Turning Your Environment
Into Harmony

Your home should be a place of enlightenment, harmony, and protection. If your home doesn’t measure up to your spiritual expectations, then the time has come for you to do something to transmute the negative energies that have collected there. Houses, like people, can and do harbor negative energy. To live a harmonious, magickal life, many individuals have found it necessary to cleanse the home mundanely and spiritually at least every four months. If you have someone living with you who has sucked in anger, sorrow, hatred, or other negative energies, you may need to spiritually cleanse your house often until that person either leaves or works themselves out of the negative state. No such thing exists in magickal housecleaning as “once and done”—just like mundane housecleaning, you have to keep at it.

The Craft teaches you to enhance your spiritual home (your body and mind) with every exercise, spell, and ritual you work. The Craft also instructs you how to create sacred space to do the work of the soul. I’ve designed this chapter to show you how to turn your home, whether you live in a Hollywood palace or a one-room apartment, into a place of sacred and secure living. You can be the most spiritual person in the world but if you live in a place that bombards you with negative energy, whether the energy has collected there or emanates from another person, just how spiritual will you turn out to be?

Mundane House Clearing

Let’s start with a pitching spree, shall we? Put on some great music, grab some trash cans, and start cleaning house. If you think the task will reach monumental proportions, then work room by room. Get rid of all the broken stuff. Throw out those dead plants. Clean out the junk drawers and toss all that little clutter that manages to grow into mountains when you’re not looking. Throw away all things given to you by negative people. I’m not kidding. If your sister-in-law gave you a great crystal bowl, but you dislike her intensely and never use the thing, why are you keeping the bowl around? What? Because it is worth money? Oh, please! If you can’t bear to throw these things away, then give them away, or take them to the Salvation Army or another charity organization. Discard torn or stained clothing, anything that you’ll never fit into again, or things that you know look terrible on you so you don’t wear them. Take down pictures that don’t appeal to you anymore. Jettison old projects you just never managed to finish, like that half-knitted sweater for cousin Alfie’s baby who just turned twenty-six yesterday. If you can afford it, repaint. If not, wash the walls with holy water and fresh lemon mixed into your wash pail. Remove negative memorabilia. That boyfriend who betrayed you on the evening of August 10, 1972? Why do you still have the vacation pictures you took of the two of you in Disneyland the year before? Throw that crap away!

Now look again. Remove all visual clutter. Take a plastic garbage bag and start at one end of your house or apartment. Walk slowly through every room and dump what you can, put away what you can’t. Everyday clutter breaks up the flow of energy in your home.

Even if you live with people who would not approve of a magickal cleansing ritual, there is no fool on earth who will turn down your cleaning services. Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all cleaning supplies. Hold that bottle of Windex in your hands and fill the bottle with white light. Ask the Mother to help you clean away all negative residue in your home. Do the same with your dust rag and the vacuum cleaner. While you work, light a white votive candle, asking the Lord and Lady to give you strength while you clean. In fact, it’s been a while since I’ve done this myself. See ya later!

Whew! What a mess! You just don’t realize how much junk you collect. I’ve got fifteen huge garbage bags full of junk here, and that’s just from my bedroom! After I finish my cleaning spree (thought I’d take a break and get back to you), I’ll go and take a ritual bath, asking the Lord and Lady to cleanse my body and my mind, before I continue spiritually cleaning my house. At this rate, it might take me more than a day to get the job done. That’s okay. I’ll take a ritual bath tonight when I finish the initial stab into the pit, then take another tomorrow, after I’ve completed the whole process.

Magickal Minutes

Empowering Your Cleaning Supplies for Success

Moon Phase: New or waxing

Day of the Week: Sunday

Planetary Ruler/Hour: Sun or Jupiter

Angel of the Day: Michael

Candle Color: Orange

Quarter to Open: South

Element: Fire

Planetary Spirit: Astaroth

Archetype: Lugh

Totem Animal: Buffalo (abundance and good fortune)

1. You will need: Gold ribbon; basil, parsley, and willow leaves; lilac oil; mortar and pestle; a gold candle.

2. Gather all your cleaning supplies together. Put them on your altar or shrine. If you don’t have one of these, use a table top.

3. Tie a piece of gold ribbon on each container. Crush the basil (for sympathy in objects and people), parsley (for prosperity) and the willow (universal love and abundance) together with mortar and pestle. Hold the mortar in your hands and ask Lugh to empower the herbs to bring success and universal love into your home. Add one drop of lilac oil for exorcism and protection. Sprinkle a bit of the herb into each cleaning supply container. Put some of the herbs in the bottom of a new vacuum cleaner bag.

4. Dress and empower the gold candle with lilac oil in the name of Lugh and Success. Light the candle and hold the candle out above your head. Ask Lugh to bless your home and cleaning supplies with success and universal love.

5. Cut an extra eleven-inch length of ribbon with your right hand. Hold the ribbon out before you and ask Lugh to bless your home and to bring success into your life. See the ribbon surrounded by the golden light of success. Tie the ribbon around your wrist. Say:

Every time I touch this ribbon, I bring success and
universal love into my life.

6. With both hands out before you, project success and universal love into your cleaning supplies (don’t forget your vacuum cleaner).

7. Let the gold candle burn until nothing remains. If you have a candle stub, bury the stub in your back yard, or in a flower pot in your apartment.

As you clean your house, touch the gold ribbon and repeat the affirmation:

In the name of Lugh, I bring success and universal love into my home.

Spiritual Housecleaning

Your home should function as your sanctuary. Now that you’ve cleaned the place up, let’s talk about the energies that curl patiently in the corners, hiding under the sofa or simply floating in the air. Your home should be the vortex of your energy, simply because you live there, think there, weep there, have sex there, love there . . . well, I could go on and on, but you understand what I’m saying. Your home should assist you in manifesting your desires, not defeat your purpose. By the time you finish working through the material in this chapter, your home will pulse with positive energy.

Your home isn’t just “there.” The place where you reside has a consciousness of its own. No one should determine what that consciousness should resonate except you. Endless forms of energy undulate in your home. From the ground on which your home or apartment sets to the highest peak on the roof, your house connects with a multitude of energy fields. Whether you believe it or not, your consciousness connects deeply with the place where you live.

Your house or apartment has an aura just like you do. What you do inside your house (or what someone else does) affects this aura either in a positive or negative way. If you clean away the clutter in your home (as we did earlier) then you acknowledge to the universe that you will not allow useless things to clutter your life. You have prepared yourself to move on to bigger and better things. If you throw out worn and broken things, and other trash, your comment to the universe indicates that you are willing to throw out the garbage in your life. When you mentally and spiritually clear your home, you are also mentally and spiritually cleaning your life.

My reasoning for physically and psychically cleaning my house may be different from yours. For example, when I do a housecleaning and clearing, I’m focusing on making my place a safe haven for others and myself. My intention also revolves around building power to protect and enhance my spiritual success. Finally, I usually get the cleaning bug when I feel my life is in chaos, and at least if I clean my house and put that mess in order, I’ll be able to think better. There have been times when I’ve cleared houses or apartments after the occupants have experienced divorce, a run of bad luck, or nagging sickness. You can tailor your housecleaning ritual to the needs of yourself and others. When you clean your home mundanely and spiritually you will be causing an energy shift in the house or apartment. The more debris you cart away, the better, as this debris carries negative energy.

Don’t Forget the Magickal Part of Your Life

Let’s say you have practiced the Craft for about two years. You’ve progressed through many stages, collected lots of fun magickal gadgets, clothing, tools, and so on. Lately, though, a lot of your stuff has been sitting in a closet, gathering dust. You just don’t use some of it anymore. What does this mean? Are you any less of a Witch? Not at all! You are simply growing and changing, which is exactly what you set out to do in the first place. So-o-o-o, what do you do with all that “stuff”? Time to recycle. Look through your things and determine what you want to keep (one or two things for sentimental reasons), what you can turn into something else (goodie! new projects!), what you want to give away, and what you want to discard. If you plan to trash the item, be sure to de-magick the piece in a small ceremony, then throw the item away.

I have a Craft friend who gets together with her coven members about every six months for a magickal rummage sale. Everyone brings the magickal items they don’t want anymore, and then they barter them to each other. For example, one Witch may have collected oodles of candle holders but never bothered to buy an incense burner. This Witch could trade a set of her candle holders for another Witch’s incense burner (who, by the way, has at least twelve of them!). If the rummage sale idea doesn’t appeal to you, or you don’t have that many Craft friends, you may wish to give your items away to one or two magickal friends, or perhaps a magickal pen-pal. Before either option, you should ritually cleanse each item so as not to give away any negative energies or energies that may not be appropriate for the other person. I’ve had lots of fun determining what I want to give to whom, and why.

Putting Housecleaning in a New Perspective

When you work a spell or perform a ritual, the first thing on the agenda involves the specifications of the project. This is true for a spiritual housecleaning as well. To continue this project, you will need some three-by-five-inch cards—one for the overall intention of your work, and one for each room in your house, including the attic, basement, and any large, walk-in closets (because closets can be little rooms within themselves). On the top of the first card, write the word “overall.” Underneath that title, write down precisely what overall energies you wish to manifest in your home. You can have more than one, but don’t have tons. Peace and prosperity go well together, so I’ll use those two ideas throughout our example. Under that, write the following:

1. How that energy would feel to you if you could touch it. You might say “soft,” “warm,” “loving,” and so on.

2. What color that energy brings to your mind.

3. What deity or deities correspond to that type of energy (in your mind, not someone else’s).

4. What magickal symbol you would associate with that energy.

5. Write the totem animal that corresponds to that energy.

6. Write the element you feel corresponds to that energy.

Your cards would look something like this:


1. Energies—Peace and prosperity

2. Colors—White, green

3. Deity—Rosemerta, Celtic Goddess of Abundance

4. Magickal Symbol—The Goddess Symbol

5. Totem Animal—Dove

6. Element—Spirit


1. Energies—Creativity and harmony

2. Colors—Orange, white

3. Deity—Brigid

4. Magickal Symbol—The Sacred Spiral

5. Totem Animal—Tarvos the Bull

6. Elements—All

Now, do the same thing for each room of the house. Here is an example:


1. Energies—Spiritual and physical cleansing

2. Colors—White, blue

3. Deity—Epona

4. Magickal Symbol—Lagu (rune for flow)

5. Totem Animal—Horse

6. Element—Water

Okay, how did I make my correspondences? Well, I thought about it. I write my books on the computer in the living room; therefore, to me, my living room functions as the center of my creative energies. I also want to work in harmony, and since the whole family watches television in that room, I want them to be in harmony too. Orange, for me, corresponds to creativity. White stands for harmony. Your colors may not be like mine. You may see creativity as red, green, pink, or another color. I chose Brigid because I see her as the Goddess of creativity and healing. Finally, we use Tarvos the bull in our Black Forest rituals as the representation of the South, where creativity and passion reside. To me, he would be a logical choice; however, this choice may not suit your tastes. I had quite a time determining which elements to pick and finally decided on all of them—air for intellect and good ideas; water for the continual flow of ideas; earth for prosperity and stability in my work; and fire for continued passion and creativity. Let’s do one more room to make sure you have the hang of this exercise.

