mode when using flash, you specify the f/stop to be locked in. The exposure is then adjusted by varying the output of the electronic flash. Because the primary exposure comes from the flash, the main effects of the shutter speed selected is on the secondary exposure from the ambient light on the scene. Your choices include:


Figure 11.11 At left, a shutter speed of 1/60th second was used, allowing ambient illumination to brighten the background. At right, a 1/250th second shutter speed produced a black background.

Built-in Flash Settings

There are four main settings for this menu choice, which normally appears as shown in Figure 11.12. You cannot select Built-in Flash Settings if an external flash is attached to the accessory shoe. A message will pop up explaining that this menu option has been disabled.

However, that does not mean that you can’t use an external Speedlite at the same time as the built-in flash; your add-on flash unit must be used off-camera and not attached to the 90D’s accessory shoe. Indeed, this menu entry has additional settings that apply when using an off-camera wireless external flash, such as Channel and Firing Group, which I’ll address in the sections on external flash.


Figure 11.12 Four entries are available from the Built-in Flash Functions menu.

Here’s a quick summary of the main built-in flash selections, plus additional options that appear when you change the Built-in Flash setting to one of the two wireless flash modes. I’ll explain each in more detail in the sections that follow this one, and in Chapter 12.

Using Flash Mode

Here’s some additional detail on choosing the Flash Mode from the Built-In Flash menu. As mentioned earlier, you can select E-TTL II or Manual flash.


You’ll leave Flash Mode at this setting most of the time. In this mode, the camera fires a pre-flash prior to the exposure, and measures the amount of light reflected to calculate the proper settings. As noted earlier, when you’ve selected the E-TTL II Flash mode, you can also choose Evaluative (Face Priority), Evaluative, or Average metering methods.

Manual Flash

Use this setting when you want to specify exactly how much light is emitted by the flash units, and don’t want the 90D’s E-TTL II exposure system to calculate the f/stop for you. When you activate this option, the two flash exposure compensation entries are replaced by internal and external flash output scales (the built-in and external flash units are represented by icons). You can select from 1/1 (full power) to 1/128th power for the built-in flash. A blue indicator appears under the previous setting, and a white indicator under your new setting, a reminder that you’ve chosen reduced power. Here are some situations where you might want to use manual flash settings:


Figure 11.13 You can fine-tune fill illumination by adjusting the output of your camera’s built-in flash manually. If shadows are too dark (left), fill flash can brighten them (right).

External Flash Function Setting

The Shooting 1 menu’s Flash Control entry has an External Flash Function Setting sub-menu that’s available only when an external flash is attached and powered up. The External Speedlite control menu offers six options (see Figure 11.14). The next sections will explain your choices.


Figure 11.14 The External Speedlite control menu has six options.

If you enable wireless flash, additional options appear in this menu (I’ll cover these in more detail in Chapter 12):

Learning about MULTI Flash

The MULTI flash setting, available with some flash units, makes it possible to shoot cool stroboscopic effects, with the flash firing several times in quick succession. You can use the capability to produce multiple images of moving objects to trace movement (say, your golf swing). When you’ve activated MULTI flash, three parameters appear on the External Flash Function Setting menu, as shown in Figure 11.15.


Figure 11.15 MULTI flash can be specified when an external flash is attached.

They include:

These factors work together to determine the maximum number of flashes you can string together in a single shot. The exact number will vary, depending on your settings. MULTI flash can be used to get some interesting effects, as shown in Figure 11.16.


Figure 11.16 MULTI flash stroboscopic effect.

Continuous Shooting Priority

This feature was introduced with the Canon Speedlite EL-100, and it simplifies using compatible flash in continuous shooting mode. If your flash offers this mode, the flash output will be automatically decreased by one stop, and ISO sensitivity is set to Auto. These adjustments allow you to shoot continuously if you need to and conserve your flash’s battery power in both continuous and single-shot modes. Because of the adjustments the camera makes for you in this mode, you should check your ISO settings after you stop using the flash and reset them to your preferred values if necessary.

