Brice checked his watch and phone. He’d texted Brooke that he was running late but hadn’t received a response yet. “So we good?” he asked, feeling anxious to get back to the house.
Alexander slid several documents across the table for Brice to review. “You tell us. You’re the numbers man.”
“I’m good with everything, except the additional points on the back end. I think it’s too much.”
“Me too, but we don’t have a choice,” Alexander said, cracking his knuckles.
“That’s the way things are done in oil-rich countries with governments basically for sale,” Morgan added.
Brice sat back in his chair and checked his phone again. “I guess.” Alexander and Morgan looked at each other before turning their attention back to Brice. “Go ahead. Say whatever it is you need to say.”
“I know you’re worried about Brooke, but she can take care of herself. She has for years. We need your head in the game,” Morgan replied, leaning forward and resting his forearms against the table.
That’s the problem. She wants to do everything herself. “My head is in the game. Like you said—” Brice folded his arms “—it’s how things are done and the price of doing business in other parts of the world.”
Victoria walked back into the conference room and her expression hardened. “What now?” Alexander asked.
She returned to her seat, tossed her phone on the table and said, “What is it with the women you boys pick?”
Morgan was single and had no intention of changing that fact, either, so he reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone and started checking his messages. “That question is definitely for you two.”
“What’s going on, Mother?” Alexander questioned.
Victoria tilted her head and glared at Brice. “Do you know where your wife is at the moment?”
“Yeah, she’s home with her friend Lori.” His face went blank. “Isn’t she?”
“Not unless you’ve recently moved into the zoo.”
“Apparently, she’s enjoying this lovely day playing detective or something. She’s meeting with Shannon, one of her blackmailers, at this very moment.”
Brice jumped up, sending his chair flying backward. “She’s where? Doing what?”
“You heard me right. She’s at the zoo, meeting with Evan Perez's partner in crime.”
“How do you know this?” Alexander asked.
“I just got a text from security,” she replied.
“Why didn’t anyone call me?” Brice picked up his phone to make sure he had indeed missed a call.
“Because I told them I’d handle it, and it’s my name on the check,” she reminded Brice.
“Excuse me.” Brice started for the door.
“And where do you think you’re going, son?”
“That would seem pretty obvious, Mother.” Morgan placed his phone on the table. “He’s running to the rescue.”
Brice turned and glared at his brother. “What is it with you? What do you have against Brooke?”
Morgan stood and crossed his arms. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe just the fact that she lied to you, took off and now she’s playing damsel-in-distress.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, big brother. Brooke is no damsel-in-distress, and how about you not push your issues off on my wife?”
Morgan raised both hands in surrender. “My bad.”
“Enough.” Victoria slammed her palm on the table. “Brice, you’re not going anywhere. Brooke is covered, and she didn’t ask for your help.”
“That’s the problem,” he murmured.
“Do you know what’s going on, Mother?” Alexander asked.
“I have no idea, but I’m certainly going to find out, only later.” She rose from her chair and walked over to Brice. “We have to let this thing with Shannon play out, son. Trust that Brooke knows what she’s doing.”
Brian ran his hands through his hair. “Fine, I’ll wait.”
“Looks like we’re done here. I’m going to hit the road.” Morgan picked up his phone and walked over to where Brice was now standing. “Look, man, I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t worry about it.” He held out his fist. “I know where you were coming from and we’re good.” Both men bumped fists before Morgan walked out the door.
“Mother, maybe you should leave this one up to Brice. I’m sure he’ll fill us in as soon as he knows something.” Alexander turned toward Brice. “Right?”
“Of course,” Brice promised.
“Fine, talk to Brooke. Find out what’s going on with this Shannon-person but make sure Brooke understands that I expect her to follow the plan. Blake and Montgomery are in charge of this investigation.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Victoria collected her things and left the office. Brice gripped the back of the closest chair and released a string of profanity. “Feel better?”
“Not really, but maybe after a few rounds with my punching bag.”
“Then go home, get in a good workout while you wait for Brooke to return. Then talk to her.” Alexander walked over to his brother and patted him on the shoulder. “About everything.”
“I will. Thanks, A.”
* * *
“Fine, I’ll do it.” Brooke agreed to Shannon’s request, reluctantly smiling at all the kids that passed by.
“Good. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go check out a few of the animals.”
“I hear there’s an excellent shark exhibit. You should feel right at home.”
Shannon rose from her seat and smiled down at Brooke. “Aren’t you cute? You just make sure all the transfers happen first thing Monday morning. Call me when it’s done,” she yelled over her shoulder as she walked away.
Brooke watched Shannon until she faded into the crowd. She pulled out her phone, turned off the recording app and texted Lori her location. Brooke saw that she’d missed several messages and calls from Brice but figured she’d be better off dealing with him in person, so she texted that she was fine and would be home soon. As she sat and waited for her friend to join her, Brooke watched as the people walked by and one young couple wearing Mr. and Mrs. T-shirts caught her attention. She thought back to when she and Brice had eloped and exchanged wedding vows at the Falls Wedding Chapel in Niagara Falls. The location was special to them because it was near the hotel where they'd spent their first night together.
* * *
“Brice, this place is gorgeous,” Brooke complimented, staring up into his eyes. The stunning secluded outdoor garden Brice had selected for the ceremony was just a short walk from the falls.