Do you see how I got my correspondences? To me, the bathroom represents the area of the house where we do our bodily cleansing, and where I often do spiritual cleansings through sacred baths and, of course, my ultimate favorite, the holy shower. I associate the colors of white and blue with cleansing. I chose Lagu, the runic symbol for water and flow. For the deity, I picked Epona. For the Black Forest she represents the sweetwater of the West. Historical records associate the horse with Epona, so the choice for totem animal was easy here. Finally, the element of water definitely goes with the qualities of any bathroom (hopefully).

Organizing Your Spiritual Housecleaning

There are five main parts to spiritual housecleaning: one, removing all negative energy fields; two, filling the house or apartment with your positive energy; three, invoking divine energies to meet a specific need; four, aligning elemental energies to fit your specific needs; and five, securing the positive energies within the home. Keep these five parts in your mind as we go further into the art of magickal housecleaning.

Astrological Correspondences for
Spiritual Housecleaning

To get the most out of your spiritual housecleaning, you may wish to plan your activities around auspicious astrological correspondences, especially if you have an essential intent for a particular room. I’ve listed some suggested correspondences to help you in your planning; however, learn to look at what fits your schedule as well as your purpose. Perhaps you have the intuitive feeling to do that housecleaning this week, then concentrate more on the days of the week and the planetary hours later, rather than worry about the moon phase or other correspondences. If you have time to leisurely plan, then by all means wait for as many compatible correspondences as possible. You may wish to jot down some of the following information on your three-by-five-inch cards.

General Whole House

Good Days: Sunday, Monday, Friday, or Wednesday

Good Planetary Hours: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus

Moon Phases: Full or new

The Moon in the Signs: Moon in Aries (new beginnings), Moon in Leo (strength), Moon in Virgo (practicality)

Asteroids: When Ceres or Pallas are in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn

Wiccan Holidays: Beltaine or Samhain, Summer Solstice or Yule

Standard Holidays: The day before Thanksgiving or Christmas

Candle Color: White

Angelic Influences: Four Archangels—Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel

Spirit: Marchosais (strength); Alloces (wisdom)

Deity: Hertha, Vesta, Danu, Dagda

Herbal or Floorwash: Wisteria and honeysuckle7

Totem: Frog (protection); goose (love of home)

Elements: All

Quarters: All

Rune: Odal (my house is my castle) or Dagaz (transformation), depending upon your intent

General Earth Mother Magickal Powder: Nutmeg, orris, rosemary, myrrh, benzoin, patchouli, allspice, chamomile, bay, cinnamon, cloves, orange peel, vervain (empower to Ana or Gaia)

Affirmation: I bring the sacredness of the divine into my home.

To Banish the House of a Particular Nasty

Good Days: Saturday (best), Sunday

Good Planetary Hours: Saturn (best), Sun

Moon Phases: Dark, full, or waning

The Moon in the Signs: Moon in Scorpio, Moon in Libra

Asteroids: When Vesta is in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius

Wiccan Holidays: Samhain or Fall Equinox

Standard Holidays: Halloween or New Year’s Eve

Other: Lunar eclipse

Candle Color: Black or purple-black

Angelic Influence: Michael or Uriel; Saturn Angels; Dark Moon Angels

Spirit: Vassago (protection)

Herbal or Floorwash: Angelica and clove

Deity: Cerridwyn or Hecate

Totem: Quail; panther; sow (totem of Cerridwyn); hounds (Hecate); alligator (survival)

Element: Water

Quarter: West

Rune: Algiz

Energy Movement: Widdershins

General Protection Magickal Powder: Cloves, rosemary, angelica, rue, basil, holly, ivy, marigold, mistletoe, sage, solomon’s seal, vervain, and yarrow. All, or any combination of 3, 7, or 9 (empower to Hecate, Cerridwyn, or the Morrigan)

Affirmation: I banish all negativity, now!

The Intent of Creativity

Good Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday

Good Planetary Hours: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus

Moon Phases: New or waxing

The Moon in the Signs: Moon in Aries, Moon in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius

Asteroids: Pallas or Vesta in any sign

Wiccan Holidays: Candlemas, Beltaine, Spring Equinox

Candle Color: Orange, gold, or orange-red

Floor Wash: Frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon

Angelic Influences: Akriel; Angels of Vesta; Full Moon Angels

Spirit: Astaroth (success)

Deity: Brigid

Element: Fire

Quarter: South

Totem Animal: Whale (creativity)

Rune: Cen

Energy Movement: Deosil

Magickal Powder: Lavender, hyssop, patchouli (bless in the name of Brigid)

Affirmation: I am a worthy and creative individual.

The Intent of Prosperity

Good Days: Sunday or Thursday

Good Planetary Hours: Sun or Jupiter

Moon Phases: New, waxing, or full

The Moon in the Signs: Moon in Taurus; Moon in Cancer; Moon in Capricorn

Asteroids: Vesta

The Wiccan Holidays: Candlemas, Beltaine, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice

Standard Holidays: New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day

Candle Color: Green or orange

Element: Earth

Quarter: North

Floor Wash: Cinnamon and parsley

Angelic Influences: Barbelo (female—goodness, faith, integrity, success)

Spirit: Bune

Deity: Dagda (If you wish to work in balance, Dagda and Danu)

Totem Animal: Buffalo (abundance)

Rune: Feoh

Energy Movement: Deosil

Magickal Powder: Allspice, patchouli, myrrh, cinnamon, sandalwood, orris, orange peel (can also be used as an incense, oil, bath, or floorwash)

Affirmation: My life fills with abundance and all my needs are met.


Good Days: Sunday or Friday (Saturday for banishing illness)

Good Hours: Sun or Venus (Saturn for banishing illness)

Moon Phases: Dark Moon for banishing illness; New Moon for good health

Moon in the Signs: Moon in Scorpio for banishing; Moon in Leo for strength

Asteroids: Ceres in Leo (for good health)

Wiccan Holidays: Samhain for banishing; Beltaine for good health

Standard Holidays: Halloween for banishing; Christmas or New Year’s for good health

Candle Color: Green (for healing power); black (for banishing illness)

Quarters: West and North

Elements: Water and earth

Angelic Influences: Gabriel, Anael; Virtues (for miracles)

Floor Wash: Eucalyptus, pine, and orange peel

Spirit: Buer

Deity: Ana, Sulis, Argante

Rune: Uruz, Birca

Totem Animal: Eagle, ox

Energy Movement: Deosil to promote healing; widdershins to banish illness

Healing Powder: Carnation, rose, gardenia; or angelica, boneset, chamomile, cinquefoil, horehound, bay, mistletoe, mugwort, and vervain (empower in the name of the Holy Mother)

Affirmation: My immune system works in perfect order for my body every second of every day. For banishing illness: I banish illness from my body, now!


Good Days: Sunday, Friday

Good Planetary Hours: Sun, Venus

Moon Phases: Full

Moon in the Signs: Pisces

Asteroids: Juno (relationships)

Wiccan Holidays: Beltaine, Summer Solstice

Standard Holidays: Valentine’s Day, Christmas

Candle Color: Red (for passion); rose (for true love); pink (companionship)

Quarter: West (to begin); South (to grow); North (to maintain)

Element: Water (to begin); fire (to grow); earth (to maintain)

Angelic Influence: Gabriel; Angels of Venus; Angels of the Full Moon

Spirit: Sallos (Love); Beleth (Passion)

Floor Wash: Jasmine, rose, and lavender

Deity: Venus, Pan, Branwyn

Totem Animal: Turtle (healing)

Rune: Birca (to grow); Gyfu (to form a partnership)

Energy Movement: Deosil

Magickal Powder: Patchouli, lavender, orris, lemon peel, bay, musk (empower to Venus)

Affirmation: I bring the correct person to me who will fulfill my needs in a positive manner.

Obviously you won’t use all the correspondences listed. The magickal information under each topic gives you a selection of common energies to manipulate. What you choose and how you decide to manipulate that energy rests in your magickal lap. How did I get this information? By pawing through stacks of books and interviewing various magickal people, asking them what energies they felt were common to the desired goal.

Apartment Living

Not all of us live in a single home. Many urban Witches populate our major cities and small towns in apartment buildings, duplexes, condominiums, and single houses now functioning as several family dwellings. Even if you cleanse and consecrate your living space often, you still have to deal with the rest of the building, other people, and energies that you neither created nor invited. What do you do?

First, I suggest completing this chapter and learning how to cleanse your living area, then try some or all of the ideas given below:

1. On the outside of your front door, draw a pentacle or the Helm of Awe in clove oil or holy water. Do this every week on Sunday (best if done during the hour of the sun).8 If you live in a high crime area, or for some reason you are having trouble with your neighbors, draw your selected symbol on the door every day.

