As the World
Coven Grows

The future of the world lies in your hands. By living a practical magickal life, you can empower yourself and others every single day. Humans need to actively participate in the world, helping ourselves and others as much as we can. This participation makes us feel wanted, loved, and in balance with all things. If we bury our minds, we deaden our souls and remove the opportunities presented to us at the hour of our birth.

I am a lineaged Witch. I’m proud of my choice of religion. Every day I thank Spirit for allowing me to participate in the divine dance of Earth. Through the religion of WitchCraft I have brought about many of my greatest desires: Mick and I have managed to stay happily married for eighteen years; we have raised four healthy, well-adjusted children; I have enjoyed life to the fullest; and I have found myself. I have discovered my strength. I have learned to use my talents. I have danced under the full moon. I have enjoyed the power of Spirit. I have become one with the universe. Am I perfect? Absolutely not, but through the advantages of my Craft training I have always been able to find a solution to my problems. Rather than a passive bystander, I am an active participant in my life.

How do you feel right now—are you happy? Have you met many of your goals? Are you in a good relationship? Are you proud of your accomplishments? If you answer “no” to any of these questions, then perhaps the religion of WitchCraft is for you, too. Perhaps not. Religion, after all, is a choice—not a demand.

WitchCraft, like any other religion, embodies a path to the divine. Many paths exist for you. Please don’t think that there can be only one way to God, because this thinking actually limits the divine as much as it limits you. Wicca (or WitchCraft) represents one shining thread among thousands of religions, across thousands of years, through thousands of mythos. Should you choose to weave your personal life-tapestry with the thread of Wicca, then understand that you show great courage—because Wiccans (Witches) do not fear the unknown. They embrace it. Once you realize you no longer fear, then the panorama of religious experience blossoms before you like a flower opening to the gentle touch of the sun.

Your Mission in Life

I think we all want to know our primary mission in life. Have you ever sat alone late on a temperate, summer night, staring at a star-studded sky, wishing you knew the answers to all those age-old questions? Have you rested your chin on your knees, willing your mind to touch the power of the universe? Have you asked Spirit, “Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? Where should I be?” Let me assure you that no one’s life has popped off the assembly line in perfect working order. We’ve all been through many experiences that can either help us fine-tune our mission mechanism or throw sludge into the works. I can’t promise you that living a practical, magickal life will dissolve the goo or turn you into a high-performance engine with a full understanding of your personal mission, but I can tell you that this is precisely what the religion of the Craft has done for me.

I have learned that to know your mission, you must search for it. Granted, you may have several, even hundreds of missions to accomplish throughout your lifetime. Life, as they say, is a fleeting proposition, and you must make the most of every second, every minute, every opportunity that you can. I tell my four children:

Never limit yourself.

Never say the word “can’t.”

Never turn your back on what may be the perfect opportunity to complete one of your missions.

Over the past four years, I have toured all over the United States doing book signings, seminars, and tarot card readings. The question most asked by those I meet is: “Where do I go from here?” As we reach the year 2000, I’ve noticed that more and more individuals ask this question. Out of every fifty card and psychic readings I do, over half of the individuals want to know where they are heading and what they should be doing. Let’s work on discovering your mission for the moment.

Magickal Minutes

Spell of Wisdom and Strategy

1. You will need a two-inch wide by six-inch piece of yellow ribbon and three candles, two white and one yellow. Cleanse, consecrate, dress, and empower them with your favorite oil. Place the candles on your altar or table in a triangle shape. Place the yellow candle at the apex, with the two white candles forming the bottom of the triangle.

2. Cast a magick circle by using your finger (pointing down) and walking in a clockwise circle, and say:

I cast the circle-hedge between the worlds. Be thou the girdle of the Goddess and a protection against all negative energies. I call upon the positive spirits of the North, the East, the South, and the West, to aid me in this consecration. I weave the hedge. I create a tapestry of power. I call forth my birthright. So mote it be!

Tap the floor with your hand or foot, and say:

This circle is sealed.

3. Open the South Quarter by saying:

Hail guardians of the South, element of fire. I (your name) do call you forth to assist in this rite and guard this sacred space. So mote it be.1

4. On a piece of yellow ribbon, write:

Wisdom to know my mission in life at this time. (Sign your name.)

