Salt and Pepper Mittens

Salt and Pepper, a simple one/one alternation of two colors, must be the granddaddy of all double-knitting patterns. It’s definitely the most common double-knit in Maine, and in the whole Maine-Maritimes area, it is the most widespread.

In the Maritime Provinces, Salt and Pepper is rarely used for the whole mitten as it is in Maine, but when calculation of a pattern doesn’t fit neatly into a space, as on the thumb or the tip of a mitten, the knitter often lapses into Salt and Pepper. In Maine, when such problems arise, the knitter usually knits plain, dropping the second color. Then again, it’s colder in Newfoundland and Labrador than it is in Maine.

Called Salt and Pepper in Nova Scotia, it’s properly called Snowflake in Maine, when it’s called anything, because in white and a darker color, it looks like snow falling heavily at night. Other knitters here have scoffed at my interest in named patterns. “I didn’t do anything, just knit it double,” they have said more than once of their Salt and Pepper mittens.

No double-knit pattern is simpler or more effective. The alternation on an uneven number of stitches produces a fish-scale appearance and a dense, smooth fabric with easy mobility and no inside loops to catch fingers.

The mitten is usually knit with a dark or dull color emphasized (carried ahead) and a glowing, warm red or orange underneath. A friend of mine who saw such Salt and Pepper mittens for the first time, exclaimed, “It’s like a hot coal!” This mitten is also traditionally knit in gray and white—more natural but also much less dramatic.


Salt and Pepper Mittens in two sizes

Salt and Pepper Mittens

Yarn Medium (worsted) weight yarn in two colors, either contrasting or close. I use Bartlettyarns Fisherman 2-ply yarn, a somewhat heavy medium weight yarn, or other similar yarns, but any worsted weight wool yarn that knits to the same gauge can be substituted.


Usually the darkest color (MC) is carried ahead (p. 16), with the lighter color (CC) appearing to show through the dark. Using variegated or ombre yarn for CC produces an interesting effect.

Equipment One set No. 4 double-pointed needles, or size needed to work correct gauge • One set No. 2 double-pointed knitting needles for optional ribbed cuff • 12 ” (30cm) waste yarn • Blunt-tipped yarn needle

Tension 6½ sts = 1 inch (2.5cm)

ABBREVIATIONS beg: beginning • CC: contrast color • dec(s): decrease(s) • inc(s): increase(s) • k: knit • k2tog: knit 2 together • MI: make 1 stitch • MIL: make 1 stitch left • MIR: make 1 stitch right • MC: main color • p: purl • rep: repeat • rnd(s): round(s) • SSK2tog: slip, slip, knit 2 sts together • st(s): stitch(es) • twisted MI: twisted make 1 cast-on


A multiple of 2 sts and 2 rnds, knitted on an uneven number of sts. The uneven number of sts assures that a continuing alternation will form a tight check rather than stripes. The pattern wraps perfectly around the hand, and there is no visible joint in the pattern, hence no need to differentiate between right and left mittens. The mitten can be worn on either hand. Carry MC ahead at all times (p. 16).

This pattern can be knitted flat. If knitting the mitten flat, be sure to add 2 sts to allow for a seam, and to purl every second row.

Measurements—inches and centimeters

Child Sizes Adult Sizes
2–3 4–6 8–10 WS WM WL MM ML XL
Hand length 7 7 8
11.5 14 16.5 16.5 18 19 18 19 20.25
Hand circumference, incl. tip of thumb 6 7 8 9 9 10
15.25 18 20.25 19 23 23 24.25 24.25 25.5
Mitten hand length 6 7 7 8 8 9
12 15.25 18 18 19 20.25 19 20.25 23
Mitten thumb (⅓ hand) 1⅛ 2 2⅜ 2⅜ 2⅝ 2⅝ 3
3 5 6 6 6.5 6.75 6.5 6.75 7.5
Mitten width 3 4 5
7.5 9 10.25 9.5 11.5 11.5 12 12 12.75

Off the Cuff

The cuff can be ribbed in one color (using smaller needles) or worked in stockinette with a 1-st wide vertical stripe (using larger needles). The vertical stripe pulls the knit up widthwise and makes a snug and warm double-knit cuff. Instructions for both styles follow on p. 96.