2. Sprinkle holy water, basil, or salt (or all three) in the vestibule of the apartment building, outside the elevator doors on your floor, or at the top step that leads onto your floor.

3. Consider creating an elemental to guard the entrance to your apartment or living quarters (see pages 161–166 ).

4. Walk the perimeter of your building once a month sprinkling holy water, salt, or angelica as you go (if you put a bag in your pocket, no one will take notice).

5. Drop garlic cloves underneath your window (on the outside) and around all the doors that lead into the complex.

6. Hang a small mirror on your front and back doors to ward off negativity.

Magickal individuals who live in multi-family dwellings may find it necessary to do a thorough cleansing of their living area once a month, rather than every four or six months, simply because of the greater activity around them. If you share a wall with an abusive neighbor, try sprinkling basil mixed with angelica ground into a fine powder along your baseboard to keep the negative energies from coming through the wall (angelica) and promoting harmony (basil). Evict difficult neighbors with loving kindness rather than hatred. To do this, mix cayenne pepper, black pepper, yarrow, nettle, and angelica into a fine powder. Ask the universe to find the troublemakers a home where they will find love and support and where they can evolve to a higher spiritual existence as you empower the powder. Place the powder on their doorstep during the dark of the moon, or on a Saturday in the hour of Venus. At the same time you should ask the universe to bring neighbors who are loving, open-minded, ecumenical, and courteous. Do not be surprised, however, if the universe chooses to allow them to remain, and sends you packing to a better home.

Noting Negative Energy Fields

Before you bounce around the house with bell, book, and proverbial candle, I want you to walk around your house with your three-by-five-inch cards and a pencil or pen. With your left or right hand extended, feel the energy patterns of your home. See where it feels sticky, light, or heavy; soft or hard; hot or cold. Briefly make note of these areas on the back of the corresponding card. Don’t worry if you think you aren’t good enough at sensing energy to do this, because your higher self can sense energies, you only need to shut out that argumentative, negative chatter of the logical mind. The more you practice, the better you will get.

Cold areas indicate emotional voids. Hot areas represent highly charged energy fields, usually due either to a preponderance of good or bad emotional residue. A heavy or sticky feeling may be a clue of build-up of energy-muck. Soft or light energy often appears in refined areas, such as your personal sacred space and around your altar or shrine. When you have finished the spiritual housecleaning steps in this book, your whole house should contain soft or light refined energy.

Magickal Minutes

How to Make Your Signature Magickal Powder

The use of magickal herbs varies widely within the Witch’s cornucopia of spellcasting. Properly prepared powders made from herbs and other chemicals or ingredients may be blown into the air, sprinkled on the body, cast about an object, or placed directly in someone’s pathway. Note: Never ingest magickal powders, and dry all herbs thoroughly before use. Although several tried and true formulas exist, the magickal person may use his or her intuition to create signature powders, meaning those powders that distinctively belong to that individual. Signature powders require a working knowledge of magickal herbalism, magickal correspondences, and the desire to experiment.

To prepare your own signature powder, you will need: Ingredients of your choice in the number of 3, 7, 9, or 11. A mortar and pestle. A signature chemical or ingredient (such as glitter, silver powder, gold powder, et cetera). A binding powder such as benzoin, mastic, or orris root. A firm belief in your choice of deity. A small glass container to hold the powder until the opportunity presents itself for use. A candle color of your choice. One bell. (Note: Magickal powders made during storms seem to carry a bigger “zapping” quality.) I have provided a general herbal listing in appendix II to assist you in your choices.

1. Collect the appropriate ingredients. Cast a magick circle. Call the Quarters if you wish, or leave them closed as your general practice dictates.

2. Bless and empower all herbs and supplies. You may like to try the following exorcisms:

Hold your hands over the herbs and say:

I exorcise thee, O creature of Earth Mother, in the Names of
Cerridwyn and Cernunnos, that you may receive strength, power,
and virtue, attracting good energies and the correct spirits to banish all negativity within you, and may these energies and spirits
cause all hostile entities to retire.

Ring the bell three times.

3. Make your powder by adding the ingredients into the mortar slowly. Use the pestle to crush the ingredients into a fine powder. As you add each ingredient, state what the specifics of the ingredient are (for example, I add cloves for protection). Crush in a deosil movement for building, growing, loving energies. Crush in a widdershins pattern for banishing activities.

4. When finished, light the candle (if you choose to use one) and invoke your deity, archetype, angel, or general positive universal energy. Hold your hands over the mortar filled with the powder, and say:

In the name of ———— (your chosen deity) and with the assistance of my ancestors I call the ancient power of the universe, which was from the beginning and is forever through eternity both male and female, one in Spirit, the original beginning of all things: all knowing, all loving, all encompassing, all powerful, changeless, formless, light, eternal, perfect. In the names of the Lady of the Moon and the Lord of Death and Resurrection, in the names of ______________ (your archetype or other name here), rulers of the elements, purveyors of
wisdom, as above so below I empower thee now, in this time and place to _____________________ (state your desired goal here). With harm to none, corresponding to my free will. May the energies of this powder not reverse, or place upon me any curse. So mote it be!

5. Thank the energies you have called. Take down the circle. Store the powder until use.

When you use the powder you should again invoke your deity choice, draw the rune Rad over the powder (so the powder will travel safely to your intended destination), then dispense the powder, saying something like:

Angels of air, dispense this powder and magnify its power a
hundredfold so that my desire may manifest as I will for the intent
of ____________ (state your goal). With harm to none.
Away with thee to do my bidding!

Throw or dispense the powder.

Removing Negative Energy Fields

Your next step in a thorough spiritual cleaning begins in the basement or first floor (if you have no basement). Items such as a drum, a rattle, a singing bowl, bells, cymbals, or windchimes work very well for clearing a room of negative energies. If you don’t have a rattle, an empty soup can with a handful of dried beans or unpopped popcorn will work just as well (remember to cleanse and consecrate these items before you use them). Other supplies needed to cleanse a home (especially for the first time) are: a white candle, holy water, a mister or completely clean empty spray bottle, salt, incense (with feather to help dispense, if you like), an item representing the element you’ve chosen for the room, and clove oil.

I put everything on a tray so that I can carry my supplies from room to room. I also choose one item that I will place in the center of the house to secure the overall energies I’m about to call. This item can be a sacred statue, a picture, a cleansed crystal, a simple creek stone, a plant, a small fountain, et cetera. The items don’t have to look holy to be holy.

For this house cleansing procedure, I’m going to use the rattle and the drum, but this doesn’t mean you can’t use any of the other items listed above, such as bells, singing bowls, panpipes, a flute, and so on. If you don’t want to use instruments at all, then try clapping or chanting. I use the drum because the sound breaks up oppressive and highly charged emotional energies. I live with six other people in my house; four of them are teenagers, which means my house gets highly charged with emotional energy. Both drums and rattles affect brain waves, moving you from beta to alpha. Chimes, bells, gongs, and windchimes work well for areas that don’t experience onslaughts of emotions. For example, if you live alone, and life has moved along fairly well with no emotional upsets, then you shouldn’t have many pockets of oppressive emotional energy unless your maniac sister just spent the night or the neighbor’s kid had a nightmare in your guest room. Minus the visit from the ditzy sister or child, chimes, bells, singing bowls and such would work well to refine the energies of your home.

To begin, open all doors and windows in the room. Lay the drum and rattle in the center of the floor and bless them. Then begin at the center of the room and walk in a widdershins (counterclockwise) direction, playing your drum, moving outward in a spiral pattern until you reach the perimeter of the room. Your intent should be to break up negative and stagnant energy with the sound of the drum. Don’t worry about the beat. Let the room tell you what pattern it needs, and let that pattern move through your hands into your drum. In shamanic Craft, we call this procedure drum trancing. Just let yourself go. You’re not playing for an audience. You may wish to begin with a two-beat sound (like a heartbeat) and then let the drum and room work together. Some rooms may like fast drumming, where other rooms require a slower pace. Remember those “odd” spots you wrote down on the back of your three-by-five-inch card? Pay special attention to those areas, visualizing the negative or stagnant energy breaking apart. If it helps, you can visualize the negative energy as a dark fog;, just be sure you let go of the visualization as you drum or rattle.

Don’t forget the closets. There will be times that you will move back to the center of the room and continue drumming for awhile, and other times, when you have finished the perimeter of the room, you might stop drumming with a verbal cry. Here at Black Forest, we finish drumming in our ceremonies with a howl, demonstrating that the drum, the human, and the sound are one. The howl also allows you to ground and center any excess energy we have raised, and is a thank-you to our coven mascot/familiar/totem, the wolf.

Magickal Minutes

Simple Drum Patterns

During our trips to various festivals, Mick and I have picked up a few beginner drum patterns for you to try. The word “Ka” means the center of the drum. The word “Tak” means the outer edge of the drum. Under each sound I’ve put the hands you can use.

(A) Ka-Tak (Pause) Ka-Tak

Right-Left (Pause) Right-Left

Sounds like a heartbeat.

(B) Ka-Ka (Pause) Tak-Tak-Tak

Right-Right (Pause) Right-Left-Right

Start slow. Raise energy by picking up the beat. This is a sexy beat, allowing people to sway and dance if you keep the same beat.

(C) Ka-Ka Ka-Ka Tak-Tak Tak-Tak

Right-Left Right-Left Right-Left Right-Left

We call this one “The Call.” If you play it long enough, people will naturally gather around you. One fellow called it the Mamma and Baby Elephant beat or Marching beat. It’s an excellent beat for calling Quarters, background for drawing down the moon or sun, or during initiations when the candidate moves around the circle.

(D) Ka-tak-tak-Ka-tak-tak-Ka-tak-tak-Ka


This one may take you awhile to master, but it appears to be a common ritual beat in the East, where continuous drumming makes up most of the event. You can raise or quiet energy with the tempo.

There are all sorts of drums on the market, but what if you can’t afford that $450 djembe? Simple: turn a plastic or metal bucket over and use that. The bucket works just as well as a drum.