External Automatic/External Manual (Ext.A/Ext.M)

Some current Speedlites, such as the 600EX II-RT, and older units still in widespread use (like the EX-580), include a metering sensor on the flash itself. When you specify either of those choices, through-the-lens (E-TTL II) metering is disabled, and the flash’s external sensor will be used to measure exposure instead. You’ll find in most cases that E-TTL II metering is more accurate, and preferable for applications like balanced fill flash outdoors or balancing ambient light and flash indoors when using Av or Tv modes.

While these external metering modes are often considered obsolete, some find them useful, say, when removing the flash from the camera to illuminate backgrounds or other objects—including macro subjects—from an angle. The Speedlite still needs to be connected to the 90D with a cable, such as the Canon OC-E3, but you can position the flash anywhere the cable can stretch to.


Choose Ext.A in the 90D’s External Flash Function Setting menu or use the Mode button on the flash. You may have to check the Custom Functions settings on your flash to make sure the feature has not been disabled. When you press the shutter release halfway, the effective flash range is displayed. When you take a photo, the flash output is adjusted according to the aperture and ISO speed you’ve chosen.


In this mode, you must manually tell the flash unit the aperture and ISO speed set on the camera. This manual mode allows connecting the Speedlite to the 90D using the “dumb” PC terminal on the flash and a “dumb” PC/X terminal adapter mounted on the 90D’s flash shoe. The main reason you might want to use this type of connection is because PC/X cables are available in much longer lengths than the “intelligent” OC-E3 cable. It’s a stretch, but this feature is available if you need it.

Choose Ext.M in the 90D’s External Flash Function Setting menu or use the Mode button on the flash. Next, press the flash unit’s ISO button (Function Button 3) and aperture setting button (Function Button 4) and enter the sensitivity and f/stop set on the camera.

High-Speed Sync

High-speed sync is a special mode that allows you to synchronize an external flash (but not the built-in flash) at all shutter speeds, rather than just 1/250th second and slower. The entire frame is illuminated by a series of continuous bursts as the shutter opening moves across the sensor plane, so you do not end up with a horizontal black band, as shown earlier in Figure 11.7.

HSS is especially useful in three situations, all related to problems associated with high ambient light levels:


If you are using a compatible flash unit, it’s safe to enable high-speed sync all the time. That’s because if you set the camera for 1/250th second or slower, the flash will fire normally at its set power output, just as if HSS were not enabled. But once you venture past 1/250th second to a faster shutter speed, the camera/flash combination is smart enough to use HSS. However, it’s your responsibility to remember that you’ve enabled high-speed sync, and realize that as you increase the shutter speed, the effective range of the flash is reduced. At 1/1000th second, the 600EX-RT is “good” out to about two feet from the camera. (Remember, HSS does not work in wireless mode, so the flash must be attached to the camera’s hot shoe.) At 1/4000th second, the flash will illuminate subjects no more than about one foot from the flash/camera.

To activate HSS using the 580EX II, which is the most used high-end Canon Speedlite, or 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT, just follow these steps:

  1. 1. Attach the flash. Mount/connect the external flash on the 90D, using the hot shoe or a cable. (HSS cannot be used in wireless mode, nor with a flash linked through an adapter that provides a PC/X terminal.)
  2. 2. Power up. Turn the flash and camera on.
  3. 3. Select HSS in the camera. Set the External Flash Function Setting in the camera to HSS as the 90D’s sync mode.
  1. Choose Flash Control in the Shooting 1 menu.
  2. Select External Flash Func. Setting.
  3. Navigate to the Shutter Sync. Entry, press SET, and choose High-Speed (at the far right of the list). Press SET again to confirm.
  1. 4. Choose HSS on the flash. Activate HSS (FP flash) on your attached external flash. With the 580EX II, press the High-speed sync button on the back of the flash unit (it’s the second from the right under the LCD). (See Figure 11.17.) With the 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT, press Function Button 4 (Sync), located at the far right of the row of four buttons just under the LCD.
  2. 5. Confirm HSS is active. The HSS icon will be displayed on the flash unit’s LCD (at the upper-left side with the 580EX II), and at bottom left in the 90D’s viewfinder. If you choose a shutter speed of 1/250th second or slower, the indicator will not appear in the viewfinder, as HSS will not be used at slower speeds.
  3. 6. View minimum/maximum shooting distance. Choose a distance based on the maximum shown in the line at the bottom of the flash’s LCD display (from 0.5 to 18 meters).
  4. 7. Shoot. Take the picture. To turn off HSS, press the button on the flash again. Remember that you can’t use MULTI flash or Wireless flash when working with High-speed sync.


Figure 11.17 Activate High-speed sync on the flash.

Flash C.Fn Settings

This menu entry produces a screen that allows you to set any available Custom Functions in your flash, from the camera. The functions available will depend on the C.Fn settings included in the flash unit. The EL-100 has only two Custom Functions, while the more top-of-the-line model EX600 II-RT, has 24 Custom Functions (see Figure 11.18). To set flash Custom Functions, rotate the QCD to choose the C.Fn number to be adjusted, then press SET. Rotate the Quick Control Dial again to choose from that function’s options, then press SET again to confirm.


Figure 11.18 Custom Functions for your Speedlite can be set from the camera’s Flash C.Fn menu.

Clear Settings

Select this menu entry, located at the bottom of the screen, and you’ll be asked if you want to change all the flash settings to their factory default values. You have two choices: Clear Flash Settings (the settings internal to the 90D) and Clear All Speedlite C.Fn’s, which returns all the attached Speedlite’s Custom Function settings to their factory defaults. The only exception is C.Fn-0: Distance Indicator Display, which will remain at its set value.

Working with External Electronic Flash

Once the capacitor is charged, the burst of light that produces the main exposure can be initiated by a signal from the 90D that commands the internal or connected flash units to fire. External strobes can be linked to the camera in several different ways:

Canon offers a broad range of accessory electronic flash units for the 90D. They can be mounted to the flash accessory shoe or used off-camera with a dedicated cord that plugs into the flash shoe to maintain full communications with the camera for all special features. (Non-dedicated flash units, such as studio flash, can be connected using a PC/X adapter.) They range from the Speedlite 600EX II-RT and Speedlite 580EX II, which can correctly expose subjects up to 24 feet away at f/11 and ISO 200, to the 270EX II, which is good out to 9 feet at f/11 and ISO 200. (You’ll get greater ranges at even higher ISO settings, of course.) There are also two electronic flash units specifically for specialized close-up flash photography.

I power my Speedlites with Panasonic Eneloop AA nickel metal hydride batteries. These are a special type of rechargeable battery with a feature that’s ideal for electronic flash use. The Eneloop cells, unlike conventional batteries, don’t self-discharge over relative short periods of time. Once charged, they can hold onto most of their juice for a year or more. That means you can stuff some of these into your Speedlite, along with a few spares in your camera bag, and not worry about whether the batteries have retained their power between uses. There’s nothing worse than firing up your strobe after not using it for a month and discovering that the batteries are dead.

Speedlite 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT

This flagship of the Canon accessory flash line (and most expensive at about $500) is the most powerful unit the company offers, with a GN of 197 and a manual/automatic zoom flash head that covers the full frame of lenses from 24mm wide angle to 200mm telephoto. (There’s a flip-down, wide-angle diffuser that spreads the flash to cover a 14mm lens’s field of view, too.) All angle specifications given by Canon refer to full-frame sensors, but this flash unit automatically converts its field of view coverage to accommodate the crop factor of the 90D and the other 1.6X crop Canon dSLRs. The latest 600EX II-RT has improved continuous flash firing rates (up to 2X faster with an optional CP-E4N battery pack).

