Chapter 16

Brice cupped Brooke’s face with both hands and leaned down toward her as Brooke rose up on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Brice kissed Brooke gently and with reverence, struggling to remain in control of both his physical and emotional desires; only he knew Brooke wanted more. She pushed her body against his, swerving her hips, and something snapped inside of Brice. Their sweet, tender kiss turned passionate and full of need. Brice knew Brooke had been through a lot and no matter how difficult it was, he needed to slow things down.

Brice swept Brooke into his arms and carried her up the stairs, down the hall and through the double doors into their master bedroom. It was a room he hadn’t slept in since Brooke left. You can do this. You love her. He lowered her onto the bed and removed her shoes. Brice ran his hands under her shirt, enjoying the feel of her smooth soft skin before pulling the shirt over her head, revealing a black bra, which he knew would be accompanied by sexy underwear.

When Brice ran his hands up her legs and along her inner thighs, Brooke moaned. Brice removed her leggings, revealing a pair of black lace panties. It had been so long since he’d seen Brooke laid out before him in such a way and his throbbing erection was reminding him of that fact. Her desire-filled eyes, the way she was whispering his name while he used his fingertips to stroke the tops of her breasts, was testing his ability to do the right thing.

Brice leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips as he lifted her slightly, pulling the covers out from under her. He placed the blanket on top of Brooke and said, “Not tonight, baby.”

“What?” Brooke rose up on her elbows.

Brice sat next to Brooke on the bed. “Sweetheart, you know how much I want you—”

“And I want you too.” Brooke sat up and kissed the corner of his mouth, running her tongue along his bottom lip.

“Baby, please, you need to rest. I saw you take another one of those magic pills Peter gave you.”

“I’m fine,” she claimed, lying back down slowly.

“No, you’re not, and as much as I’d love to spend the night making love to you, I know you’re not ready.”

“I know what I want, Brice.”

“My resolve not to take you now is weak, so if you can honestly tell me that you’re one hundred percent better, then I’ll be naked and inside of you before you can count to ten.” Brooke released an audible breath. “That’s what I thought. Now get some rest.” Brice stood.

Brooke grabbed his hand. “Where are you going? Aren’t you going to sleep in the bed with me?”

The corners of Brice’s mouth rose. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“I won’t attack you,” Brooke teased.

“Not until I have an intense workout downstairs and a very cold shower, anyway.” His eyes dropped to his crotch.

Brooke followed his line of sight and giggled. “Oh, okay.”

“Anyway, I want to wait to see if we hear anything about Perez. Get some rest and I’ll be up later.”


Brice leaned down and gave Brooke a quick kiss on the forehead, nose and lips. “Promise.”

Brice walked out of the room, made his way downstairs to his man cave and changed into his workout gear. After putting on his boxing gloves, Brice spent the next thirty minutes beating and kicking his punching bag. He still couldn’t believe his runaway bride was back home and in their bed. As he danced and moved, striking the bag, thinking about everything that Brooke had gone through, he began to burn off all his pent-up aggression. Just as Brice was about to step his worn-out body into a hot shower, his cell phone rang.

“So did it work?” he said as he answered the phone.

“It worked,” Alexander replied.

“Yes.” Brice pumped his fist. “Thanks, A.”

“No, thank you. If you hadn’t come up with the idea of using the Carter as bait to keep Perez here, we may not have had the chance to make him pay for all the damage he’s caused. Now, let’s just hope it works.”

“Yeah, I just wish Brooke didn’t have to be involved.” Brice ran his right hand through his sweat-soaked hair.

“I get that, but she may be our only shot.”

“You know what Perez has on Brooke, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Alexander confirmed.

“But you’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“No, I’m not,” Alexander replied.

“Listen, A—”

“No, you listen. Remember when I was going through hell, when I was accused of stealing money from the company and intentionally putting the environment in danger with illegal disposal practices?”

“Of course...”

“I was going crazy,” Alexander admitted. “And I can’t count how many times you and the rest of the family tried to convince me that everything was going to be okay.”

“What’s your point?” Brice snapped.

“My point is it wasn’t until China reassured me that everything would be fine and that she would be at my side no matter what that I finally started to believe it. No matter what I say, you won’t be satisfied until you hear things directly from Brooke. She deserves a chance to explain everything herself.”

Brice knew his brother was right. “Thanks, A.”

“Anytime, bro...” Brice disconnected the call, jumped into the shower and allowed the body sprays of the multiple heads to do their job.

After fifteen minutes, Brice stepped out of the shower, dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He made his way back upstairs and into the master bedroom where he found a sleeping Brooke spread across the bed on her left side. She was out from under the covers, with her perfectly round behind calling out to him. Brice’s eyes took their fill of the beautiful woman wearing sexy underwear, her hair sprawled across her pillow. His sex hardened instantly. His heart raced and he took short breaths as he stood there staring down at the only woman he’d ever loved.

Brice took a step forward, tripping over Brooke’s travel bag, sending its contents and his towel to the floor. He froze and watched for movement. But Brooke just heaved a sigh and smiled in her sleep as she rolled onto her stomach, her head still facing away from him. Brice’s eyes roamed her body and his right hand gripped his shaft as he started making long gentle strokes. He thought about how easy it would be to brush her hair to the side, kiss her neck and slide his tongue and lips across her shoulders and down her back just the way she liked it. Brice increased the pressure, knowing it would only take one kiss to wake Brooke and have her kissing him back. He could have Brooke’s panties off and on the floor and be buried deep inside of her in seconds. Brice released a deep moan and before he even realized what was happening, he had found temporary relief of all his pent-up desire for Brooke in his hand.

