The ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ aka Morgellons Diet:
The only semi-cure I know
T.S. Johnson
Copyright © 2010 T.S. Johnson
All rights reserved.
To all the readers who chose this tiny guide. I want you to know, this experience is only temporary. You will prevail.
Criers |
i |
1 |
The Me I’m Meant to Be |
3 |
2 |
Saturn’s Tough Love |
4 |
3 |
Eureka |
5 |
4 |
The Symptoms |
7 |
5 |
What ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ Isn’t; What it May Be |
9 |
6 |
Support |
11 |
7 |
Cleansing |
12 |
8 |
‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ Diet |
15 |
9 |
Potential Protocol |
18 |
10 |
Stay Healthy |
21 |
We scream atop dark earth, wishing for a sign
that will usher in redemption
and free us from the fate that polluted air,
vending packs of black cake
and licorice sticks condemned us to.
Surgeons call your body a mystery,
make you crazy with scripts,
deify themselves
and declare Hermes the master of trickery and deceit;
fallen from grace,
push pill on poppers and nickel and dime you.
Brave America, home of the ill;
Reputed politicians fly coast to coast
to scribe their politicks on letterhead
and toss them to the winds.
Little birds perched at the White House,
for truth
hoping to feed on hope
the color of change
fly away,
tweeting about liars raping them spread-eagle.
Grey cats curl at Medicare’s door lobbying for a nip.
Tuck their money in large bags,
heavy with Versace and toy dogs;
prophets choosing to die in filthy tri-slums,
run-down shacks
and missionaries turned crack houses.
Land isn’t freedom.
the me i’m meant to be
When I turned 30. Saturn began to teach a hard lesson. With it’s activation in my sixth house, I understood the meaning of misery. In astrology, a sixth house Saturn promised one would almost certainly endure a lengthy, life changing illness. I discovered Saturn was a man of his word.
You may wonder what astrology has to do with this book. It has meaning for my life and so I am sharing with you what I have learned about my illness—what the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) titled ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ disease, but sufferers refer to as ‘Morgellons’-- in an effort to empower and help to heal others who may experience or be experiencing this same affliction or similar symptoms.
This is me telling my spiritual belief. A belief that we are here to learn lessons that propel us forward to our true destinies. This illness triggered a process in me, whereby it set the stage for my life’s purpose—healing.
This isn’t a lengthy work by any standard. The purpose of this guide is to do just that; guide and provide information for all who are seekers of a way to improve their well-being while battling ‘‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ or similar diseases. It is my hope to give you peace of mind and set you on the road to better health.
saturn’s tough love
I suffered ridicule from physicians, disbelief, stares, and dismissal. I eventually gave up on the physicians providing any help.
Because of my new-found distaste for the way physicians treated me, I began to seek a cure on my own. There was no better place than the internet to self-medicate. I wanted this all to go away, to take away the discomfort and constant new symptoms that occurred. Before long the internet proved his worth. I began to find others like me.
What I discovered filled me with an overwhelming sense of doom. Chemtrails, thread-disease, people committing suicide, genetic manipulation, eradication of the human race, and many conspiracy theories. I must admit, I spent a great deal of time scouring the web in search of a cure and tried many of the tactics to get quick results. None worked. Then there were others who touted high priced potions, and whom it seemed only wanted to profit from other’s misery. At times, I felt itchy and hopeless. I never thought I would recover, but I just couldn’t give up. I wanted to fix this.
The burden on my husband and children were tremendous. I was mothering two infants, a adolescent and a teenager. I couldn’t focus or concentrate due to the haze I constantly suffered from the illness. My three youngest children had symptoms that ranged from constant fungal infections, bacterial infections and hair loss. I wondered what we had done to deserve God turning against us.
Salvation came for me, when I accidentally came across similar symptoms for other diseases while browsing the web and saw how diet and building a healthy immune system had played a part in the recovery of some individuals. I began to learn all I could about this disease as it seemed to encompass traits of many others.
I spent years dieting to ‘cure’ myself and it worked about 98%. I still continue to struggle with occasional hard nodule, mysterious bruises, cuts, and itchy legions. But there is some bliss in knowing that this illness is a reminder, much like a string tied to a finger helps its owner to stay on task.
Further insight came to me some years later while at the emergency room of a hospital. We had all come down with a bout of stomach flu, which passed within a day or so; but my eldest daughter, Ivy had it the worst and the longest. I took her to the emergency room to see a physician because it was a Sunday. The physician suspected a virus but showed concerned about her due to past medical history.
Blood tests revealed that my daughter’s had low platelet counts. This worried the physician because Ivy already had a history of low IgA, which is a common immune deficiency disorder . Persons with this disorder may have low to non-existent levels of a blood protein called immunoglobulin A. In addition, my daughter had markers for Rheumatoid arthritis.
‘The platelets may cause her to bleed and bruise.”
“Spontaneously?” I asked.
“Yes.” She nodded.
The importance of this diagnoses made the doctor want to repeat the blood-work to be certain. I agreed.
