The Solution
Lies in You
What would you say is the Witch’s most valuable tool? The athame? Perhaps the cauldron? Maybe the rituals practiced? Or how about the book of shadows? Although all these things fall under the definition of a tool and all can assist the Witch in their magickal practices, the most powerful tool the Witch possesses is his or her own self. This tool—body, mind, and Spirit—becomes a powerhouse triad if you learn to use what you have. Lord Serphant walked empty-handed out of a ritual circle of over three hundred people one night, took a sly look at me, and said, “Silver! Guess what? I forgot my tools!” To cook any spell, you must learn to fire up your most important tool—yourself. You are the greatest gift to the community.
Several years ago I found myself filled with a burning desire to learn hypnotherapy. At the time, I didn’t realize that the techniques used in hypnotherapy today consist of the same techniques used in basic spellwork by our magickal ancestors. Witches before us called this very important building block magickal fascination. Under this heading, Witches employed self-hypnosis techniques even before hypnosis got its name. So whether you think of your mind as wild-thang or a state-of-the-art computer, the techniques of mental fascination will work for you. For the former you have to train the mind, for the latter you must program the mind—same difference. Many of today’s Witches use the word “focus” to describe the practice.
The Enchanted Slinky
When I was a kid, my two favorite toys were the Jingle-Jump (which I don’t think they sell anymore) and the Slinky. I spent hours of enjoyment with these two toys. My husband can always find me at a festival because I still wear bells (must be left over from my Jingle-Jump days). Anyway, one afternoon my oldest daughter went shopping at the mall with her friends. She came home with a multi-colored Slinky in the shape of a moon. As soon as she set the toy on the table I snapped it up and started playing with it. (Hey, so we’re all kids at heart, what can I say?) As she chatted merrily along about her fascinating excursion, who said what to whom, what cute guys there were (or weren’t), I happily played with the Slinky. After awhile she said, “You haven’t been listening to a word I said. What are you doing?” I snapped out of it and merely replied, “Oh, playing.” It became a standard joke in our house to keep Mom away from the Slinky.
Several months later I had a Craft friend over for dinner. Our after-dinner discussion got fairly deep and the next thing I knew, my daughter brought down the Slinky and plopped the toy in front of me. I unconsciously began playing with the toy. Not only did I fascinate myself, I fascinated my guest. Although we both laughed about it, I had two realizations: one, the Slinky has stayed on the market because it puts children into the alpha state, thereby relaxing them (and what Mother doesn’t want a few moments of peace and quiet?); and two, you can use the Slinky both in magick and as a hypnotic mechanism.
That night, after my guest left, I sat down with the Slinky, picked a goal I wished to work on, and began playing with the Slinky, focusing only on that goal. The next day, much to my happiness, my goal manifested.
The Art of Mental Fascination
Mental fascination comprises the foundation for the ten paths of power. These paths are:
Aspecting (a form of possession) and Invocations
Trance and Astral Projection
Potions (including herbals, incense, and wines)
Dancing and/or Drumming (rattles included in this category as well)
Blood Control (as in bio-feedback techniques)
Working with Stellar, Earth, Sun, Astrological Energies
Chants and Sacred Breath
These ten paths of power can overlap. For example, you can meditate on a candle flame, then drum, shake your rattle, chant and consume a potion, all in the focused effort of one particular desire. Conversely, you could use only one path to reach a desired end; for example, meditating every day on enhancing a personal talent. Regardless of which combination or singular path of power you choose to manifest your desires, the main foundation of such work begins with the art of fascination. Likewise, any spell, devotion, ritual, petition, or solution rests on your ability to adequately employ this same technique.
What does the word “fascination” mean? To fascinate your mind basically means to put your mind in the alpha state. In Laurie Cabot’s book Power of the Witch, there is a good discussion of the alpha state, how to get there, and how to use this state for healing.
To fascinate someone else runs along a different plot line in the fascination story. Let’s talk about self-fascination first; to do that, we need to educate you on the levels of the mind. Alpha is a scientific word for a specific number of brain waves per minute. Basically, alpha constitutes a relaxed state of mind. No, you don’t have to stumble around with a dazed look in your eye to be in the alpha state. Your mind often experiences alpha when you watch television, eat, drive, read, are under stress, are performing a monotonous task, before you go to sleep, or when you daydream. Ongoing studies of the mind show that the simple act of closing your eyes can put you into a light alpha state. Therefore, attaining alpha is not difficult and represents a normal, natural state of mind. Everyone, everywhere, goes into alpha. All you need to do is train your mind to go into the level of alpha you desire when you want it to and for as long as you want it to. A fascination, then, is the attained skill of focusing your mind while you are in the alpha state for a period of time that you determine. When we meditate, we produce a self-induced alpha or theta state.
To put the alpha state into perspective, let’s briefly talk about the other types of brain waves you manufacture. We have beta, the general waking state. Then we move into alpha, which I have already described to you. From there, your mind dips to theta. In theta, many people experience divine revelations, see divinity and angels, and experience astral protection. From theta, your mind moves to delta, which manifests as deep sleep. Each type of brain wave (beta, alpha, theta, delta) has many levels, meaning at any specific point in time you’re not in alpha, rather you are in a level of alpha; you are not in beta, you are in a level of beta. For most purposes, any level of alpha will be of assistance in your magickal and religious work, though the deeper you can train yourself to go, the better. You don’t need to be a walking zombie to practice the art of fascination.
This brings us to the most bogus misinterpretation of the art of fascination. No person exists on the planet who cannot move his or her mind into the alpha state. That means that people who claim they can’t be hypnotized, or are not capable of practicing fascinations, are full of it. Especially practicing Witches! After all, fascination is the foundation of all of your magick. What they really mean is that they do not desire to relinquish control to another person, and therefore will be too stubborn to move into the alpha state when requested to do so by a hypnotherapist. Standard hypnosis tests, such as the eye-roll, hand tests, hypnosis wheel, fogging numbers, and simple inductions serve two functions: To monitor an individual’s behavior and how that behavior works in conjunction with the technique of the hypnotherapist, and whether or not the subject trusts the facilitator. These tests do not judge the subject, they simply monitor whether or not the subject and the hypnotherapist are compatible.
By learning the art of self-hypnosis, or self-fascination, we’ve cut out the middle person and are relying on ourselves instead. Uh-oh, I hear squeals of indignation from some certified hypnotherapists out there, so I’ll add this statement: Not all problems in your life can be dealt with alone. Sometimes it is best to seek out qualified medical care (of course) or a trained hypnotherapist. If you are failing on your own, don’t roll yourself into a ball and give up. Seek out the help you need. Back to the subject at hand. The alpha state, then, is an easily obtainable state of mind. Your mind goes into alpha several times during the day naturally. What you need to do now is train your mind to go into alpha when you want it to, as deep as you want it to.
Certain magickal groups exist, as well as a few standard religious groups, that deny the usefulness of working with mind arts such as hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. This, to be quite frank, revolves around an issue of control. We now know that the use of self-fascinations and hypnotherapy enables the individual to revive approximately ninety-two percent of the unused mind of the average person. We also know that most maladaptive human behavior results from inappropriate self or societal programming and that approximately eighty percent of all illnesses stem from psychosomatic issues, all of which react well to hypnotherapy techniques. I have always believed that if we linked fascination techniques with magickal practices, the possibility of success in any given working rises exponentially.
Whether using magick or hypnotherapy techniques, the practitioner must have a strong, motivating desire to change. If this strength wanes, or doesn’t exist, then the fascination technique will not work. Fascinations bypass the critical, conscious mind and focus on the emotional, subconscious mind. Everything a subject hears, sees, smells, reads, touches, tastes, or experiences (such as a horrendous blind date or a rousing sports competition) remains stored in the mind. Therefore, any memory you desire will surface through self-fascination, and these memories (such as studying for a test or healing a back injury) can function in a positive manner for healing or goal programming, providing you can unlock the door of self-imposed mental blocks.
Neither Witches nor hypnotherapists have the legal ability to diagnose illness, nor can they prescribe medical treatment, nor can they offer drugs or herbs for ingestion. I do have some warnings for you. Medically speaking, if you have a heart condition, use psychotropic drugs through prescriptive method, or have experienced a severe head injury in the past, you should ask your physician if you may practice the meditative and fascination arts safely. You need to make sure that you do not heedlessly throw yourself into the mental arts if it would be unsafe for you to do so. Your physician will advise you on what techniques would be safe for you to practice. Many psychotropic drugs will fight against the benefits of hypnosis and self-hypnosis.