The 600EX-RT/II-RT share basic features with the discontinued (but still widely used) 580EX II, described next, so I won’t repeat them here, because the typical veteran Canon owner is more likely to own multiple Speedlites.

The killer feature of this series is the wireless two-way radio communication between the camera and this flash (or ST-E3-RT wireless controller and the flash) at distances of up to 98 feet. You can link up to 15 different flash units with radio control, using five groups (A, B, C, D, and E), and no line-of-sight connection is needed. (You can hide the flash under a desk or in a potted plant.) With the latest Canon cameras having a revised “intelligent” hot shoe (which includes the 90D), a second 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT can be used to trigger a camera that also has a 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT mounted, from a remote location. That means you can set up multiple cameras equipped with multiple flash units to all fire simultaneously! For example, if you were shooting a wedding, you could photograph the bridal couple from two different angles, with the second camera set up on a tripod, say, behind the altar.


If you see references to a 600EX model (non-RT), you’ll find that a version with the radio control crippled is sold only outside the USA in countries where obtaining permission to use the relevant radio spectrum is problematic.

The 600EX II-RT maintains backward compatibility with optical transmission used by earlier cameras. However, it’s a bit pricey for the average 90D owner, who is unlikely to be able to take advantage of all its features. If you’re looking for a high-end flash unit and don’t need radio control, I still recommend the Speedlite 580EX II (described next), which is still widely available and is the most-used high-end flash Canon has ever offered.

Remember that with the 600EX II-RT, you can’t use radio control and some other features unless you own at least two radio-controlled Speedlites, such as a 600EX II-RT or 430EX III-RT (described later) or one 600EX II-RT plus the ST-E3-RT, which costs about $300. Radio control is possible only between a camera that has a radio-capable flash or ST-E3-RT in the hot shoe, and an additional radio-capable flash or ST-E3-RT.

Custom Functions of the 600EX II-RT can be set using the 90D’s External Flash C.Fn Setting menu. Additional Personal Functions can be specified on the flash itself. The 90D-friendly functions include:


Distance indicator display (Meters/Feet)


Auto power off (Enabled/Disabled)


Modeling flash (Enabled-DOF preview button/Enabled-test firing button/Enabled-both buttons/Disabled)


FEB Flash exposure bracketing auto cancel (Enabled/Disabled)


FEB Flash exposure bracketing sequence (Metered > Decreased > Increased Exposure/Decreased > Metered > Increased Exposure)


Flash metering mode (E-TTL II/E-TTL/TTL/External metering: Auto/External metering: Manual)


Quickflash with continuous shot (Disabled/Enabled)


Test firing with autoflash (1/32/Full power)


AF-assist beam firing (Enabled/Disabled)


Auto zoom adjusted for image/sensor size (Enabled/Disabled)


Slave auto power off timer (60 minutes/10 minutes)


Cancellation of slave unit auto power off by master unit (within 8 hours/within 1 hour)


Flash recycling on external power (Use internal and external power/Use only external power)


Flash exposure metering setting button (Speedlite button and dial/Speedlite dial only)


Beep (Enable/Disable)


Light distribution (Standard, Guide number priority, Even coverage)


LCD panel illumination (On for 12 seconds, Disable, Always on)


Slave flash battery check (AF-assist beam/Flash lamp, Flash lamp only)

The Personal Functions available include the following. Note that you can set the LCD panel color to differentiate at a glance whether a given flash is functioning in Master or Slave mode.


