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Hewitt, William W. Hypnosis. Llewellyn Publications, 1986.
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Laurie, Erynn Rowan. A Circle of Stones, Meditations for Modern Celts. Eschaton, 1995.
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Obatala, El. Creative Ritual. Weiser, 1996.
Pajeon, Kala & Ketz. The Candle Magick Workbook. Citadel Press, 1995.
RavenWolf, Silver. To Stir A Magick Cauldron. Llewellyn Publications, 1995.
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Thompson, Janet. Magical Hearth—Home for the Modern Pagan. Weiser, 1995.
Valiente, Doreen. Witchcraft For Tomorrow. Phoenix, 1978.
Victor C. Klein. New Orleans Ghosts. Professional Press, 1993.
Webster, Richard. Feng Shui for Beginners. Llewellyn Publications, 1997.
Wood, Clement. The Complete Rhyming Dictionary. Laural/Dell, 1991.