If you have been working magick, you’ve already gone into the alpha state naturally. The alpha state consists of the following: Relaxation of the body and mind; narrowed focus of attention; reduced awareness of external environment and everyday concerns; and greater internal awareness of sensations. That’s why when Witches train their students, they request that the student learn to set aside undisturbed time to work a spell or ritual, and often insist on a series of meditational exercises. You can’t be in the alpha state with the phone ringing, kids running in and out of the room, your cat using your nose as a pull toy, or your significant other bugging you to come downstairs and watch television because he or she is lonely (well, you could after you get good at it, but not when you begin to learn the technique). Granted, once you practice sufficiently, you can go into the alpha state at almost any time, but trying to focus and prolong that state for a decent spell or ritual with the world jumping around you can upset you, blowing alpha right out the proverbial window. Into beta you will go, simply because the world got your dander up. Better to firmly set aside the time you need to train yourself, rather than hate the world for stopping you from doing something you truly want to accomplish. Let’s face it, the world isn’t blocking you; your irritation limits you. So, before we play with spells and numerous solutions to your problems, we are going to teach you how to become an expert at fascination.
Magickal Minutes
Removing Mental Blocks
Supplies: Gather nine sugar cubes; one cup spring water; one white candle;
a small, clear bowl; a piece of white parchment; and a red marker.
Timing: Full moon, waning moon, or dark moon
Planetary Hour: Saturn
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Rune Symbol: Cen
Archetype: Hecate
Totem: Bird or horse (both stand for freedom)
1. Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all supplies with the goal of banishing obstacles in your path to a specific goal, known and unknown.
2. State the goal.
3. Fill the bowl with water. Draw the Cen rune symbol on the parchment. Cen magickally opens the pathways before us and illuminates the darkness. Put the symbol under the bowl so that you can see it through the water.
4. Line the sugar cubes up in a row. Count down from nine to one, touching each sugar cube, then begin the following:
5. One at a time, drop the sugar cubes into the bowl of water, saying:
Nine sugar cubes, all in a row I cast a spell, my magick grows.
By drop of nine, the goal is mine! (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “nine” over and over again.)
By drop of eight, I weave my fate. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “eight” over and over again.)
By drop of seven, come Queen of Heaven. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “seven” over and over again.)
By drop of six, my goal is fixed. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “six” over and over again.)
By drop of five, my goal’s alive. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “five” over and over again.)
By drop of four, I open the door. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “four” over and over again.)
By drop of three, obstacles dissolve away from me. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “three” over and over again.)
By drop of two, my wish comes true. (Stir the water nine times
widdershins while repeating the word “two” over and over again.)
By drop of one, this spell is done. (Stir the water nine times widdershins while repeating the word “one” over and over again.)
6. Hold the bowl up, and say:
Spirits of Saturn, in all your forms and shapes, gather now to serve my magickal purpose. Angel of this day, element of water, lend the power to accomplish my purpose. Hecate, Great Mother of Birth and Death, guide my thoughts, my magick, and my words to accomplish my desire. Give me the power to achieve my magickal purpose.
7. Put the bowl down, hold your hands over the water, and say:
May this spell not reverse, or place upon me any curse.
With harm to none. My will be done. May all astrological
correspondences be correct for this working.
8. Once all the sugar cubes have dissolved, throw the water at a crossroads in the dead of night or into a living body of water. Remember to thank the archetype you called for assistance.
Number spells, such as the one given above, exemplify the use of magickal fascination. By employing the numbers and rhyme, you fascinate your mind into a level of alpha, which clears the way for the thought to reach out into the universe, take shape, and fulfill your desires. By counting down twice from nine to one (first when you set out the sugar cubes, and again when you intoned the rhyme) you allowed your mind to work in compliance with your will in a focused manner.
I’m sure many of you have seen the knot and cord spells that have won Witches throughout the centuries either fame or flame. These simple yet powerful spells are practices in magickal fascination.
Signposts of Alpha
As I mentioned earlier, all inductions into a fascination must bring about the following results: Relaxation of body and mind; narrowed focus of attention; reduced awareness of external environment and everyday concerns; and a greater awareness of internal sensations. We want to learn the mechanics of inductions so that eventually we can cast better spells. Let’s take the results of a fascination one by one to make sure you fully understand.
Relaxation of body and mind means that your body and mind experiences total relaxation. The best place to do this, of course, would be in a chair, on a sofa, on a mat on the floor, et cetera. The seating arrangement must be comfortable. You must be comfortable. Your mind should not furiously churn like the parting of the Red Sea. Peaceful and calm, feeling good, no stress, and so on—that’s relaxation of mind and body. Breaths per minute slow down and blood pressure lowers. Although you may not think so, you can experience relaxation in body and mind while you are standing. This takes practice, but you can do it! When practicing self-fascinations for complete goal programming, where I am sitting down and taping myself for a full session, I have my blankie. When I practice self-hypnosis, I get cold because my blood pressure lowers. If you experience bodily discomfort, then you won’t pay attention to business. My blankie provides the solution. Many individuals do not lie completely down when working through an entire session, because this constitutes a signal to the subconscious that you wish to sleep. We don’t want to go to delta in self-fascination techniques.
Narrowed focus of attention means your mind is not playing a full game of tackle football with people, events, feelings, or emotions. Your attention focuses on one thing and one thing only, or a sequence of ideas, such as in a vision quest, or a sequence of mental events as presented on a meditation tape.
Reduced awareness of external environment and everyday concerns: Even though you hear the phone ring in the other room, you don’t pay a whit of attention to it. You could care less. The deeper the level of alpha, the less you are likely to even hear the ringing of the phone, the traffic outside your window, or the television set your spouse refuses to turn down in the other room. Somewhere your mind registers the sound but you simply don’t worry about that sound and therefore it blends into the background.
Greater awareness of internal sensations: Rather than concentrating on the world around you and being on guard for whatever lies behind any face or around any corner, you are aware of yourself, your needs, and how you are feeling. Eyes closed, you can concentrate on what will work best for you and not entertain worries of your environment, which is why you need to find a place where you know the curiosity seekers of the house won’t find you when you practice meditation, spellcasting, or ritual. In order to connect with your internal self, you need peace and quiet.
Do other techniques exist other than counting down from nine to one to help fascinate your mind? Yes indeed! A constant sound, such as the ticking of a clock, the whining blades of a fan, or the monotonous movement of a metronome, will assist in boring the mind (just don’t pick a cuckoo clock). Simple drum trancing can assist in putting you into the appropriate zone. You don’t have to perform like an expert. A simple, repetitive beat will do. You can use a rattle in the same way.
How Fascinations Relate to
Your Magickal Applications
A few years ago, two friends of mine and I went to a local college psych lab to determine how quickly we could go into the lower levels of the alpha state and the subsequent theta state. Because we’d been practicing meditation techniques for several years, we all went into the lower levels of alpha in less than half a minute. We found that you can move your body quickly or slowly in the alpha state, but sudden jerks, such as flailing an arm, will put you back in beta.
Scientifically, your magick works faster and better when you can move your mind into the alpha state while manipulating outside energies or raising your own energy. We also found that a person who relaxes in the alpha state will heal faster when magick enters the equation than when the patient remains in normal beta state and accepts magickal applications. Finally, we discovered that most religious experiences, colorful visions, or an epiphany occur while the individual is in the theta state. By training your mind to enter the alpha state when practicing spellwork, you have a better chance of success than if you don’t bother with meditation or other mental exercises.
Adept Witches have always known about fascinations, both for themselves and for others. Mental magicks should be a very important part of your magickal compendium, which is why I’m emphasizing the subject. Once you have achieved control over your own mind and can focus your thoughts in a specific direction for an extended length of time, you will discover that your magickal applications work better and faster than ever before. Fascinations, then, are the first step in honing your spellcasting abilities.
Magickal Minutes
Magickal Fruit Garland:
Spell to Increase the Realm of Possibilities and Abundance
Days: Sunday or Thursday
Planetary Hours: Sun or Jupiter
Planetary Spirits: Sun or Jupiter
Moon Phase: Full or waxing
Element: Fire or Earth
Rune: Feoh (wealth)
Archetype: Rosemerta
Totem Animal: Pelican
Magick Circle: Not needed
Quarter Call: Not needed
1. Go shopping at the grocery store in the produce section. Look for a selection of small fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, mini-bananas, cherry tomatoes, grapes, and so on. As you shop, keep in mind that you are browsing through the possibilities of life.
