“Brice, how can you even be sure Brooke is sick? Did she tell you that herself?”
“No, she didn’t and that’s the problem. I’m not sure about anything. I’m only going off my own research. Brooke’s not telling me a thing and neither are you, for that matter.”
“We talked about this already,” his brother reminded him.
“What if it was China? Wouldn’t you want to know?”
“You know I would. Let me ask you something. If you knew she was sick before you got married, would you still have married her?” Alexander asked.
“Of course, I would have. I love her.”
“And maybe you should ask yourself why she didn’t trust you enough to tell you the truth.”
Brice held his tongue as his brother’s words took hold. “I think the way Brooke grew up makes her extra cautious when it comes to trusting anyone...even me. Earning the level of trust necessary for her to share such intimate details about herself takes time. Time I didn’t give her.”
“What do you mean?”
“I loved her and wanted to make her mine so much I didn’t stop to consider that she might not be as ready as I was. We dated less than a year.”
“But you worked together for a couple of years before that too. She loves you and she married you,” Alexander reminded Brice.
“Yeah, but she also left me.”
“So what are you going do about it?”
“Right now, I’m going to finish cleaning the kitchen. Thanks for talking me off the ledge, A.”
Brice heard China calling Alexander’s name in the background. “You’re being summoned. Talk later.” He ended the call.
* * *
Standing alone in the middle of the closet, Brooke fought to bring her emotions and body under control. Surrounded by the trappings of her old life and Brice’s actions of a concerned husband had had Brooke believing and dreaming that they could handle and get through anything together. The facts were different. “Stupid...stupid...stupid, Brooke,” she scolded herself, swatting away tears. “Stop it.” Pull it together, girl. You can get through this just like you’ve done your whole life...alone.
Brooke took off the dress and hung it back where she’d found it along with the shoes and jewelry. She went over to her suitcase, pulled out a pair of black jeans and pulled them on. A short-sleeved green-and-black button-down shirt was the only accessory she needed. After removing the small amount of makeup she wore and pulling her hair back up in a messy ponytail, she picked up the breakfast tray and walked back downstairs in her bare feet with her head held high.
“There you are. I was about to come find you.” Brice reached for the tray with one hand and Brooke’s with the other. His touch sent shock waves through her body; everything about Brice plagued her.
Brice helped her down the last couple of steps. “How do you feel?” Dizzy, sad and overwhelmed, thanks to you. “I’m fine. Thanks for the breakfast. It was great,” she complimented him.
“Did you take your medicine?”
“Sure did.” Swallowing those pills was easy compared to this one. “Brice, we should talk.”
“Yes, we should,” he agreed, setting the tray down on the dining table before leading Brooke over to the living room sofa.
Brooke had forgotten how bright and beautiful the rooms were when the natural light came shining through all the windows. That was one of the main reasons they loved the house so much. Unfortunately, Brooke felt the light was now shining on the life she’d once had and was about to lose all over again.
Brooke forewent the sofa he offered and took a seat in one of the leather wingback chairs that had been placed across from it. She sat with her back straight and hands folded in her lap. Brooke knew she didn’t look comfortable, which only matched how she felt, but keeping things professional was the only way she could get through the next few moments. As much as she could be, sitting barefoot in a house she adored, in front of the man she loved, who she knew was judging her based on past actions he could never understand.
“Brice, I really appreciate everything you did for me last night, but I think my staying here isn’t the best idea.” Brooke tried to keep her voice even and firm.
“Really, now?” Brice stared down at her with a curious look. He widened his stance and folded his arms across his chest.
“Yes. It just complicates things.” She closed her eyes and shook her head, hoping the tears that stung her eyes wouldn’t fall.
“How so?”
Brooke released a quick breath, opened her eyes and looked up at Brice. “Please sit down.”
“If that will make you more comfortable.” Brice dropped his arms and sat on the sofa, resting his elbows on his knees. “How’s this? Better?”
Brooke could hear the annoyance in Brice’s voice that he was clearly trying but failing to hide. “Much, thank you.”