“Dammit, man. What are you, fifteen?” he whispered, picking up his towel. Brice escaped to the master bathroom and jumped into another shower—a very cold one. After bringing his body back under control, he went to his closet and slipped on a pair of black silk pajama bottoms. When Brice returned to the bedroom, he picked up all the things that had fallen out of Brooke’s bag. He noticed several bottles that weren’t familiar to him. They certainly didn’t contain the pills that had been given to her tonight, as they still sat on the nightstand next to the bed.

Brice knew he was crossing a line when he collected the bottles and started reading the labels. What the hell is all this medicine for? After returning everything to the bag and placing it back in its original spot on the floor, Brice made his way downstairs to his office where he fired up his computer. He began to research the medicines that Brooke had been prescribed. After reading pages of information on what each drug could possibly treat, reading blogs on those diseases and speculating what it all could mean, Brice walked over to his bar, poured himself a drink and tossed it back. He had an information overload and was angry that Brooke was obviously sick but hadn't told him anything about it. Brice went and sat on his sofa, stretched out his long legs and said aloud, “Looks like we have a great deal to discuss, sweetheart.” Brice closed his eyes and laid his head back against the sofa.

* * *

Brooke stretched out her arms and sighed before opening her eyes. She was slightly disoriented and it took her a few seconds to recognize where she was and how she’d gotten there. “Brice,” she murmured, raising the covers and looking down at herself. “Still dressed, I see. Brice, always the gentleman. I guess our making love was just a nice sexy dream.”

Brooke sat up, slowly rotated her feet and hands, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the numbness was gone. However, her MS hug was still hanging on, although her breathing was back to normal and the tightening of her stomach muscles was loosening. Brooke got out of bed and her senses were assaulted by the smell of freshly roasted coffee and bacon, two of their favorite things.

After what seemed like the longest walk to the bathroom, Brooke’s body wasn’t ready for any mad dashes, she took a quick shower, hoping the hot water and body shower sprays would loosen up her muscles further. Brooke heard the bathroom door opening and she smiled. She had hoped Brice would be joining her.

“Good morning, handsome,” she greeted, turning toward him. Her smile faded slightly, seeing that he was dressed in blue jeans and a white T-shirt; he was also in bare feet, holding a cup of what she assumed was coffee and a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs.

“Good morning,” he replied, his tone flat and face expressionless.

“So much for that idea,” she murmured.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. Why are you serving me breakfast in the shower?”

“When I brought up the tray, I thought I’d be serving you breakfast in bed,” he explained.

“Oh, that was sweet of you, but I can eat downstairs with you,” she replied, turning off the water.

“I ate already. I’ve been up awhile. I’ll just put this back on the tray. You should eat while it’s hot. Besides, you really shouldn’t take all your medicine on an empty stomach,” Brice advised.

All? Peter only gave me two prescriptions. Brooke wrapped her body in one of the big monogrammed towels that hung on the wall, her hair in a smaller version, and followed Brice out of the bathroom. “Is everything okay, Brice? Has something happened with Perez?”

“Everything is fine. Eat your breakfast, take your medicine and come downstairs when you’re dressed.” Brice kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll bring you up to speed on everything. Take your time.”

Brooke watched with a confused scowl as Brice walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. She wanted to go after him and demand that he explain what was going on with him, but her hungry body had other ideas. Her stomach growled, reminding her how much she needed to eat. Plus, Brice was right. She couldn’t take her medicine on an empty stomach. Brooke walked over to the tray, looked down and smiled.

Brice had not only made her coffee, eggs and bacon, he’d also provided some fresh fruit, toast and orange juice as well. Brooke sat on the bed and finished off her breakfast faster than she’d expected. She reached into her travel bag and pulled out her daily maintenance medicine she took for her MS, adding them to the new meds that Peter had given her last night. Brooke still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that she actually needed pills to help her stay healthy. She swallowed them all down with the freshly squeezed orange juice. Now that her stomach had been satisfied—at least one part of her body had been—and all her meds were on board, Brooke knew it was time to have the difficult conversation with Brice; she’d put it off long enough.

Brooke looked around the room to find where Brice might have placed her luggage. “Closet.” She walked into the large walk-in with its mahogany wood and glass multi-level storage units to find that not only had her luggage been placed there but all the outfits she’d left behind several months ago were still there. The beautiful designer clothes and jewelry she'd left behind were still there and in their proper places. It was as if she had never left. Tears filled her eyes. Brice really hadn’t given up on her. He’d actually held out hope that she’d come back to him.

“Brooke, you’re such an idiot,” she chastised her reflection bouncing off the mirrored wall. She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. “No more.”

Brooke went to the area where she knew her casual dresses hung and pulled out a pink scoop-neck silk sundress. It was feminine and sexy and one of Brice’s favorite outfits. She dried off and dropped the towels in the hamper before selecting a pink lace bra and thong set to accompany it—all of which she was hoping to be out of very soon. The thought made Brooke giggle. They deserved a second chance and she was determined to give them one.

Brooke put lotion on her body, lightly made up her face and blew her hair dry, leaving it down just the way Brice liked it. She pulled on her underwear and the dress and paired the outfit with a pink diamond necklace and earring set that Brice had given her. Brooke was excited and felt like she was getting ready for a date. She slipped her feet into a pair of white sandals and made her way downstairs.

Brooke stopped short when she heard Alexander’s voice. Brice obviously had him on speaker. “You’re right, man. She should’ve told you, but does it really make a difference?”

“Damn right, it does. It changes everything.”

Brooke’s stomach and heart dropped, and she suddenly couldn’t breathe. Her excitement about their opportunity to be together and happy again evaporated as old demons took hold. She tiptoed back upstairs and ran to the bedroom. “So much for second chances.”