2. At home, carefully wash the fruit with consecrated water. You may also wish to empower the water for the goal of abundance.
3. Using heavy waxed thread, begin to make a garland, slowly threading the fruit together. Don’t jerk your hands, scream at the kids, or get up and down from your chair. Stay put and work through the spell slowly. As you thread the fruit, count down from fifty to one. Each time you thread a piece of fruit, say something like:
As this garland grows, so does abundance and
prosperity grow within my life.
4. When you finish, ask the Goddess Rosemerta to send her blessings into the fruit and fill your life with prosperity and abundance. Tie the garland together so that it forms a circle. Set the garland on a large plate. Pour a small amount of sugar on the plate in the middle of the garland. With your finger, draw the rune Feoh in the sugar. Set in the refrigerator to chill. Serve to your family for supper. As each person partakes of the garland fruit, they bring abundance into their lives.
Simple magickal fascinations are not the same thing as ritual, though you can use fascinations in spells, rites, and rituals. The first two exercises in this chapter focus on simple spellwork without the use of a magick circle or ritual outline.
Techniques for Inducing the Alpha State
You can use several types of inductions to bring your mind into the alpha/theta state. Not all of these techniques relate to solitary use, but I feel you should have this information so that you can understand the full scope of the art of fascination. Remember, we naturally go into the alpha state during normal, daily activity. By using the techniques for inducing the alpha state, we bring something that already constitutes a natural body function into the realm of conscious control, rather than relying on our subconscious to kick-start this state of being.
The Fixation Induction
This induction draws your attention to a very narrow point of interest, such as a candle flame, a swinging pendulum, a metronome, and so on. The object draws our attention away from the room, other people, and our environment in general, allowing us to focus on a single, repetitive movement. As I mentioned earlier, drum trancing would fall into this category, as well as chanting, because you are fixating yourself through sound. The more you work with the fixation induction, the faster your ability to move into the alpha (and subsequently theta) state. For example, the first time you try the fixation procedure it may take you thirty minutes to even slightly bore your brain; however, with successive tries, you may factor this time frame down to less than thirty seconds, as in my example of the Witches in the college psych lab. One of the biggest complaints I hear from readers and students centers on their impatience with themselves. Truly, it takes time and practice to attain focused alpha. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just relax and let it happen. It may take you one week or it may take you thirty weeks to reap success.
How do you “know” when you have reached the point where the magick begins? The best way I can explain it is a feeling of slight separation from reality accompanied by a pleasant, harmonious feeling with a sense of universal connection. Some Witches call this the “still point.”
Hocus Focus (Exercise One):
A Fixation Spell
This exercise involves candle magick. I’m sure you’ve seen the technique before, but we will treat this magick a bit differently here, as you will work magick while you learn a few fascination techniques.
First, you need a white candle, any size will do; a piece of paper (some magickal individuals like to use virgin parchment); and a skin-safe oil that relates to the goal you choose. If you don’t have money for a specific oil, use a bit of perfume, aftershave, or your favorite body splash. Pick something in your life that you would like to manifest. Write down your specific need on an index card or a slip of paper. No, you cannot choose more than one need. If you feel you qualify as an advanced student who has learned a magickal alphabet, by all means go ahead and write your need in the alphabet. Choose one mental picture (and one mental picture only) that you would associate with the fulfillment of this need. The mental picture should revolve around a positive manifestation. Dress the candle in your favorite oil or an oil you have chosen specifically for this goal. Remember: dress from the middle of the candle away from you to push things away from you, and dress from the middle of the candle toward yourself if you wish to draw something into your life. Hold the candle in the direction of compass north for physical manifestations and remember to ask for the blessings of the North in this magickal application. Be sure to keep the mental picture you have chosen in your mind. If you wish to cultivate a transformation in yourself, hold the candle to the West and ask for the blessings of the West in your magickal working. Don’t forget the mental picture. If you wish to harvest something or move an issue along that’s been dragging and you want this issue over and done with, then ask for the blessings of the South. Finally, if your work centers on mental issues, such as psychic power, mental acuity, or the like, then ask for the blessings of the East. If you desire to banish something, then hold the candle up above you and ask for Spirit to lend blessings to your working.
Hold the candle in your hands. Close your eyes and take three deep, even breaths. Take your time. Relax and let yourself move into that candle—shut out the world around you and think about holding the candle and what this candle represents. Open your eyes and bring up the mental picture to your conscious mind that you have associated with your need (remember to keep the visualization positive). Connect that picture to the candle and move the picture into the candle flame. Herman Slater once wrote in his book of magick formularies (see bibliography) that while the first half of the candle burns, the wish resounds in heaven; the judgment on earth manifests while the second half burns.
Put the candle in the holder, close your eyes, and breathe in the scent of the oil off your hands. Keep that same picture of your goal in your mind as you breathe in the scent of the oil. Now you are connecting your goal with the scent of the oil. Open your eyes and put the paper listing your need under the candle. Light the candle, then hold it aloft, saying:
Element of fire, work my will by my desire. Holy Mother (or the
particular name of a God or Goddess), work your will with spiritual fire. Bless this moment in time and the magick I am about to do.
I thank you for the successes you have given me and the successes that will come to me. My specific desire is —————— (name your desire). With harm to none. So mote it be.
Project that one mental picture into the flame as you hold it aloft. Then put the candle down.
Relax and watch the candle flame. Don’t sit there squinting at the candle and don’t try to make the candle flame dance, spit, gyrate, or anything else. Don’t worry about any messages the candle may be trying to send you at first. That comes later. Just take deep, even breaths and relax, watching the flame of the candle do its thing. Think only of the candle. Think only of the flame. If your eyelids drift shut, that’s fine. Think of your connection to the candle, what the candle stands for, and that mental picture of your need. Don’t get excited, upset, or worried that you might be doing something wrong. Don’t let doubts intercede on your behalf; who’s running this show, anyway? Just think of the candle, your need, and your mental picture. If your thoughts drift, don’t have heart failure, just bring them gently back into focus by smelling your hands, which carry the scent of the oil that you mentally connected to your goal. Now, add the feeling of your accomplishment that will accompany the attainment of your goal.
See the flame. Concentrate on your need. Put your mental picture into the flame. Most importantly, don’t end this exercise with a negative feeling. You have to learn to turn the negatives into positives, right? If you are in doubt, ask the Mother for renewed energy and assistance. When finished, put out the candle and thank the element of fire and the Mother for Her intercession.
Practice this technique for seven days, working with the same issue. Each day, before you begin, hold an unlit candle in your hand, put the picture of the goal into the candle, and then begin the same process that you did before (minus dressing the candle). Don’t forget to add the feeling of success. Put a little of the oil or perfume on your hands so that you can use the scent as a mental trigger if necessary. At the end of each session, write down any experiences you may have had as well as any other pertinent information that comes to mind. On the seventh day write on the back of that slip of paper or card the words: “Fixation Spell Complete.” Put the card and the candle away in a safe place until your desire has manifested.
With this exercise we didn’t worry about the phases of the moon, the planetary hour, archetypes, totems, spirits, or particular day of performance. Right now you need to learn how to fixate your mind on a specific manifestation. Your desire centers on learning how to focus. The more you work with this type of induction, the faster you will be able to focus during a relaxed state of mind. This induction’s main function concentrates on teaching you to draw your mind away from external sights and sounds that can cloud the mind and allow you to hold on to this type of focus for increasingly longer periods of time. When your desire has manifested, burn the card or paper and dispose of the candle.
On the eighth day, choose a new desire, and work on exercise two below.
The Relaxation Induction
The second type of induction in self-fascination techniques focuses on removing the stresses that cling to the body and mind. Here, we systematically relax all the muscles in the body. You can begin at the top of your head and work down, or start with your toes and work up. I prefer working from the top of the head down, and funneling any negative energy into the ground, where this energy will transform itself (through your visualization process). Notice that this technique has similarities to that of grounding one’s energy so that we can work magick unfettered by self-imposed troubles.
Hocus Focus (Exercise Two):
The Relaxation Spell
Follow the instructions previously stated (don’t forget the oil) except this time, close your eyes as soon as you set the lighted candle down. Yes, I know, you won’t get to see the flame this time . . . bummer. Imagine the candle flame manifests inside of you as a white light that circulates from your crown to your toes (or toes to crown). Imagine this white light relaxing every portion of your body that it touches. You don’t need to concentrate on every muscle, just feel the white light move up (or down) your body. Feel your mind and body relax and move deeper into a calm state of mind. It’s okay to say to yourself:
My forehead is relaxing now. The muscles around my eyes are
relaxing now. The muscles around my mouth relax. My neck muscles are relaxing. My shoulders are relaxing. My spine relaxes. My hips
are relaxing now. My legs are relaxing. My feet are relaxing now.
