Chapter 9

“Don’t be ridiculous, son. We’re Kingsleys. We always get what we want, because what we want is what’s best for our family's business. We've all worked really hard to ensure our continued success and we won't let any nonsense interfere with that.”

“Not everything’s about business, Mother,” Alexander replied, shaking his head.

“That’s where you’re wrong, son. Everything is about business, be it professional or personal. You children are led by your emotions versus your head when it comes to your personal lives.” Victoria picked up the glass of water in front of her and took a drink. “If you were more strategic and less reactive in everything you do, you’d be surprised by just how far you can go in getting whatever you want.”

Brice and Alexander looked at each other; their brows knitted. “Wow. Who are you and what have you done with our mother?” Alexander questioned.

“What’s wrong with you two?” Victoria asked, her eyes shifting between her two sons.

“That was actually pretty poignant advice,” Alexander complimented.

“Thoughtful too,” Brice offered, realizing his mother was right. He’d been too emotional in his efforts to get Brooke back. It was time to try a new approach. Brice needed to be methodical in trying to get Brooke back, much like his methods of conducting business.

Victoria rolled her eyes skyward and gave them a nonchalant wave. “Of course, I’m right.”

“And she’s back,” Alexander said, laughing.

“If you two are finished—” Victoria rose from her seat “—I’d like to head to the capitol.”

Brice looked down at Alexander’s half-eaten plate. “Can Alexander finish his breakfast?”

“I’m good,” Alexander said, wiping his mouth with his napkin before dropping it on the table. “The sooner we get this day started, the sooner we can get back home.”

“Only if we have the deal we want, understand?” Victoria instructed.

Brice stood. “Yes, of course. But it may take more than one meeting to accomplish that, Mother.”

Victoria narrowed her eyes. “The only other meeting I’m willing to attend with these people is the contract signing...period!”

“Mother, you know it usually takes more than one meeting with the principals to finalize a deal,” Alexander reminded.

“That’s why I have assistant principals in you two. We’re an independent company that’s rich and powerful enough to walk away from any deal.” Victoria reached into her bag and pulled out her sunglasses. “They need us more than we need them. So get the deal done on our terms and I’ll happily sign it...only at my office. Let those bastards come to me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Brice smiled. He always admired how strong and steadfast his mother was when it came to business.

“Shall we?” Alexander offered their mother his arm.

Brice signed the check and dropped a hundred-dollar bill down on the table. He smirked at the memory of Brooke informing him, sometime after they'd met, of how important it was to always tip service people extremely well. Not that he hadn’t always done so, but her passionate pleas for those less fortunate had always made him proud.

“Coming, son?”

“Absolutely.” Brice couldn’t wait to get this day done so he could get back to Brooke. They had some serious unfinished business he had every intention of finishing, in spite of his brother’s advice. He wanted his wife.

* * *

Brooke sat in silence as she finished off her second mimosa, trying to find the courage to continue and sit there watching Shannon gloat. Even though the photos were fakes and the so-called affidavits were lies, the other item inside this new envelope was real. Brooke looked down at it. “Where did you get this?”

“You’re not the only one who dated powerful men, you know. Except I kept in touch with those relationships in case I ever needed favors.”

Brooke’s nostrils flared. “Favor? You mean blackmail.”

China shrugged. “”

“Your omelet, ma’am.” The waiter placed the plate in front of Shannon and turned his attention toward Brooke. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

Brooke wanted to say no, but now that she’d had two drinks she knew she needed to put something in her stomach. “I think I will have a little something. How about scrambled eggs and toast?”

“Right away.” The waiter turned and walked away.

“What do you want?” Brooke asked, glaring at Shannon.

“I need your help and this time I won’t take no for an answer. I have a partner now that’s not nearly as understanding as I am.”

“What do you mean, you have a partner? Since when and who is it?”

“That's none of your concern. Let's just say it’s someone who helped me expand my business and taught me the benefit of keeping an eye on old employees such as yourself. You never know when you may need to reach out for a favor or two.”

A chill ran down Brooke’s spine. “What kind of favor?”

A slow wicked smile crawled across Shannon’s face. “One that should be very easy for you to accomplish.”

To find peace of mind for herself and her family, Brooke would do whatever she had to, including giving up every dime she had. Brooke knew this had to be about money since the last time they spoke that was what she wanted.

“How much is truth and silence going for these days?” Before Shannon could answer, the waiter returned with Brooke’s plate of food. “Thank you.”

Shannon laughed as she took a drink from her cup.