Back to our house cleansing/blessing procedures! Go to the center of the room again. Take the rattle and follow the same procedure. Sharp, quick raps, established in a pattern that you choose, work well in room cleansing. As with the drum, you’ll find that each room may require a different rattling pattern, or a whole house may choose one pattern to begin, then move into another pattern as you finish; or you may wish to try the drumming patterns above, using your rattle. Let the house help you.

Now, go back to the center of the room and pick up the salt. Salt represents earth energies. Hold the salt in your hand, close your eyes, and become the salt—become the Earth Mother. Breathe deeply and take the Earth Mother into yourself. Whenever you work with any element, you should “become” that element, whether you work through house cleansing or you call a Quarter in a magick circle.

Here you have a choice. Some Witches like to move widdershins with the salt, where others will choose to move in a deosil direction. Do what feels right to you. Walk your spiral from the center to the perimeter again, sprinkling the salt lightly, keeping your intention pure. Do not mound the salt on the floor or you’ll be crunching around from now until next Tuesday. A little bit will do. Visualize the negative energy dissolving and leaving the room. Work out to the perimeter of the room. Now, if you would be more comfortable walking in a widdershins pattern to banish with the salt, that’s okay too. Use your instincts. Don’t forget—do what feels right to you.

Go back to the center of the room. Light the incense and follow the same pattern as before. Incense, in Craft theology, represents the element of air. Breathe deeply of the fragrance and become the air. Close your eyes and become one with the element. You are the wind, the gentle breeze, the rise and fall of the lungs of Earth.

Repeat this process with the lighted candle. Become one with the fire. See yourself as the phoenix rising out of the ashes, the creativity and lust of the flames. You are the abundance and strength of the fire. Be the fire as you walk the room.

Put the holy water in the spray bottle. The finer the spray, the better. Become one with the element of water. Be the transformation, the cauldron of change, the chalice of no thirst. Be the delicate sound of the fountain, the cleansing surge of the waterfall. Be the water as you walk the room. Mist the room in the same manner in which you used the salt, incense, and fire. Don’t get everything sopping wet. A fine mist here and there will do. You don’t want your mother, spouse, or roommate coming home and asking if the house got hit by a flash flood.

To fine-tune the room, you may wish to make one more pass with a bell, singing bowl, windchimes, or wind instrument.

Making the Room Your Own

Close all the doors and windows. Move back to the center of the room and expand your energy field slowly. Feel your energy field move outward from your body with each successive breath (remember, we practiced this exercise in To Ride A Silver Broomstick). Continue this procedure until your energy reaches the perimeter of the room. Feel the room within you, and yourself within the room. Connect your essence with the room, then open your eyes. Concentrate on what happens in this room. Will this room function as a room of cleansing, a room of your creativity, a room of your love? Think about what type of energies you will manifest in this room. Take a deep breath, ground and center, then close your eyes and envision the room filled with a brilliant white light. Take your time. Don’t rush. Some individuals like to use their drum to do this, others prefer to concentrate in silence.

Go back over the room with your hands, checking the energy of the area. If you feel satisfied that the negative energy has cleared, go on to the next step. If you aren’t happy with what you feel, then use the rattle or drum again. If you have never cleared your house, or you haven’t cleared your house in a long time, you may have to work a little harder to refine the energies. Again, to finish off the process, you might wish to use a bell with a light sound, windchimes, or a singing bowl.

Invoking Divinity into the Room

Now you will call divinity into the room, and your original intent comes into play. Would you like to call the Lord and Lady for peace, harmony, and protection? Would you like to call a specific Goddess, such as Rosemerta, the Goddess of abundance? For a child’s room you may wish to invoke Diana, protector of children, or the angels of light. For your husband’s hobby room, den, or office, you may choose the Green Man, Cernunnos, Herne, and so on. The basic question remains: Who ya gonna call? And why?

If you work with a traditional pantheon, be careful here. Eclectic experimentation might not be the best choice. Kuan Yin in one room may not get along with Hecate in the room next door. Rather than promoting harmony, you may whip up a magickal mess. If you work with a specific pantheon already, then stick with that pantheon unless that pantheon deals only with Dark Goddesses. I’m not saying black magick or evil stuff, I’m talking about crone energy, warrior energy, and the like. A house filled with Dark Goddess energy will not normally promote much prosperity and laughter. As in all things of the Craft, keep the essence of balance in mind as you work. So, be very, very careful when choosing archetypes. Even though much of your work might entail the energies of the Dark Goddesses, you may wish to fill your house with bright Goddess energy for a housecleaning procedure. If you like more eclectic practices, please research the deities you call into the various rooms. If you want to play it safe, just call the Lord and Lady. If you really want to be on the safe side, then call the angels.

Before we go further, some mystery traditions teach students that deity energy should not be invoked unless the practitioner works within the boundaries of a magick circle. Other traditions teach that you can invoke divine energy outside the circle but never inside the circle (this is not a popular belief among Crafters; however, this line of thought does exist). Finally, there are mystery traditions that teach the student that you can invoke divinity any time, any place, with or without the aid of the magick circle. Since there is no one right way to work with divinity, you will have to choose which mode of thought suits your practices and move on from there. I am in the habit of working with Spirit all the time so, for me, the magick circle rule does not apply; however, I respect those individuals who have learned differently.

Now, why would I suggest angels over the Lord and Lady? If you live in a home where you adhere to one faith, and your parents, in-laws, siblings, or spouse practice another faith and adamantly oppose your belief system, then they will unconsciously generate negative energy whenever they sense the psychic trappings of another faith. If this situation describes yours, then angel energy will do nicely. The angels act maturely and provide safety for all religious beliefs, without one stepping on the toes of another.

Back to invoking deity. How do we invoke deity? If you work with a specific female goddess, use the Goddess Position. For the God, use the God Position. However, always begin in the Goddess Position, not because females are better, but because you have an energy line in your body. Raising your arms with palms outward and feet spread apart assists you in the flow of your own energy without any breaks or gaps.

You can invoke deity with prayer, chant, or visualization. The choice lies in your magickal brain. In my home, I begin by ringing a bell seven times, as the number seven represents the calling of wisdom. Here’s an example of a simple invo­cation:

Rosemerta, queen of abundance and joy, too gentle to be human,
too powerful to be elemental, holding in your arms the cornucopia
of life. Instill this room with your light, your love, and your laughter. Descend upon this house, bringing prosperity and abundance.
So mote it be.

Or, you might wish to try this popular Pagan chant, “The Mill of Magick” (author unknown):

Fire flame and fire burn

Make the mill of magick turn;

work the will for which I pray,

Io Dia Ha He He Yea!

Air breath and air blow,

Make the mill of magick go;

Work the will for which we pray

Io Dia Ha He He Yea!

Water heat and water boil

Make the mill of magick toil;

Work the will for which we pray

Io Dia Ha He He Yea!

Earth without and earth within,

Makes the mill of magick spin,

Work the will for which we pray

Io Dia Ha He He Yea!

Seal all the doors and windows with holy water or clove oil, either mixture will work well. You can dab the window or door at all four corners and in the center, or you can draw pentacles with the liquid. Some magickal people seal the doors and windows at the top with a pentacle, then dab oil on the door handle, then above and below it, to symbolize “As above, so below. This place is sealed.” Other individuals seal doors and windows with soft sounds from their rattle, drum, or tambourine.

Check your three-by-five-inch card now to review the color, magickal symbol, totem animal, and element you chose for the room. While standing or sitting in the middle of the room, envision the following:

1. The room filling with the color energy you chose.

2. Visualize the magickal symbol on the ceiling, the walls, or the floor (or all).

3. Invite the totem animal into the room.

4. Fill the room with the elemental energy you chose. In this case, do not envision the element as a “being” but as a pure, refined energy that represents universal concepts such as love, creativity, healing, trust, peace, and so on.

Complete the House

Follow the aforementioned procedures for each room in the house. When you finish, go to the room that most resembles the core of your home. In the Goddess Position, expand your energy field from the core (where you are standing) to the outer reaches of the house. Imagine that the entire house fills with pure, white light. Hold this visualization as long as you can.

Then say something like:

From foundation to roof; from concrete to timber;
I declare this house cleansed, consecrated and blessed.
In the name of __________. May all who live and visit here
find this house a sacred sanctuary, of love, of harmony, of peace,
of patience, prosperity, and protection. So mote it be!

Check the information on your card marked “Universal” and pull in the corresponding energies, watching them mix in your mind throughout the entire house.

How do you know your spiritual housecleaning has worked? You should feel better. Colors in your home may appear brighter, sounds may be more pleasing to the ear, or you may breathe easier. The emotional stability of others in the home should also improve.

Pointers for Cleansing
the Homes of Others

You cannot compare another person’s home to your own. Each place of residence, like each individual, will be different. If you plan to do a spiritual housecleaning for a friend, please take into consideration the needs of that person. Discuss with your friend the intent he or she would like manifested in his or her home. Follow that intent. You may suggest ideas, but when the time comes to perform the ceremony, please follow the wishes of your friend. Let’s say that Susie doesn’t like angels. It would therefore be inappropriate for you to use angels in your spiritual housecleaning of Susie’s home. Perhaps your Catholic friend has difficulty with your alternative religion. He thinks the “other” religion is okay for you, but he would never consider practicing that theology. You would then ask him if he would prefer angels, Mary, Jesus, et cetera, as his deity choices. It would be terribly bad form for you to stick the Morrigan in the closet, just in case; likewise, choosing totem animals, magickal symbols, and the like, would be inappropriate for a friend who does not believe in these energies. As magickal people we need to keep the needs and desires of our friends at the forefront of our work.