I spent hours at the hospital awaiting more testing for my daughter and thinking. The doctor came back with negative results this time, but something clicked for me in the hospital and it all began to make sense. finally.
the symptoms
For sufferers ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ disease consists of a number of different symptoms depending on the individual. The most common are:
Lesions with or without gashes around or atop
Unsual velus hair growth
Wiry or thick bristly hair replacing normal hair
Thinning hair/Hair loss
Thick mucous in through
Gastrointestinal distress
Sudden Allergies
Unsual Cysts
Hard bumpy nodules
Cuts that are hard to heal or don’t heal
Painful joints
Hazy clouded feeling in head
Chronic Fatigue symptoms
Glassy/Watery yes
Itching in eyes
Itching in ears
Itching in nose
Lesions inside nostrils
Rashes on skin
Granules coming out of skin
Insect casing
Insect under or inside corner of fingernails
Insects on the skin
Brittle nails
Excessively Dry Skin
Nodules that crust over and change color when scratched
Strange bristly hair emerging from nodules
Fungal infections
Bacterial infections
Broken teeth
Bad Breath
Bloated abdomen
Threads/threadworms in skin
Instant bruising/gashes
Chest heaviness
Strange hairs appearing on normally hair free body parts
Slurred speech
These symptoms, in turn, can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, obsession, malaise and general lack of interest in things that once were important to you due to the never-ending quest to free your self from this disease.
what ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ isn’t ; What it may be
It is my theory that ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ underlying cause may be bought on by extreme stress or a viral illness which decreases immunity and makes the body susceptible to poisoning/toxins of any sort: solvents, metals, medications or electromagnetic radiation/waves, contaminated food, mold, etc.. This disease most specifically resembles a massive candida infection. Being bombarded by too much, the cause is all around us, so strengthening the immune system is the best method.
The underlying cause may be cured by your body or it may never totally be eradicated, but you can keep it under control or latent for long periods.
You become susceptible to any and everything through being overly stressed. I can guarantee this is the case for a majority of those afflicted. There was a lengthy period of unbearable stress which led to decline in the immune system, which left your body a receptive vessel. Worse, as I mentioned, if you have an immuno-suppressive auto immune disorder or pre-existing condition, unknown or known such as Lyme Disease or Grave’s Disease. However, it begins, the symptoms may not be immediate. It may rear it ugly head occasionally causing no serious trauma if your body is healthy, but with a suppressed system caused by depression, drug use, etc…You run the risk of contracting other secondary infections, bacteria, insects, ticks, mites, and other parasites such as threadworms that double the trouble.
Some individuals claim the noticed symptoms after being bitten by a vector-or carrier such as a tick. Others further claim they lived in an environment extremely contaminated by mold and mildew for extended periods or by over-exposure to certain chemicals. MRSA better known as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcu s Aureus may even be the trigger for ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’.
States with warmer weather have a high incidence of complaints per the CDC; places such as Florida, Texas, and California. In these three places you have a greater chance of contracting foreign pathogens due to increased tourism.
So what came first, the chicken or the egg? I couldn’t tell you.
step 1: support
“Where thoughts go energy flows.”
The first thing I would advise is to surround yourself with people who not only believe you, but will support you in your recovery process. There is nothing worse than having others discount your feelings or telling you you’ve gone mad, or to “Snap out of it!” Really that happened. Remember not every disease or discovery was accepted the medical community initially. Chronic Fatigue, or even Fibromyalgia (diagnoses of exclusion) are two that still receive snubs. These are the organizations, forums, companies that were instrumental in helping me with my recovery. Get your mental health under control as well. Although depression is a classic symptom with this disease, before or after it’s appearance. Don’t obsess, instead use that energy to cleanse your body, eat well, remain joyful and positive, and exercise.
This disease will make you extremely weak, tired and foggy. You will exhibit symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Several studies, including a study done August 201 0 published by The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , t linked CFS to a class of retrovirus called MLV. Though the CDC has yet to confirm such a link.
Overall, resting is a cruical part of your recovery. As is staying in good mental health. While recovering, you will have periods of high and low energy, so during your low periods, rest. This is your body telling you to be careful. If not, you may pick up something you don’t want that can retard your progress. You acquired this disease because, in addition to being poisoned, you put your body through incredible mental and/or physical stress. REST. It gives the body a chance to repair itself. Taking time out to rest will aid in feeling better and giving you more energy.
Here are a few of the resources I consider the best. These same people may be able to provide assistance and facilitate the healing process:
step 2: Cleaning
Keeping a clean environment is essential. Use air purifiers around your home or an air purifier in at least the room you sleep in. If you can’t afford one, open the window to your bedroom to cleanse the air. I also recommend you burn your clothes. If the disease has progressed to seeing nasty bugs, this is a must. Well, not burn literally, but pack them up, bag them and throw them out if you can’t launder them to your satisfaction or if they still cause discomfort such as itching when you put them on your skin. Fabrics such as satin, silk, some synthetic fibers are best for wearing during this time. Sleep on satin or sateen sheets if possible. Cotton and some materials like it, you will find, will become your enemy. Laundering properly means:
Using an all natural bleaching agent that snubs critters, should they appear, such as Borax in your with your regular laundry detergent. Dry your clothes on high heat using dryer sheets such as Bounce or Gain and iron clothing inside and out before wearing. Be sure to keep a lint brush handy to remove any signs of pilling or ‘lint’ you may see.