My toes are relaxing.
This method does not use more than one statement for each section of the body, and treats the body sections in large portions, for example “my legs” rather than “my thighs, my kneecaps, my calves, my feet, my arches, my toes . . . .” Don’t worry if these muscles don’t “feel” relaxed. As you move further into the method, your muscles will automatically let go and relax. Granted, the more you do this technique, the faster the technique will work for you. I’ve found that you’ll come to a point where you can go through this technique quickly once you’ve practiced. This type of procedure, again, is called the relaxation induction. Once you have moved from your crown to your toes, you now can focus your mind on the mental picture of what you wish to manifest. If your mind strays, gently pull your thought process back. Do this procedure for seven days.
At the end of each session, write down any experiences you may have had as well as any other pertinent information that comes to mind. On the seventh day, write on the back of that slip of paper or card the words: “This is done.” Put the card and the candle away in a safe place until your desire has manifested. Follow the same instructions for disposal once your desire has manifested.
The Progressive Relaxation Induction
Like the relaxation induction, this procedure systematically relieves stress in your body. Again, you may begin either at the top of your head or at your toes. Where the simple relaxation induction uses few statements, the progressive relaxation induction goes into detail. Pauses between each level of relaxation allow the information to sink in and give your body time to react to the statements. For example, I would say: my thighs relax . . . loose and limp . . . my kneecaps relax . . . pause . . . my calves relax . . . pause . . . my feet, et cetera. In a progressive relaxation induction you may wish to use the same induction more than once (head to toe, head to toe, head to toe). The more you practice this type of induction, the better for your overall health. During this type of induction you may be prone to images from the collective unconscious that relate specifically to your self-growth. Be sure to write these images down after your session.
Hocus Focus (Exercise Three):
The Progressive Relaxation Spell
Pick a new goal. Go through the previously stated steps except this time, after you close your eyes, you are going to tell each part of your body to relax, and between each statement you will either say “loose and limp,” “safe and secure,” or simply pause. Example: My toes relax, my ankles relax, my calves feel loose and limp, my knees relax, I am safe and secure, et cetera. Work through the entire body. Now concentrate on your desire. Keep careful notes of your experiences. On the seventh day write on the back of that slip of paper or card the words: “Fascination completed.” Put the card and the candle away in a safe place until your desire has manifested. For you writer types, notice the removal of all passive voice in these relaxation statements. This type of procedure should employ active voice. When your desire has manifested, burn the paper and dispose of the candle.
The Indirect Induction
This technique uses analogies and metaphors rather than specific induction statements. Many of the vision quest meditation tapes available on the market today use this technique. You go into trance (alpha) by following an imaginary story line designed to take you into the alpha state. For example, you might hear instructions to walk down a path, and go deeper into the forest. One of the best indirect induction tapes I’ve ever heard is from Tara Sutphen of Valley of the Sun Publishing entitled Angels of Light. I use this tape for all of my students. Some tapes will employ the Relaxation Induction and the Indirect Induction in the same session, or combine the Progressive Induction and the Indirect Induction together. Again, for you writers, the statements will run smoother and carry more impact if you learn to eliminate passive voice and concentrate as much as possible on active voice. Further, try never to use the “it” qualifier. Always indicate the nature of “it” rather than using the word “it.” If you talk about a waterfall, then use the word waterfall (or close facsimile) rather than including the word waterfall in one sentence, and in the following sentence calling the waterfall “it.” This type of induction is wonderful for healing or raising your personal vibrational rate.
Hocus Focus (Exercise Four):
Your Mental Sacred Space—The Indirect Spell
We’re going to get a little more complicated with this one. Find a drum, rattle, or some other noisemaker. Take three deep breaths, then create sacred space in your mind. Build your sacred space in any way you feel comfortable. Once this sacred space sinks firmly into your mind, begin drumming in a soft, easy pattern. Focus on your desire. While learning this technique, keep drumming until you loose focus. Ground and center. As you get better, raise the level of sound until you reach a crescendo. Then ground and center. As with the other exercises, practice for seven days on the same goal. On the back of your three-by-five-inch card, write “Fascination completed” and put the card away.
The Rapid Induction
The rapid induction, which produces a trance state quickly, consists of short, rapid commands or specific body movements, such as discussed in my book To Stir A Magick Cauldron. This type of induction was practiced by Pow-Wow artists in Pennsylvania, Vaudeville, tent revivals, and illusions. You can still see rapid induction techniques in some magick shows and Las Vegas or New York City entertainment. Good speakers also use the rapid induction, though I don’t think they plug into the idea of this procedure on a conscious level. The more experienced you become in your own work, the more you will notice rapid inductions within your personal progress.
The Confusion Induction
The last type of induction technique, the confusion induction, serves as a last-ditch effort for hypnotherapists who find themselves stuck with a client who has such an analytical mind that they insist on proving everything, and will dissect anything anyone has the presence of mind to say. While the client counts from fifty to one (or twenty-five to one), the hypnotherapist will count aloud in the opposite direction (one, two, three, four . . . ).
Just so you know, con artists use the confusion induction and the fixation induction to put the proverbial bite on you. In Pennsylvania, there’s a group known as the Gypsies whom every shop owner fears. Three of these people, often a combination of two men and one woman, will go to a cashier and insist on making change for a twenty while the cashier counts out change from the original order. These people speak rapidly, make lots of hand motions, and try to draw the cashier’s eyes away from the till. They will often repeat what the cashier says in reverse, and they always exhibit extreme impatience, often to the point of rudeness laced with caustic remarks. Once these Gypsies have left the store, the poor cashier may find their till minus a stack of twenties.
The final exercise I have for you incorporates your free-form imagination. We all daydream about things we’d like to do, places we’d like to go, or what we want to become when we grow up, even if we’re eighty years old. (Sometimes the structured inductions I’ve given you seem like so much work!) Turn your daydreams in to spell dreams with the following exercise.
Hocus Focus (Exercise 5):
The Spell Dream
The spell dream consists of six frames in a mental movie. At first, we will work with stills—pictures that do not move, sort of like snapshots of the new you. Think of your ultimate goal and write this goal down. Underneath, number lines one through six. (For those of you who have experience with meditation, choose as many pictures as you can handle.) On each line, describe one picture of yourself either working toward your goal or the benefits that you want to reap when your goal has manifested. You can write as much detail as you like, for the moment.
Read the first description, then close your eyes and develop a still photograph in your mind. Open your eyes and write down a one-line summary of that picture. Close your eyes again and review the mental photo. Open your eyes. Do this visualization until that picture sets firmly in your mind.
Go to the next line and create your second picture. Follow the same procedure as in the above paragraph. Now, close your eyes and visualize the first picture, then the second. Practice until you can call up the two pictures, one after the other.
Go to the third line and create the next picture. Follow the same procedure. When you have set the third picture in your mind, close your eyes and flash the three pictures consecutively. Finish with the next three pictures in the same manner.
Every evening before you go to bed, or when you feel the mood to daydream sneak up on you, review your mental still pictures in a consecutive loop. Practice this spell dream until your desire has manifested. Remember to add positive emotions.
When you get very good at creating mental spell dreams, you can turn your still frames into a moving picture, where each frame blends into the next, with appropriate movement and sound.
Other ways to set your spell dream in your mind include taking actual pictures of yourself and pasting these pictures onto magazine pages or drawings you create. Or you can have a friend take pictures of you, including sets and props, with a 35-mm camera. You can also make a spell dream production with a video camera. View the pictures at least once a day in conjunction with your mental spell dream activity. The spell-dream technique also works in drum trancing.
Practical Living
Some students may ask, “Can I work on the same goal with all five techniques you’ve given in the hocus-pocus exercises instead of choosing one goal for each exercise?” Of course you can, if you so desire. Check over your notes. Which type of fascination felt the most comfortable? Which seemed to work better for you? When you teach others the hocus-focus exercises, have them concentrate on the same goal, as you can teach these exercises in one evening.