If your friend’s home has a high volume of traffic in the form of wild parties, you certainly have your work cut out for you. You could cleanse the place this morning, and tonight the house will teem with all sorts of astral nasties. In this case, you can create psychic energy nets to capture this unwanted energy, instructing your friend how to clean those nets. You can weave a net around a chosen object, or simply choose a corner of the room, to suspend the psychic net. Have your friend smudge the area (or the item) after everyone has wobbled home. I also seal all the doors inside of a home on both sides, even closet doors. This way if “something” does get in, whatever it is will get stuck, allowing you to cleanse the area quickly.

Don’t ever be afraid when doing a psychic house cleaning. I did Casey’s new home the other day. I started at the base of her house, in the ritual area. That part went fine. When I had just about finished, the door to a cement alcove, across the family rumpus room, squeaked open. And shut. And open. Hmmm. Something that had taken up residence in her home was not exceedingly happy that I was going about my business, and wanted me to know it. I double-warded the door of the room I was in, and remembered that to fear defeats your purpose. I took a deep breath, walked to the doorway, and said, “Shoo!” I could feel whatever “it” was move back in shock. Sort of a “Well! I never!” reaction. I kept going, paying special attention to that alcove on the other side of the room where the negativity seemed to collect. When I finished with the room, Casey came down the stairs. “How does it feel?” I asked her. She walked around for awhile, then said, “Calm. Much better.”

“There was something hanging against that wall,” I told her, pointing in the direction of the alcove. “Yes,” she said. “I had a psychic in a few months ago tell me that when they erected this house, one of the workers carried a great deal of anger and negativity in his heart. She told me this anger lodged in one of the walls. Guess that was the wall.”

“It’s gone now.”

“Good. My cat wouldn’t go in there for love nor money. Maybe he’ll go in now.”

At that moment her cat meandered past, sniffed at the doorway, then sauntered into the alcove.

If you are cleansing a friend’s or family member’s home, do not do your cleansing with an audience. Not only do other people distract you, their non-belief inhibits your progress. For example, when I cleansed Casey’s house, her son came to visit, carrying a great deal of anger with him. As I was attempting to clear the kitchen, he moved in and out of my path, stopped at the fridge to get a peanut butter cup, get a drink, meander around the room, and so on. It got to the point where I was tagging after him with the holy water like a frenzied mother. Embarrassing, to say the least. Then her daughter came to visit with her baby. To the kitchen they congregated. When I had finished the entire house, I told Casey to do the kitchen again, as I wasn’t happy with the results in that room.

When cleansing people’s houses, do the cleansing alone. Ask them to come in at the point in the ritual where they need to make the room their own. Then you should leave that room while they perform this function. Your energies should not be present when they make the room their own.

Finally, show your friends and family members how to do a full house cleansing for themselves, as well as how to perform quickie cleansings.

Spiritual Seconds

Get a big sheet of paper and draw your favorite magickal slogan on the paper. For example: This Home Is Inhabited by Beings of Light. Put a new slogan up every thirty days. To share your slogan with others, put your slogan on your answering machine.

Quickie Cleansers

Now that you’ve completely purified your home and instilled the energies you want, how can you continue to keep it that way, considering the ups and downs of a busy life? I know of several fast methods for cleansing an area, but remember the quickies function only as quickies. Never replace the full cleansing of your house with these fast methods. Quickies enhance and increase the longevity of your spiritual housecleaning, but they do not replace the actual cleaning. Don’t forget to reaffirm your intentions when using the quick methods listed below.

• Smudging with sage.

• Misting holy water from a spray bottle.

• Boiling herbs in water on your stove.

• Lighting a stationary thurible in the center of the room.

• Passing incense over the affected area.

• Lighting an empowered white candle at the core of the house or in the affected room, and encircling that candle with sea salt.

• Sprinkling a mixture of ground salt, basil, and rosemary, or one of the magickal powders you’ve made, lightly throughout the area.

• Using sound, such as drums, bells, rattles, chimes, musical bowls, tuning forks, singing bowls, and so on.

• Chanting.

Other ideas for keeping the home free of negativity include:

• Taking a ritual bath (or ritual shower) and smudging your clothes if you have had a particularly trying day.

• Keeping a vial of holy water or oil by the door that you can use when you come home from work, or when you have been out in public places (especially around the holiday shopping season!). I have a friend who smudges herself in her garage every evening after work so that she won’t carry the negative vibrations into the house with her. (She’s a stockbroker in New York—say no more.)

• Putting salt on your tongue to keep from spewing negative thoughts into the world when you are angry. The salt dissolves the negativity.

• Fry sea salt in a frying pan on the stove or hearth until the salt stops jumping. Supposedly, you’ve just burned the tails off of unwanted astral nasties. Use the large, crystallized sea salt for this procedure, not the finely ground crystals.

• Formulate a magickal powder for emergency occasions.

• Empower everything you drink to keep your body in harmony with spirit.

• Bless your food at every meal.

Magickal Minutes

Energy Flow Differences

Practice feeling the differences in energy flow wherever you go. For example, what are the energies like in the different areas of your workplace, the mall, or your favorite restaurant? Take a pocket notebook along and write down your impressions. Soon, you will begin to see a pattern of how you perceive different forms of energy.

Blessing the Utilities in Your Home

Now that we’ve done the complete mundane and spiritual housecleaning procedure, we should look at specific items in your home that affect your well-being. They are your furnace, the water heater, the plumbing, and the electricity. Those of you who live in the southern areas of the country should include your trusty air-conditioning unit as well. I also include the phone in this category and, if you own a computer with a modem, throw that in for good measure.

Your furnace constitutes the sacred fire of your home. Each fall, you probably have a repairman come in and clean your furnace. (If you don’t, you should.) To clean your furnace, if you use gas or oil, the repair person turns the pilot light off. Ask your repair person, when they are ready to relight the furnace, that you be allowed to do this function (with their guidance, of course). Ideally, you should carry the flame from your altar (or house shrine) to the furnace. However, if this isn’t possible, ground and center and, as you light the flame, connect with the sacredness of fire.

You can say an invocation aloud, or you say the invocation in your mind (if you would feel embarrassed to speak in front of the repair person). Say something like:

Spirits of fire. I dedicate this sacred flame to Vesta. May she bring peace and prosperity into my home. As this sacred flame burns in her honor, may my house be warm and safe in the coming months.

If you live in an apartment building, or for some other reason cannot light the pilot light yourself, or you have electric baseboard heat, then you will need to use a different method. For example, the first day in fall that the heat kicks on in your apartment, you can bless the heat registers in the same manner. If you have electric baseboard heat, you can clean the units, then bless them.

In spring, when you’ve shut off the heat for the warm season ahead, you can thank the spirits of fire for heating and protecting your home during the cold months, and bid them rest and renewed strength through the upcoming season.

Most hot water heaters these days, my husband tells me, are electric. With the hot water heater, you work with two elements—that of fire and water. Therefore, you would bless both as well as banish all negativity from the heater unit. An invocation for water would be:

Spirits of water. I call forth the essence of blessing and
transformational change, and dedicate your flow and contents to Epona. May you bring forth harmony and peace in my home.

Learn where the water main connects to your house, and bless that area as well. You can use the same invocation as above, or write a new one. Remember to break up any negative energy in that area with your rattle, drum, chimes, or smudging with sage. You choose. Don’t forget the faucets in the bathroom and kitchen. You should be an expert at cleansing stuff by now.

Because your phone connects you to the outside world and connects your home to the universe, you need to take extra care when cleansing not only the phone but the telephone line. Your goal is to banish negative energy and deflect unwanted calls. Of course, the good old answering machine helps here; however, you should work on the energy coming through the line too. Wouldn’t it be great if your phone was an instrument of wisdom? Well, you can empower the telephone in that manner:

Spirits of air, I dedicate this phone and the line to the energies of
wisdom and harmony. May this phone exist as a vehicle of love and light, and may every word I speak through the receiver be filled with clarity and wisdom. Deplete and banish all negative energy that
tries to come to me from the outside world. So mote it be!

Your computer can also function as a communicator to the outside world and, if you have one, it acts as some sort of vehicle through the written word, software packages, games, and so on. As smudging or misting your computer (and the supplies that go with it) would be, shall we say, unwise, then sound wins the bonus round for the best option in breaking up negativity around your workspace and computer. I opt for the Angels of Mercury (or Spirits of Mercury, if you so desire) for the dedication and empowerment of your phone or computer. Each time you buy something new for your computer, such as disks, paper, or toner for the printer, be sure to cleanse the items of any negativity that the supplies have managed to pick up from the manufacturing plant, to the store, to you. Write a computer blessing and save it in your word processor area. If you are really a computer wizard, you may wish to incorporate some sort of cleansing graphic that appears when you turn on your computer. Don’t forget to dedicate and bless the surge protector too!

The electricity in your home relates to the element of fire. Bless and dedicate the fuse box and all lamps. Remember to cleanse, consecrate, and empower your light bulbs when you change them. Remember, become the electricity!

Buying Large Ticket Items for the Home

Before you romp out there with cash, plastic, or checkbook in hand, go to your guardian shrine (or altar if you don’t have a shrine) and ask the spirits of your house to help you pick the right items for your home that will benefit you and the occupants as well as promote harmony and peace within your domicile. Ask for the best price available and the best quality for your budget. When you bring the item home, cleanse, consecrate, and bless what you purchased. Be sure to move into the item, making it your own.

When large ticket items break, go to your altar or house shrine and ask the spirits of the house to help you find the proper repair person who will fix the problem (the first time) at a fair price. If the item has to go to the junk pile, then thank the item for the service it has given you (remember, everything has a consciousness) and de-magick the item. Be sure to move your essence out of the item before you trash it.

Blessing Your Fireplace or Wood Stove

Light fires to warm the home at dawn on the first cool morning of the year. The hearth of your fireplace needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and all mechanics of the wood stove in working order. You should also have someone check to make sure the chimney is in good repair. A mason will examine the brick and mortar for you, as well as the chimney cap, and there are individuals who clean chimneys, usually listed in the yellow pages. The old adage “nine woods in the cauldron go” applies to making your first magickal fire. If you can get your mitts on these nine woods in your area, that would be terrific. If you can’t find all the woods, then choose nine woods indigenous to your area. The only wood you should not use is the Elder, considered sacred to the Lady.