“So...” Brooke lightly buttered her toast before she took a bite. She needed to keep herself settled.

“We don’t want your money.” Shannon finished off her omelet.

“What exactly does that mean?” Brooke ate her eggs, thankful for having something in her stomach other than orange juice and champagne.

“Talk about a small world. It seems you and my partner have something in common.”

“What?” Brooke’s forehead creased.

Shannon used her napkin and wiped her mouth. “History. More precisely, a history with someone that my partner and I need your help with in getting something back that belongs to a little interest.”

“Stop with all the games. What is it that you want?”

Shannon sucked her teeth. “You’ve never been any fun. In the envelope with the affidavits there was a business card with the name of a bank and a bank account number,” she started to explain. “Did you see it?”


“Good.” Shannon reached in her purse that was hanging on the back of her chair and pulled out another envelope and handed it to Brooke.

“What’s this?”

“Inside, you’ll find a list of bank accounts—”

“Bank accounts?” Brooke frowned. “I thought you didn’t want my money.”

“We don’t and if you’d stop interrupting me, I can lay out your assignment.”

Brooke’s head jerked. “My assignment?” Shannon sat back and folded her arms. “Sorry. Continue.”

“The account number on the card we gave you belongs to Victoria Kingsley.”

“What?” Brooke’s brow puckered; she knew she must have heard wrong.

“Imagine my surprise when one Sunday afternoon, while me and my partner were in bed, sharing old life stories, I find out that your mother-in-law stole a great deal of money from him.” Shannon placed her right hand over her heart as if she was about to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. “Now I wouldn't be a good partner, not to mention lover, if I didn't I share our history, Brooke. We want the money back, along with the appropriate amount of interest.”

“I don’t believe you.” Brooke shook her head.

“I don’t give a damn what you believe,” Shannon said through gritted teeth. “You’re going to pull out every dime and split it evenly over all of those accounts.”

“Look, I just got my divorce settlement. Well, I’ll have it real soon and it’s yours. Every dime. Please just leave the Kingsleys alone.” Brooke’s heart was racing and the dull ache in her lower back now felt like sharp needles being stabbed slowly into her spine.

“Isn’t that sweet? You’ll need that money, because you’re going to have to disappear once the job is done.”


Shannon glared at Brooke. “Don’t you know anything? The Kingsleys are going to be after blood when they find out what you’ve done.” Shannon leaned forward and whispered, “There’re only a handful of people who know about that particular account, so trust me, Victoria will figure it out sooner or later. Anyway, your settlement is nowhere near the seventy million in that account.”

Brooke’s head started to spin. “Seventy million...dollars?”

“Yes, and we want every single dime too.”

Brooke fought back tears and raised her nose in the air. “What’s to stop me from going to the Kingsleys right now and telling them everything?”

“Because you’re not that brave or that stupid. You know we will release all those photos, plus a few more I didn’t send you, along with the statements from every man and woman you slept with.”

“That’s a lie and you know it.” Brooke slammed her palm against the table.

Shannon released an audible sigh. “Don’t you know a scandalous lie that sells papers or garners clicks and likes is more believable than the truth? Add that little bit of truthful information—” Shannon pointed to the envelope that now lay on the table next to Brooke’s water glass “—and the story will go viral in a matter of hours, humiliating the Kingsleys, especially your soon-to-be ex-husband, and seriously shaking the confidence of all their business associates. They’re already under attack by the government. This will just add fuel to the already raging fire around them. I can see the headlines now. Former Sex Worker Marries a Kingsley or better yet, Brooke Kingsley Trades Sex for Contracts. I'm sure that would do wonders for your own business too. How many of your wealthy clients will want to entrust their interests to you after all that?”

Brooke felt sick. She knew everything Shannon said was correct. By the time she cleared her name, the damage would be done. Then she heard Lisa’s voice in her head: You’re not in this alone. Brooke remembered that she too had powerful people in her life that could help. She put the envelope in her purse and stood. She leaned forward, slightly gripping the table. Shannon frowned at her movement.

“Thank you for the breakfast. I assume you’ll be taking care of the bill. As for your request, my answer is no.”

“No?” Shannon expression hardened.

N.O. I won’t hurt my family...ever!” Brooke declared.

“We’ll see about that,” Shannon promised.

Brooke knew it wouldn’t be that easy. She was declaring war. “Yes, we will.” She picked up her briefcase, leaving the list of accounts on the table, and walked out of the restaurant to her waiting car.