One of the most important aspects of WitchCraft centers on knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it. The mysteries of the Craft were not designed to be a mystery to the practitioner, but to the outsider. That’s why they we call our practices mysteries. And yes, we have two kinds of mystery teachings in the Craft—that of magickal application and that of soul evolution. At the moment we want to concentrate on working magickal applications that will blend into soul evolution if your workings rely on the principles of honor and integrity. Sure, we can get along blindly working magick for many years without honing our skills through the mental arts, but the enhancement of our magick evolves from our complete understanding of the mechanics of the techniques we use, hence the ability to traverse the untapped territory of the mind. Consider, then, how you can use these three types of inductions (fixation spells, relaxation spells, and progressive relaxation spells) in your current magickal work. Can you bolster your current magickal techniques? Might knowing the how’s and why’s now bring about faster results? Let’s take this idea one step further. How can you use the art of magickal fascination in your everyday life?
The first technique we used—that of focusing on the candle flame—should have put you in a light alpha state. We call this procedure a fixation fascination. To make this understandable in magick-speak, we called this technique a fixation spell. Here your body relaxes, breathing and pulse are slow, and you should feel a withdrawal of self—your attention centers to a single activity, that of your desire.
The second technique should have been heralded by your closed eyes. Here you would lose the awareness of your surroundings while your awareness of breathing and senses intensify. Visualization comes easier to us. In magick-ese we called this procedure the relaxation spell.
The third technique should have further reduced breathing and relaxation of the body. We named this technique the progressive relaxation spell. You may experience a limpness of limbs, narrowing of your attention, increased suggestibility, loss of auditory receptivity, and environmental awareness as a higher degree of visualization ability. Here, the creative process heightens.
Finally, we experimented with the indirect spell, that of moving into a mental sacred space, then working magick from that point. Here, we narrowed our attention, increased suggestibility, and removed external awareness, yet we managed to work in a rhythmic sound.
The purpose of these four exercises (hopefully) showed you that your magick and your mind produce powerful results when intricately connected, and that this linkage makes it far easier for you to connect with divinity and walk in balance if you take the time to learn the art of mental fascination. You could use these techniques with any magickal practice—from cord and knot magick to the study and employment of herbs. Take some time and consider the different areas in which you would like to experiment with the four spellcasting techniques in this chapter, then make a simple list with two headings, Full Moon and New Moon, putting each need into the appropriate moon category. Work on these needs in the coming months.
The Six Major Types of Suggestions
for a Trance State
Lest you think we’ve completed the process . . . fooled you. Once you have learned the art of using the various types of inductions, and have found the induction(s) that work well for you, it’s time to look into what types of suggestions you should use to flesh out your spellcasting or goal-programming techniques. Overall, there are six types of suggestions you can use in a trance state.
Relaxation Suggestions
These work very well for individuals who have extremely stressful lives. You can use additional relaxation suggestions for goal programming and magickal work to instill harmonious living. Sometimes, we may experience an exceptional amount of tenseness during a goal programming or magickal working. Additional relaxation suggestions can lull you into a more focused state of mind.
Deepening Suggestions
These suggestions serve a variety of purposes, from moving you into a deeper level of trance, providing you with an activity that requires a single focus, to intensifying your trance state. In a normal fascination session for goal programming, you would first use your induction techniques, add additional relaxation suggestions if you feel it’s necessary, then move into the deepening suggestions. You can word the deepening suggestions to match your intended goal:
Every time I hear the sound of the drum in this session,
I will go deeper and deeper into a deeper trance state.
Direct Suggestions
We have now traveled from the induction through the relaxation suggestions (if we needed them) and into the deepening suggestions (if we felt they were appropriate). From here, we move into the direct suggestions, the meat of our spell or goal programming session. Direct suggestions guide and instruct us as to what we want to manifest. In the earlier exercises, your direct suggestions encompassed your written goal. As the name indicates, the statements should be simple and to the point, and always said in the present tense, if you can manage it. For example, “I am a wise and powerful Witch.” Although some hypnotherapists do not associate images with simple, direct suggestions, I do. I feel that your mind responds to the combination of direct suggestion and visualization (which uses the next type of suggestion, the imagery suggestion). I realize you may think I’m getting the stick end of the broom before the thatch end, but this is how I work with fascinations. You may feel differently.
With this example, we would say the words in our minds and then, if you lack an appropriate visualization, simply see yourself surrounded by white light, or you may see yourself looking like Samantha on Bewitched. Personally, I don’t care what your visualization encompasses, as long as the visualization remains simple for you to conjure and positive in nature. As with one of our earlier examples, we linked a direct suggestion (your goal) to something tangible—the scent of the perfume, oil, or aftershave, so that you would have reinforcement once you returned to the waking state—and then we link the whole bundle to a positive emotion. Don’t make your direct suggestions too long, as that will confuse the mind (though this borders on the posthypnotic suggestion, which we’ll get to later). A direct suggestion relates to something you want to happen right away, this minute. Just so you know, other uses of direct suggestions include those vaudeville acts and stage performances we talked about earlier. One important reminder here—negative statements in direct suggestions are finger slappers—a big no-no. Words like “not,” “can’t,” and “shouldn’t” bring the brain to a screeching halt. Word your statements in a positive way: “I am a wise person” not “I won’t be stupid anymore” (which also uses—you guessed right—passive voice).
Imagery Suggestions
Imagery suggestions augment direct suggestions (as in our wise and powerful Witch example); however, we can take imagery suggestions much, much further. We can create a full mental picture, complete with birdies chirping, clouds overhead, the sound of running water, fantastic foliage, and a gazebo right in the middle. This constitutes a mental picture of sacred space, as in our fourth hocus-focus exercise. Indeed, we can conduct an entire ritual in our minds without a single tangible tool or prop, and the goal will come out just the same as the goal would have manifested in the physical. Granted, this occurs after practice. Creating mental sacred space is exceptionally important for beginning meditation or for working on healing techniques for ourselves and others. Or we can see ourselves as we would like to be tomorrow, next month, next year, or in the next five years. I use this technique quite often, from planning a successive seminar for the following day to where I will be in my career in five years. Therefore we create mental pictures that have a specific purpose in themselves (to reduce pain, we might visualize a big monster that shrinks as we count down from ten to one) or that serve as a rehearsal for new behavior (seeing yourself as attentive to your spouse rather than biting his or her head off). You can use any type of positive image metaphor.
Have I confused you yet? Okay. Let’s back up a bit and create a mythical situation. Here’s Tina. Tina is a junior in high school and she wants to be involved with indoor guard (that’s the boys and girls who twirl flags and dance to music with the goal of winning in competitions in big, smelly gyms across the district). Tina watched the kids last year and got a big thrill out of seeing them all move together (oh, a group mind thing), twirl the colorful flags, and basically look majorly hot. When the music starts and the crowd hollers, Tina feels the energy of the moment in her soul. Her blood sings. Her arms tingle. This is a major head rush. There’s only one problem. Tina usually freezes when she has to do anything in front of others—a big stumbling block if she wants to be in guard.
Our Tina is a fledgling Witch, but she’s learned enough in her self-study to know that the primary foundation of magick relies on the Witch’s Pyramid—to know, to dare, to will, and to be silent—so when she considers how she will approach performing through magickal aid, she will try hard and keep her mouth shut about any magickal applications she chooses to do. There are lots of things Tina could do, as far as magick goes, but for the sake of our example here, we’re going to use magickal fascinations.
Tina has three months to prepare before the coach posts the roster for indoor guard, but Tina won’t wait until the night before sign-up, she’s going to start now—first by practicing the routines diligently and by working magick. Yes, Tina, we should begin as soon as we can. Tina has already practiced the hocus-focus exercises I gave you, so she has a fairly good idea of how the procedure works. Now she’s going to tailor those steps into a complete spellworking.
First, Tina sits down and writes out exactly what she wants to accomplish. She doesn’t have to try out for guard in this case—but if she did, she would add that to her working. In Tina’s school, anyone can participate as long as they are willing to attend the practices and work hard. Tina plans to do both. Now, Tina doesn’t want to make this too complicated because she has to keep her grades up, work after school at the mall, and hang out with her boyfriend. She’s also been cursed/blessed with a little brother, who exhibits an extraordinary sixth sense of curiosity. Her use of time and her tight frame for privacy are just as important to her as if she were an adult. (Do not glare at me Tina, I know you are almost an adult. Don’t rush it. )Anyway, Tina will look over the list of inductions and types of suggestions and will choose which ones will work for her.
Tina writes down her primary goal: To lose my fear of performing in front of others. Tina likes to use candles, so she picks a white one to start. Later on, she may choose another color, but white is fine for the moment. Her parents tell her that taper candles constitute a fire hazard, so she uses the stinky-good-smelly air freshener candles you can buy at the supermarket in the cleaning aisle that come encased in little glass containers. Her parents label these candles “acceptable for strange teen use.” In my day, we got a Boone’s Farm Apple bottle from our older friends, stuck a multi-colored drip candle in the mouth of the bottle (because we thought those candles had magickal oomph), fired up the black light and away we went. Sigh. Back to Tina.