LCD panel display contrast (Five levels of contrast)


LCD panel illumination color: Normal (Green, Orange)


LCD panel illumination color: Master (Green, Orange)


LCD panel illumination color: Slave (Green, Orange)


Color filter auto detection (Auto, Disable)


Wireless button toggle sequence (Normal > Radio > Optical, Normal < > Radio, Normal < > Optical)


Flash firing during linked shooting (Disabled, Enabled)

Speedlite 580EX II

If you were using Canon cameras prior to purchasing your 90D, you might already own this deposed flagship of the Canon accessory flash line. Despite the introduction of the 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT, this unit is still the most widely used Canon Speedlite, popular because of its relatively lower price and wide availability new or used. The 580EX II is the second-most powerful unit the company offered, with a GN of 190, and a manual/automatic zoom flash head that covers the full frame of lenses from 24mm wide angle to 105mm telephoto, as well as 14mm optics with a flip-down diffuser.

Like the 600EX II-RT, this unit offers full swivel, 180 degrees in either direction, and has its own built-in AF-assist beam and an exposure system that’s compatible with the nine focus points of the 90D. Powered by economical AA-size batteries, the unit recycles in 0.1 to 6 seconds, and can squeeze 100 to 700 flashes from a set of alkaline batteries.

The 580EX II automatically communicates white balance information to your camera, allowing it to adjust WB to match the flash output. You can even simulate a modeling light effect: When you press the depth-of-field preview button on the 90D, the 580EX II emits a one-second burst of light that allows you to judge the flash effect. If you’re using multiple flash units with Canon’s wireless E-TTL system, this model can serve as a master flash that controls the slave units you’ve set up (more about this later) or function as a slave itself.

It’s easy to access all the features of this unit, because it has a large backlit LCD panel on the back that provides information about all flash settings. There are 14 Custom Functions that can be controlled from the flash, numbered from 00 to 13.

These functions are (the first setting is the default value):


Distance indicator display (Meters/Feet)


Auto power off (Enabled/Disabled)


Modeling flash (Enabled-DOF preview button/Enabled-test firing button/Enabled-both buttons/Disabled)


FEB Flash exposure bracketing auto cancel (Enabled/Disabled)


FEB Flash exposure bracketing sequence (Metered > Decreased > Increased Exposure/Decreased > Metered > Increased Exposure)


Flash metering mode (E-TTL II/E-TTL/TTL/External metering: Auto/External metering: Manual)


Quickflash with continuous shot (Disabled/Enabled)


Test firing with autoflash (1/32/Full power)


AF-assist beam firing (Enabled/Disabled)


Auto zoom adjusted for image/sensor size (Enabled/Disabled)


Slave auto power-off timer (60 minutes/10 minutes)


Cancellation of slave unit auto power off by master unit (within 8 hours/within 1 hour)


Flash recycling on external power (Use internal and external power/Use only external power)


Flash exposure metering setting button (Speedlite button and dial/Speedlite dial only)

Speedlite 470EX-AI

If you don’t want to work with your flash detached from the camera, the Speedlite 470EX-AI (about $300) makes the most of on-camera flash, thanks to an Auto Intelligent (AI) bounce function. The flash itself can evaluate the distance and position of nearby walls or ceiling, the focus distance to your subject, and then calculate the optimal bounce angle, and swivel itself into position automatically. It maintains that bounce angle even as you rotate the camera from vertical to horizontal. Just tap the shutter release twice and the flash will reposition its flash head. The feature can be used in full-auto mode, or you can choose a bounce angle yourself (from 0 to 120 degrees of tilt, and plus/minus 180 degrees of rotation).

The flash has a useful 154 guide number, a zoom head with coverage from 24-105mm, and a diffuser that extends flash coverage to 14mm. Although it can’t be used as a wireless master flash, it can be triggered optically by any Canon master flash or controller.