“Now, why don’t you explain to me why is it that my wife, who’s in danger and risking her life to protect my family and our business from a vengeful maniac, shouldn’t let me...her husband...protect her in their home surrounded by a top-notch security team?”
Brooke slumped back into her chair. “When you put it like that...”
Brice dropped his head and released a sigh of frustration, one she’d heard many times before while working together. He stood, walked over to Brooke and knelt down in front of her. His right hand cupped her face. “Talk to me.”
A flush crept up Brooke’s face and her whole body came to life at his touch. She couldn’t think clearly when he put his hands on her. Brooke’s nipples were hard and she needed to cross her legs to release the pressure building. She was fighting hard not to fling herself into Brice’s arms. Focus, Brooke.
“There are a lot of things about my past...about myself, that I know I should’ve shared a long time ago.”
“And why didn’t you?” He dropped his hand.
Brooke shrugged. “Scared, I guess. I’m so used to handling things on my own.”
“But you’re not on your own anymore.” Brice stood and started pacing the room. “You’re my wife and you’ve kept things from me...important things. Things that alter the direction of our marriage.”
“I am sorry.” Brooke wiped away her tears.
Brice stopped midstride and said, “I am too. I’m sorry you didn’t let me help you.”
Brooke shook her head. “There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
Brice’s cell phone rang. “I have to answer this. I’m expecting an update on Perez.”
“No problem.” Brooke needed the distraction. She rose from the chair, picked up the tray of dirty dishes and entered the kitchen to find her cell phone also dancing across the countertop. “There you are.”
Brooke picked up her phone and read the missed text messages she’d received from several individuals regarding the Carter rumors Brice had set up. Her phone vibrated again; only this time she was receiving a call from a caller with a blocked number and she knew who it had to be.
“What do you want, Shannon?”
“Good morning, sunshine.”
“What do you want?” Brooke repeated.
“Just checking to see if you’re doing okay this morning.”
“I’m fine, no thanks to you and your henchmen.”
Shannon laughed. “Good, because I need a small favor.”
“Favor?” Her voice rose slightly. Brooke looked over her shoulders to make sure she hadn’t caught Brice’s attention.
“Yes. I need you to meet me—”
“Hell no. I’m not coming anywhere near you ever again.”
“You don’t have a choice. However, to prove what a good sport I am, I’ll let you pick the location. Make it as public as you like, only come alone,” Shannon demanded.
“Why do you need to meet me in person, anyway?”
“There’s been a change of plans,” Shannon announced.
“What kind of change?” Brooke pressed.
“You’ll find out when I see you. So, where will we be meeting in two hours?”
Brooke thought about the one public place that would be full of people with an area where they can meet and open enough that she could see Shannon approaching from any point. “Hermann Park...the zoo. Meet me at the big concession stand after the main entrance.”
“Outside, really? You know how much I hate the heat.”
“You should probably get used to it since you’ll be roasting in hell one day.”
“But until then, I’ll see you at noon.” Shannon disconnected the call.
Looking down at her phone she mumbled, “How do you pull this off, Brooke?”
* * *
“Sorry about that,” Brice said, reentering the kitchen. “With all the recent media attention online about our little announcement, we’re now getting pushback from one of our equity partners about the Carter.”
“I thought Victoria called all the partners and informed them of what was really going on with the Carter.”
“She did, but this particular partner wants to try and take advantage of the situation,” he explained.
“That can’t be going over well with Victoria.” Brooke reached into the cabinet and pulled out a glass. She opened the refrigerator, retrieved the orange juice and filled her cup. “Want some?”
“No, I’m good. I need to go into the office for a bit. I know we need to finish our conversation—”
“Don’t worry about it.” She waved her hand.
“No, Brooke. We need to talk things through.”
“We will. But for now, you need to go take care of business. Lori’s coming over, anyway.” Note to self: call Lori.
Brice’s forehead creased. “She is?”
“Yes. I’d go stir crazy sitting around doing nothing, and I need her help on a project.” Brooke took a sip from her glass.