Tina checks her primary visualization: Herself confident and relaxed, twirling the flags with the other members of the guard. She adds sound (the beat of the music) and a big smile on her face. (The smile part is very important.) She thinks about how good she will feel if she wins. Her primary direct statement is: I am a capable and confident guard member. The progressive relaxation induction is too long for Tina, because she’s pretty tired after an entire day of school and work, so she goes for the fixation method—that of her white candle, then she’ll close her eyes, count down from ten to one, go to her sacred mental space, and launch into her direct statement with accompanying visualization. Sometimes she may use the progressive relaxation induction or a deepening suggestion, if she has the time or if she has trouble focusing. She plans to practice this mental programming every night she can. She knows it is best to do the technique for twenty-eight consecutive days but, after all, life must go on and some nights she may fall asleep and forget. That’s okay. She’ll remember to do the fixation spell the next night. She also knows, however, that if she lets too many days go by, all her work won’t amount to much. Let’s let Tina practice her fascination while we talk about more information you need to know.
Indirect Suggestions
We have two types of indirect suggestions: Those that bring a desired emotional state into focus and those that use metaphors and analogies to change a person’s experience. In bringing about a desired emotional state, we could be talking about how Tina wants to feel when she performs, or we could be discussing a past memory that, for whatever reason, we need to relive in order to bring about some sort of healing. For example, if Tina had hurt her back when she was seven during a gymnastic performance, or if she simply fell at the wrong time and felt humiliation, these past experiences could be the direct cause of her fear of performing in public. We would need to go back and allow her to relive those experiences and give her positive reinforcement that she is well now, or that her humiliation was not the great threat to her psyche that she thinks it is. Indeed, Tina may have forgotten all about a slight injury or humiliation, but her subconscious stored that memory. Another desired emotional state for Tina to concentrate on would be through a keyword or other trigger. We employ these keywords and triggers during the normal suggestion period, or in the post-hypnotic suggestion arena (which I promise we’ll get to soon). A keyword or sound does not have to link directly with the desired goal. For example, when I use hypnotherapy and healing techniques together, I tell clients that their keyword is “flower.” Every time they see a flower, smell a flower, or say the word flower, their healing will be ten times (or one hundred times, depending on the client) faster than before. Keywords work amazingly well, but you must use them in moderation and be careful what you link and why. I’ve also used the word “snow” for the winter months, as one sees few flowers but lots of that dumb white stuff in Pennsylvania, especially during Farm Show week.
If we visit Tina again, we find that Tina chose the keyword “flag,” as she’ll be working with this tool. To help her reinforce this keyword, she hung a big flag on the wall over her bed. Whenever she spends time in her room, she will be reinforcing her goal. Every time she looks at the flag she will feel confident and strong. Therefore, Tina has added another direct statement to her fascination technique. Every time I see a flag, touch a flag, or hear the word flag, I will feel confident and strong. Thank you, Tina.
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
These are designed to reinforce your behavior after a session or working ends. Therefore, Tina’s keyword and additional direct statement would constitute a post-hypnotic suggestion. You can also add other statements, such as: When I open my eyes, I will feel great, or When I open my eyes, I will feel rested and secure. Post-hypnotic suggestions also function as bad-habit busters.
The Nuances of Fascinations and Other People
As with all procedures in magick and mental pursuits, little tricks of the trade will surface when working with fascinations. Although our primary use of fascinations in this book revolves around bettering the self, you need to know that fascinations work on others both directly and indirectly in a group setting, or when teaching on a one-to-one basis. I told you of a malefic use (the Gypsies—oh, and for those of you who wish to write me and tell me I’m being prejudiced because I’m calling them Gypsies, please don’t bother; I didn’t make up the name of this crime ring, they named themselves.) Ahem. On to business.
Direct Structure centers on what a teaching Witch should do for a student. The student seeks out the help of the teacher and goes through the training sessions, fully aware of what that session entails. These sessions focus on fascination techniques married to information on Craft Law, magickal practices, use of ritual, et cetera.
Indirect Structure, shorter in duration than a fascination session, is used to turn the tide of an emotional outburst or to convince one’s opponent or friend to deal with a particular line of thought. A modern term coined for this procedure is called “pushing.” Whether or not the pushee acts on the line of thought sent by the pusher remains entirely up to the pushee’s subconscious mind. They still hold the reins of their free will. In Practical Craft Law there are only three times when the practitioner may use the art of Indirect Structure:
1. When the Witch (or those they feel responsible for) suffers from a physical or mental attack of some kind. Therefore, you act in defense.
2. When a Witch tries to buy property and no one will sell to them. (The rider to this law indicates the Witch must deal fairly with all parties concerned. Don’t huff at me about this law—I didn’t make it up.)
3. When a Witch wishes to promote harmony, whether in a circle of strangers or friends. I have a very special technique that I use that does not interfere with another’s free will. I call it the Angel Fascination, and I’ll explain this technique to you later in the chapter.
Using the direct structure, magickal teachers work with pre-written scripts, composed either by themselves or others in the field. In the past, most magickal teachers didn’t write down these formats because one, fascinations were considered a mystery technique; and two, if these procedures were found in writing, the Witches surely would suffer the stake or find themselves dangling from the nearest tree. During medieval times, to practice the art of fascination fell into the category of utmost evil; however, we discover many other periods of history, especially in those revolving around the mystery traditions, that condoned the use of fascinations as a teaching tool. And three, not every Witch could write.
Teaching Wiccan theology through a scripted structure can result as a great asset to the student. Subjects that work well for this type of training include: the Oath, the Charge of the Goddess, the Charge of the God, the Ordains, the Tenets, the Principles . . . as you can see, this list could go on and on.
Before we go any further, I need to remind you that you cannot make anyone do anything against their moral fiber during either a direct or indirect format. I don’t mean that you’re not allowed (which you aren’t) but that a person, any person, will not accept a suggestion that goes against their personal virtues or moral code. The fascination simply won’t work; however, if someone does something they know to be inherently wrong, and you use an indirect format on them, they will stop—as long as they subconsciously believe initially that they are acting in an improper manner.
I’ve discovered that some North American Traditional elders use the art of direct structure when teaching students, and several have employed this technique for over twenty years. In the past two years I’ve included the direct fascination structure for my own students, and have found this technique exceptionally rewarding. Whether the format you use falls under the heading of direct or indirect structure, some standard procedures apply. They are:
Breathing: Deep breaths before you begin. Smooth, even breathing during a hypnotic session, whether you perform the session for someone else or for yourself.
Voice: Voice modulation should emanate as soothing, calm, and serene in most cases. Use rhythmic voice, where the level changes and penetrates the subconscious in a gentle, sing-song manner. Begin speaking normally, then drop to a monotone. Raise the pitch of the voice only with a command statement, and then keep those statements few and far apart. If you tape a session for someone, you can use the “loving voice,” where the person can hear the smile in your voice on the tape. Normally, only one statement suffices. Command statements are okay for yourself, but will most likely not work on others as few people are willing to allow others to overpower them. Distort words by drawing syllables out slowly. String several sentences together with connective words, such as “and” or “when.” This flow of words can mentally pull the individual into the fixation sequence. Rhythmic voice in ritual or spellcasting techniques constitutes one of the most powerful aspects in a Witch’s magick. We’ll talk about this technique a little more when we cover chanting later on in the book.
Pauses: Learning to pause at various intervals in the fascination litany allows the subject to either follow instructions or gives them adequate time for a response. These pauses are important both in direct and indirect fascination, although you use fewer pauses when using indirect fascination techniques.
Use of Language: This also plays an important part in the art of fascination. When designing fascinations that involve meditation and vision questing, you should look for synonyms (words that contain the same meaning). Patterned phrases work very well in longer script fascinations. These phrases revolve around repeated suggestions that enhance understanding, comprehension, and ensure retention of the material. You begin with a full sentence, then repeat the last half of the sentence, adding a bit more. Use the last half of that sentence, then add again. This constitutes a building technique that reinforces the fascination. In the language of hypnotherapy, these sentences are called paraphrased suggestions. Timing cues are also important in direct and indirect fascination. For example: “In a few moments you will relax completely,” or “At the end of one hour, you will stop studying.” Again, you’ll find this technique in chanting magick.