5. Light the three candles, beginning with the yellow candle. Say:

I light these candles in honor of Lady Brigid, bringer of wisdom,
who carries the passion of creativity in her breast
and the energy of healing in her hands.

6. Turn to the South and say:

Winds of the South, carry the wisdom I desire to my ears. I call
the spirits of the South who may serve my need, that they may heed
the power of the angels of light and perform the magick I seek.
Salamanders and all spirits of fire, lend your power, wisdom, and strength to my request. Spirits of Jupiter, in all your forms and shapes, gather now with thunder and lightning to serve my purpose. Lady Brigid, guide the winds of the South, the spirits of Jupiter, and the might of the element of fire to bring me the wisdom I seek.2

7. Hold up the yellow ribbon, and say:

This is what I seek: wisdom to know my mission in life at this time, and a strategy to fulfill my purpose.

8. With the ribbon in both hands, close your eyes and see yourself before you came into this incarnation. Imagine you are talking to the guide of souls or the guardian angel assigned to you. The guide of souls or guardian angel is the friendly type, and you know he or she has your best interest at heart. What is the game plan for your life right now? Ask the guide of souls to talk to you in a manner you will understand.

9. When you have finished, place the ribbon in the middle of the table, surrounded by the three candles. Thank the South Quarter, then close that Quarter. Thank Brigid for her assistance. Take up the magick circle. Allow the candles to burn until they are gone.

Suggested Enhancements for This Spell

Day of the Week: Thursday

Moon Phase: Full, new, or waxing

Angel of the Day: Sachiel

Totem Animal: Bear (self-knowledge); crow (wisdom)

You may receive your answer in a variety of ways. During the operation, the guide of souls (or your guardian angel) may have spoken to you, or you may receive your answer in a dream, through conversation with a friend, or by reading an article or book. Try not to limit how your answer will come to you. Simply be ready to receive it.

How did the conversation go with your guide of souls? If you didn’t get very far, don’t worry about it at the moment. Our subconscious desires often outmaneuver our conscious will. That’s how mental blocks form. Have you ever thought to yourself, I’m going to sit down and think about this problem and then, when you do, you think about everything else? Happens to me. This occurs because, for some reason—either sane or unreasonable—we fear the future, which includes the emotions that may go along with that future.

When one partakes of the initiation through group ceremony or self-dedication into the mysteries of WitchCraft, a transformation takes place in every level of the seeker’s being. We begin to lose the fear of the unknown. Perhaps you have already experienced this type of divine and mystical transformation. In this manifestation, the mysteries of the Witch tradition surround you, encompassing your life, allowing you to aspire to spiritual heights. Your oath, whether taken within a group ceremony or in a ritual written privately by yourself, represents your first step in learning the secrets of invoking your own power through the loss of subconscious fears, which opens the mind, body, and Spirit to the greater things in life. Elder Witches will tell you that if you don’t learn to let go of those subconscious fears fast enough and move in the direction that Spirit wants you to go, then Spirit steps in and moves things for you. Equate this to a divine smack upside the head.

A woman in New York City once related that she was planning to take a cross-country trip. The windshield of her car had a small hole, and a crack decided to begin sneaking over the surface of the glass. She kept telling herself that, before she went on her trip, she needed to fix that windshield. Like most of us, she put off the repair. I’ll do it tomorrow. I’ll get the car fixed next week. Over a month went by; still, she did not get the windshield repaired and the crack merrily marched, inch by inch, across the glass. One rainy evening a branch from the tree outside of her house plunged into the windshield, forcing her to take the vehicle in for repair. Of course, she had to take the train to work and back again for a few days, which presented a definite inconvenience and added expense. Had she made her appointment earlier, she would have expended about an hour of her time. Instead, she was forced into inconvenience by her own inaction. This is the way Spirit works if you don’t listen the first time a message is sent to you. Many times we cause the complications in our lives because we simply haven’t been observant.

Mysteries, Secrets, Power

Mysteries. Secrets. Power. These three words sell more advertising copy than you could ever imagine. Divine magick does not work with negatives. When Witches work with divine magick, they do indeed ride the mysterious current of treasured secrets while wielding the enchantments of enormous power. These secrets, enchantments, and powers raise the spiritual vibrations of the Witch, pulling him or her toward the white light of universal love. Far from New Age belief, this has always been the way of the Hidden Children. That’s what we Witches are called—the divine issue of Herself; we are Her shining ones. We carry Her secrets and Her magick in our soul bodies.

