I’d like to dedicate this book to my dear friends Tony Robbins, Joe Polish, and Dan Sullivan, the three people who have had a massive influence on my life, my success, and my abundance.

I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for those three men who came into my life exactly when they were needed. But I also want to dedicate this book to all the men and women throughout the years who had the will and selflessness to share their life-changing wisdom, through books and talks, with those eager for a new path.

I did my best to soak in all that I heard, read, and observed, and in turn, what I learned seeped into my thoughts and my words. The exercises, the stories, the recipes, and the success habits you’ll find in these pages I’ve learned through decades of my own trial and error, failures and successes. But they have been greatly enriched by all the others who have walked the path before me, and for that I’m grateful.

This dedication, then, is my way of recognizing all the people who have made such a big difference in my life. I’m hoping that in the same way, I will serve you, and this book will make an equally big difference in your life.