Hypnotherapists and magickal teachers employ two kinds of fascination facilitation: Authoritative and Permissive. Authoritative, as you might have guessed, commands and directs the student. This technique alters behavior through repetitive commands given in a firm voice. Authoritative fascinations do not always work well, especially in group format, unless the individual giving the fascination appears to have some sort of power, either through known hierarchy or professional background, or being considered a trustworthy person. The authoritative technique does not work well with anyone who has difficulty relating to an authority figure, or who does not take direct suggestions well, or who feels that people in general spend hours plotting against them. Someone who has a suspicious nature will not process the techniques of an authoritative hypnotherapist. Females who rebel against male domination, and vice versa, will not stomach the authoritative technique from the opposite sex. Let me interject, though, that the authoritative words and tone of voice should be used in a past-life regression sequence to ensure the safety of the individual regressed. I’ve found that I need to function as the unquestioned “boss” in this type of regression sequence.
The permissive technique, which I normally use and am most comfortable with, generates a softer tone of voice to lull the subject into relaxation, whether that subject is myself or someone else. In essence, the permissive technique results in a seductive process—the hypnotist and the subject join as equal partners and, especially when strong, creative image inducers lace the session. The permissive technique works well in groups and brings about the best response from imaginative, creative people who have an authority complex. This technique works well for goal setting, positive behavioral enhancement, ritual, petitions, devotions, and spellcasting.
Walking the Line with Fascinations
Over the last few years I’ve learned to make my own self-hypnosis (or self-fascination) tapes. I’ve used them for increasing my magickal adeptness, goal programming, vision questing, meditation improvements, ridding myself of bad habits (“you will not judge others harshly,” et cetera). If you plan to make your own self-hypnosis tapes, you will use many of the above-listed procedures. Witches were known to fascinate others with a look and the magick of voice. How did they do this? Well, not by staring down someone and saying, “You vill lee-sin to ev-ery ting I say!” That’s only for the movies (and badly done, I might add). The premise fits, but not the circumstances or the bad acting. Getting others to do what you want can work, but to some Witches this technique walks the magickal line of ethics, and I agree that using the indirect structure in many cases could carry the label of negative magick (remember the Ordains).
You can’t employ the indirect structure if you don’t know how to go into the alpha state yourself. I have also found through experimentation and watching other hypnotherapists that they do go into alpha themselves when using the direct format for others, such as in a hypnotherapy session, especially if a session moves into an extended one. This type of indirect structure is okay, because you have already asked the participant for his or her permission to work the fascination. Before I use a script I’ve written for other people I always use the script on myself for several weeks to work out any bugs. I’ll never forget the time when I was in the middle of a woman’s session, said the keyword to take her into a very deep state of alpha, and woke up several minutes later to discover I’d put myself under! I was so used to listening to the permissive commands of my own voice when testing the tape that I obeyed them and bored myself right into deep alpha. To practice an indirect structure, you must be able to go into the alpha state and lead the other person into that state as well. When this happens, your minds will connect on a higher level faster and with better success.
Before I go any further, I want to caution you again about using the indirect format outside of training or healing sessions. This procedure isn’t a toy to play with other people’s minds. If you don’t work in honor, you will get your carcass kicked at some point in time. Remember: what we put out, comes back. In the upcoming Angel Fascination, you will use the indirect structure to create harmonious, loving energy around you in a positive way, which will affect most people who come in contact with you, simply due to the nature of the vibrations you create. I don’t want to confuse you, but I should add that the Angel Fascination employs the use of the direct format for yourself, but the indirect format as perceived by others, so what you are really doing rests on changing your energy pattern by an act of your will, not changing their energy patterns by imposing your will.
I think it is only fair to tell you that many non-magickal people practice the indirect structure without you ever knowing. Let’s face it, people have been buying books on hypnotherapy for years, and most of these readers do not practice the Craft. Although many of the individuals who research and use hypnotherapy/fascination techniques are honorable, our society isn’t a perfect one and there are people who will use the indirect format to get their way, either consciously or subconsciously. Some people naturally use indirect fascinations. Often they don’t realize they are doing this technique, yet they work the technique all the time in day-to-day life.
How can you determine if someone tries to use the indirect format on you? Actually, it is pretty easy to tell. First, (in most cases, unless they exercise stupidity) they will not look at you directly in the eyes, but will look at the point where your nose meets your forehead when they speak to you. This feels like the person looks right into your eyes, but they really don’t. Their eyes may take on a defocused glaze, and their breathing shallows. Finally, the voice pattern will exhibit a dead give away. If the tone sounds monotonous and soft, without the normal inflections you expect, they could be using fascination techniques.
Why would anyone want to use the indirect structure at all, considering you would be walking an ethical line? Well, sometimes rotten stuff happens. For example, a fellow student of my hypnotherapy teacher decided to go out to what he thought was a classy bar for some entertainment. While there, a fight broke out between two young bucks—naturally, over a woman. (The timeless, dependable structure of the human psyche.) The hypnotherapy student quickly determined which of the two young men would be more susceptible to the indirect format. The student stood in front of the young man, quietly spoke to him, looked at the point where the young man’s nose met his forehead, and pictured the young man slowly backing away and walking out of the bar. The student’s adrenaline was pumping, but he swallowed hard, pulled in his own fear, and kept talking, never allowing that mind-picture to waver. After two or three minutes, the young man backed off and left the bar, much to the amazement of the student.
How You Can Use the Indirect Format
A quick trick to going into the alpha state is to defocus your eyes. You know when you look at something long enough and you see two of the object instead of one? I don’t mean crossing your eyes, as that will make you see two of things and would be bad for your eyes. You would also look silly to anyone passing by. When you defocus your eyes, a stationary object from six inches to several feet away appears to split in two. To help you learn to do this, several New Age stores sell what they call Theta Posters, which allow you to see a design within a design rather than processing the idea of two images of the same thing in your mind. These pictures appear to be massive dots but, as you focus, a three-dimensional image will appear. The theory is that the faster you can focus on the hidden object, the quicker your mind moves into the alpha state. This defocusing technique can be most helpful in spells, rites, rituals, petitions, and devotions.
An indirect format normally takes only fifteen seconds from the time you go into alpha to the time you complete the process. The next step, after going into alpha, is to look at the person where the bridge of the nose merges into the forehead, just like the student did. This process took him longer than the normal fifteen seconds because he was scared bodily-functionless and he was new to the procedure. At the same time, you must visualize what you want to accomplish.
How much practice does it take until you can achieve the art of indirect fascination? If you have faithfully meditated or have practiced some sort of self-hypnosis or magickal acts that depend on the foundation of the alpha state for several months, you should be able to do a wobbly indirect fascination immediately. You will get better with practice. That’s why I gave you the four hocus-focus exercises. If you can’t use your mind in the alpha state on command, it may take several months until you can practice the indirect format with success. So how do you practice without getting into ethical trouble? That’s a tough one. I use the indirect format only for protection or when someone doesn’t understand what I’m saying because they aren’t really listening to the words coming out of my mouth.
For example, if you wanted to get Jesse-Lou to have sex with you and you’ve prepared yourself to do everything to get her there, including lying, cheating, and spewing promises that you never plan to fulfill, an indirect format would be cheating, and the old karma boot will wail you in the you-know-what when you least expect it. Just ask Jesse-Lou, for goodness sakes! If you needed to stop a fight, like the story of the hypnotherapy student, that would be acceptable. Never use the indirect format as a joke, because boredom entices you, or because you want something someone else has. Use your common sense and moral ethics. The rule of three definitely applies here, as well as our Witch motto: Do as you will, but harm none.
I could go into Western Occultism here, discuss magnetism, purple eye-light, and the evil eye, but now that we know the scientific basis for the art of fascination, why depend on folk tales to get the point across? Within every folk tale lies a grain of truth. Keep that thought.
The Angel Fascination
I use the Angel Fascination often. I’ve found that the energies of angels provide a safe, secure environment, make me feel better, and can assist others in their time of need without breaking any Wiccan Laws you may have internalized.
Angelic energy has been around since humans decided life included stuff they couldn’t see with the normal eyeball. So, we’re talking about beliefs and practices used before the inception of Judaism or Christianity. Angels don’t belong to any one religious philosophy; their energies manifest as all-encompassing. I see them as bridges to all faiths. With this in mind, you may wish to practice any of the three variations of the following Angel Fascination. These procedure will only take a few minutes of your time.