“It’s just an understudy to my beautiful star.” Brice leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.
Brooke knew her face had turned scarlet, but she didn’t care. She’d never been so happy. “Thank you.”
“That dress is perfect,” Brice said.
Brooke looked down at the strapless lace floor-length dress with a sweetheart neckline and smiled. “I still can’t believe you found someone who could make all this happen, including finding me this perfect dress, in less than forty-eight hours.”
“The perks of being a Kingsley,” he admitted.
“A Kingsley. I’m about to marry a Kingsley.” Brooke bit down on her bottom lip. Her heart started racing and she suddenly couldn’t breathe. Yes, she loved Brice, but the idea of becoming a Kingsley scared the hell out of her. Growing up in the foster care system taught her not to trust the good stuff. It never lasts.
Brice intertwined their hands. “You’re about to marry me... Brice. A man who loves you more than anything or anyone else in this world. You’re mine and I’m yours.” He brought their hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers. “Nothing or no one will ever come between us. I promise.”
“I love you too,” Brooke replied. Brice pulled his right hand free and wiped away her tears.
Brice’s face lit up. “Are you ready to make it official?”
Brooke pushed out a quick breath. “I’m ready.”
* * *
“Are you all right?” Lori questioned, breaking Brooke’s connection to the past.
“Umm...yes, I’m fine.”
“Then why are you crying? Did Shannon say something bad and threaten you?”
Brooke wiped away tears she hadn’t realized she had shed. “Nothing I haven’t heard before.”
Lori took a seat next to Brooke. “Then what’s going on?”
“I just remembered something Brice told me the day we got married. Something I’d forgotten. Something I’ll never forget again,” she promised herself.
“That’s good, I guess. What did that crazy lady want?”
“More money,” Brooke admitted.
“Did your plan work? Did you get her confession on tape?”
“Yes, but the only person she incriminated was herself and maybe her henchman.”
“Well, that’s something,” Lori concluded.
“It’s not enough to end all this,” she said.
“What now?”
Brooke heaved a sigh. “Now I go home and have that long overdue conversation with my husband.”
“What are you going to tell him?”
“The truth. I'm going to do whatever I can to try and save my marriage.”
Lori smiled. “It’s about time. Before we go, can we stop and get a corn dog?”
Brooke laughed. “Sure. I could go for some cotton candy myself.” She reached for her hat and sunglasses, putting them back on as they made their way to the concession stand.
As they weaved their way through the crowd, Lori stated, “You know, this has been a very productive day.”
“How do you figure that?”
“You finally realized you want to stay married,” Lori concluded.
The corners of Brooke’s mouth turned up. “Yes, I have. I just hope Brice still feels the same way.”
* * *
Brice read Brooke’s text message again and shook his head. He still couldn’t believe that she had gone to meet Shannon on her own after everything she’d been through. He didn’t know if he should be proud of her or furious. Right now, he was leaning more toward furious. He spent the next forty minutes taking his frustrations out on his punching bag. With each punch he threw, the less frustrated he became and the more determined to convince his wife that no matter what they had to deal with they could handle it together.
“Enough...” Brice reached for a towel and wiped away the sweat falling from his face. After taking off his boxing gloves, Brice walked upstairs to his kitchen, removed a large bottle of Gatorade from the refrigerator and drank it down, standing in front of the open door. He placed the empty plastic bottle in the recycling bin, made his way up the next level to the master bedroom and tossed his phone onto the bed.
Brice walked into the bathroom and had just removed his clothes when his cell phone rang. He walked naked into the bedroom and picked it up.
“Yes, A?”
“Any word yet?”
“Only that she’s okay and will be home soon. That was about an hour ago.”
“Well, the good news is she’s fine,” Alexander offered.
“Yes, she is,” Brice said, his voice even.
“According to Meeks, Perez is staying put, so at least we know that part of the plan is still on track.”
“There is that,” Brice said sarcastically.
“Let me know if you find out anything.”
“Will do.” Brice disconnected the call and placed the phone on his nightstand. He walked back into the bathroom, turned on the shower and stepped under the multi-headed spray. Brice needed to douse the raging fires of desire and frustration he was feeling toward his wife.
* * *
Lori pulled into Brooke’s driveway. “Home sweet home.”
Brooke looked out of the passenger side window at the beautiful house that Brice had given her and said, “Yes, it is. And to think I nearly let it slip through my fingers.”
“So, you’re still going to tell Brice the truth about everything and fight for your marriage?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Just checking. It’s not like you haven’t changed your mind before.” She gave Brooke the side-eye. Brooke stuck out her tongue. “Oh, that’s mature.”
Brooke opened the door and stepped out of the car. “Thanks for your help today.”
Brooke walked into the house, expecting to find Brice waiting in the living room for her; only he wasn’t anywhere around. She walked upstairs and the closer she got to the bedroom the clearer it became as to where Brice was.
She walked into the bathroom and found Brice standing in the shower with both arms extended and his palms pressed flat against the wall. While water rained down on him, Brooke’s eyes roamed his wet naked body and her nipples instantly hardened. She leaned against the door frame and admired his thick thighs and his firm round butt and decided they could talk later. She quickly undressed, dropping her clothes to the floor, and walked into the bathroom.