Stables designed to improve ethics by herding together the sinners. As sin will always come out on top, the result of this process is invariably the acquisition of at least one new sin by the old sinners.

You cannot make a man straight by cuffing him to crooks.


Is but honeyed criticism.


Axe of two different brands: those with wit and those with venom.


What blasphemy is the theology of crucifixion—to paint the Jew as the destroyer of religion when the Jew is really its creator!

Jews have been stunted in their growth by a hostile world from the days of Israel, the God fighter. They were chosen by the Lord to carry the Tablets of the Law, but their neighbors wanted them to carry the cross, or the banner of the crescent.

The chosen ones were decimated, decade after decade, century after century, with forced conversion, rack and pyre and noxious gases, and what could have been by now a nation of a hundred million children of Israel, is left a poor tenth after two millennia without grace and charity.

Many attribute to the Jews their own failing and then hate them for it.

Jews are the heart-people of our era. Could you see Jesus as a German, Frenchman or Chinese? Or Paul as a Japanese or Scotsman?

Everybody meets the kind of Jew he expects.


You can’t be a Christian and an anti-Semite, because Jesus was a Semite before he declared himself Christ.


Is characterized no less by its topics than by their treatment.


Has no sects, only attitudes. What does it matter where one meets God and His Beatitude, be it in one great principle or in numerous precepts and legends?

Judaism is the story of a great father popularized by two difficult offspring.


Listening to both sides does not necessarily bring about a correct judgment.


If only the Earth could heave off her coat of green and show the billion wounds of her interred children which men have inflicted.

To resurrect the nations underground would be as futile as making the living stay on forever. Let tomorrow’s youth be raised on deeds of kindness, and the rest forgotten.


An untrained group of balance-keepers upholding the truth hidden by shady lawyers.


Is the handmaiden of government and thus bespeaks the character of its master: the vilest tortures have as often been declared law as the loftiest precepts.

In certain countries, judges seem to act according to predicament, not precedent.

Justice is more a question of attitude than fact.

Stand on the side of the weaker and you’ll always be on the right side.

Justice is a poor substitute for compassion.

Justice is like a greased pig: many touch it, few hold on to it.


Will drift into delinquency if there are no chores to do, no tasks cut out. America has eliminated the apprentice shop for the nonstudious. The towns are full of idle juveniles who are kept per forma in school but realiter in the gutter. The truant at thirteen might better be an apprentice at fourteen than a delinquent schoolboy.