Bathing in certain oils and minerals will help alleviate your symptoms. Doing this consistently will show significant improvement over time. Three to four showers a day is best. Especially when you need relief, but taking a soak in a clean tub with essential oils for at least 30 minutes will help loosen dirt and other unwanted elements from your body. Use you judgment.
After your bath you want to feel relief for at least a while.
Minty salves and rubs or lotions help. Those that are all natural and made with essential oils are best. Humaworm’s crème for example is extremely helpful to apply, especially at bed time.
Pay special attention also to dental care at this time. Poor dental health has been linked to heart disease and other illnesses. Make sure you are not allergic also to any of the products your dentist may use while treating you. Your teeth may become weaker as a result of your illness. Flouride rinse is also a good idea. Use mouthwash and brush and floss after every meal.
The Results Of The CDC Study
These results can be found at under the header unexplained dermopathy. In my opinion, the results were vague and the study was biased, focusing only on Kaiser-Permanente enrollees. Questions such as what drugs did the patients recently take, or what solvents were they exposed to should have been revealed. Pay close attention to the section citing arthropod bites as the reason for lesion. That’s what the chief complaint is-bugs biting its victims.
We identified 115 case-patients. The prevalence was 3.65 (95% CI = 2.98, 4.40) cases per 100,000 enrollees. There was no clustering of cases within the 13-county KPNC catchment area (p = .113). Case-patients had a median age of 52 years (range: 17–93) and were primarily female (77%) and Caucasian (77%). Multi-system complaints were common; 70% reported chronic fatigue and 54% rated their overall health as fair or poor with mean Physical Component Scores and Mental Component Scores of 36.63 (SD = 12.9) and 35.45 (SD = 12.89), respectively. Cognitive deficits were detected in 59% of case-patients and 63% had evidence of clinically significant somatic complaints; 50% had drugs detected in hair samples and 78% reported exposure to solvents . Solar elastosis was the most common histopathologic abnormality (51% of biopsies); skin lesions were most consistent with arthropod bites or chronic excoriations. No parasites or mycobacteria were detected. Most materials collected from participants' skin were composed of cellulose, likely of cotton origin.
step 3:
the ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ diet
*****Please read all instructions for food, medications, supplements and follow as directed. Consult a doctor or dietician before starting any new regiment of diet or exercise. I am not a doctor, nutritionist or dietician. This diet is what worked for me. It may not produce the same results for you. The typical time frame to feel results is 3 months to a number of years depending on the individual. This diet can work for other ailments as well, not just ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’. *******
What you can’t have! No Exceptions
Carbohydrates such as flour, starches especially if inorganic or non-kosher.
What You Can Have
These supplements are available at local food stores such as Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe or your local mom and pop specialty store . Be Wary of certain supplements that claim to cure or provide immediate results. Herbal medications are generally milder and usually take time to work. You can do serious damage to your body by combining too many supplements, even herbal ones.
** Some people swear by Dr. Hulda Clarke’s liver and gallbladder cleanse. It can be found online. I have mentioned it here for you to decide. But a mild herb that stimulates, cleanses and supports your liver is fine. If you choose, this flush must be done prior to beginning the diet.
The MUST Have Supplements
a potential Protocol
I have included a sample of what your protocol should resemble, daily. It is up to you to decide what to eat daily and what you can handle based on the list I have provided. You may find that there are other foods that you can include on the What to Eat list, which is fine. You will know the diet is working when the itching sensation improves or subsides. Keep going. The trick is to stimulate your body, so it can defend itself. Stick to the protocol until you feel you are improved following the three month minimum. This may be within three months or within three years. Wait at least two hours in between supplements and remember, time and results vary by individual and pre-existing medical conditions .
I have given you the necessities needed for implementing this diet plan for ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ and other similar ailments. It is important to drink water to flush the body of toxins as a part of this protocol. The minimum is 8 oz with your food per day. A formula is to try to drink half of your body weight in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, drink half of 140, which is 70 oz per day. Also keep in mind, balance; because anything in excess is bad for you… even water. Listen to your body.
Sample Breakfast
Sample Lunch
You will be hungry. I guarantee it; so, it’s a good idea to keep snacks on hand.
You can season your food with salt, herbs, spices. Get Creative!
stay healthy
While you are eating well and being supported. To improve total well being, mind, body and spirit—it is essential to exercise. Incorporate an exercise regiment into your routine. If you don’t have a gym membership, get outside. Run or Walk. You will need plenty of fresh air and sunshine. While utilizing a positive attitude for a healthy mind couple with exercise for a healthy body. Both are essential to speed your recovery.
My Mantra: Think positive. Eat Well. Enjoy Life. Show Gratitude. Be Slow to Anger. Forgive. Love.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you improve your health.
T.S. Johnson is an author who resides in Charlotte, NC area. She is the author of the play “And the Dead Shall Rise Again” & The Romantic Tarot: How to Use Tarot to Tell Compatibility.”