Cabot, Mabel “Muffie” Brandon, 254, 256
Callender, James, 43
Camelot, 191–92
Campbell, Mary, 149
Campbell’s, 141
Camp David, 206, 244, 245, 247
Camp David Accords, 248, 249, 362
Cannon, Poppy, 178
Cannon, “Uncle Joe,” 112
capital, federal, xiv, xvi–xvii, 13, 16, 20
Caravelle, La, 195, 196
Cargill, 315, 344
Carmody, Rachel, 19
Carow, Edith (Edie) Kermit, see Roosevelt, Edith (Edie)
Carter, Amy, 239, 242, 249, 253
Carter, Billy, 243
Carter, Donnel Jeffrey (Jeff), 242
Carter, James Earl (Chip), 242, 243
Carter, James Earl “Jimmy,” xx, 236, 237, 238–50, 255, 260
alcohol and, 243
background of, 238–39, 240, 241
Camp David Accords and, 244–49, 362
cooking and, 238, 239, 240
cooks of, 239, 241, 248, 249, 250
in election of 1976, 238
in election of 1980, 250
food enjoyed by, xxviii, 238, 239, 393
Grits of, recipe for, 393–94
hosting of events, 241, 242, 243, 244, 248, 249, 250, 256, 264
inauguration of, 252–53
Iran hostage crisis and, 250, 252
marriage of, 240, 272
Middle East and, 98
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to, 249
reduction of White House expenses, 242, 249
Thanksgiving turkey and, 74
Carter, John William (Jack), 242
Carter, Lillian, 238, 240, 241
Carter, Rosalynn, 236, 253, 254
alcohol and, 243
background of, 240–41
on Camp David Accords, 245–46, 247, 248, 249
cooking and, 238, 239, 240, 241
cooks of, 239, 241, 249, 250
food enjoyed by, 239
hosting of events, 240–41, 243–44, 245–46, 247, 248, 249, 250, 264
on Iran hostage crisis, 250
marriage of, 240, 272
reduction of White House expenses, 242, 249
Thanksgiving turkey and, 74
Casals, Pablo, 189–90, 191
Cassini, Oleg, 202
Catledge, Turner, 393
Caveau, Olive, 124
CBS, 195, 224
“celebrity chef” phenomenon, 281
Cerami, Charles A., xv
Chambrin, Pierre, 273, 278–79, 286
Charles, Prince, 265, 266
Chastellux, Marquis de, 11
Chefs Helping to Enhance Food Safety (CHEFS), 282
Cheney, Lynne, 308
Chernow, Ron, 7, 88
Cherries, Preserved, Martha Washington’s recipe for, 379–80
Cherwell, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, Lord, 158
Chew, Benjamin, 26
Chez Panisse, 49, 127, 282
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 152
Chicago Tribune, 165
Child, Charles, xxiii
Child, Julia, xxiii, 197, 280, 287, 372
championing role of presidential dining, xxvi, 239–40
documentaries about White House dinners, xxiii–xxiv, xxv, xxvi, 236, 359
The French Chef and, xxiii, 197
Mastering the Art of French Cooking, xxiii, 197
reverse martini and, 389
Child, Lydia Maria, 14
Child, Paul, xxiii–xxiv, xxv, 389
childhood obesity, 320, 328
chili, 213
Chili, Lady Bird’s Pedernales River, recipe for, 391–92
Chinese Exclusion Act, xxviii
Chinese food (in the United States), xxvii–xxviii, 177–78, 231
Chinese immigrants, xxvii–xxviii
Christie, Chris, 332, 334
Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth (Young), 76
Churchill, Clementine, 155
Churchill, Winston, 153–56, 157–58, 171–72
CIA, 202
Cincinnatus, 10
Citizens Food Committee, 166, 178
City Tavern, 13
civil rights, 210, 212, 213, 214
Civil Rights Act, 214, 292
Civil War, 70, 79–80, 90, 158
Battle of Appomattox and, 80, 88
Battle of Fort Sumter and, 60
Battle of Gettysburg and, 72, 73
Battle of Vicksburg and, 72
hospital in U.S. Patent Office Building during, 61
Lincoln and, 59, 60
number of people killed during, 59, 368
poisoning of wells during, 158
Sherman’s scorched-earth campaign during, 158
sugar demand during, 90
Claiborne, Craig, 196, 280, 386
Clark, Patrick, 283–84, 292, 311
Claxton, Thomas, 25, 26
Clay, Henry, 55
Clean Plate campaign, 127
