Brooke stood in front of Brice’s office door, pushed out a quick breath and raised her balled fist to knock, only she couldn’t do it. She was suddenly hit with the memory of the first time she’d met Brice, in this very office.

She walked into the office to find the most handsome man she’d ever seen wearing an expensive-looking gray suit and wireless headphones staring at his computer. “Excuse me,” Brooke said as she walked up to his desk, waving to try to get his attention.

Brice removed his headphones and quickly got to his feet. “May I help you?” His eyes roamed her body. Brooke fought the urge to look down to make sure her black pencil skirt, matching jacket and white blouse didn’t have a stain or something on them. She was extremely happy she’d worn her five-inch heels to raise her five-foot-seven-inch frame, because she just knew he had to be over six feet tall.

Brooke looked up at the handsome man with a sparkle in his eyes and a smile, hoping her nervousness wasn’t showing.