The nine woods are:

Apple / Love

Hazel / Wisdom, Divination

Ash / Healing

Birch / Purification

Elder / Evoking and Exorcising Entities

Oak / Solar Workings and Strength

Yew / Transformation

Willow / Magick

Thorn (Hawthorn) / Fertility and Happiness

Before you lay your fire, pass each piece of wood (tinder, paper, or firestarter) through salt and incense. Use your rattle or drum to break up any negativity attached to the wood. You can say something like:

O thou being of wood, be welcome in my home. In the name of the Immortal Lady and Horned Lord, I bless and free you from negativity. Join with me to work my will on Earth. Assist me to build love, peace, and harmony in my home that will extend outward into the universe.

As you lay the wood, build a vortex of energy in the center of the grate. This fire will function as the need-fire of your home. Take great care in instilling the correct energies into your task. If you are upset with someone, stop, ritually cleanse yourself, then continue. Don’t construct the fire while you feel emotionally distraught, as that energy will go into the wood. A nice chant for this task is:

By wisdom, by love, by power.

Before you light the fire, sprinkle the logs with frankincense and myrrh to conjure pure, spiritual energies; dried mint (or five finger grass) for prosperity; rosemary for conjuring protection; vervain to make the herbs “go”; dragon’s blood for putting “vroom” in the room; and basil for the occupants to live in sympathy with each other. Throw in a capful of rum as your offering. Naturally, you could use the herbs of your choice—those I’ve listed here serve merely as suggestions. As you sprinkle the herbs over the logs, remember to reaffirm your intention.

Rather than lighting this particular fire with a long match or butane fireplace lighter, consider starting the fire from the flame of a sacred candle on your altar or shrine. Carry the candle slowly through the house to the wood stove or fireplace. As you light the fire, invoke the spirits of fire. You might wish to throw in a magickal powder made specifically for the purpose of blessing your home. An excellent Goddess of choice for your fireplace or wood stove dedication would be Vesta, the Roman Goddess of hearth fires (her equivalent is Hestia). This Goddess is worshiped, not in statue form, but in devotion to the sacred fire.

On the first day of March, the faithful renewed the fires of Vesta. Vesta was the Goddess of every sacrificial fire, whether in the home or the temple. She was worshiped along with Janus. His praise opened the service, and Vesta’s closed it. Vesta’s festival, the Vestalia, was held on 9 June.9

Hestia, of Greek extraction, was one of the twelve Olympians, known specifically as the Goddess of the hearth and home, and the sister of Demeter. Here is an invocation for Vesta/Hestia:

With the rising of the sun, with the coming of dawn, with the
advancement of spring, I invoke thee, O spirits of fire, to cleanse,
consecrate and bless my home. Vesta, guardian of the hearth flame, expand with the glowing orb in the sky, the lengthening light of the season. With this need-fire, my home will be filled with the positive magickal energies of the universe. Bless my home in the coming year. Fill our hearts and minds with abundance, protection, and prosperity.


The love, the joy, the peace, the beauty; return, return, return.

(The heartbeat for drumming works well here. Tap-boom. Tap-boom. Tap-boom.)

If you don’t have a fireplace (and many of us, I realize, don’t have such a luxury) you can use your cauldron instead, placing the nine woods in your cauldron (use a bit of alcohol mixed with your favorite herbs) and performing the ceremony. Do not use a charcoal grill indoors as this is unsafe, but you can set up a grill for this type of ceremony on your outdoor patio.

Blessing and Using Your Major Appliances
in Magickal Applications

Not only can you bless your major appliances to keep them in harmony with the home and your chosen environment, you can use these appliances to work magick. Yes, your washing machine can be a magickal tool! The major appliances in your home include your stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, freezer, television, stereo, et cetera. Not only does this make that $800 piece of equipment more valuable, using appliances for magick can be downright fun.

You can bless your appliances when you do your full house cleansing or you can save the blessings for a later time, depending on your schedule. I usually bless the appliances right along with my house cleansing procedures but you may wish to handle your appliances differently.

Every day you could use your appliances to enhance your prosperity, better your relations with others, raise your self-esteem, or assist you in recovering from an illness. All you have to have is a little imagination. For example, is there something bothering you that you want to get rid of? Write the problem on a piece of toilet paper and flush the nuisance away. Utter appropriate words as you watch your problem swirl away. Empower the water that runs through your coffee maker each morning to bring you spiritual enlightenment, courage, or a productive day. Magick your vacuum cleaner to suck up negativity. Empower your lawn mower to cut negativity from your property. Use the mulcher to put a protective blanket around the house. Bless your sprinkler system outside to feed positive energy into your lawn. Magick your pens and pencils to bring you wisdom, creativity, or clarity of thought. Enchant that summer fan to blow negativity out of your house. Imagine that every time you turn on a light in your home, you are turning on the light of spirituality in your soul. I could go on, and on, and on . . . however, you get the idea.

Magickal Minutes

An Exercise in Creativity

Walk around your house and write down at least twenty objects you use at least once a day. Now contemplate how you can turn those ordinary objects into magickal practices. Work with each object and its associated magick for one week. Record your results. Place little sticky-papers with magickal symbols or your goals factored down to one or two words on the objects.

Major Renovations

There comes a time when renovations of one’s property can’t be sidestepped for the sake of a cheerleading uniform, a band trip, a school excursion to France, or sports gear; and so it was here, during the writing of this book, that my house finally declared war.

“The main beam is cracking,” said my husband.

In a very small voice, I said, “Does this mean the house will fall down?” I was thinking of the tons of people here on circle night. I could visualize the disaster perfectly—I am a Witch, you know. There we would be, all thirty of us (give or take a bout of the flu, a broken car, or a fussy spouse) stomping around, banging drums and rattles, and the floor giving way. Down, down we would go like a bunch Pagan potatoheads, plummeting into the dank oblivion of the root cellar, where no human has gone before.

“We have to fix the main beam,” repeated my husband.

“How much will that cost?”

“If your Dad and I do it, it won’t be too bad.”

So, I did what any intelligent Witch would do. I prayed like I’d never prayed before. “Please don’t let the house collapse on us while they are tinkering down there,” I asked the Goddess. I visualized bunches of big, strong, tough (okay, and cute) angels holding up the main beams of the house every night until they finished the job. I talked to the house constantly in my mommy voice. “This might hurt just a little bit, but then when we’ve concluded our little task, we can get rid of some of these yuckie, itchy uncomfortable walls and give you some nice new ones. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Hummm?” The house did not seem particularly amused, and sloughed off parts of the living room wall just to let me know we’d better make our promise good about that new stuff I’d guaranteed.

Every once in a while I would go down to the basement with my bell and incense to clear out all the negativity. I’d heard enough grunts, unusual expletives, and whining saw blades to know that constant cleansing was necessary. Even the dog cowered under my bedcovers as, each night, they threaded the jacks another turn. Surprisingly enough, the first time my home-brew crew put those jacks into place and began the operation, the house “felt” better. Sort of like an old lady who’s suffered a twisted back for over thirty years and suddenly, through a miracle of conviction, could now stand with shoulders thrown back and spine straighter than her wooden walking stick. We could all breathe easier. The children even slept better. I got a monstrous cleaning bug up my broomstick, and the place began to look better than before.

During the renovation process, I snuck around and cleansed all the new materials and consecrated them to the God and Goddess. I even drew protective pentacles on the jacks and other equipment, just to make sure they didn’t decide to have a mind of their own and try some crazy rumba while my construction team slaved away.

The point of this little exposé is to remind you that your intuition and creativity go a long way in the practical application of magick and spirituality in your life. Where, in any Craft book, have you ever seen step-by-step instructions on how to magickally renovate your house? We all think of renovation as a mundane thing and leave it at that—just like so many other situations in our lives. Every event in your life can have magickal or spiritual overtones, if you want it to. The decision belongs to you.

Other renovations you can turn magickal include:

• Room painting. Cleanse and consecrate all tools and the paint before you begin. Add a bit of holy water to the paint (just a drop will do). Chant as you paint.

• New flooring. Follow the same procedure.

• Removing layers of paint from woodwork and other areas.

• Installing new electrical lines.

• Installing new plumbing.

• Reroofing your house.

• Building a new addition. (Begin with a ritual for the blessing of the plans, and continue working magick as you complete each step of the building process.)

• Tuckpointing brick or stone work.

• Building a retaining wall.

• Installing new screen or storm doors or windows.

• Creating or replacing sidewalks.

• Installing new siding.

• Erecting a new chimney.

• Re-stoning or putting macadam on your driveway.

• Installing an electric garage door opener.

• Erecting a fence around your property or garden.

• Installing new closets.

• Turning your basement or attic into a family room or bedrooms.

• Adding a patio.

Creating Harmony in Your Office or
Place of Business

What we do for a living directly affects how we deal with the world. How we deal with the world directly affects what we do for a living. How we perceive ourselves also affects our work and our environment, at home and at our place of employment. If you suffer from low self-esteem, your home life and career will suffer. Sometimes we blame our low self-esteem on our home environment or on our chosen employment. Just as you learned to cleanse and consecrate your home, you need to bring this same type of cleansing process to your job. This isn’t always so easy. If you have an office of your own, lucky you. Half the battle is over. However, many of us don’t have the luxury of an office alone. They’ve either crammed us into cubicles or rows of desks with fifty other co-workers, or we have a job in a factory, at a gas station, in a store, in construction, a hospital, and so on. You may be a mobile worker, where you travel from area to area in one building, or drive from place to place. Since there are so many different types of employment, let’s work on some general cleansing procedures.