Cleveland, Grover, 109, 119
Cliburn, Van, 211, 268
Clifford, Clark, 254
Clinton, Chelsea, 286, 288, 293, 294, 361
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 56, 361
background of, 286, 298
changes to dining at the White House, 278–80, 281–82, 289
chefs of, 278–79, 283–84, 286, 287, 288–91, 292–93, 303–4, 305, 310, 359
china of, 292
cooking and, 285, 286, 354
in election of 2008, 320
in election of 2016, 285, 310
food preferences of, 286, 288, 297, 304
hosting of events, 278, 284, 289–93, 294, 303
marriage of, 285
national health-care system taskforce of, 288
Clinton, Roger, Sr., 285
Clinton, William J. “Bill,” 277, 278–95, 322, 342, 361
background of, 284, 285, 303
changes to dining at the White House, 278–80, 281–82
chefs of, 278–79, 283–84, 287, 288–91, 292–93, 303–4
diet of, 276, 279, 283, 284–85, 286, 288, 294
in election of 1992, 278, 284–85, 286
food preferences of, 284–85, 288, 297, 304, 350
health of, 279, 294
hosting of events, 278–79, 284, 289–93, 294, 303, 356
impeachment of, 293
Mandela and, 292
marriage of, 285
sexual impropriety of, 285, 288, 293, 294
Yeltsin and, 291–92
CNN, 273, 335
Cockrell, Lila, 236
Cohen, Sacha Baron, 336
Cold War
Berlin Airlift during, 166
Bush (George H. W.) and, 98
Eisenhower and, 181, 185
Kennedy and, 193
Truman Doctrine and, 165
Colicchio, Tom, 354
Colleary, Eric, 384, 385
colonists, cooking of, 2, 15
Colquist, Elizabeth, 124
Columbia University, 172, 315
Columbus, Christopher, 195
Comerford, Cristeta “Cris” Gomez Pasia, 301, 310, 351, 359
as executive chef for Bidens, 349
as executive chef for Bushes (George W.), 311–12
as executive chef for Obamas, 324
as executive chef for Trumps, 341, 342
Comey, James, 332–33
commensality, 27–28, 31, 57, 240
Commission for Relief in Belgium, 126
Compleat Housewife, The (Smith), 15
Conagra, 327
Confederate troops, 60, 81, 89, 158
Congress, U.S., 34–35
appropriation for renovations, 106
Carter and, 247
creation of Yosemite National Park, 109
Eisenhower and, 173
food safety laws and, 112
GIPSA funding and, 327
Grant and, 86
Head Start and, 213
Hoover and, 134
Jefferson and, 34–35
joint meetings of, 91
joint sessions of, 91
LBJ and, 209
Madison and, 55, 57
National Prohibition Act of, 131
Reagan and, 257
World War I and, 125
World War II and, 140, 155
Connally, John, 207
Connally, Nellie, 207
Conrad and McMunn’s, 31
conservation, 101, 107–11, 120
Constitution, xvi
Continental army, 4–8
Continental Congress, 6
Cook, Blanche Wiesen, 150
cookbooks, family, 14, 15
cooking with fire, human evolution and, 19–20
Coolidge, Calvin, xxviii, 73–74, 131–33, 177
Coolidge, Calvin, Jr., 132
Coolidge, Grace, 132–33
Coolidge, John, 132
Cooper, James Fenimore, 33–34
Coopersmith, Esther, 215
Coors, Joseph, 253
Copland, Aaron, 189
corn, 64, 65, 92–93, 371
corn dodgers, 65
Cornell University, 144
Cosway, Maria, 43
cottage cheese, 219–20
COVID-19, xvii, 354
Big Meat and, 344
family meals during, 370
global supply chains and, 343, 371
number of estimated deaths from, 368
origins of, 343
pandemic, 27, 213, 343–44, 367–68
research on, 352
restaurants and, 344, 355
Trumps and, 340, 368
vaccines, 356
Cowles, Anna “Bamie,” 100, 102
Cox, Archibald, 233
cranberry scare of 1959, 221–22
Cronkite, Walter, 195, 224, 230
Crook, William H., 60, 63
Cuba, 204
Cuomo, Chris, 304
currency, constitutional amendment on, 83
Custis, Daniel, 15
Custis, Eleanor Parke, 379
Custis, George Washington Parke, 11, 12, 17
Custis, Martha, see Washington, Martha
Custis, Nelly, 15
Cyrus (Washington’s waiter), 18
Czolgosz, Leon F., 100