Speedlite 430EX III-RT

This less pricey electronic flash (available for less than $300) is an affordable replacement for the 580EX II for those who don’t need the beefy power of the older Speedlite. It also makes radio control wireless triggering available to those who can’t afford the 600EX-RT’s price tag. The 430EX III-RT has automatic and manual zoom coverage from 24mm to 105mm, and the same wide-angle pullout panel found on the 600EX-RT/600EX II-RT that covers the area of a 14mm lens on a full-frame camera, and automatic conversion to the cropped frame area of the 90D and other 1.6X crop Canon dSLRs. The 430EX III-RT also communicates white balance information with the camera and has its own AF-assist beam. Compatible with Canon’s wireless E-TTL system, it makes a good slave unit, but it cannot serve as a master flash. It, too, uses AA batteries, and offers recycle times of 0.1 to 3.7 seconds for 200 to 1,400 flashes, depending on subject distance.

This long-overdue replacement for the 430EX II has as its biggest selling point the ability to communicate either optically (as a slave) with any compatible master flash or by radio transmission (as either master or slave) with other RT flashes, including the 600EX RT. Previously, you needed either two of the expensive 600EX RT/600EX II-RT units or one 600EX RT/600EX II-RT and an ST-E3-RT trigger to use radio communications.

The Canon Speedlite 430EX III-RT offers a sophisticated set of features, including an LCD panel that allows you to navigate the unit’s menu and view its status. These features, along with powerful output and automatic zoom, mean this unit has more in common with Canon’s high-end Speedlites than it does with the 320EX or the 270EX II. The Speedlite 430EX III-RT is compatible with E-TTL II and earlier flash technologies. It can serve as a slave unit in an optical wireless configuration. The Speedlite 430EX III-RT has a Guide Number of 43/141 (meters/feet) at ISO 100, at 105mm focal length.

Speedlite 320EX

This $249 flash has a GN of 105. Lightweight and more pocket-sized than the 430EX III-RT and 600EX-RT, this bounceable (both horizontally and vertically) flash has some interesting features, including a built-in LED video light that can be used for shooting movies with the 90D, or as a modeling light or even AF-assist beam when shooting with live view. Canon says that this efficient LED light can provide up to four hours of illumination with a set of AA batteries. (See Figure 11.19.) It can be used as a wireless slave unit, and it has a flash-release function that allows the shutter to be triggered remotely with a two-second delay.


Figure 11.19 The Speedlite 320EX has a built-in video lamp.

Speedlite EL-100

I got this compact little flash when it was first introduced and have grown especially fond of it since the introduction of the 90D and 90DP. At $150, it’s clearly the high-value bargain flash among Canon Speedlites, because it does so many things you don’t expect from such an inexpensive unit. If you want to keep your 90D kit’s weight reasonable, the EL-100 has most of what you really need, with the only cost being total light output.

It’s pleasantly small at about 2.5 × 3.6 × 2.8 inches and weighs less than eight ounces with two AA batteries. (See Figure 11.20, left.) The flash head rotates 180 degrees and pivots up and down from zero to 90 degrees, so you can easily bounce light off a nearby wall or ceiling. (Keep in mind that bounce flash really soaks up a strobe’s illumination, and the EL-100 has a guide number of only 85 at ISO 100 when using the 50mm flash coverage setting to begin with.) It recycles in less than six seconds, and signals that it’s ready to go with a flash-ready indicator.

The EL-100’s controls are simplicity itself; there is no LCD and a plethora of buttons or dials. One switch labeled Receiver allows you to choose Channels 1–4, a rotating dial chooses Off, On, Auto Flash (which allows the 90D to decide whether to use flash or not), and assigns the flash to Groups A, B, or C for wireless applications. There’s also a flash Test button. That’s it. (See Figure 11.20, right.)

The number of flash modes available make this unit quite versatile. You can use E-TTL, Manual, MULTI, or CSP modes using External Flash Functions settings described earlier. In wireless mode, it can serve as an optical master or slave, and access the ratio and exposure compensation options described earlier, including light ratio controls and separate Group C exposure compensation. Its burst will normally fill the frame captured by a 24mm lens or zoom setting, but you can adjust it for a 50mm focal length, which gives the unit a bit more range.