With the belief of the God and the Goddess as our spiritual foundation, Witches no longer need fear the divine cycle of birth and death, whether we are talking about the death of a job or a person. To be afraid is the most human of all emotions. Fear stops us from becoming all we can be. Fear drags us down, binds our intuition, robs us of our power, damns the magickal secrets, and pushes us blindly into the rocky paths of the unknown. Every one of us has struggled with secret, nameless fears, never knowing where reality ends and illusion takes over. New Witches struggle with logic, fearing they tread the path of illusion, worrying that since the rest of the world does not believe in divine magick, such magick therefore may not exist. Experienced Witches may understand the art or science of magick but fail to employ their training, whimpering over mindless fears fashioned by years of negative programming from parents, peers, other religions, and other cultures, integrating that same negative programming into funky magickal rules they follow meticulously. From these struggles, strange creatures of thought form, shackling our abilities, taunting our greatness, driving us further from our spirituality. Whether we have been in the Craft two years or twenty years, we all battle the same enemy—that of our self-manufactured fears. We must learn to turn to the mysteries of the Spirit to help us eliminate these fears. It is my belief that no matter what religious rail system we plan to use, Spirit will always be at the end of the line.

Magickal Minutes

The Fear Disposal Can

Supplies: One cleaned, empty coffee can with lid. One piece of black construction paper, felt, or leather cut to fit outside of can. Glue. Seven or nine small stones. Black acrylic paint. Flat egg noodles (at least an inch wide) from the grocery store. Black marker. A lock of your hair. Choose a Dark Goddess, or the one provided in the example.

Timing: Best done on Saturday in the hour of Saturn; during the dark of the moon; during the waning moon; or during a full moon (depending on your magickal training).

Quarters to Open: All

Element: Air

Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Planetary Hour: 1st (sunrise or sunset)

Angel of the Day: Cassiel

Candle Color: Black

Archetypes: Goddess—Hecate, Dame Holda, Lillith, or the Morrigan

Totem Animal: Rabbit (conquering fear)

1. Cover outside of can with black paper, felt, or leather. Glue in place. Let dry thoroughly. Cut out a picture of a rabbit and paste it on the can, or draw your own rabbit, or—if you can’t draw—write the word “rabbit” on the can.

2. Consecrate the can in the name of the chosen Dark Goddess. In this example, we used Hecate, as she is familiar to most magickal practitioners.

3. Paint the seven small stones with black paint, or you could use seven black glass marbles. (Allow stones to dry thoroughly.)

4. With the black marker, write a fear that you have on a noodle. (You might want to make a list before you begin.) Keep writing your fears on the noodles. It doesn’t matter how many fears you may have. They can be big fears or little fears.

5. Drop all the noodles in the can.

6. Drop the stones on top.

7. Add the lock of your hair.

8. Close the lid and say:

I seal my fears inside this can,
where they will be pulverized.

9. Ground and center.

10. At the prescribed time, draw a pentacle on the floor with your finger (or cast a magick circle, if you so desire). Stand within the pentacle (or within the magick circle).

11. Open all Quarters (if you have cast a magick circle). Say:

Hecate, Queen of the UnderWorld, Mother of the Dark Night,
behold my fears.

Hold the can out and away from you. Say:

Dark Goddess, take these fears away from me.
Smash them, trash them, banish them.

12. Begin to shake the can softly, repeating the “Smash them, trash them, banish them” line. Raise energy by shaking the can louder and louder, increasing the tone of your voice with the shaking noise of the can. Don’t stop until:

a) You know all the noodles are broken into little bitty pieces.

b) You are sure you have raised a sufficient amount of energy to combat those fears.

Then bang the can on the floor to finish the spell and say:

May this spell not reverse, or place upon me any curse.
With harm to none. So mote it be!

13. Thank Hecate.

14. Close the Quarters and take down your magick circle, or remove the pentacle.

15. Take the can outside to a place where the four roads meet.

16. Dump the noodles at the crossroads, and say:

I dump the contents of this can and, with them,
the last vestige of my fear. So mote it be!

17. Clean out the can and save to use again another time.

If you do not like the words I have written, please feel free to design your own; but please remember to keep your words positive. This book is about spinning negative experiences into positive ones, rolling bad thoughts into ideas of greatness, and whirling rotten luck into planned success—all through the practice of a religion known distinctively as WitchCraft.

