Susan Cooper paced the floor of her small efficiency apartment. She coughed from too much smoking. She poured a glass of cheap whiskey and continued her pacing. She thought about her mother and the drive she must make to the funeral. She had little money, but maybe her inheritance would make it worthwhile. It wouldn’t be much, if anything. Susan had not talked to her mother in several years.

She hadn’t spoken to her son, either. She really didn’t know where he was, but then again, he had no idea she was in Houston. “All more was the pity.” She shook her head.

* * *

Davis Wilson rolled over in his sleep and felt the warm body of Cynita roll against him.

* * *

Pam rotated stock and made polite conversation with Dot. She didn’t mind working at Ginger’s, especially knowing Joe would be home tomorrow and he would be spending more time with her. She would cook a nice meal for them. A good meal sounded nice. She was a good cook and looked forward to creating a tasty dinner. She knew Joe needed one, as well as herself. She hadn’t eaten much for a while and felt like her ulcers were flaring up. She knew she should slack off on her drinking, but probably not for a while. Perhaps when Joe came back, and things calmed down, they could make a few plans.

* * *

Dave pulled into Ginger’s place. He was tired, but Rick had given a few orders, which he was happy to obey. He checked the floorboard to be sure his new female pup was warm and comfortable.

“Hey, Dave, want a beer?” Dot asked.

“Yeah, I got time for a few.”

“I thought you were going hunting with the guys and Joe, the hero?”

Pam’s attention was stolen.

“Yeah, I just got back into town, but I didn’t see Joe. Has he been in?”

“Haven’t seen him.”

“Give me a beer, and then I had better get home, before I end up single.”

“That’s right. You take care of that sweet woman. Don’t be like Ginger, and this Joe character isn’t any better. I don’t know how many girls he’s juggling.” Dot shook her head in pretense and served more beer.

Pam went to the bathroom and had a good cry. She had thought Joe really cared for her. Now she felt lost.

Dave finished his beer and waved goodbye to Dot. He knew Rick’s little scheme was in progress. Pam was visibly upset and would confront Joe. Maybe things would unravel, and Joe would make a mistake, if he was guilty.

* * *

Joe Cooper drove into Lindville with the idea he would be sharing a bed with either Pam or Cynita. The bars were closed, so Joe called on his new cell phone. Cynita politely told Joe she had other plans.

“I thought we were going to spend the day together.”

“Well, you never called, so I assumed you changed your mind. It was getting late. A girlfriend called, so we’re going out to eat. But call me in a few days or come by the bar.”

Cynita seemed cold. Joe just thought she was mad because he had gone hunting. He had no idea she was really having a romantic dinner with Davis Wilson, not unlike the one they had planned. Cynita knew the difference between the two men. She would not end up with either one. Joe was a flash in the pan, but Davis would put her in touch with a different crowd. One that might give her more opportunities to change her lifestyle.

* * *

Pam answered the phone. It was Joe. “Rumor has it I’m not your only girlfriend.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Who were you with this weekend?”

“You know where I was.”

“Not according to some guy who came from Ginger’s.”

“That’s bullshit. Just ask Ginger or Rick. Who said that?”

“I don’t know his name. But why would he be lying?”

“You must be mistaken. The only ones there were Ginger, Rick, Dave, and Drummer came right before I left.”

“I think his name was Dave. Dot knew him.”

“Something is wrong. Dave and I went out hunting by ourselves. I’ll check it out tomorrow. Just go to bed and get some sleep. Don’t worry about anything. I’m going to shower and go to bed myself.”

“Would you like some company?” asked Pam.

“Only if it’s yours.”

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Start us a bath. I have a bottle of champagne.”


“Doesn’t sound good?”

“Of course it does, but bring your swimming suit. The hot tub is quite vacant.”

“Sounds delicious.”

“I’ll go next door and get another bottle and be in the tub, waiting.”

“I may get a ticket for speeding.”

“Hey, we know some cops.”

“Yeah, ones who give wrong information.”

Joe and Pam were in the hot tub sipping champagne, kissing and caressing, giving Pam false hope about the future. A few hours later, she lay in bed smoking while Joe slept. She knew she would have to quit soon.

There was a small condo for rent she wanted to show Joe. She thought he would really like it. They could really be happy there. Maybe she would get a puppy from Ginger. Joe would have his own hunting dog.