Figure 11.20 The EL-100 is Canon’s most versatile low-cost Speedlite.

The EL-100 can clearly be a strong choice for someone who’s already working with a variety of Canon equipment. But any creative photographer can enjoy the Speedlite EL-100 as the highly competent tool it is. In the right hands, it can brighten shots with precision, help you evade overexposure, and enable you to be ready to take-on challenging lighting circumstances. And with how simple it is to use, it’s not hard to find the right hands to use the EL-100.

I like this unit as an on-camera flash for fill light outdoors, and to trigger wireless Speedlights optically (in such cases, you may not want an extra-powerful flash mounted on the camera anyway). The EL-100 is an economical choice for both functions.

Speedlite 270EX II

The Canon Speedlite 270EX II is designed to work with compatible EOS cameras utilizing E-TTL II and E-TTL automatic flash technologies. This flash unit is entirely controlled from the camera, making it as simple to use as a built-in flash. Its options can be selected and set via the camera’s menu system. The 270EX II can also be used as an off-camera slave unit when controlled by a master Speedlite, transmitter unit, or a camera with an integrated Speedlite transmitter. One interesting feature of this unit is that it is also a remote-control transmitter, allowing you to wirelessly release the shutter on cameras compatible with certain remote-controller units. The Speedlite 270EX II has a Guide Number of 27/89 (meters/feet) at ISO 100, with the flash head pulled forward.

This $170 ultra-compact unit is Canon’s entry-level Speedlite, and suitable for 90D owners who want a simple strobe for occasional use, without sacrificing the ability to operate it as a wireless slave unit. With its modest guide number, it provides a little extra pop for fill-flash applications. It has vertical bounce capabilities of up to 90 degrees, and it can be switched between Tele modes to Normal (28mm full-frame coverage) at a reduced guide number of 72.

The 270EX II functions as a wireless slave unit triggered by any Canon EOS unit or flash (such as the 430EX III-RT) with a Master function. It also has the new flash release function with a two-second delay that lets you reposition the flash. There’s a built-in AF-assist beam, and this 5.5-ounce, 2.6 × 2.6 × 3–inch unit is powered by just two AA-size batteries.

Close-Up Lites

Canon has offered three lites, especially suitable for close-up photography: the Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX/EX II and Macro Twin Lite flash MD-24EX-RT. As you might guess from their names, these lites are especially suitable for close-up, or macro photography, because they provide a relatively shadowless illumination. It’s always tricky photographing small subjects up close, because there often isn’t room enough between the camera lens and the subject to position lights effectively. Ring lites, in particular, especially those with their own modeling lamps to help you visualize the illumination you’re going to get, mount around the lens at the camera position, and help solve many close-up lighting problems.

But, in recent years, the ring lite has gone far beyond the macro realm and is now probably even more popular as a light source for fashion and glamour photography. The right ring lite, properly used, can provide killer illumination for glamour shots, while eliminating the need to move and reset lights for those shots that lend themselves to ring lite illumination. As you, the photographer, move around your subject, the ring lite moves with you.

One of the key drawbacks to ring lites (whether used for macro or glamour photography) is that they are somewhat bulky and clumsy to use (they must be fastened around the camera lens itself, or the photographer must position the ring lite, and then shoot “through” the opening or ring). That means that you might not be moving around your subject as much as you thought and will, instead, mount the ring lite and camera on a tripod, studio stand, or other support.

Another drawback is the cost. The MR-14EX/MR-14EX II and MR-24EX-RT close-up lites are priced in the $550 and $989 range, respectively. You have to be planning a lot of macro or fashion work to pay for one of those. Specialists take note. I tend to favor a third-party substitute for close-up photography, the Alien Bees ABR800 Ringflash. It’s priced at about $400, and, besides, it integrates very well with my other Alien Bees studio flash units.