WitchCraft Laws

When people come to the Black Forest Clan for training, the first lesson they dig into after their dedication ceremony consists of the wealth of laws designed for practical WitchCraft. Of the thirteen standard lessons I’ve written for the tradition, this first lesson is the most important, most thought-provoking, and most difficult of the training process. If the student manages to get through this lesson, then I know there’s a good chance he or she may last until the end of the training program. I used to present the laws later in the program, but found that without this important base to consider and work from, the student doesn’t grasp the full impact of the religion. After much consideration, I moved the information about the laws to the beginning of the training course. When writing this book, I thought about placing the details of Craft law near the end of the book, but changed my mind. The reader, to me, is no different from my students at home. Although some might feel that this information falls into the snooze category, I really feel that you need this information to build on, too.

There are lots of laws that Witches may (or may not) choose to follow. Collectively, these laws fall under the heading of the Ordains. Most of these laws stem from the Craft practices of Gerald Gardner, Alex Saunders, Sybil Leek, and Charles Quatrain. (According to my information, Quatrain committed suicide, which is why you don’t hear much about him.) Although many Crafters think that the laws are older than the 1950s, no one has any definitive proof either of their validity or their age. We can trace undercurrents to Greek Mystery Traditions and, in some cases, Gnostic texts. I believe it was Doreen Valiente, who worked with Gardner, who said Gerald trotted out many of these rules only when his students had the unmitigated gall to break them. Regardless of the historical accuracy or inaccuracies surrounding the origin of the Laws of the Craft, many of these rules continue to serve us well today.

The Ordains fall into three basic categories: Spiritual Laws, Practical Laws, and Mundane Laws. The Spiritual Laws exist as a code of ethics or morals giving the Crafter a guideline for spiritual living, whether you choose to practice as a solitary (a Witch alone) or within a group structure. These Spiritual Laws apply to all magickal people, and most magickal individuals incorporate these laws into their group workings as well as their solitary practices.

Consider Practical Laws as the blossoms of experience from those who have practiced magick before you. Therefore, not all of the Practical Laws will apply to every person. Think of these laws as guidelines for creating your own set of Practical Laws.

The third type of Craft law, Mundane Law, belongs to group hierarchy, and most of these laws do not apply to the Witch practicing alone. This doesn’t mean that solitary Witches should ignore these laws entirely, as many in their community may follow some sort of coven or group government and practice their type of WitchCraft within the confines of these laws. Although many of the Mundane Laws fall under the “archaic” category, they do serve a purpose and can be used as a guideline for the solitary when certain questions arise. Many Crafters have difficulty understanding the Ordains because they don’t know what applies to their brand of Craft and what does not. They also don’t understand them because of the author’s attempt at archaic sentence structure and wording. There are no Cliff’s Notes or cheat sheets for the Ordains. Many Crafters don’t even know that the Ordains exist. Well . . . now you do.

Aw, come on, Silver, this is boring stuff. I want to cast spells, put the world at my feet, you know . . . more power! I want riches! Fame! Fortune! I do not want to talk about laws!

Primarily, the Craft is a religion. True, it is a religion of self-empowerment and fulfillment , but it is a religion, after all. Why am I talking about laws? Isn’t the Craft based on freedom, the use of my will to create my future, and the idea that the world is an abundant place and I can access that abundance in my own good time? Isn’t the Craft a religious philosophy where I can do what I want to do as long as I don’t hurt anybody? Well?

Whether you like it or not, any type of religion needs a structure to survive, including Wicca.

The Spiritual Laws of WitchCraft

Life isn’t perfect, and our paths will always have potholes, big boulders, and slippery-when-wet areas. By contemplating the Spiritual Laws, and then (hopefully) enacting them of our own desire, we can raise our spiritual as well as mundane circumstances. The Spiritual Laws listed below aren’t the only ones I’ve found, but they appear to be the most forthright.

1. Witches know that no truths are absolute. Indeed, the downfall of humanity relies on the belief that there is an absolute truth for everything. There is no one absolute way to interpret reality, to behave, or to live. Therefore, there is no single correct way to practice magick, pray, celebrate the seasons, or reach our peak of spirituality. The idea that there is only one truth to any question leads to fanaticism, compulsion, and persecution.