The first item on our agenda entails using the skills you learned in house cleansing. Remember how you walked around the house and made notes of negative energy pockets? Now you are going to follow this same procedure on the job; however, you will probably have to be discreet about the process, which could take you more than a day or two. Write yourself a list, then sort that list from the most troublesome spot down to those areas in which you feel comfortable. Since you most likely cannot mill around your place of employment with a tray cluttered by magickal tools, you will have to be a bit more imaginative. Here is a list of tips to break up negative energy and bring magick into your place of employment:

• Use a box of those candy Tic-Tacs as a rattle. You can empower anything that rattles. I’ve found that co-workers think it is funny when I shake my little box of Tic-Tacs. Guess that’s because I’ve blessed the container in the name of Rosemerta.

• Draw protective rune symbols under your chair, under your desk, under your name badge, and so on. If you can’t draw on the item, slip a piece of paper under the item (See appendix IV).

• Keep your area clean. When you wash off your desk or wipe the seat of your forklift, no one has to know you are using empowered cleaner. When the next co-worker uses the same bottle, guess what? They’ll be cleaning more than they thought!

• Cast a magick circle of protection around your desk or other equipment.

• Put a guardian on your desk. This could be anything from the statue of an angel to a simple creek stone with your name on it. I’ve seen great stones with little totem animals painted on one side.

• Make good use of holiday decorations by empowering them with intent, such as magicking for peace, harmony, team spirit, and the like.

• Keep an empowered hourglass (a 3-minute egg timer will do) in your desk drawer. When tensions get high, or the stress level is getting to you, turn the hour glass. As the sand slips down, imagine the tensions and stress dissipating.

• Sprinkle holy water around the area. Again, be discreet. Ooops, lookie there . . . I dropped a bit of water . . . I’ll just clean that right up.

• Mentally cleanse all paperwork before you touch it. Imagine the paper glowing neon blue or brilliant white.

• Put a magick mirror on your desk, in your van, on the work table, et cetera, to ward off negativity and allow you a complete view of things going on around you.

• Use magickal powders to aid you in the various ups and downs of work life. Keep your signature powder handy to make the situation or place your own.

• Feed co-workers goodies that you have cleansed, consecrated, and empowered with intent, such as love, team spirit, harmony, creativity, and so on. If you worry about ethics, add the rider “that the universe deems necessary for each person.” A candy jar on your desk can work wonders if you are truly imaginative, too.

• Empower every piece of paper that leaves your desk to go to someone else with love and harmony.

• Banish negative energies every time you throw a piece of paper away.

• Ask your guardian spirit to be with you before every meeting.

• Fill every room you walk into with white light, even if it is the stockroom or utility closet.

• Every time you punch the time clock, think of a positive affirmation to say in your mind.

• Use either a letter on the keyboard, wing-ding, or symbol to end each e-mail. Empower this symbol for protection and harmony.

• Create a mini shrine or altar in your desk drawer. A packet of salt, a vial of water, a small feather, and a lighter . . . who would know?

• Empower all pens and pencils and any other tools you may use in your job, such as an air hammer, the keys to the service van, drill, et cetera.

• Cleanse and consecrate all manuals.

• Write a negative situation on toilet paper and flush it down the commode. You know, the new kind of Bathroom Banish!

• Place a bowl of potpourri on your desk.

• Keep as many plants in the area as permitted. Of course, this means you have accepted the responsibility of taking care of them.

• Hang windchimes to break up negative energy and increase the flow of positive energy in the area. Some Feng Shui experts believe that windchimes in a house are unlucky, others don’t seem to think it matters. Since they can’t agree, my advice is to experiment for yourself. Both schools of thought believe that windchimes hung outside bring good luck.

• Dress an important document with magickal waters (healing waters, prosperity waters, success waters, et cetera).

• Hang an empowered air freshener in your work vehicle.

• Place empowered gem stones (rose quartz, turquoise, smoky quartz) under rugs, seat cushions, in glove compartments, desk drawers, file cabinets, and so on.

• Put empowered ribbons in books, desk drawers, In/Out bins, around plants, et cetera.

• Hang empowered photos on walls or place on your desk in a small frame, or clip to the visor of a vehicle.

As you can see by the above list, there is no limit to being a magickal person at work without letting the world know just how magickal you are. You can also use any of these ideas in the home environment.

Magickal Minutes

Think of fifteen things you routinely do at work that you could change into a magickal application to improve both yourself and the environment. Begin practicing the new magicks you’ve invented!

Magickal Secrets

Although it bothers me to say so, some of us, for whatever reason, must keep our magickal practices quiet. We may not have the luxury of setting our favorite things out in the open, or working our magick when others hang around. I’ve jotted down a few ideas to help you stay magickal and still remain in the closet until such time as you can freely practice your religion. Even if secrecy isn’t on your agenda, you may find some of these little tips helpful.

• Incorporate angels as much as possible in your decorating scheme. Most people do not question the positive energy of angels.

• Display a large statue of Mary. The Catholic shop will love you, and who’s to know it’s your rendition of the Goddess?

• Use a window seat to store magickal supplies.

• Sew herbs and magickal powders into the lining of your drapes. Place packets of herbs or powders under rugs.

• Glue an appealing poster to the top of a card table, add a protective coat of varnish, then store in plain sight. Use this table as your altar.

• Draw protective sigils on the back of floor mats.

• Turn a ladder into steps for success by painting the ladder in bright colors and adding plants as decorative objects. Paint magickal sigils under the rungs to help your prosperity (and plants) grow. As the plants grow, so does your prosperity.

• Hang environmental posters that match the Quarter energies in the room you do ritual.

• Paint the inside of glass jars with pretty colors. Allow to dry. Set them on a high shelf for storage of small candles, packets of herbs, crystals, talismans, and so on. Tie a ribbon around the mouth of the jar. Visitors will think this is a cute, decorative idea, and the shelf will be too high for them to peek inside without dragging out your dining room chair and overtly teetering on the brink of destruction.

• Cover your walls with environmental throws that feature wolves, bears, dolphins, or other totem animals.

• Keep magickal supplies in empty animal food boxes.

• Keep larger magickal supplies in large, opaque plastic boxes. Store under the basement steps. Although I have a magickal cabinet, I have two green boxes that sit under my altar (which is a huge coffee table with a big stone on top). I have easy access to my supplies when I need them, and they fit well under the table when not in use. Out of sight, out of mind.

• Decorate your home with hex signs. Your mother will think you went American traditional. In a way, she’ll be right.

• Cut a hole in the wall the size of a heat vent. Place your magickal goodies in there and cover with a metal register covering.

• Cut out several vertical feet of space in a wall between two studs. Slip in shelves. Hinge a magickal painting or wall hanging over the opening.

• Slip stick incense into drinking straws. Keep the straws in their original box.

• Have a piece of opaque glass cut to fit over the top of your kitchen table, coffee table or bureau. Keep magickal notes and other important documents under the glass.

• Use an empty suitcase to store magickal tools.

• Convert a bread box to store magickal tools or notes.

• Hang a towel rack six inches from the wall at the back of a closet. Hang your book of shadows there.

• Install a wall dispenser that normally holds liquid soaps. Fill with holy water or your favorite anointing oil. Or buy the countertop dispenser, use the soap, clean the dispenser and fill it with holy water or oil.

• Paste a heavy Velcro strip to your wand and paste the other half of the strip under your altar, or make a cloth sheath for wand storage and put the Velcro on the sheath, then hang under the altar or your bed. Do the same for your athame, but only if you don’t have children in the house. (Never put your athame where a child could find it.)

• Paint protective symbols under your basement steps.

• Buy trial-size products, use the contents, then convert them for storage of oils, powdered incense, magickal powders, or holy water. Color code the bottom of the container with a bit of nail polish or a marker so you don’t forget that the holy water is in the shampoo container and the magickal powder for success in the mouthwash bottle. An old shoe polish bottle—the kind that has the little dauber brush in the cap—is great for storing your anointing oil.

• Store magickal supplies in an old backpack or beach bag.

• Use buttons, change, safety pins, or toothpicks in a jar to work on abundance and prosperity spells. Add an item each day to increase your prosperity.

• Turn a large coffee can into a cauldron. Line with disposable tin foil. Store under the sink in the kitchen.

• Draw magickal sigils in holy water or oil underneath your dining room chairs. (Especially the one that your mother-in-law or that nosy neighbor always plops in.)

• Draw a magickal symbol for abundance beside each deposit entry in your checkbook.

• Soak your broom in holy water. Not only will the salt water mixture keep your broom lasting longer, this will also help you spread cleansing energies when you banish those unwanted dust bunnies.

• Mist ironable clothing with empowered water. Iron. Chant as the steam rises.


Clearing houses of ghostly friends or enemies can get fairly complicated, and perhaps dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. Recorded cases exist where a house or dwelling remains haunted no matter what one magickally or mundanely does to the house; however, these incidents remain few and far between.

I’m not an expert at ghost busting, but I have managed to clear several houses containing some unusual energies. In a few cases, the owners viewed these psychic irritations as ghosts. Since I’ve never met a ghost face to ectoplasm, I can’t tell you for sure (though in one of my books I did relate the story of my children and their ghostly encounter, which I have no doubt existed, and in which I immediately ousted the bothersome wraith). For whatever reason, Spirit does not let me visually see ghosts. I can’t decide if this rests on the fact that I’m a Virgo, thoroughly grounded, or simply too stubborn to allow anything to manifest in front of my eyeballs. I have been physically touched by a ghost, smelled perfume, felt hot, cold, or emotionally uncomfortable—but never has any floatie-thing made an impression on my retina. This is not to say, of course, that I don’t believe in ghosts.

Humans have experienced several types of ghostly encounters. We have the kindly, almost nanny-type (either male or female), the just-leave-me-alone-and-I’ll-go-about-my-ghostly-business type, the prankster, and (at worst) the nasty ghost. Most people don’t want to get rid of categories one and two. Homeowners feel, well, more at home if they can share their space with a friendly ghost. Some people like category three (the prankster) and others can’t be bothered. No one, at least that I’ve ever met, likes the nasty ghost.

Before you decide to take on any sort of ghostbusting activities, you should make note of the following:

1. What kind of ghost do you think you’ve encountered? This will determine what, if anything, you plan to do in the house as far as cleansing and consecration. As I said, some people like to keep their ghosts, others do not.