Brice’s frown deepened. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” He knew one of the meds Brooke was taking was to combat fatigue.
“I will,” Brooke raised her right hand. “Promise.”
Brice closed the space between them and Brooke slowly lowered her hand. He stared down at Brooke and smiled. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” In spite of all the lovely things Brooke had to wear, Brice like it best when she was relaxed and dressed casually.
Brooke captured her bottom lip between her teeth and shifted her weight from one leg to the other. “Thank you.”
Brice ran the back of his right hand down the side of Brooke’s face. “I love how soft your skin feels against my own.” Brice slid his fingers across her lips before capturing her chin with his thumb and index finger. He raised Brooke’s head as he lowered his toward her. Brice kissed Brooke gently on the lips. He leaned back and stared into her eyes. “Everything’s going to be fine. I promise. Together, we can get through anything.”
“Can we?” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Yes.” Brice picked Brooke up and sat her on the edge of the island. He stood between her legs, buried his hands in her hair and devoured Brooke’s mouth.
Brice lost himself in her taste. The slide and pull of their tongues ignited his hunger for Brooke and he had to touch her. Brice unbuttoned her blouse, slid his hands inside and under her bra, massaging her breast and sending his blood racing south to his groin. Brooke moaned in Brice’s mouth. Unable to deny their lungs oxygen any longer, Brice ended their kiss but moved his mouth to her breast. Brooke’s head fell back, offering him what they both needed. Brice sucked and pulled until he heard Brooke whimper his name.
Brice fought hard to break through the hurricane of desire they were both engulfed in, to bring himself back under control. He was only moments away from taking Brooke right then and there in their beautiful kitchen. Brice leaned his forehead against hers, breathing hard. “I have to go, but I’ll be back soon.” Brice helped Brooke down and gave her another not-so-quick kiss before walking through the living room to the stairs, taking them two at a time to put on his running shoes and heading out the door. Brice was annoyed he had to leave Brooke with so much unresolved and for a brief moment he worried that she might not be there when he returned.
* * *
Brooke’s shoulders dropped and she released an audible sigh. She adjusted her bra and buttoned her shirt. “I should have told Brice about Shannon's call. Maybe it’s time you start trusting your husband a little more,” she chastised herself. “But first, I have to deal with Shannon.” Brooke picked up her cell phone and dialed Lori.
“Brooke, what’s up?” She could hear surprise and curiosity in Lori’s voice, especially since they rarely spoke on the weekends since Lori’s engagement.
“Sorry to bother you on this beautiful Saturday morning, but I was hoping I could get you to do me a small favor. That is, if you’re not too busy right now.” Brooke held her breath, hoping Lori would give her the response she desperately needed.
“I’m not busy—what do you need?”
“How would you like to go with me to the zoo?” Brooke asked, sniggering, imagining the look on her friend’s face.
“I need to meet someone there in about an hour and a half, but I don’t want to drive or take a car service.”
“Why are you meeting someone at the zoo, of all places?”
“It’s a long story, and I promise I’ll fill you in on everything,” Brooke assured her.
“I’m not going to like this, am I?” Lori guessed.
“Probably not.”
“Does this have anything to do with all those sketchy phone calls you pushed off as nothing?”
“Will you come?”
Lori groaned. “Of course, I’m coming. I can be at the hotel in thirty minutes.”
“Thanks, I’ll tell you everything when you get here and yes, it does have to do with those phone calls. But I’m not at the hotel, and I need you to wear that long maxi sundress I bought you.”
“A sundress? Why? Wait, did you say you’re not at the hotel?”
“Yes, I did and I’ll explain when you get here.”
“Where’s here?” Lori asked.
“Home...as in your house with Brice?”
“That’s the only home I’ve ever had, so yes.”
“Wow, a lot has happened in twenty-four hours.”
“You have no idea. See you soon.” Brooke disconnected the call, made her way upstairs and to her closet. She selected a multicolored maxi sundress and leather sandals. After Brooke changed clothes and selected two pairs of sunglasses and two tan hats, she looked in the mirror and said, “Time to get creative.”