2. Witches understand that the universe consists of perfect balance; therefore, everything has an opposite (not necessarily equated to a negative). For example, male and female—the two complement each other in balance, but one is not better than the other. Easy opposites that come to mind are light and dark, right and left, up and down, forward and backward, et cetera.

3. Witches realize that for every action there is a reaction. Most of us see this as the law of karma. Witches use the poem Ever mind the rule of three, what you manifest comes back to thee. Therefore, if you create evil, then you will receive evil back. If you create harmony, then you will experience harmony in kind.

4. Witches know that we are all one. We are all connected. Everything you do influences yourself as well as someone else. We are not as separated from humanity as we perceive ourselves to be; therefore, when we make decisions for one, we invariably make decisions for others.

5. The Witch understands that the ultimate act of spirituality is the act of
positive creation through love. Positive creations manifest harmony;
negative formulations create chaos. As much as possible, we should attempt to concentrate our energies on positive creativity. In essence, all humans were born to create through love; this is our primary mission statement.

6. Witches realize that the energy created through worship and ritual manifests as a circular stream of positive energy. What we give to Spirit will return to us.

7. A Witch should never close his or her mind to knowledge, because it is through the continuous process of learning that we raise our personal

8. A Witch uses the magick circle as a physical/non-physical representation of
a church or temple on the earth plane. Witches purify themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually before entering or casting a magick circle. When you are in circle, you are in a holy place. Arguments, hatreds, or evil of any kind is not permitted within the magick circle.

9. Witches use the energies around them to assist in raising power. These energies manifest as the elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and Spirit. Witches also raise their own energies to Spirit. In this way, the Witch’s body becomes a conduit for divine and earthly energies now used to manifest their needs and desires. Witches know that the greatest energy manifests as love.

10. Witches use common sense and do not share their mysteries with fools. Good energy was never meant to be wasted on idiocy.

11. Witches do not point out the identity of other Witches to the general public, as discrimination still haunts many of our brothers and sisters. If one Witch brings discrimination on the head of another Witch, then he or she is directly responsible for the harm and will reap the karmic consequences. It is also said that if a Witch knowingly breaks the Laws or Ordains, then he or she will not be permitted to incarnate on Earth again and will instead be delegated to the mythical hell that the standard religions have created. It is their thought form, after all.

Magickal Minutes

Chain of Harmony

Supplies: One box of paper clips

Day of the Week to Begin: Friday

Planetary Hour to Begin: 8th

Angel of the Day: Anael

Planetary Ruler: Venus

Element: Water (or air)

Candle Color: Light blue

Totem Animal: Dolphin (harmony); pelican (abundance)

At the eighth planetary hour,3 or at the end of each day, before you go to bed, hook one paper clip to another. Each paper clip symbolizes a harmonious thing that you did for someone that day. If you have done six things, then hook six paper clips together; if ten things, then hook ten paper clips together. After a month or so of doing this every night, you will have a huge (hopefully) string of paper clips hooked together. Whenever you feel depressed, sad, or unhappy, hold your chain of paper clips and know that you do make a difference in the world. These clips prove it!

The Practical Laws of the Craft

As I explained earlier, the Practical Laws of the Craft grew out of the experiences of other Witches and magickal individuals. Indeed, Witches are very good at taking concepts developed by others and improving on them—such is the way with the magickal applications of the Witch. We can see this in ritual, where many Witches (including Gerald Gardner) moved information from ceremonial practices of those he befriended at the time into the shamanistic methods of the Witch. Indeed, the concept of the pentacle (five-pointed star representing earth, air, water, fire, and the Spirit of Man encompassed by the positive circle of the universe) was originally a ceremonial concept. Some say that the pentacle grew from astrological movements of the planet Venus, others indicate that the Knights Templar were responsible for its inception into the world of the mystical monks. Today, the pentacle has been adapted, of course, to the point where most Witches don’t know that their primary symbol digs its roots deep within ceremonial magick. You see, Witches don’t believe in reinventing the magickal wheel, and have a habit of changing circumstances and objects to suit their needs. Clever, aren’t we?