Salt and Pepper Chart 2 1 2 1 Key MC—main color CC—contrast color pattern repeat
Making a ribbed cuff With MC, smaller needles, and using the Maine method (p. 13), cast on distributing sts on 3 needles: Needle 1: Needle 2: Needle 3: Join into triangle, being careful not to twist sts around the needles. K2p1 in MC until cuff measures (inches) (cm) —or longer, if you wish. Set up for Salt and Pepper pattern: Change to larger needles and stockinette and work 1 rnd MC, increasing by M1 (p. 20) to add (This will make an odd number of sts, so that the Salt and Pepper pattern will flow smoothly, without thought, from rnd to rnd.) Six sts from end of this rnd, join CC yarn (p. 18). Total: Alternative: Making a Maine striped cuff With a single strand of MC and larger needles, use the Maine method (p. 13) to cast on tightly Distribute sts on 3 needles, join into triangle and, carrying MC ahead, start striped pattern immediately: K1MC, k1CC for (inches) (cm) Set up for Salt and Pepper: At beg of Needle 1, K both colors (CC then MC) into the front loop of St 1. You now have an uneven number of sts on your needles. Your next CC st will be above a MC st, and if you continue to alternate colors, you will be knitting Salt and Pepper. Needle 2: Roughly opposite beg of rnd, k both colors into front loops of 2 adjoining sts in pattern sequence (thus adding 2 more sts for ease). Total: Child 2–3 4–6 8–10 39 sts 45 sts 51 sts 12 sts 15 sts 15 sts 15 sts 15 sts 18 sts 12 sts 15 sts 18 sts 1⅝ 2 2⅓ 4 5 6 2 — — sts 39 sts 45 sts 53 sts 36 sts 42 sts 50 sts 1⅝ 2 2⅓ 4 5 6 39 sts 45 sts 53 sts Adult WS WM WL MM ML XL 48 sts 57 sts 57 sts 60 sts 60 sts 63 sts 15 sts 18 sts 18 sts 18 sts 18 sts 21 sts 18 sts 21 sts 21 sts 21 sts 21 sts 21 sts 15 sts 18 sts 18 sts 21 sts 21 sts 21 sts 2⅓ 2½ 2⅔ 2½ 2⅔ 3 6 6.5 6.75 6.5 6.75 7.5 1 st 2 sts 2 sts 1 st 1 st 2 sts 49 sts 59 sts 59 sts 61 sts 61 sts 65 sts 46 sts 56 sts 56 sts 58 sts 58 sts 62 sts 2⅓ 2½ 2⅔ 2½ 2⅔ 3 6 6.5 6.75 6.5 6.75 7.5 49 sts 59 sts 59 sts 61 sts 61 sts 65 sts
Child Adult Starting the pattern and the thumb gore 2–3 4–6 8–10 WS WM WL MM ML XL Rnd 1: Work in pattern, starting at lower right corner of chart. Carry MC ahead throughout. Note: Check after the first rnd that the rep comes out even. (The only place where 2 sts of the same color lie together is the first st on the left needle and the last st on the right needle—at the point where you are knitting.) A mistake here can throw everything else off and take the fun out of your project. Rnd 2: Start thumb gore: K1 CC. Inc 2 sts: K both colors (p. 21), in order, into the front loop of St 2. Rep in St 3. Lay a piece of contrasting waste yarn after the 2nd inc as a marker. (Lay this marker yarn back and forth between the same 2 sts after each inc to mark the outside of the thumb gore.) Complete rnd in pattern. Total: 4 sts between St 1 and marker. Rnds 3 through 5: Work even in pattern. Rnd 6, Inc Rnd: K1 (in pattern). K both colors in pattern order into front loop of next st. Rep. K in pattern to 2 sts before marker. K both colors in pattern order into front loop of next 2 sts. Rep Rnds 3 through 6 — — 1X 1X 1.5X 1.5X 2X 2X 2X In WM/WL, inc only at beg of thumb gore the last time (thus adding only 2 more sts that rnd). Total between St 1 and marker: 8 sts 8 sts 12 sts 12 sts 14 sts 14 sts 16 sts 16 sts 16 sts Work even in pattern until thumb gore measures (inches) 1½ 2 2⅓ 2⅓ 2⅓ 2½ 2½ 2½ 3½ (cm) 4 5 6 6 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 9 Taking off the thumb gore stitches Work 1 st. Remove waste yarn marker and with a yarn needle thread waste yarn through next 11 sts 11 sts 15 sts 15 sts 17 sts 17 sts 19 sts 19 sts 19 sts Using twisted M1 (p. 23), cast on 5 sts to bridge the gaping hole before the next st. Total: 39 sts 45 sts 53 sts 49 sts 59 sts 59 sts 61 sts 61 sts 65 sts