2. Do teenagers, mentally challenged, or mentally unbalanced individuals live in the house? If any of these categories apply, then your ghost may not be a ghost at all, but a manifestation of a human. I watched a television special about a particularly nasty ghost in a house where the family went through a terrible ordeal. Some of the people in the house experienced physical attacks. This family did everything from calling in a psychic, a priest, and finally the paranormal people. In the end, nothing worked and they were still stuck with their ghost. As I watched the show with my daughter, I turned to her and said, “Check out that kid. Look at her eyes. There’s your ghost, which isn’t really a ghost at all.” The family unit contained a mentally challenged girl in puberty. It was obvious to me that this girl manifested all the problems. You could see the unbalanced energy in her eyes. I can’t believe that at least the psychic didn’t pick it up.

3. Has the house experienced some sort of extreme upset in the past or present? Many nasty ghostly occurrences may result from the production of negative thoughtforms due to a violent crises, such as spouse or child abuse. Every time someone in the home gets angry, this anger feeds the thoughtform. A negative thoughtform has no mind of its own, and only feeds on negative energy. The more negative the emotions from the occupants of the home, the more movement they will experience from the thoughtform.

4. Do you feel that you meet the qualifications of a ghostbuster? Arthur Ford and Sybil Leek had a particular technique for their ghost-busting practices. Arthur would hypnotize Sybil, then she acted as a medium. In some cases they led the spirit to the light, in other cases they were unsuccessful. How confident are you of your own abilities?

5. If you tremble at things that go bumpity-bump or if you break into a cold sweat at the thought of a ghostly encounter, don’t offer to rid your friend’s house of a troublesome banshee.

In the 1990s, séances and mediumistic help doesn’t appear to be the norm for ghostbusting, rather, the focus now lies on cleansing and consecrating the house, allowing the universe to take the ghost wherever he, she, or it needs to go. Granted, the individuals doing the cleansing and consecration appear to have some minimal talent for sensing the presence of otherworldly beings, but the days of Hollywood hype have frittered back onto the silver screen where they belong.

6. If the owners of the home have convinced you that the house has an unwanted presence, or if you sense this presence yourself, you should cleanse and consecrate the home by working within a magick circle, and you may need a stronger itinerary than the one I’ve given. If possible, work with an experienced magickal partner. My daughter, Angelique, and I have worked as a team when we think a home contains more than a nanny-type entity. If you decide to work alone, at the very least you should be confident of your magickal skills, including protection magick, circle casting, and warding.
If your magickal training is lacking knowledge in any of these areas, I highly recommend you leave your magickal paws off the situation and find
someone who does have these skills. I once knew a young man who prided himself as a Witch so much so that he offered to accept a hefty payment to bust a well-known haunted house. To make a long story short, he found himself ousted by the ghost, vaulted by the seat of his pants through a front window and smashed into the shrubbery by the front door. Not a good thing. To be fair, he appeared to have things under control until the young woman from the paranormal foundation who came with him scoffed at his magick circle, stepped over it, and they both found themselves whirling around the room before their behinds hit the foliage outside. Our friend decided the fee wasn’t worth it and refused to reenter the house. I don’t blame him. He certainly hadn’t made buds with that determined ghost.

7. Please be aware that some people create astral nasties either subconsciously or consciously, and then run after you to fix them. These psychic pains-in-the-you-know-what are the result of an overactive imagination. I’ve found this to be especially true with magickal teens and magickal young adults. For some reason these young people associate WitchCraft with grumpy spirits. Thank you ever so much, Hollywood. They expect to have testy spirits and so they manifest these stupid things. The problem here lies not in your banishing techniques, but in the difficulty of wresting the belief of the thing from the teen or young adult. Belief, as we know, can be a powerful force, and has manifested because the kid is bored, has low self-esteem, or worse. The person in question may come from a dysfunctional family and this may be a psychic way out—a way to occupy the mind with something that isn’t real, keeping the teen from concentrating on what is real. These cases require a massive amount of your time, not in ghostbusting, but in counseling and pulling the person into a serious reality check. If you aren’t willing to expend the time, then don’t get involved.

8. If you have determined that the house is really haunted, be sure to check out the history of the house and the property as much as possible before you go about your spiritual busting business. This information could come in handy as you clear the house.

9. Finally, there are such things as transient activity, meaning that magickal people, because of their work with energy, will manage to draw curious and downright nosy energies. Don’t get excited about this. If you keep your home cleansed and consecrated, you should have no trouble whatsoever.

Should you charge for the cleansing and consecration of another’s home? If you want to. You do expend a lot of time, especially if the house or apartment covers a lot of territory. Right before I do a house, I go to the store and purchase spring water, sea salt, cloves, garlic, candles, and other supplies. When I get to the home, I usually hand the owner the receipt for reimbursement. Everything I purchase stays with the homeowner so that they can use the supplies themselves when they want to try cleansing the house, or wish to use some of the quickies I’ve mentioned. I don’t charge a fee for house cleansings, but if the owner offers a donation I don’t refuse, as I fully understand the process of the exchange of energy through my Pow-Wow training. To refuse a donation constitutes a snub and leaves the homeowner in your karmic debt.

In this chapter you learned that your home and work environment reflects your energies and the energies of others. When we want to change ourselves, we need to change our environment to match our ambitions. You also learned that you can take routine functions and turn them into magickal applications.

I realize that several methods exist for spiritual housecleaning. The applications given in this chapter represent only a few types. In various Wiccan traditions you’ll find several types of housecleaning rituals, which usually follow the energies intrinsic to the tradition (shamanic or ceremonial) and the specific deity and Quarter definitions of that tradition. If you practice traditional studies, you may wish to incorporate ideas from the information provided in this chapter and write your own cleansing ritual to fit your current mode of study. The following format shows an example of a house blessing ritual written by Jane Shipley and Cynthia Lollo, members of the Black Forest Clan, on December 21, 1997.

House Banishing and Blessing

First choose the best time. We decided on the Winter Solstice—the New Year and new beginnings; also, the Yule in 1997 was full. We thought about what we wanted to include and what our goals were. We decided on peace, love, harmony, protection, success, enlightenment, and hope. It took us some time to determine how we wanted to energize these goals. We chose runes, herbs, oils, a jar of new pennies, and the pentagram.

Runes: Feoh, Odal, Sol, Wyn, Algiz, and Dag (Feoh: To make it go and monetary wealth; Odal: Shift from egocentric to clan-centric, home and hearth, and security; Sol: Success, enlightenment, and guidance; Wyn: Joy, pleasure, and hope; Algiz: Protection, connection between Gods and Man, Goddess and Women; Dag: Ritual fire of the hearth, powers of day and night, and polarity)

Oils: Clove, rose, cinnamon, sandalwood, lavender

Herbs: Mistletoe, valerian, rosemary, dill, and a special tobacco mixture

Tobacco: Ceremonial Mix—bear berry, red willow, osha root, mullein, yerba santa

Incense: Pine

We wanted to include the guests, so we gave each guest a job to do (herb person, penny person, oil person, and so on). We also chose a chant:

Peace, love and harmony,
bless all who dwell inside of thee.

Before the guests arrived, we did the banishing so as not to make the ritual too long. Then we cast a circle to encompass the entire house. We called the Quarters, took a smudge stick of sage, and went widdershins three times in each room, chanting:

Out with the negative, never to return,
in with the positive with no concerns!

We began in the basement and worked our way to the top floor. We blessed and consecrated the herbs, pennies, and oil before our guests arrived.

When our company came, we anointed them with the oil mixture. At the chosen time we began the blessing. Again we started in the basement. At each portal/door/window, Cynthia drew a pentagram within a circle with scented oils. (We used the stopper of an oil container instead of a finger, so as not to smudge the sigil later.) At each point of the sigil, we drew a rune and explained the rune’s significance. The rest of the group drew each rune with their fingers in the air as we called out the name. We entitled this procedure the “Rune Chi,” and Jane acted as the Rune Chi Master (or leader).


Next, the person previously chosen to hold the herbs sprinkled the herbs over each window sill, portal, or door. Then, the individual chosen to hold the pennies placed one penny in each corner of each room we entered and on each corner of each portal, door, or window. As we completed each room, we finished with our chant:

Peace, love, and harmony,
bless all who dwell inside of thee.

We returned to the first floor at the completion of our work and stood before the altar. We thanked the God, Goddess, and Quarters for their assistance in our house banishing and blessing. Then we dismissed the Quarters and released the circle.

After grounding and centering, we broke out the food and drink!

Blessing Sigil

Done on the window, door, portal, lightly in oil with the glass stopper (wand). Later, when cleaning the home, especially the windows, use five squirts of window cleaner for each pane of glass, saying the following:

With earth, air, fire, and water, I cleanse this window,
but I do not remove the essence that was placed here during
the house blessing, for I know the Goddess would not want me
to have dirty windows!

For further information on magickal households, you might like to read:

Feng Shui for Beginners—Successful Living by Design by Richard Webster. Llewellyn, 1997.

The Magical Household by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington. Llewellyn,1983.

Sacred Space by Denise Linn. Ballantine Books, 1995.

Feng Shui—A Layman’s Guide by Evelyn Lip. Heian International, Inc, 1979.

Feng Shui for the Home by Evelyn Lip. Heian International, Inc, 1986.

Feng Shui for Business by Evelyn Lip. Heian International, Inc, 1989.


7. Folk customs throughout America include several recipes for holy water that can be used as floor washes. These blends of water, a pinch of alcohol, and pulverized herbs were strained through cheesecloth and used as a general cleanser of negativity, or sprinkled about in an effort to rid negativity and/or heal people, places, and things. The basic formula is: 8 ounces water, 1⁄4 ounce isopropyl alcohol, and herbs selected for their magickal properties.

8. Please see the Planetary Hour information in appendix V.

9. World Mythology and Legend by Anthony S. Mercatante, Facts on File Publishing, 1988.