Let’s go over some of those Practical Laws. Oh, stop groaning. After you are finished, you may want to begin a Practical Laws section in your Book of Shadows (BOS). As you read further, you’ll discover that most of the Practical Laws encompass matters of common sense and sage advice. Perhaps there are laws here that don’t apply to you, or perhaps you have some laws of your own that you wish to follow but are not listed below. That’s okay. Here we go.

1. Never practice a magickal application or system that you don’t fully understand. Which is why you are reading these laws, right? An adept practitioner is an informed practitioner. This goes for the use of any magickal symbol, too. If you don’t know the full gambit of what it can invoke, then don’t mess with it.

2. Do not set a price on magickal work. To link money to magick influences the outcome of the working. It is acceptable to ask for reimbursement of supplies or set a fair fee for your time (as in tarot readings). Along with this issue also comes an addendum—do not accept money (any money for anything) that you know came to you through illegal means. Today’s slang calls money gained from illegal enterprises “dirty money.” The psychic slime on this money goes deeper than a mere cleansing and consecration to
exorcise. Better not to accept this type of money at all.

3. Never use your magickal skills to show off. Most likely, you will fall flat on your face. Spirit has a habit of pulling the proverbial rug out from underneath us if we get too big for our magickal britches. You will experience the equivalent of a flying carpet with a bad case of the hiccups. That carpet will take to the sky while you find yourself with your face in the dirt.

4. Magickal bindings may be foolish—learn to banish negativity instead. If you bind something, then you will have to deal with it later, and you risk being bound yourself.

5. Know that thoughts are things, and what you create in thought may manifest in reality.

6. Never lie to yourself, for this is the epitome of deceit.

7. Injuries, accidents, sickness, or poverty often manifest as a result of low self-esteem or negative programming, not bad mo-jo.

8. A Witch’s power grows in direct relation to his or her level of wisdom. Therefore, if someone is threatening you with magick, know that they are without wisdom and an idiot, and that their power comes only from your fear.

9. You should in no way use your personal power or honed abilities for malefic purposes; however, you may defend if attacked, and you may ask the universe to formulate justice in the manner most befitting the attack. Indeed, it is your responsibility to defend yourself and others, not stick your head in the cauldron and hope that the bad people go away.

10. Always do the best that you can, which does not mean you must fulfill the role of Super Witch. If you have done the best of your ability on anything, then you shouldn’t worry about the outcome.

11. As long as you are acting in accordance with a positive belief system, don’t worry about what others think of you, or what they are saying. Comments against you show poor self-esteem or fear of the owner of the comment. Don’t waste your time or energy on such a person.

12. Don’t lend your Book of Shadows to anyone. You may permit others to copy your information under your guidance, but never let the book out of your sight, because pentacles to broomsticks, one of these days the book won’t come back. Someone’s well-meaning relative might take it upon themselves to destroy your work.

13. Property owned by Crafters should be guarded both mundanely and spiritually by the Witch.

14. Now here’s one I’ve seen broken quite a few times in the last few years, and I’ve taken the exact wording out of Lady Galadrial’s modernized version of The Laws and Ordains because I think this law is exceedingly important. Law #27 says:

Do nothing that will endanger anyone in the Craft, or which will bring them into conflict with the law of the land, or any of our persecutors. In this regard, it is NEVER permissible, in any dispute involving the Craft, to invoke any laws other than those of the Craft, nor may any tribunals be held other than one consisting of the High Priestess, the High Priest, and the elders.

In other words, it is dirty pool to call child services on the Witch across the street because she practices differently than you do, and it is inconceivably ignorant to stop another Witch in your town from practicing with his or her group by using the city ordinances against them. To me, the rats who turned these people in are just that—rats, not Witches at all, just humans who have shapeshifted beneath themselves. Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t call the cops on a wife-beater just because he is Wiccan. No, no, no. As with all laws, use this one wisely and with common sense.

15. Although magick can be considered a science, its use should be viewed as sacred. Magick represents the greatest gift given to us by Spirit. When first learning, one should work all magicks and ritual within the confines of a magick circle, since the beginning student may not understand the nature of the force they are working with. The magick circle, since it represents the Witch’s church, teaches students the necessary reverence and focus that will enable them to become an adept practitioner.

16. This one is a law for the nineties not followed during the sixties, seventies, or even eighties: Do not sleep with your students. If your student is your life partner or spouse, of course you are expected to do what comes naturally—but under other circumstances, this has become a very big no-no in the magickal community. Some teachers in the past extorted sex for magickal information. Boo, hiss. This is just not done in the nineties. Witches are proud of their sexuality, but they have matured enough to realize they don’t have to prove it.