Child Adult Working the hand 2–3 4–6 8–10 WS WM WL MM ML XL Work even in pattern until hand above cuff measures (inches) 3¼ 4¼ 5 5¼ 5¼ 6 5 6 6¾ (cm) 8.25 10.75 12.75 13.25 14 15.25 12.75 15.25 17 Distribute sts as evenly as possible on 3 needles, keeping the beg/end of rnd in the same place. Needle 1: 13 sts 15 sts 17 sts 17 sts 20 sts 20 sts 20 sts 20 sts 21 sts Needle 2: 13 sts 15 sts 18 sts 18 sts 20 sts 20 sts 20 sts 20 sts 22 sts Needle 3: 13 sts 15 sts 18 sts 18 sts 19 sts 19 sts 21 sts 21 sts 22 sts Closing the mitten tip Rnd 1: Starting at beg of rnd, dec: Needle 1: K2tog (p. 24), in pattern, k in pattern to 2 sts from end of needle, SSK2tog (p. 24) in pattern. Needles 2, 3: Same as Needle 1. Total: 33 sts 39 sts 47 sts 47 sts 53 sts 53 sts 55 sts 55 sts 59 sts Rnd 2: Work even in pattern. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 3 X 4 X 6 X 6 X 7 X 7 X 8 X 8 X 9 X until there remain 15 sts 15 sts 11 sts 11 sts 11 sts 11 sts 13 sts 13 sts 11 sts Check measurements against finished measurements at beg of directions. If you are satisfied, break yarn leaving a 6 ” (15cm) tail. With yarn needle, thread one end through the remaining sts and draw up firmly. Draw other end to inside of mitten. Thread first end through drawn-up sts again, darn a few sts to secure and draw it to inside of mitten. Working the thumb Needles 1 and 2: Pick up from waste yarn 11 sts 11 sts 15 sts 15 sts 17 sts 17 sts 19 sts 19 sts 19 sts From corners of thumb hole, pick up and twist counterclockwise onto needles a total of 2 sts 3 sts 2 sts 2 sts 2 sts 2 sts 2 sts 2 sts 3 sts Needle 3: Pick up 5 sts from top of thumb hole. Total: 18 sts 19 sts 22 sts 22 sts 24 sts 24 sts 26 sts 26 sts 27 sts Join MC and CC yarn by sewing (p. 20), starting at right corner of thumb hole. Work Salt and Pepper pattern, starting at right corner
(Needle 1), matching pattern to thumb gore. In first rnd, k2tog at one corner, if necessary, to get a total of Place this k2tog at the point where the pattern seems to go awry—at the end of Needle 2 or the beg of Needle 3. Work even until, from base of thumb next to palm, thumb measures (inches) (cm) Distribute sts on 3 needles Needle 1: Needle 2: Needle 3: Closing the tip of the thumb Rnd 1: Dec: Needle 1: In pattern, k2tog, work even to last 2 sts, SSK2tog. Needles 2 and 3: Rep Needle 1. Total remaining: Rnd 2: Work even in pattern. Rep Rnd 1 once. (In the smallest size, don’t dec on Needle 3.) Total remaining: Rep Rnds 2 and 1 once more in the 3 largest sizes only. Total remaining: Break both yarns leaving 6 ” (15cm) tails. With yarn needle, thread one end through the remaining sts and draw up firmly. Draw other end to inside of thumb. Thread first end through drawn-up sts again, darn a few sts to secure it, and draw to inside of thumb. Finishing the Mitten Turn mitten inside out and darn all ends into the back of the fabric. Repair any gaps at corners of the thumb hole with nearby tails. Trim ends closely. This mitten can be worn on either hand. Make another just like it. Child 2–3 4–6 8–10 17 sts 19 sts 21 sts 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 3.25 4 4.5 5 sts 6 sts 7 sts 6 sts 6 sts 7 sts 6 sts 7 sts 7 sts 11 sts 13 sts 15 sts 7 sts 7 sts 9 sts Adult WS WM WL MM ML XL 21 sts 23 sts 23 sts 25 sts 25 sts 27 sts 2 2¼ 2¼ 2 2 2½ 5 5.75 5.75 5 5 6.5 7 sts 7 sts 7 sts 8 sts 8 sts 9 sts 7 sts 8 sts 8 sts 8 sts 8 sts 9 sts 7 sts 8 sts 8 sts 9 sts 9 sts 9 sts 15 sts 17 sts 17 sts 19 sts 19 sts 21 sts 9 sts 11 sts 11 sts 13 sts 13 sts 15 sts 7 sts 7 sts 9 sts