1. Find a place where you will not be disturbed for approximately ten minutes. You may wish to turn down the lights, put on soft music, or light a candle. You can work this exercise with your eyes open or closed, but eventually you will need to be able to perform this glamoury with your eyes open.
2. Take a deep breath and relax. Ground yourself by imagining your legs have become the roots of a tree. Take another deep breath, then one more.
3. Imagine that you are an angel of perfect love and perfect peace. See yourself dressed in white. Feel the white wings on your back. Envision a white flame crowning your head. Hold the visualization as long as possible. Try to “become” the angel. You can use drum trancing or hum if you like.
4. Take a deep breath and ground. Imagine now that you are the angel of Celestial Power. See yourself dressed in gold. Feel the gold wings on your back. Move the air around you with the wings. Envision a golden flame crowning your head. Hold the visualization as long as possible. Try to “become” the angel of Celestial Power.
5. Take a deep breath and ground. Imagine that you are the Angel of Protection. See yourself dressed in purple. Feel the black wings moving on your back. Envision a blood-red flame burning at the crown of your head. Hold the visualization as long as possible.
6. Ground and center. Then cleanse your aura by imagining yourself surrounded by white light.
7. Repeat the visualization of the angel of peace, give yourself a suggestion as you learned in this chapter, then count from five to one, and open your eyes. Breathe deeply. Ground and center.
The Angel Fascination procedure falls under the category of a “glamoury” or “glamory” or “glamorie.” Pick one, they all mean the same thing. When you work a glamoury the following may happen:
1. Your aura changes in color, density, and radius.
2. You temporarily change your personality.
3. You change the electrical flow in your body.
Let’s go over the three manifestations in the exercise. The first, that of the angel of light, focused on perfect love and perfect peace, manifests in a non-threatening posture. People who live life in a harmonious way will perceive you as kind, strong, and generous. People who manifest violence may perceive this glamoury as weakness, so be careful when you use the Angel of Light. The second, that of the angel of inspiration and creativity, expounds a vivacious, exciting appearance. Those around you may feel exhilarated, confident, and eager to begin new projects in their own lives. The third, that of the Angel of Protection, explodes in “don’t touch me” energy. Those who live harmonious lives will try to avoid you. Those who manifest violence exhibit confusion. This confused state may last only momentarily, but gives you enough time to cut and run. (And you’ll live to fly your broom another day.)
I developed these glamouries after working for a year in a customer service position. I saw hundreds of people every day and found that dealing with difficult individuals required more than the average position description requirements. After several nightmares and generally stressed-out behavior (exhibited on my part), I realized that the techniques I normally used in my Craft goodie bag weren’t working. I also realized that the more stressful the day, the less I remembered to ground and center.
After working with these glamouries for a few months, I asked various members of the Black Forest Clan to spare a few moments of their time. Each individual processes the “sight” of energy differently. Some feel energy fluctuations, some see changes in color in the aura, some see a haziness around the subject, and so on. First, without using eye contact (I covered my eyes), I went through the three angelic glamouries and asked them for their impressions. I didn’t ask all of them at the same time either, because often people pick up on each other’s thoughts and intuitions. Overall, two out of fifteen picked up on the manifestation of the wing movement. One picked up the flame above the crown. Fourteen out of fifteen felt or saw the energy changes and aura density fluctuations throughout the three types of glamouries. Fourteen out of fifteen experienced emotional impressions from the glamouries. With the Angel of Peace and Love manifestation, they felt loved, meekness, or safety. From the second glamoury they felt movement, excitement, or intense activity. From the third glamoury they experienced strength, power, and a few . . . fear.
In the next experiment I ran, I left my eyes uncovered, and moved the energy I created with the visualization through my third eye first, and then through my natural eyes. Their impressions were much the same, though intensified considerably.
When dealing with difficult customers, I used either the first or third glamoury. I saved the third for those customers who decided to spill their abusive behavior on me or on the people on the line who I was responsible for. This, thank goodness, did not happen often, but when the abusive behavior occurred, I no longer felt as stressed as I had before. In one case I actually burst out laughing in the woman’s face. She walked out in a huff. I never saw her again. The glamoury does not eliminate stress from your life, but the practice does assist you in limiting the stress you manifest in your body.
Can you choose other images to practice glamouries? Yes, but I suggest you enter the manifestation process with care, because what you present, you may become. In ritual with a group of people, your High Priestess and High Priest may function on one of two levels. He or she may actually allow the spirit of the Lord or Lady to enter his or her body (called divine possession) or they may use a glamoury to manifest the desired energy. If he or she has good control with the latter, you won’t notice the difference between divine possession and glamoury. Remember, though, a glamoury can turn into divine possession; or, if you are not careful, simple possession. This is why I chose angelic energies above other manifestations, such as animals or elements.
Glamouries come in handy when you need to present yourself in a particular manner. For example, when you prepare yourself for a job interview. How do you want the interviewer to perceive you? To achieve a specific effect you can choose your clothing (for women, makeup too) wisely, enchanting everything you wear. Then, right before you enter the office, you would “work a glamoury.” Is this dishonest? Yes, if you do not plan to live up to the image you purport. No, this isn’t dishonest if you choose to manifest on the job (and in your life) the glamoury you exhibit. If you cheat, you’ll pay . . . perhaps dearly.
When should you not use a glamoury? Do not use glamouries if you take any type of mind-altering drug. Likewise, the influence of alcohol can screw up the energy manifestation from harmless to dangerous. Have you ever seen a mean drunk? Alcohol disturbs the energy patterns of the mind and spirit (not to mention the mess it makes of your body). Alcohol can also amplify a glamoury in a negative manner. A mean drunk becomes the energy of violence; because alcohol lowers inhibitions, the energy body of the drunk draws (like a magnet) negative junk around him or her. Think about it. Try not to use glamouries when you feel anger bubbling inside your personal cauldron. I know it’s hard. Attempt to get your emotions under control first, or at least channel those emotions in a positive manner. If someone uses a glamoury that affects others in a negative manner, you have every right to shut down that glamoury. Call for white light in the form of ice water—that’ll cool ’em off right quick. You can also imagine honey dripping all over their body. That works too.
How long does it take to learn how to manifest a glamoury? That depends on your persistence and personal training. It may take a week or two, or it may take a year or two for you to get the glamoury “just right.” The practice involves experimentation, keeping good notes, and dedication. Learning to perform glamouries requires work. Who has the easiest time learning glamouries? Artists, musicians, and writers, because these people constantly work with bringing mental images to form.
Groups of people naturally manifest glamouries onto other people. For example, certain film stars, public speakers, and politicians have glamouries attached to their auras by fans (you know, the adoring public). These public glamouries manifest in individuals who have a high level of self-esteem that accepts the “bigger than life” persona the fans offer. Clothing, makeup, personality, and body language can enhance or detract from the fan-created glamoury. How the star internalizes that glamoury can make or break a popular individual’s chemistry with the public. Many times a universally known person will self-destruct due to “public glamoury.” The rush of performing and accepting the glamoury energy from fans will burn out the spiritual self of the popular person if he or she does not exercise great care. Heavy stuff, huh? The same thing can happen in smaller arenas as well, whether you discuss corporate functions or charity bazaars. Glamoury, to pound home the point, represents powerful magick that needs special handling by responsible people. Does that include you?
How long can an individual hold a glamoury? If you work on a particular glamoury for any length of time, your ability to sustain that glamoury will expand. Be careful. You can hone the Angel of Protection glamoury, but don’t use this energy excessively unless you wish to have your entire world self-destruct. The same thing happens in the process of working with Dark Goddesses. Too much of any one thing in magickal applications will eventually turn on you. If you work with Dark Goddesses often, learn to work in equal balance with Light Goddesses. Excessive dark energy will manifest as poverty, continued ill-health, and so on. Always learn to work in balance.
In this chapter you learned the art of fascination and how this type of focus can enhance your spellwork. Granted, if you wish to become an adept in this area of study, you will need to research the topic further. You may wish to purchase books on hypnosis, take a correspondence course, or seek out a hypnotherapist who would be willing to teach you.6
You also learned about simple fascinations (those that take only a few moments to do) and complex fascinations (those that require a session of thirty minutes or more). Finally, you learned the old art of glamoury—use this art wisely.
I included fascination information in this book as I believe levels of the mind meld intricately to our magick and our religion. By understanding these levels we can practice our work with efficiency. Reread this chapter and keep practicing the exercises given. In time you will be amazed at your progress.
6. William Hewitt has several books available through Llewellyn on the subject of hypnotherapy. One good book in particular is Psychic Development for Beginners (Llewellyn, 1996).