17. Witches may teach others about the Craft if (and here we refer to Lady Galadrial again) the place is safe, the teacher is knowledgeable, the student is willing, and the information taught is available publicly or is not secret to the organization to which he or she belongs. No one may charge for teaching, unless it is to cover such expenses as the cost of the room, books or other printed materials, refreshments, postage, travel, and so forth. This law is considered a sticky one for some, not for others. To charge someone an exorbitant fee and promise initiation at the end of a six-week course, in my mind, borders on irresponsible teaching. My training dictates that if you initiate someone, then you have bought into the responsibility of his or her karma, at least in part. To train someone for six weeks, take their money, initiate them, and then let them go could dip you into some pretty heavy karma. Not my bowl of Gravy Train.

These are just a few of the Practical Laws I’ve managed to come across in my research. I think I’ve collected over two hundred of these babies. You don’t have to agree with the Practical Laws, but you should consider them. If you don’t agree with one or two of the laws, then you should think carefully about why you do not agree with them— Law #6 there, to thine own self be true. Never thrust the Practical Laws at a prospective student with the design of making the student learn them or trot them out when the student doesn’t conform with everyone else in your group (should you have one). Practical Laws should make you think.

When a Witch takes the oath through a group or has performed a self-dedication, that Witch acknowledged that he or she will strive to be a better person and will continue to study the mysteries throughout this lifetime, and beyond. This includes both the formulation and adherence to the Spiritual and Practical Laws. In taking the oath, the Witch also agrees that he or she will try to work in harmony and balance in all aspects of his or her life, from mundane to magickal experiences. In that moment of the Witch’s solemn promise to the Lord and Lady, he or she took the reins of the future and moved forward into harmony and success.

By now, most of you have found that learning the mysteries of the Craft can manifest in a slow and winding process that will grow differently for each individual. No two people can, or should, mentally process the Wiccan mysteries in the same manner. To demand such is in direct opposition with the mysteries themselves.

The Wiccan Mysteries

The primary root of Wicca is Spirit—peace, trust, beauty, love. No other “mystery” associated with the Craft is more important to understand or to internalize. It is our responsibility as Witches to serve ourselves and others with love, in harmony with Spirit. People outside of our community think that WitchCraft is only hocus-pocus and messing with the supernatural. Tsk-tsk-tsk. Oh, we deal with the supernatural all right—the natural way to be a super person. To us, what the outside world shies away from as supernatural, we welcome, knowing that as long as we rely on Spirit, we will reach new heights, drawing toward us the harmony of the universe.

It is our responsibility as magickal people to do the work. And what, should we be so bold to ask, is the work? What do you think the work is? You think about it for me, and we’ll get back to that subject a little later.


In this chapter we’ve discussed your mission in life, the mysteries and secrets of the Craft, and the laws that govern our religion. If you plan to use this book as a working guide, you might want to sit down with a notebook and review some of the things you have learned. Even if you have been in the Craft several years, you may wish to refresh your thoughts on the theology of the Craft. If this material is totally new for you, take your time and review our laws carefully. This chapter presents a strong building block for your future endeavors.

For those of you who have a serious urge to delve deeply into the Craft, I have provided a list of questions for you to work through. Remember, there are no wrong answers. I’ve designed these questions to make you think. The exercise of contemplation will assist you on your spiritual path.

1. Write a book blessing for your study manual.

2. Study the Wiccan Laws presented. Are there any laws you do not agree with? Why?

3. Perform the Magickal Minutes or Spiritual Seconds in this chapter.
Keep notes of your experiences.

4. Why did you buy this book?

5. What goals would you like to accomplish in:

One Week

One Month

Six Months

One Year

Five Years?

After each time designation, write a short outline on how you will begin to accomplish these goals.

6. What do you feel constitutes your mission in life?


1. For more complicated uses of Quarter calls and circle castings, please see my book To Stir A Magick Cauldron (Llewellyn, 1995).

2. Spell adapted from a magickal operation in The Solomon Manual of Divination and Ritual Spells by Priscilla Schwei (Llewellyn, 1988).

3. If you do not understand how to calculate planetary hours, please refer to Appendix V.